Пример #1
 public void LoadEffectData(EffectsData effectData)
     id = effectData.id;
     healAmount = effectData.healAmount;
     healProperty = effectData.healProperty;
     healthTransferRate = effectData.healthTransferRate;
Пример #2
    private void Start()
        config = Resources.Load <EffectsData>("EffectsConfig");
        var names = config.Effects;

        foreach (var objName in names)
            var btn = Instantiate(baseButton, baseButton.transform.parent);
            btn.Setup(objName, OnEffectButton);

        baseButton.Setup("Random", OnRandomEffectButton);
Пример #3
    // Use this for initialization
    public ServerEffects()
        functionName = "Effects";
        // Database tables name
        tableName = "effects";
        functionTitle = "Effects Configuration";
        loadButtonLabel = "Load Effects";
        notLoadedText = "No Effect loaded.";
        // Init
        dataRegister = new Dictionary<int, EffectsData> ();

        editingDisplay = new EffectsData ();
        originalDisplay = new EffectsData ();
Пример #4
    void audioSetup()
        ed = gameObject.GetComponent <EffectsData>();
        if (ed == null)

        src = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
        src.spatialBlend = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < ed.clips.Length; i++)
            if (ed.clips[i].rcname == "roar")
                roar = ed.clips[i].clip;
            else if (ed.clips[i].rcname == "die")
                die = ed.clips[i].clip;
Пример #5
    // Update existing entries in the table based on the iddemo_table
    void UpdateStatEntry(EffectsData effectData)
        EffectsStatData statData = new EffectsStatData ();
        statData.LoadEffectData (effectData);
        // Setup the update query
        string query = "UPDATE stat_effects";
        query += " SET ";
        query += statData.UpdateList ();
        query += " WHERE id=?id";

        // Setup the register data
        List<Register> update = new List<Register> ();
        foreach (string field in statData.fields.Keys) {
            if (field != "id")
                update.Add (statData.fieldToRegister (field));
        update.Add (new Register ("id", "?id", MySqlDbType.Int32, statData.id.ToString (), Register.TypesOfField.Int));

        // Update the database
        DatabasePack.Update (DatabasePack.contentDatabasePrefix, query, update);
Пример #6
    void InsertStatEffect(EffectsData effectData)
        EffectsStatData statData = new EffectsStatData ();
        statData.LoadEffectData (effectData);
        // Setup the update query
        string query = "INSERT INTO stat_effects";
        query += " (" + statData.FieldList ("", ", ") + ") ";
        query += "VALUES ";
        query += " (" + statData.FieldList ("?", ", ") + ") ";

        int itemID = -1;

        // Setup the register data
        List<Register> update = new List<Register> ();
        foreach (string field in statData.fields.Keys) {
            update.Add (statData.fieldToRegister (field));

        // Update the database
        itemID = DatabasePack.Insert (DatabasePack.contentDatabasePrefix, query, update);
Пример #7
    // Edit or Create
    public override void DrawEditor(Rect box, bool newItem)
        // Setup the layout
        Rect pos = box;
        pos.x += ImagePack.innerMargin;
        pos.y += ImagePack.innerMargin;
        pos.width -= ImagePack.innerMargin;
        pos.height = ImagePack.fieldHeight;

        // Draw the content database info
        if (!linkedTablesLoaded) {
            LoadSkillOptions ();
            LoadEffectOptions ();
            LoadDamageOptions ();
            LoadStatOptions ();
            linkedTablesLoaded = true;

        if (newItem) {
            ImagePack.DrawLabel (pos.x, pos.y, "Create a new Effect");
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;

        int selectedEffect = -1;

