Пример #1
        static float CalculateWorldUnitScreenSize(Camera camera, float worldUnits)
            EditorHelper.SceneViewCamera cameraOrientation = EditorHelper.GetSceneViewCamera(camera);

            bool      orthographicAxisAligned = camera.orthographic && cameraOrientation != EditorHelper.SceneViewCamera.Other;
            Transform transform = camera.transform;

            if (orthographicAxisAligned)
                float cameraHeight = camera.orthographicSize * 2;
                float cameraWidth  = camera.aspect * cameraHeight;

                return(worldUnits * (float)Screen.width / cameraWidth);
                float distanceFromGrid = Mathf.Abs(transform.position.y);

                if (distanceFromGrid < 1)
                    distanceFromGrid = 1;

                Vector3 worldCenter = transform.position + transform.forward * distanceFromGrid;

                Vector3 rightVector = transform.right;

                Vector3 worldPoint1 = worldCenter - rightVector * worldUnits * 0.5f;
                Vector3 worldPoint2 = worldCenter + rightVector * worldUnits * 0.5f;

                Vector3 screenPoint1 = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(worldPoint1);
                Vector3 screenPoint2 = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(worldPoint2);

                return(screenPoint2.x - screenPoint1.x);
Пример #2
        private static void Draw()
            SceneView sceneView = SceneView.currentDrawingSceneView;

            // If the user has turned on hiding of perspectve grid then hide it if perspective
            if (!sceneView.orthographic && CurrentSettings.HideGridInPerspective)

            // Cache additional references
            Camera    camera    = sceneView.camera;
            Transform transform = camera.transform;

            float fullSnapDistance = CurrentSettings.PositionSnapDistance;
            float snapDistance     = fullSnapDistance;

            // Calculate various camera positions and its orientation
            EditorHelper.SceneViewCamera cameraOrientation = EditorHelper.GetSceneViewCamera(sceneView);

            // True if the camera is both orthographic (iso) and axis-aligned
            bool orthographicAxisAligned = sceneView.orthographic && cameraOrientation != EditorHelper.SceneViewCamera.Other;

            Vector3 cameraPosition = transform.position;

            Vector3 roundedCameraPosition = MathHelper.RoundVector3(cameraPosition, snapDistance);

            // Calculate the world vectors to use for the X and Y grid axes
            Vector3 xDirection = orthographicAxisAligned ? transform.right : Vector3.right;
            Vector3 yDirection = orthographicAxisAligned ? transform.up : Vector3.forward;

            // Now calculate a depth offset to help with dealing with objects far from the origin
            Vector3 depthOffset = Vector3.zero;

            if (orthographicAxisAligned)
                float depthFudge = 1;

                depthOffset = transform.forward * (camera.nearClipPlane + depthFudge + Vector3.Dot(cameraPosition, transform.forward));

//				Debug.Log(camera.nearClipPlane + " to " + camera.farClipPlane);
//				Debug.Log(depthOffset);
                depthOffset = Vector3.zero;

            // Line colors
            Color normalLine   = new Color32(200, 200, 200, 128);
            Color smallestLine = new Color32(50, 50, 50, 128);

            Color xAxisColor = ColorForVector(xDirection);
            Color yAxisColor = ColorForVector(yDirection);

            // How many lines to draw in each axis
            int xCount;
            int yCount;

            // Center point of the grid in each axis
            int xMid;
            int yMid;

            bool scaledUp = false;

            // Width of one world unit in screen pixels
            float gridWidthPixels = CalculateWorldUnitScreenSize(camera, 1);

            if (snapDistance >= 8)
                gridWidthPixels = CalculateWorldUnitScreenSize(camera, snapDistance);

            if (gridWidthPixels < MIN_VISIBLE)
                if (snapDistance > 8)
                    snapDistance    = Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Floor(Mathf.Log(snapDistance, 8)), 8);
                    gridWidthPixels = CalculateWorldUnitScreenSize(camera, snapDistance);

                while (gridWidthPixels < MIN_VISIBLE)
                    if (snapDistance < 8)
                        snapDistance = 8;
                        snapDistance *= 8;
                    scaledUp        = true;
                    gridWidthPixels = CalculateWorldUnitScreenSize(camera, snapDistance);

            // Alpha of the granular lines, generally based on distance
            float minorLineAlphaMultiplier = Mathf.InverseLerp(MIN_VISIBLE, MAX_VISIBLE, gridWidthPixels);

            float sanityScalar = Mathf.Max(1, snapDistance) * Mathf.Lerp(2, 1, minorLineAlphaMultiplier);

            if (orthographicAxisAligned)
                float cameraHeight = camera.orthographicSize * 2;
                float cameraWidth  = camera.aspect * cameraHeight;

                xCount = Mathf.CeilToInt(cameraWidth / snapDistance);
                yCount = Mathf.CeilToInt(cameraHeight / snapDistance);

                xMid = (int)(Vector3.Dot(roundedCameraPosition, xDirection) / snapDistance);
                yMid = (int)(Vector3.Dot(roundedCameraPosition, yDirection) / snapDistance);
                List <Vector3> pointsInGrid = GetGridMinMax(camera);

                Vector3 pivotPointOnGrid = sceneView.pivot;
                pivotPointOnGrid.y = 0;

