private bool SaveProgress() { this.OnSaveCheckDenyEvent(EventArgs.Empty); IList <EducationInfo> list = new List <EducationInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.deducation.RowCount - 1; i++) { DataGridViewRow dataGridViewRow = this.deducation.Rows[i]; EducationInfo educationInfo = new EducationInfo(); educationInfo.EducationNo = ((dataGridViewRow.Cells["gridEducationNo"].Value == null) ? "" : dataGridViewRow.Cells["gridEducationNo"].Value.ToString()); educationInfo.EducationSDate = ((dataGridViewRow.Cells["startdate"].Value == null || dataGridViewRow.Cells["startdate"].Value == DBNull.Value || dataGridViewRow.Cells["startdate"].Value.ToString() == "") ? "" : ((DateTime)dataGridViewRow.Cells["startdate"].Value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); educationInfo.EducationEDate = ((dataGridViewRow.Cells["enddate"].Value == null || dataGridViewRow.Cells["enddate"].Value == DBNull.Value || dataGridViewRow.Cells["enddate"].Value.ToString() == "") ? "" : ((DateTime)dataGridViewRow.Cells["enddate"].Value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); educationInfo.EducationOrg = ((dataGridViewRow.Cells["school"].Value == null || dataGridViewRow.Cells["school"].Value == DBNull.Value) ? "" : dataGridViewRow.Cells["school"].Value.ToString()); educationInfo.EducationMajor = ((dataGridViewRow.Cells["major"].Value == null || dataGridViewRow.Cells["major"].Value == DBNull.Value) ? "" : dataGridViewRow.Cells["major"].Value.ToString()); educationInfo.EducationDegree = ((dataGridViewRow.Cells["degree"].Value == null || dataGridViewRow.Cells["degree"].Value == DBNull.Value) ? "" : dataGridViewRow.Cells["degree"].Value.ToString()); educationInfo.EducationOrder = this.deducation.RowCount - i; if (educationInfo.EducationSDate == "" || educationInfo.EducationOrg == "" || educationInfo.EducationMajor == "" || educationInfo.EducationDegree == "") { MessageBox.Show("开始年月、校(院)及系名称、专业、学位为必填字段,检测到部分字段未填写完整", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(false); } list.Add(educationInfo); } this.OnSaveCheckPassedEvent(EventArgs.Empty); this._educationInfoService.UpdateEducations(list); list = this._educationInfoService.GetEducationList(); this.LoadData(list); return(true); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutEducationInfo(long id, EducationInfo educationInfo) { if (id != educationInfo.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(educationInfo).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!educationInfoExist(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
public bool Update(EducationInfo model) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.Append("update Education set "); stringBuilder.Append("EducationNo=@EducationNo,"); stringBuilder.Append("EducationSDate=@EducationSDate,"); stringBuilder.Append("EducationEDate=@EducationEDate,"); stringBuilder.Append("EducationOrg=@EducationOrg,"); stringBuilder.Append("EducationMajor=@EducationMajor,"); stringBuilder.Append("EducationDegree=@EducationDegree,"); stringBuilder.Append("EducationOrder=@EducationOrder"); stringBuilder.Append(" where EducationNo=@EducationNo"); SQLiteParameter[] array = new SQLiteParameter[] { new SQLiteParameter("@EducationNo", DbType.String), new SQLiteParameter("@EducationSDate", DbType.String), new SQLiteParameter("@EducationEDate", DbType.String), new SQLiteParameter("@EducationOrg", DbType.String), new SQLiteParameter("@EducationMajor", DbType.String), new SQLiteParameter("@EducationDegree", DbType.String), new SQLiteParameter("@EducationOrder", DbType.Int32, 4) }; array[0].Value = model.EducationNo; array[1].Value = model.EducationSDate; array[2].Value = model.EducationEDate; array[3].Value = model.EducationOrg; array[4].Value = model.EducationMajor; array[5].Value = model.EducationDegree; array[6].Value = model.EducationOrder; string text = ""; base.ExecuteNonQuery(stringBuilder.ToString(), array, out text); return(true); }