        editingDisplay.name = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Name:", editingDisplay.name, 0.75f);
        pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
        //editingDisplay.displayName = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Display Name:", editingDisplay.displayName, 0.75f);
        //pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
        //editingDisplay.icon = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Icon Name:", editingDisplay.icon, 0.75f);
        pos.width /= 2;
        // We only allowing changing of the effect main type when it is a new item
        if (newItem)
            editingDisplay.effectMainType = ImagePack.DrawSelector (pos, "Effect Type:", editingDisplay.effectMainType, editingDisplay.effectMainTypeOptions);
            ImagePack.DrawText (pos, "Effect Type: " + editingDisplay.effectMainType);
        pos.x += pos.width;
        editingDisplay.icon = ImagePack.DrawTextureAsset (pos, "Icon:", editingDisplay.icon);
        pos.x -= pos.width;
        pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight * 1.5f;
        switch (editingDisplay.effectMainType) {
        case "Damage":
            editingDisplay.effectDamageType = ImagePack.DrawSelector (pos, "Damage Type:", editingDisplay.effectDamageType, editingDisplay.effectDamageTypeOptions);
            editingDisplay.effectType = editingDisplay.effectDamageType + "Effect";
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
            editingDisplay.damageProperty = ImagePack.DrawSelector (pos, "Damage Property:", editingDisplay.damageProperty, editingDisplay.damagePropertyOptions);
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
            editingDisplay.damageType = ImagePack.DrawSelector (pos, "Damage Type:", editingDisplay.damageType, damageOptions);
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
            editingDisplay.damageAmount = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Damage Amount:", editingDisplay.damageAmount);
            pos.x += pos.width;
            editingDisplay.damageMod = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Damage Modifier:", editingDisplay.damageMod);
            pos.x -= pos.width;
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
            editingDisplay.healthTransferRate = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Transfer Rate:", editingDisplay.healthTransferRate);
            pos.x += pos.width;
            selectedEffect = GetPositionOfEffect (editingDisplay.bonusDamageEffect);
            selectedEffect = ImagePack.DrawSelector (pos, "Bonus Dmg Effect Req:", selectedEffect, effectOptions);
            editingDisplay.bonusDamageEffect = effectIds [selectedEffect];
            pos.x -= pos.width;
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
            editingDisplay.bonusDamageAmount = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Bonus Damage Amount:", editingDisplay.bonusDamageAmount);
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
        case "Heal":
            editingDisplay.effectHealType = ImagePack.DrawSelector (pos, "Heal Type:", editingDisplay.effectHealType, editingDisplay.effectHealTypeOptions);
            editingDisplay.effectType = editingDisplay.effectHealType + "Effect";
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
            editingDisplay.healAmount = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Heal Amount:", editingDisplay.healAmount);
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
            editingDisplay.healProperty = ImagePack.DrawSelector (pos, "Heal Property:", editingDisplay.healProperty, editingDisplay.healPropertyOptions);
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
            editingDisplay.healthTransferRate = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Transfer Rate:", editingDisplay.healthTransferRate);
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
        case "Stat":
            editingDisplay.effectStatType = ImagePack.DrawSelector (pos, "Stat Type:", editingDisplay.effectStatType, editingDisplay.effectStatTypeOptions);
            editingDisplay.effectType = editingDisplay.effectStatType + "Effect";
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
            editingDisplay.modifyStatsByPercent = ImagePack.DrawToggleBox (pos, "Modify By Percent:", editingDisplay.modifyStatsByPercent);
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
            editingDisplay.stat1Name = ImagePack.DrawSelector (pos, "Stat 1:", editingDisplay.stat1Name, statOptions);
            pos.x += pos.width;
            editingDisplay.stat1Modification = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Modification:", editingDisplay.stat1Modification);
            pos.x -= pos.width;
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
            editingDisplay.stat2Name = ImagePack.DrawSelector (pos, "Stat 2:", editingDisplay.stat2Name, statOptions);
            pos.x += pos.width;
            editingDisplay.stat2Modification = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Modification:", editingDisplay.stat2Modification);
            pos.x -= pos.width;
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
            editingDisplay.stat3Name = ImagePack.DrawSelector (pos, "Stat 3:", editingDisplay.stat3Name, statOptions);
            pos.x += pos.width;
            editingDisplay.stat3Modification = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Modification:", editingDisplay.stat3Modification);
            pos.x -= pos.width;
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
            editingDisplay.stat4Name = ImagePack.DrawSelector (pos, "Stat 4:", editingDisplay.stat4Name, statOptions);
            pos.x += pos.width;
            editingDisplay.stat4Modification = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Modification:", editingDisplay.stat4Modification);
            pos.x -= pos.width;
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
            editingDisplay.stat5Name = ImagePack.DrawSelector (pos, "Stat 5:", editingDisplay.stat5Name, statOptions);
            pos.x += pos.width;
            editingDisplay.stat5Modification = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Modification:", editingDisplay.stat5Modification);
            pos.x -= pos.width;
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
            editingDisplay.effectType = "";

