public static MqttApplicationMessage ToMMQTT(EffluxMessage m2) { var m = new MqttApplicationMessage(); m.ContentType = m2.MetaData.ContentType; m.Payload = m2.PayloadAsBytes().ToArray(); // When the Payload Format Indicator is set to 1, (MqttPayloadFormatIndicator.CharacterData) // a MIME content type descriptor is expected (but not mandatory). Any valid UTF-8 String can be used. if (m2.MetaData.ContentType == "application/octet-stream") { m.PayloadFormatIndicator = MQTTnet.Protocol.MqttPayloadFormatIndicator.Unspecified; } else { m.PayloadFormatIndicator = MQTTnet.Protocol.MqttPayloadFormatIndicator.CharacterData; } m.UserProperties = new System.Collections.Generic.List <MQTTnet.Packets.MqttUserProperty>(); m.UserProperties.AddRange( from key in m2.MetaData.Properties.Keys select new MQTTnet.Packets.MqttUserProperty(key, m2.MetaData.Properties[key]) ); return(m); //m.Topic - This would come from the topic where the message is stored/retreived // Do I add these to the metadata? // For the request-response pattern: //m.CorrelationData //m.ResponseTopic // Very MQTT specific - probably store these in properties //m.QualityOfServiceLevel //m.SubscriptionIdentifiers //m.MessageExpiryInterval // Message Expiry Interval //A client can set the message expiry interval in seconds for each PUBLISH message individually. //This interval defines the period of time that the broker stores the PUBLISH message for any matching //subscribers that are not currently connected.When no message expiry interval is set, the broker must //store the message for matching subscribers indefinitely.When the retained = true option is set on the //PUBLISH message, this interval also defines how long a message is retained on a topic. // // When the session for a client expires, all of the messages that are queued for the client expire with // the session, regardless of the individual message expiry status. //m.topicalias - Topic Aliases are an integer value that can be used as a //substitute for topic names. A sender can set the Topic Alias value in the PUBLISH message, //following the topic name. The message receiver then processes the message like any other //PUBLISH and persists a mapping between the Integer (Topic Alias) and String (Topic Name). }
public static EffluxMessage FromMMQTT(MqttApplicationMessage m) { var em = new EffluxMessage(m.Payload, m.ContentType); if (m.PayloadFormatIndicator == MQTTnet.Protocol.MqttPayloadFormatIndicator.Unspecified) { em.MetaData.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; } else { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.ContentType)) { m.ContentType = "text/plain;UTF8"; } } foreach (var prop in m.UserProperties) { em.MetaData.Properties.Add(prop.Name, prop.Value); } return(em); }
public static StreamEvent <T> ToStreamEvent <T>(this EffluxMessage message) { return(StreamEvent.CreatePoint <T>( startTime: message.MetaData.Timestamp.Ticks, message.PayloadAs <T>())); }