public async Task <ActionResult <EducationInfo> > PostEducationInfos(EducationInfo educationInfo) { _context.EducationInfos.Add(educationInfo); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtAction(nameof(EducationInfo), new { id = educationInfo.Id }, educationInfo)); }
public async Task <int> UpdateAsync(EducationInfo educationObj) { using (var conn = OpenDBConnection()) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(string.Empty); sql.AppendLine(" UPDATE dbo.Education "); sql.AppendLine(" SET CollegeName = @CollegeName, "); sql.AppendLine(" Major = @Major, "); sql.AppendLine(" OrderIndex = @OrderIndex, "); sql.AppendLine(" Status = @Status, "); sql.AppendLine(" StartDate = @StartDate, "); sql.AppendLine(" EndDate = @EndDate, "); sql.AppendLine(" UpdatedAt = @UpdatedAt, "); sql.AppendLine(" UpdatedBy = @UpdatedBy, "); sql.AppendLine(" PersonId = @PersonId "); sql.AppendLine(" WHERE Id = @Id "); var param = new { id = educationObj.Id, collegeName = educationObj.CollegeName, major = educationObj.Major, orderIndex = educationObj.OrderIndex, status = educationObj.Status, startDate = educationObj.StartDate, endDate = educationObj.EndDate, updatedAt = educationObj.UpdatedAt, updatedBy = educationObj.UpdatedBy, personId = educationObj.PersonId, }; return(await conn.ExecuteAsync(sql.ToString(), param)); } }
public JsonResult EducationInfoEdit(EducationInfo educationinfo) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { educationInfoRepository.Update(educationinfo); } return(Json("Success")); }
public async Task <int> DeleteAsync(int id) { EducationInfo model = await ReadByIdAsync(id); EntityExtension.FlagForDelete(model, IdentityService.Username, UserAgent, true); DbSet.Update(model); return(await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync()); }
public JsonResult EducationInfoCreate(EducationInfo educationinfo) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { educationInfoRepository.Insert(educationinfo); } return(Json("Success")); }
private void SaveData() { = this.baseinfo.GetData(); this.educationinfo =; this.foodsafeinfo = this.foodsafe.GetData(); this.jtinfo = this.jtsafe.GetData(); this.ldpersoninfo = this.ldperson.GetData(); this.safeproduceinfo = this.safeproduce.GetData(); this.xfsafeinfo = this.xfsafe.GetData(); }
public void renderV2Education(EducationInfo educationInfo, Font titleFont, Font simpleFont, PdfPTable career, PdfPCell line) { //Tuscias langelis PdfPCell empty = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(" ")); empty.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER; int counter = 0; PdfPCell educationTitle = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(educationInfo.Name, titleFont)); educationTitle.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER; PdfPCell educationValues = new PdfPCell(); educationValues.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER; PdfPTable educT = new PdfPTable(2); educT.SplitLate = false; float[] educTWidth = { 1f, 1f }; //Ciklas testavimui,nes nera galimybes ivesti 3 skirtingu foreach (var sectionItem in educationInfo.Items) { foreach (Field field in sectionItem.Values) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.Value)) { counter++; PdfPCell eduValue = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(field.Value, simpleFont)); eduValue.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER; eduValue.HorizontalAlignment = 1; educT.AddCell(eduValue); } else { educT.AddCell(empty); } } educT.AddCell(empty); educT.AddCell(empty); } if (counter > 0) { career.AddCell(educationTitle); career.AddCell(line); career.AddCell(empty); } else { career.AddCell(empty); } educationValues.AddElement(educT); career.AddCell(educationValues); }