        //editingDisplay.effectFamily = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Family:", editingDisplay.effectFamily);
        editingDisplay.isBuff = ImagePack.DrawToggleBox (pos, "Is Buff?", editingDisplay.isBuff);
        pos.x += pos.width;
        editingDisplay.passive = ImagePack.DrawToggleBox (pos, "Is Passive?", editingDisplay.passive);
        pos.x -= pos.width;
        pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
        int selectedSkill = GetPositionOfSkill (editingDisplay.skillType);
        selectedSkill = ImagePack.DrawSelector (pos, "Skill Type:", selectedSkill, skillOptions);
        editingDisplay.skillType = skillIds [selectedSkill];
        pos.x += pos.width;
        editingDisplay.skillLevelMod = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Skill Mod:", editingDisplay.skillLevelMod);
        pos.x -= pos.width;
        pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
        editingDisplay.stackLimit = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Stack Limit:", editingDisplay.stackLimit);
        pos.x += pos.width;
        editingDisplay.allowMultiple = ImagePack.DrawToggleBox (pos, "Allow Multiple?", editingDisplay.allowMultiple);
        pos.x -= pos.width;
        pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;

        editingDisplay.duration = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Duration:", editingDisplay.duration);
        pos.x += pos.width;
        editingDisplay.pulseCount = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Num. Pulses", editingDisplay.pulseCount);
        pos.x -= pos.width;
        pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
        pos.width *= 2;
        pos.width /= 3;
        pos.width *= 2;
        editingDisplay.pulseParticle = ImagePack.DrawGameObject (pos, "Pulse Particle:", editingDisplay.pulseParticle, 0.7f);
        pos.width /= 2;
        //pos.x -= pos.width;
        pos.width *= 3;
        pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
        editingDisplay.tooltip = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Tooltip:", editingDisplay.tooltip, 0.75f, 60);
        pos.y += 3 * ImagePack.fieldHeight;

        ImagePack.DrawLabel (pos.x, pos.y, "Bonus Effects");
        pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
        pos.width /= 2;
        selectedEffect = GetPositionOfEffect (editingDisplay.bonusEffectReq);
        selectedEffect = ImagePack.DrawSelector (pos, "Required Effect:", selectedEffect, effectOptions);
        editingDisplay.bonusEffectReq = effectIds [selectedEffect];
        pos.x += pos.width;
        selectedEffect = GetPositionOfEffect (editingDisplay.bonusEffect);
        selectedEffect = ImagePack.DrawSelector (pos, "Bonus Effect:", selectedEffect, effectOptions);
        editingDisplay.bonusEffect = effectIds [selectedEffect];
        pos.x -= pos.width;
        pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
        editingDisplay.bonusEffectReqConsumed = ImagePack.DrawToggleBox (pos, "Is Consumed?", editingDisplay.bonusEffectReqConsumed);
        pos.width *= 2;

        pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
        // Save data
        pos.x -= ImagePack.innerMargin;
        pos.width /= 3;
        if (ImagePack.DrawButton (pos.x, pos.y, "Save Data")) {
            if (newItem)
                InsertEntry ();
                UpdateEntry ();

            state = State.Loaded;

        // Delete data
        if (!newItem) {
            pos.x += pos.width;
            if (ImagePack.DrawButton (pos.x, pos.y, "Delete Data")) {
                DeleteEntry ();
                newSelectedDisplay = 0;
                state = State.Loaded;