                Vector3 min = pointsInGrid[0];
                Vector3 max = pointsInGrid[0];
                // Calculate min,max
                for (int i = 1; i < pointsInGrid.Count; i++)
                    min.x = Mathf.Min(pointsInGrid[i].x, min.x);
                    min.z = Mathf.Min(pointsInGrid[i].z, min.z);

                    max.x = Mathf.Max(pointsInGrid[i].x, max.x);
                    max.z = Mathf.Max(pointsInGrid[i].z, max.z);

                // Ensure the grid isn't crazily big
                min.x = Mathf.Max(min.x, pivotPointOnGrid.x - MAJOR_LINE_DISTANCE * sanityScalar);
                min.z = Mathf.Max(min.z, pivotPointOnGrid.z - MAJOR_LINE_DISTANCE * sanityScalar);

                max.x = Mathf.Min(max.x, pivotPointOnGrid.x + MAJOR_LINE_DISTANCE * sanityScalar);
                max.z = Mathf.Min(max.z, pivotPointOnGrid.z + MAJOR_LINE_DISTANCE * sanityScalar);

                // Now calculate grid line count
                xCount = Mathf.CeilToInt((max.x - min.x) / snapDistance);
                yCount = Mathf.CeilToInt((max.z - min.z) / snapDistance);

                xMid = Mathf.RoundToInt((min.x + max.x) / 2f / snapDistance);
                yMid = Mathf.RoundToInt((min.z + max.z) / 2f / snapDistance);

            // Pad out the edge case
            xCount += 2;
            yCount += 2;

            int xStart = xMid - xCount / 2;
            int yStart = yMid - yCount / 2;

            int xEnd = xMid + xCount / 2;
            int yEnd = yMid + yCount / 2;

            Vector3 cameraPositionOnPlane = new Vector3(transform.position.x, 0, transform.position.z);

            // Start rendering

            int lineDistributonWorld = 8;

            while (lineDistributonWorld <= snapDistance)
                lineDistributonWorld *= 8;

            // Calculate repetition count of the distribution lines
            int lineDistributionCount;

            if (snapDistance < lineDistributonWorld)
                lineDistributionCount = (int)(lineDistributonWorld / snapDistance);
                lineDistributionCount = 1;

            int gridJump = 8;

            // Ensure we don't split grid lines at too high a density when drawing as that would kill performance
            if (snapDistance < 1)
                gridJump = Mathf.RoundToInt(gridJump / snapDistance);

            for (int y = yStart; y <= yEnd; y++)
                Color sourceColor = normalLine;
                bool  majorLine   = true;
                if (y == 0)
                    sourceColor = xAxisColor;
                else if (y % lineDistributionCount != 0)
                    majorLine = false;
                    if (!scaledUp)
                        sourceColor = smallestLine;

                    sourceColor.a *= minorLineAlphaMultiplier * 0.6f;

                float activeDistance = sanityScalar * (majorLine ? MAJOR_LINE_DISTANCE : MINOR_LINE_DISTANCE);

                for (int x = xStart; x < xEnd; x += gridJump)
                    Color color = sourceColor;

                    Vector3 yOffset = y * yDirection * snapDistance;

                    Vector3 center = depthOffset + yOffset;

                    Vector3 testPoint = center + xDirection * (x + gridJump / 2f) * snapDistance;
                    testPoint.y = 0;
                    float squareDistance = (testPoint - cameraPositionOnPlane).sqrMagnitude;

                    if (squareDistance > (activeDistance * activeDistance))

                    float distance = Mathf.Sqrt(squareDistance);

                    color.a *= Mathf.InverseLerp(activeDistance, activeDistance / 2f, distance);


                    GL.Vertex(center + xDirection * (x + 0) * snapDistance);
                    GL.Vertex(center + xDirection * (x + gridJump) * snapDistance);

            for (int x = xStart; x <= xEnd; x++)
                Color sourceColor = normalLine;
                bool  majorLine   = true;
                if (x == 0)
                    sourceColor = yAxisColor;
                else if (x % lineDistributionCount != 0)
                    majorLine = false;
                    if (!scaledUp)
                        sourceColor = smallestLine;

                    sourceColor.a *= minorLineAlphaMultiplier * 0.6f;

                float activeDistance = sanityScalar * (majorLine ? MAJOR_LINE_DISTANCE : MINOR_LINE_DISTANCE);

                for (int y = yStart; y < yEnd; y += gridJump)
                    Color color = sourceColor;

                    Vector3 xOffset = x * xDirection * snapDistance;

                    Vector3 center = depthOffset + xOffset;

                    Vector3 testPoint = center + yDirection * (y + gridJump / 2f) * snapDistance;
                    testPoint.y = 0;
                    float squareDistance = (testPoint - cameraPositionOnPlane).sqrMagnitude;

                    if (squareDistance > (activeDistance * activeDistance))

                    float distance = Mathf.Sqrt(squareDistance);

                    color.a *= Mathf.InverseLerp(activeDistance, activeDistance * 0.5f, distance);


                    GL.Vertex(center + yDirection * (y + 0) * snapDistance);
                    GL.Vertex(center + yDirection * (y + gridJump) * snapDistance);