public virtual void UpdateEducationInfo(EducationInfo obj, string id, string EId) { if (EId == null) { Context.AddCommand(() => DbSet.UpdateOneAsync(Builders <Applicant> .Filter.Eq("_id", ObjectId.Parse(id)), Builders <Applicant> .Update.Push("EducationInfos", obj))); } else { ObjectId OId = ObjectId.Parse(id); Context.AddCommand(() => DbSet.UpdateOneAsync(Builders <Applicant> .Filter.Where(x => x.Id == OId && x.EducationInfos.Any(m => m.EId == EId)), Builders <Applicant> .Update.Set(x => x.EducationInfos.ElementAt(-1), obj))); } // DbSet.UpdateOneAsync(Builders<Applicant>.Filter.Eq("_id", ObjectId.Parse(id)), Builders<Applicant>.Update.Push("EducationInfos", obj)); }
public async Task <int> UpdateAsync(int id, EducationInfo model) { var data = await ReadByIdAsync(id); //Formal Education Experience data.Grade = model.Grade; data.Institution = model.Institution; data.Majors = model.Majors; data.YearStart = model.YearStart; data.YearEnd = model.YearEnd; DbSet.Update(data); return(await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync()); }
public async Task <int> InsertAsync(EducationInfo educationObj) { using (var conn = OpenDBConnection()) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(string.Empty); sql.AppendLine(" INSERT INTO "); sql.AppendLine(" dbo.Education (CollegeName, "); sql.AppendLine(" Major, "); sql.AppendLine(" OrderIndex, "); sql.AppendLine(" Status, "); sql.AppendLine(" StartDate, "); sql.AppendLine(" EndDate, "); sql.AppendLine(" CreatedAt, "); sql.AppendLine(" CreatedBy, "); sql.AppendLine(" UpdatedAt, "); sql.AppendLine(" UpdatedBy, "); sql.AppendLine(" PersonId) "); sql.AppendLine(" OUTPUT INSERTED.ID "); sql.AppendLine(" VALUES (@CollegeName, "); sql.AppendLine(" @Major, "); sql.AppendLine(" @OrderIndex, "); sql.AppendLine(" @Status, "); sql.AppendLine(" @StartDate, "); sql.AppendLine(" @EndDate, "); sql.AppendLine(" @CreatedAt, "); sql.AppendLine(" @CreatedBy, "); sql.AppendLine(" @UpdatedAt, "); sql.AppendLine(" @UpdatedBy, "); sql.AppendLine(" @PersonId) "); var param = new { collegeName = educationObj.CollegeName, major = educationObj.Major, orderIndex = educationObj.OrderIndex, status = educationObj.Status, startDate = educationObj.StartDate, endDate = educationObj.EndDate, createdAt = educationObj.CreatedAt, createdBy = educationObj.CreatedBy, updatedAt = educationObj.UpdatedAt, updatedBy = educationObj.UpdatedBy, personId = educationObj.PersonId }; return(await conn.ExecuteScalarAsync <int>(sql.ToString(), param)); } }
//[Fact] //public void ApplicantController_Create_Test() //{ // AutoMapperConfiguration.Configure(); // Applicant applicant = this.FakeApplicant(); // ApplicantViewModel applicantVM = new ApplicantViewModel(){IAgree = true}; // applicantVM=Mapper.Map(applicant, applicantVM); // var controller = TestHelper.kernel.Get<ApplicantController>(); // ActionResult actionResult = controller.Create(applicantVM); // Assert.True(actionResult != null); //} //[Fact] //public void TenderApplicationController_Create_Test() //{ // var controller = TestHelper.kernel.Get<TenderApplicationController>(); // ViewResult actionResult = controller.ListTender(); // Assert.True(actionResult != null); //} #endregion #region Methods private Applicant FakeApplicant() { var applicant = new Applicant(); applicant.FirstName = "alaik"; var educationInfo = new EducationInfo { College = "asdasd", Level = EducationLevel.Bachelor }; var educationInfo2 = new EducationInfo { College = "12312", Level = EducationLevel.Master }; applicant.EducationInfos.Add(educationInfo); applicant.EducationInfos.Add(educationInfo2); return(applicant); }