        // Cancel editing
        pos.x += pos.width;
        if (ImagePack.DrawButton (pos.x, pos.y, "Cancel")) {
            editingDisplay = originalDisplay.Clone ();
            if (newItem)
                state = State.New;
                state = State.Loaded;

        if (resultTimeout != -1 && resultTimeout > Time.realtimeSinceStartup) {
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
            ImagePack.DrawText (pos, result);

        if (!newItem)
            EnableScrollBar (pos.y - box.y + ImagePack.fieldHeight + 28);
            EnableScrollBar (pos.y - box.y + ImagePack.fieldHeight);
Пример #8
 public override void CreateNewData()
     editingDisplay = new EffectsData ();
     originalDisplay = new EffectsData ();
     selectedDisplay = -1;
Пример #9
    public void LoadStatEffectData(EffectsData effectData)
        // Read all entries from the table
        string query = "SELECT * FROM stat_effects where id = " + effectData.id;

        // If there is a row, clear it.
        if (rows != null)
            rows.Clear ();

        // Load data
        rows = DatabasePack.LoadData (DatabasePack.contentDatabasePrefix, query);
        // Read all the data
        if ((rows != null) && (rows.Count > 0)) {
            foreach (Dictionary<string,string> data in rows) {
                effectData.modifyStatsByPercent = bool.Parse (data ["modifyStatsByPercent"]);
                effectData.stat1Name = data ["stat1Name"];
                effectData.stat1Modification = float.Parse (data ["stat1Modification"]);
                effectData.stat2Name = data ["stat2Name"];
                effectData.stat2Modification = float.Parse (data ["stat2Modification"]);
                effectData.stat3Name = data ["stat3Name"];
                effectData.stat3Modification = float.Parse (data ["stat3Modification"]);
                effectData.stat4Name = data ["stat4Name"];
                effectData.stat4Modification = float.Parse (data ["stat4Modification"]);
                effectData.stat5Name = data ["stat5Name"];
                effectData.stat5Modification = float.Parse (data ["stat5Modification"]);
Пример #10
    // Load Database Data
    public void LoadHealEffectData(EffectsData effectData)
        // Read all entries from the table
        string query = "SELECT * FROM heal_effects where id = " + effectData.id;

        // If there is a row, clear it.
        if (rows != null)
            rows.Clear ();

        // Load data
        rows = DatabasePack.LoadData (DatabasePack.contentDatabasePrefix, query);
        // Read all the data
        if ((rows != null) && (rows.Count > 0)) {
            foreach (Dictionary<string,string> data in rows) {
                effectData.healAmount = int.Parse (data ["healAmount"]);
                effectData.healProperty = data ["healProperty"];
                effectData.healthTransferRate = int.Parse (data ["healthTransferRate"]);
Пример #11
    // Load Database Data
    public override void Load()
        if (!dataLoaded) {
            // Clean old data
            dataRegister.Clear ();
            displayKeys.Clear ();

            // Read all entries from the table
            string query = "SELECT * FROM " + tableName;

            // If there is a row, clear it.
            if (rows != null)
                rows.Clear ();

            // Load data
            rows = DatabasePack.LoadData (DatabasePack.contentDatabasePrefix, query);
            // Read all the data
            if ((rows != null) && (rows.Count > 0)) {
                foreach (Dictionary<string,string> data in rows) {
                    //foreach(string key in data.Keys)
                    //	Debug.Log("Name[" + key + "]:" + data[key]);
                    EffectsData display = new EffectsData ();

                    display.id = int.Parse (data ["id"]);
                    display.name = data ["name"];