public async Task <ActionResult <EducationInfo> > PostEducationInfos([FromBody] EducationInfoFormViewModel educationInfo) { VerifyUser(); var model = new EducationInfo() { EducationInfoId = educationInfo.EducationInfoId, Grade = educationInfo.Grade, Institution = educationInfo.Institution, Majors = educationInfo.Majors, YearStart = educationInfo.YearStart, YearEnd = educationInfo.YearEnd }; EntityExtension.FlagForCreate(model, _identityService.Username, UserAgent); _context.EducationInfos.Add(model); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Created("", model)); }
public AddCompanyInfo(BaseInfo info, EducationInfo educationinfo, FoodSafeInfo foodsafeinfo, JTsafeInfo jtinfo, LDpersonInfo ldpersoninfo, SafeProduceInfo safeproduceinfo, XFsafeInfo xfsafeinfo) { bModify = true; InitializeComponent(); this.baseinfo.SetData(info);; this.foodsafe.SetData(foodsafeinfo); this.jtsafe.SetData(jtinfo); this.ldperson.SetData(ldpersoninfo); this.safeproduce.SetData(safeproduceinfo); this.xfsafe.SetData(xfsafeinfo); if (Global.authority == Authority.Looker) { this.okBtn.Enabled = false; this.AddjgBtn.Enabled = false; } else { this.okBtn.Enabled = true; this.AddjgBtn.Enabled = true; } }
public bool Add(EducationInfo model) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.Append("insert into Education("); stringBuilder.Append("EducationNo,EducationSDate,EducationEDate,EducationOrg,EducationMajor,EducationDegree,EducationOrder)"); stringBuilder.Append(" values ("); stringBuilder.Append("@EducationNo,@EducationSDate,@EducationEDate,@EducationOrg,@EducationMajor,@EducationDegree,@EducationOrder)"); SQLiteParameter[] parameters = new SQLiteParameter[] { new SQLiteParameter("@EducationNo", model.EducationNo), new SQLiteParameter("@EducationSDate", model.EducationSDate), new SQLiteParameter("@EducationEDate", model.EducationEDate), new SQLiteParameter("@EducationOrg", model.EducationOrg), new SQLiteParameter("@EducationMajor", model.EducationMajor), new SQLiteParameter("@EducationDegree", model.EducationDegree), new SQLiteParameter("@EducationOrder", model.EducationOrder) }; string text = ""; base.ExecuteNonQuery(stringBuilder.ToString(), parameters, out text); return(true); }
public ActionResult SaveUser5(ComplexUserDTO user, EducationInfo Edu) { ViewBag.Msg = GetMessage(user); return View("Create5"); }
public async Task <bool> SwapOrderIndexAsync(EducationInfo currentObj, EducationInfo turnedObj) { using (var conn = OpenDBConnection()) using (var transaction = conn.BeginTransaction()) { #region Current/Turned StringBuilder sqlCurrent = new StringBuilder(string.Empty); // Query statement for Current Object sqlCurrent.AppendLine(" UPDATE dbo.Education "); sqlCurrent.AppendLine(" SET CollegeName = @CollegeNameCurrent, "); sqlCurrent.AppendLine(" Major = @MajorCurrent, "); sqlCurrent.AppendLine(" OrderIndex = @OrderIndexCurrent, "); sqlCurrent.AppendLine(" Status = @StatusCurrent, "); sqlCurrent.AppendLine(" StartDate = @StartDateCurrent, "); sqlCurrent.AppendLine(" EndDate = @EndDateCurrent, "); sqlCurrent.AppendLine(" UpdatedAt = @UpdatedAtCurrent, "); sqlCurrent.AppendLine(" UpdatedBy = @UpdatedByCurrent, "); sqlCurrent.AppendLine(" PersonId = @PersonIdCurrent "); sqlCurrent.AppendLine(" WHERE Id = @IdCurrent "); var paramCurrent = new { idCurrent = currentObj.Id, collegeNameCurrent = currentObj.CollegeName, majorCurrent = currentObj.Major, orderIndexCurrent = currentObj.OrderIndex, statusCurrent = currentObj.Status, startDateCurrent = currentObj.StartDate, endDateCurrent = currentObj.EndDate, updatedAtCurrent = currentObj.UpdatedAt, updatedByCurrent = currentObj.UpdatedBy, personIdCurrent = currentObj.PersonId, }; // Query statement for Turned Object StringBuilder sqlTurned = new StringBuilder(string.Empty); sqlTurned.AppendLine(" UPDATE dbo.Education "); sqlTurned.AppendLine(" SET CollegeName = @CollegeNameTurned, "); sqlTurned.AppendLine(" Major = @MajorTurned, "); sqlTurned.AppendLine(" OrderIndex = @OrderIndexTurned, "); sqlTurned.AppendLine(" Status = @StatusTurned, "); sqlTurned.AppendLine(" StartDate = @StartDateTurned, "); sqlTurned.AppendLine(" EndDate = @EndDateTurned, "); sqlTurned.AppendLine(" UpdatedAt = @UpdatedAtTurned, "); sqlTurned.AppendLine(" UpdatedBy = @UpdatedByTurned, "); sqlTurned.AppendLine(" PersonId = @PersonIdTurned "); sqlTurned.AppendLine(" WHERE Id = @IdTurned; "); var paramTurned = new { idTurned = turnedObj.Id, collegeNameTurned = turnedObj.CollegeName, majorTurned = turnedObj.Major, orderIndexTurned = turnedObj.OrderIndex, statusTurned = turnedObj.Status, startDateTurned = turnedObj.StartDate, endDateTurned = turnedObj.EndDate, updatedAtTurned = turnedObj.UpdatedAt, updatedByTurned = turnedObj.UpdatedBy, personIdTurned = turnedObj.PersonId, }; #endregion int isSuccessCurrent = await conn.ExecuteAsync(sqlCurrent.ToString(), paramCurrent, transaction); int isSuccessTurned = await conn.ExecuteAsync(sqlTurned.ToString(), paramTurned, transaction); if (isSuccessCurrent > 0 && isSuccessTurned > 0) { transaction.Commit(); return(true); } return(false); } }
public async Task <int> CreateAsync(EducationInfo model) { EntityExtension.FlagForCreate(model, IdentityService.Username, UserAgent); DbSet.Add(model); return(await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync()); }
public ActionResult SaveUser5(ComplexUserDTO user, EducationInfo Edu) { ViewBag.Msg = GetMessage(user); return(View("Create5")); }
public IActionResult EducationInfoCreate() { var EducationInfo = new EducationInfo(); return(View(EducationInfo)); }
private void ViewCompanyInfo() { BaseInfo baseinfo = new BaseInfo(); EducationInfo educationinfo = new EducationInfo(); FoodSafeInfo foodinfo = new FoodSafeInfo(); JTsafeInfo jtinfo = new JTsafeInfo(); LDpersonInfo ldinfo = new LDpersonInfo(); SafeProduceInfo spinfo = new SafeProduceInfo(); XFsafeInfo xfinfo = new XFsafeInfo(); try { string strSql = "Select * From CompanyInfo where Id = " + Convert.ToInt32(this.dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value) + ""; DataTable dt = SqlHelper.dataTable(strSql); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { return; } baseinfo.CompanyName = dt.Rows[0][1].ToString(); baseinfo.Faren = dt.Rows[0][2].ToString(); baseinfo.FaPhoneNum = dt.Rows[0][3].ToString(); baseinfo.CompanyAddressA = dt.Rows[0][4].ToString(); baseinfo.CompanyAddressB = dt.Rows[0][5].ToString(); baseinfo.ChenBaoPerson = dt.Rows[0][6].ToString(); baseinfo.ChenBaoPhoneNum = dt.Rows[0][7].ToString(); baseinfo.ChenBaoAddress = dt.Rows[0][8].ToString(); baseinfo.HasYingyeId = dt.Rows[0][9].ToString(); baseinfo.JingYingContent = dt.Rows[0][10].ToString(); baseinfo.ZhuceNum = dt.Rows[0][11].ToString(); baseinfo.CompanyPersonNum = dt.Rows[0][12].ToString(); baseinfo.HasShiTang = dt.Rows[0][13].ToString(); baseinfo.EatPersonNum = dt.Rows[0][14].ToString(); baseinfo.ChangDi = dt.Rows[0][15].ToString(); baseinfo.SleepPersonNum = dt.Rows[0][16].ToString(); baseinfo.JianzhuSquere = dt.Rows[0][17].ToString(); baseinfo.JianzhuType = dt.Rows[0][18].ToString(); baseinfo.CompanyStatus = dt.Rows[0][19].ToString(); baseinfo.PhotoPath1 = (byte[])dt.Rows[0][20]; baseinfo.PhotoPath2 = (byte[])dt.Rows[0][21]; baseinfo.PhotoPath3 = (byte[])dt.Rows[0][22]; educationinfo.Type = dt.Rows[0][23].ToString(); if (dt.Rows[0][24] != null) { educationinfo.BuidTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0][24]); } educationinfo.ClassNum = dt.Rows[0][25].ToString(); educationinfo.HouseType = dt.Rows[0][26].ToString(); educationinfo.StudentNum = dt.Rows[0][27].ToString(); educationinfo.HouseProperty = dt.Rows[0][28].ToString(); educationinfo.TeacherNum = dt.Rows[0][29].ToString(); educationinfo.OwnerProperty = dt.Rows[0][30].ToString(); educationinfo.OwnerName = dt.Rows[0][31].ToString(); educationinfo.ZhandiSquere = dt.Rows[0][32].ToString(); educationinfo.HuodongSquere = dt.Rows[0][33].ToString(); educationinfo.SchoolJianzhuSquere = dt.Rows[0][34].ToString(); foodinfo.CompanyType = dt.Rows[0][35].ToString(); foodinfo.HasLicense = dt.Rows[0][36].ToString(); foodinfo.LicenseName = dt.Rows[0][37].ToString(); jtinfo.StrCarNum = dt.Rows[0][38].ToString(); jtinfo.IsProf = dt.Rows[0][39].ToString(); jtinfo.TranBy = dt.Rows[0][40].ToString(); jtinfo.TranType = dt.Rows[0][41].ToString(); ldinfo.LivePersonNum = dt.Rows[0][42].ToString(); ldinfo.LiveHouseNum = dt.Rows[0][43].ToString(); ldinfo.HouseFloorNum = dt.Rows[0][44].ToString(); ldinfo.GetWarmStyle = dt.Rows[0][45].ToString(); ldinfo.HasWarnning = dt.Rows[0][46].ToString(); ldinfo.HirePersonType = dt.Rows[0][47].ToString(); ldinfo.HasPromiseBook = dt.Rows[0][48].ToString(); ldinfo.IsBackUp = dt.Rows[0][49].ToString(); ldinfo.BuildSquere = dt.Rows[0][50].ToString(); ldinfo.OwnerPerson = dt.Rows[0][51].ToString(); ldinfo.Telephone = dt.Rows[0][52].ToString(); spinfo.SP1 = dt.Rows[0][53].ToString(); spinfo.SP2 = dt.Rows[0][54].ToString(); spinfo.SP3 = dt.Rows[0][55].ToString(); spinfo.SP4 = dt.Rows[0][56].ToString(); spinfo.SP5 = dt.Rows[0][57].ToString(); spinfo.SP6 = dt.Rows[0][58].ToString(); spinfo.SP7 = dt.Rows[0][59].ToString(); spinfo.SP8 = dt.Rows[0][60].ToString(); spinfo.SP9 = dt.Rows[0][61].ToString(); spinfo.SP10 = dt.Rows[0][62].ToString(); spinfo.SP11 = dt.Rows[0][63].ToString(); spinfo.SP12 = dt.Rows[0][64].ToString(); spinfo.SP13 = dt.Rows[0][65].ToString(); spinfo.SP14 = dt.Rows[0][66].ToString(); spinfo.SP15 = dt.Rows[0][67].ToString(); spinfo.SP16 = dt.Rows[0][68].ToString(); spinfo.SP17 = dt.Rows[0][69].ToString(); spinfo.SP18 = dt.Rows[0][70].ToString(); spinfo.SP19 = dt.Rows[0][71].ToString(); spinfo.SP20 = dt.Rows[0][72].ToString(); spinfo.SP21 = dt.Rows[0][73].ToString(); spinfo.SP22 = dt.Rows[0][74].ToString(); spinfo.SP23 = dt.Rows[0][75].ToString(); spinfo.SP24 = dt.Rows[0][76].ToString(); spinfo.SP25 = dt.Rows[0][77].ToString(); spinfo.SP26 = dt.Rows[0][78].ToString(); spinfo.SP27 = dt.Rows[0][79].ToString(); spinfo.SP28 = dt.Rows[0][80].ToString(); spinfo.SP29 = dt.Rows[0][81].ToString(); spinfo.SP30 = dt.Rows[0][82].ToString(); spinfo.SP31 = dt.Rows[0][83].ToString(); spinfo.SP32 = dt.Rows[0][84].ToString(); spinfo.SP33 = dt.Rows[0][85].ToString(); spinfo.SP34 = dt.Rows[0][86].ToString(); spinfo.SP35 = dt.Rows[0][87].ToString(); spinfo.SP36 = dt.Rows[0][88].ToString(); spinfo.SP37 = dt.Rows[0][89].ToString(); spinfo.SP38 = dt.Rows[0][90].ToString(); spinfo.SP39 = dt.Rows[0][91].ToString(); spinfo.SP40 = dt.Rows[0][92].ToString(); spinfo.SP41 = dt.Rows[0][93].ToString(); spinfo.YinHNum = dt.Rows[0][94].ToString(); xfinfo.ManagerName = dt.Rows[0][95].ToString(); xfinfo.XFTelephone = dt.Rows[0][96].ToString(); xfinfo.HasSafeSystem = dt.Rows[0][97].ToString(); xfinfo.DianXiaoJian = dt.Rows[0][98].ToString(); xfinfo.HasSafeBook = dt.Rows[0][99].ToString(); AddCompanyInfo companydlg = new AddCompanyInfo(baseinfo, educationinfo, foodinfo, jtinfo, ldinfo, spinfo, xfinfo); companydlg.ShowDialog(); } catch { } }