                    //display.displayName = data ["displayName"];
                    display.icon = data ["icon"];
                    display.effectMainType = data ["effectMainType"];
                    display.effectType = data ["effectType"];
                    //display.effectFamily = int.Parse (data ["effectFamily"]);
                    display.isBuff = bool.Parse (data ["isBuff"]);
                    display.skillType = int.Parse (data ["skillType"]);
                    display.passive = bool.Parse (data ["passive"]);
                    display.stackLimit = int.Parse (data ["stackLimit"]);
                    display.allowMultiple = bool.Parse (data ["allowMultiple"]);
                    display.duration = float.Parse (data ["duration"]);
                    display.pulseCount = int.Parse (data ["pulseCount"]);
                    display.tooltip = data ["tooltip"];
                    display.bonusEffectReq = int.Parse (data ["bonusEffectReq"]);
                    display.bonusEffectReqConsumed = bool.Parse (data ["bonusEffectReqConsumed"]);
                    display.bonusEffect = int.Parse (data ["bonusEffect"]);
                    display.pulseParticle = data ["pulseParticle"];

                    display.isLoaded = true;
                    //Debug.Log("Name:" + display.name  + "=[" +  display.id  + "]");
                    dataRegister.Add (display.id, display);
                    displayKeys.Add (display.id);
                LoadSelectList ();
            dataLoaded = true;

        // Load additional data based on the main effect type
        foreach (EffectsData effectData in dataRegister.Values) {
            if (effectData.effectMainType == "Damage") {
                LoadDamageEffectData (effectData);
            } else if (effectData.effectMainType == "Heal") {
                LoadHealEffectData (effectData);
            } else if (effectData.effectMainType == "Stat") {
                LoadStatEffectData (effectData);
Пример #12
    // Draw the loaded list
    public override void DrawLoaded(Rect box)
        // Setup the layout
        Rect pos = box;
        pos.x += ImagePack.innerMargin;
        pos.y += ImagePack.innerMargin;
        pos.width -= ImagePack.innerMargin;
        pos.height = ImagePack.fieldHeight;

        if (dataRegister.Count <= 0) {
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
            ImagePack.DrawLabel (pos.x, pos.y, "You must create an Effect before edit it.");

        // Draw the content database info
        ImagePack.DrawLabel (pos.x, pos.y, "Effects Configuration");

        if (newItemCreated) {
            newItemCreated = false;
            LoadSelectList ();
            newSelectedDisplay = displayKeys.Count - 1;

        // Draw data Editor
        if (newSelectedDisplay != selectedDisplay) {
            selectedDisplay = newSelectedDisplay;
            int displayKey = displayKeys [selectedDisplay];
            editingDisplay = dataRegister [displayKey];
            originalDisplay = editingDisplay.Clone ();

        //if (!displayList.showList) {
        pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
        pos.x -= ImagePack.innerMargin;
        pos.y -= ImagePack.innerMargin;
        pos.width += ImagePack.innerMargin;
        DrawEditor (pos, false);
        pos.y -= ImagePack.fieldHeight;
        //pos.x += ImagePack.innerMargin;
        pos.y += ImagePack.innerMargin;
        pos.width -= ImagePack.innerMargin;

        if (state != State.Loaded) {
            // Draw combobox
            pos.width /= 2;
            pos.x += pos.width;
            newSelectedDisplay = ImagePack.DrawCombobox (pos, "", selectedDisplay, displayList);
            pos.x -= pos.width;
            pos.width *= 2;
Пример #13
 public void LoadEffectData(EffectsData effectData)
     id = effectData.id;
     damageAmount = effectData.damageAmount;
     damageType = effectData.damageType;
     damageProperty = effectData.damageProperty;
     damageMod = effectData.damageMod;
     bonusDamageEffect = effectData.bonusDamageEffect;
     bonusDamageAmount = effectData.bonusDamageAmount;
     healthTransferRate = effectData.healthTransferRate;
Пример #14
 public void LoadEffectData(EffectsData effectData)
     id = effectData.id;
     modifyStatsByPercent = effectData.modifyStatsByPercent;
     stat1Name = effectData.stat1Name;
     stat1Modification = effectData.stat1Modification;
     stat2Name = effectData.stat2Name;
     stat2Modification = effectData.stat2Modification;
     stat3Name = effectData.stat3Name;
     stat3Modification = effectData.stat3Modification;
     stat4Name = effectData.stat4Name;
     stat4Modification = effectData.stat4Modification;
     stat5Name = effectData.stat5Name;
     stat5Modification = effectData.stat5Modification;