public CVModel GenerateTestData() { ContactInfo contactInfo = new ContactInfo() { Items = new List <ContactInfoItem>() { new ContactInfoItem() { { ContactInfoItem.FirstName, new Field() { Id = 1, Label = "First name", Type = FieldTypes.SingleLiner, Mandatory = true } }, { ContactInfoItem.LastName, new Field() { Id = 2, Label = "Last name", Type = FieldTypes.SingleLiner, Mandatory = true } }, { ContactInfoItem.Email, new Field() { Id = 4, Label = "Email", Type = FieldTypes.SingleLiner, Mandatory = true } }, { ContactInfoItem.Address, new Field() { Id = 5, Label = "Address", Type = FieldTypes.SingleLiner, Mandatory = false } }, { ContactInfoItem.Phone, new Field() { Id = 6, Label = "Phone", Type = FieldTypes.Tel, Mandatory = true } }, { ContactInfoItem.Facebook, new Field() { Id = 7, Label = "Facebook", Type = FieldTypes.SingleLiner, Mandatory = false } } } } }; PersonalInfo personalInfo = new PersonalInfo() { Items = new List <PersonalInfoItem>() { new PersonalInfoItem() { { PersonalInfoItem.Photo, new Field() { Id = 1, Label = "Nuotrauka", //Reik image, bet dar neveikia Type = FieldTypes.File, Mandatory = false } }, { PersonalInfoItem.Summary, new Field() { Id = 2, Label = "Summary", //Reik multilane, bet dar neveikia Type = FieldTypes.MultiLiner, Mandatory = false } }, { PersonalInfoItem.Interest, new Field() { Id = 3, Label = "Personal internals", //Reik multilane, bet dar neveikia Type = FieldTypes.MultiLiner, Mandatory = false } }, { PersonalInfoItem.DateOfBirth, new Field() { Id = 4, Label = "Date of birth", Type = FieldTypes.Date, Mandatory = true } } } } }; CareerInfo careerInfo = new CareerInfo() { Items = new List <CareerInfoItem>() { new CareerInfoItem() { //Reikia suglaovti, kaip teisingai lesiti ivesti pvz 3 darbovietes { CareerInfoItem.Start, new Field() { Id = 1, //Jauciu, kaip Text paliksim, tik gal pasiūlysim pavyzdį duomenų įvedimo xxxx-xxxx Label = "Year interval begining", Type = FieldTypes.Date, Mandatory = false } }, { CareerInfoItem.End, new Field() { Id = 1, //Jauciu, kaip Text paliksim, tik gal pasiūlysim pavyzdį duomenų įvedimo xxxx-xxxx Label = "Year interval ending", Type = FieldTypes.Date, Mandatory = false } }, { CareerInfoItem.CompanyName, new Field() { Id = 2, Label = "Company name", Type = FieldTypes.SingleLiner, Mandatory = false } }, { CareerInfoItem.JobTitle, new Field() { Id = 3, Label = "Job title", Type = FieldTypes.SingleLiner, Mandatory = false } }, { CareerInfoItem.Description, new Field() { Id = 4, //Reik multilane, bet dar neveikia Label = "Description", Type = FieldTypes.MultiLiner, Mandatory = false } } } } }; EducationInfo educationInfo = new EducationInfo() { Items = new List <EducationInfoItem>() { new EducationInfoItem() { //Reikia vesti skaicius nuo 0 iki 100 { EducationInfoItem.Duration, new Field() { Id = 1, Label = "Duration", //Jauciu, kaip Text paliksim, tik gal pasiūlysim pavyzdį duomenų įvedimo xxxx-xxxx Type = FieldTypes.SingleLiner, Mandatory = false } }, { EducationInfoItem.End, new Field() { Id = 1, Label = "Year interval ending", //Jauciu, kaip Text paliksim, tik gal pasiūlysim pavyzdį duomenų įvedimo xxxx-xxxx Type = FieldTypes.Date, Mandatory = false } }, { EducationInfoItem.Course, new Field() { Id = 2, Label = "Course", Type = FieldTypes.SingleLiner, Mandatory = false } }, { EducationInfoItem.Institution, new Field() { Id = 3, Label = "Name of institution", Type = FieldTypes.SingleLiner, Mandatory = false } } } } }; SkillsInfo skillsInfo = new SkillsInfo() { Items = new List <SkillsInfoItem>() { new SkillsInfoItem() { { SkillsInfoItem.Skill, new Field() { Id = 1, Label = "Enter your skill", //Reik apibrezt,kad nuo 0 iki 100 Type = FieldTypes.SingleLiner, Mandatory = false } } } } }; CVModel CV = new CVModel(); CV.ContactInfo = contactInfo; CV.CareerInfo = careerInfo; CV.EducationInfo = educationInfo; CV.PersonalInfo = personalInfo; CV.SkillsInfo = skillsInfo; CV.FormTarget = "/Builder/GenerateDocument"; return(CV); }
public void DeleteEducationInfo(EducationInfo educationInfo) { educationInfoRepository.Delete(educationInfo); }
public void UpdateEducationInfo(EducationInfo educationInfo) { educationInfoRepository.Update(educationInfo); }
public void CreateEducationInfo(EducationInfo educationInfo) { educationInfoRepository.Add(educationInfo); }
public async Task <EducationViewModel <SaveEducationResource> > CreateEducation(CreateEducationResource educationObj) { model.AppResult.Result = false; // Validate CollegeName, Major if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(educationObj.CollegeName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(educationObj.Major) || educationObj.Major.Length > 255 || educationObj.CollegeName.Length > 255) { model.AppResult.Message = "CollegeName/Major invalid"; return(model); } // Validate Start/End Date if (!Functions.ValidateInputTime(educationObj.StartDate, educationObj.EndDate)) { model.AppResult.Message = Constant.DATETIME_ERROR; return(model); } // Validate PersonId var taskValidPeronId = await _educationRepository.ValidatePersonIdAsync(educationObj.PersonId); if (taskValidPeronId < 1) { model.AppResult.Message = Constant.PERSONID_ERROR; return(model); } // Define DateTime.Year = "1111" is null var valueStartDate = Functions.ConvertDateTime(educationObj.StartDate); var valueEndDate = Functions.ConvertDateTime(educationObj.EndDate); // Find maximum value of OrderIndex int maximumOrderIndex = await _educationRepository.MaximumOrderIndexAsync(educationObj.PersonId); maximumOrderIndex = (maximumOrderIndex <= 0) ? 1 : maximumOrderIndex + 1; // Insert info into temporary model var tempEducationInfo = new EducationInfo() { CollegeName = Regex.Replace(educationObj.CollegeName.Trim(), @"\s{2,}", " "), Major = Regex.Replace(educationObj.Major.Trim(), @"\s{2,}", " "), StartDate = valueStartDate, EndDate = (valueEndDate.Year == 1111) ? (DateTime?)null : valueEndDate, // Define DateTime.Year = "1111" is null PersonId = educationObj.PersonId, UpdatedBy = null, UpdatedAt = null, CreatedBy = Helpers.HttpContext.CurrentUser, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, Status = true, OrderIndex = maximumOrderIndex }; var tempEducationInfoId = await _educationRepository.InsertAsync(tempEducationInfo); // Set response to FE model.ObjModel.Id = tempEducationInfoId; model.ObjModel.OrderIndex = tempEducationInfo.OrderIndex; model.ObjModel.CollegeName = tempEducationInfo.CollegeName; model.ObjModel.Major = tempEducationInfo.Major; model.ObjModel.StartDate = tempEducationInfo.StartDate.Year.ToString(); model.ObjModel.EndDate = (tempEducationInfo.EndDate is null) ? string.Empty : string.Format(tempEducationInfo.EndDate?.Year.ToString()); model.AppResult.Result = true; model.AppResult.Message = Constant.INSERT_SUCCESS; model.AppResult.DataResult = model.ObjModel; return(model); }