Пример #1
        public void EditOperations()
            var featureLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()[0] as FeatureLayer;
            var polygon      = new PolygonBuilder().ToGeometry();
            var clipPoly     = new PolygonBuilder().ToGeometry();
            var cutLine      = new PolylineBuilder().ToGeometry();
            var modifyLine   = cutLine;
            var oid          = 1;

            #region Edit Operation Create Features

            var createFeatures = new EditOperation();
            createFeatures.Name = "Create Features";
            //Create a feature with a polygon
            createFeatures.Create(featureLayer, polygon);

            //with a callback
            createFeatures.Create(featureLayer, polygon, (object_id) => {
                //TODO - use the oid of the created feature
                //in your callback

            //Do a create features and set attributes
            var attributes = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            attributes.Add("SHAPE", polygon);
            attributes.Add("NAME", "Corner Market");
            attributes.Add("SIZE", 1200.5);
            attributes.Add("DESCRIPTION", "Corner Market");

            createFeatures.Create(featureLayer, attributes);

            //Create features using the current template
            //Must be within a MapTool
            createFeatures.Create(this.CurrentTemplate, polygon);

            //Execute to execute the operation
            //Must be called within QueuedTask.Run

            //or use async flavor
            //await createFeatures.ExecuteAsync();


            #region Edit Operation Clip Features

            var clipFeatures = new EditOperation();
            clipFeatures.Name = "Clip Features";
            clipFeatures.Clip(featureLayer, oid, clipPoly, ClipMode.PreserveArea);
            //Execute to execute the operation
            //Must be called within QueuedTask.Run

            //or use async flavor
            //await clipFeatures.ExecuteAsync();


            #region Edit Operation Cut Features

            var select = MapView.Active.SelectFeatures(clipPoly);

            var cutFeatures = new EditOperation();
            cutFeatures.Name = "Cut Features";
            cutFeatures.Cut(featureLayer, oid, cutLine);

            //Cut all the selected features in the active view
            //Select using a polygon (for example)
            var kvps = MapView.Active.SelectFeatures(polygon).Select(
                k => new KeyValuePair <MapMember, List <long> >(k.Key as MapMember, k.Value));
            cutFeatures.Cut(kvps, cutLine);

            //Execute to execute the operation
            //Must be called within QueuedTask.Run

            //or use async flavor
            //await cutFeatures.ExecuteAsync();


            #region Edit Operation Delete Features

            var deleteFeatures = new EditOperation();
            deleteFeatures.Name = "Delete Features";
            var table = MapView.Active.Map.StandaloneTables[0];
            //Delete a row in a standalone table
            deleteFeatures.Delete(table, oid);

            //Delete all the selected features in the active view
            //Select using a polygon (for example)
            var selection = MapView.Active.SelectFeatures(polygon).Select(
                k => new KeyValuePair <MapMember, List <long> >(k.Key as MapMember, k.Value));


            //Execute to execute the operation
            //Must be called within QueuedTask.Run

            //or use async flavor
            //await deleteFeatures.ExecuteAsync();


            #region Edit Operation Duplicate Features

            var duplicateFeatures = new EditOperation();
            duplicateFeatures.Name = "Duplicate Features";

            //Duplicate with an X and Y offset of 500 map units
            duplicateFeatures.Duplicate(featureLayer, oid, 500.0, 500.0, 0.0);

            //Execute to execute the operation
            //Must be called within QueuedTask.Run

            //or use async flavor
            //await duplicateFeatures.ExecuteAsync();


            #region Edit Operation Explode Features

            var explodeFeatures = new EditOperation();
            explodeFeatures.Name = "Explode Features";

            //Take a multipart and convert it into one feature per part
            //Provide a list of ids to convert multiple
            explodeFeatures.Explode(featureLayer, new List <long>()
            }, true);

            //Execute to execute the operation
            //Must be called within QueuedTask.Run

            //or use async flavor
            //await explodeFeatures.ExecuteAsync();


            var destinationLayer = featureLayer;

            #region Edit Operation Merge Features

            var mergeFeatures = new EditOperation();
            mergeFeatures.Name = "Merge Features";

            //Merge three features into a new feature using defaults
            //defined in the current template
            mergeFeatures.Merge(this.CurrentTemplate as EditingFeatureTemplate, featureLayer, new List <long>()
                10, 96, 12

            //Merge three features into a new feature in the destination layer
            mergeFeatures.Merge(destinationLayer, featureLayer, new List <long>()
                10, 96, 12

            //Use an inspector to set the new attributes of the merged feature
            var inspector = new Inspector();
            inspector.Load(featureLayer, oid);//base attributes on an existing feature
            //change attributes for the new feature
            inspector["NAME"]        = "New name";
            inspector["DESCRIPTION"] = "New description";

            //Merge features into a new feature in the same layer using the
            //defaults set in the inspector
            mergeFeatures.Merge(featureLayer, new List <long>()
                10, 96, 12
            }, inspector);

            //Execute to execute the operation
            //Must be called within QueuedTask.Run

            //or use async flavor
            //await mergeFeatures.ExecuteAsync();


            #region Edit Operation Modify single feature

            var modifyFeature = new EditOperation();
            modifyFeature.Name = "Modify a feature";

            //use an inspector
            var modifyInspector = new Inspector();
            modifyInspector.Load(featureLayer, oid);//base attributes on an existing feature

            //change attributes for the new feature
            modifyInspector["SHAPE"] = polygon;        //Update the geometry
            modifyInspector["NAME"]  = "Updated name"; //Update attribute(s)


            //update geometry and attributes using overload
            var featureAttributes = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            featureAttributes["NAME"] = "Updated name";//Update attribute(s)
            modifyFeature.Modify(featureLayer, oid, polygon, featureAttributes);

            //Execute to execute the operation
            //Must be called within QueuedTask.Run

            //or use async flavor
            //await modifyFeatures.ExecuteAsync();


            #region Edit Operation Modify multiple features

            //Search by attribute
            var queryFilter = new QueryFilter();
            queryFilter.WhereClause = "OBJECTID < 1000000";
            //Create list of oids to update
            var oidSet = new List <long>();
            using (var rc = featureLayer.Search(queryFilter))
                while (rc.MoveNext())

            //create and execute the edit operation
            var modifyFeatures = new EditOperation();
            modifyFeatures.Name           = "Modify features";
            modifyFeatures.ShowProgressor = true;

            var insp = new Inspector();
            insp.Load(featureLayer, oidSet);
            insp["MOMC"] = 24;

            #region Move features

            //Get all of the selected ObjectIDs from the layer.
            var firstLayer       = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType <FeatureLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
            var selectionfromMap = firstLayer.GetSelection();

            // set up a dictionary to store the layer and the object IDs of the selected features
            var selectionDictionary = new Dictionary <MapMember, List <long> >();
            selectionDictionary.Add(firstLayer as MapMember, selectionfromMap.GetObjectIDs().ToList());

            var moveFeature = new EditOperation();
            moveFeature.Name = "Move features";
            moveFeature.Move(selectionDictionary, 10, 10); //specify your units along axis to move the geometry


            #region Move feature to a specific coordinate

            //Get all of the selected ObjectIDs from the layer.
            var abLayer     = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType <FeatureLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
            var mySelection = abLayer.GetSelection();
            var selOid      = mySelection.GetObjectIDs().FirstOrDefault();

            var moveToPoint = new MapPointBuilder(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, MapView.Active.Map.SpatialReference); //can pass in coordinates.

            var modifyFeatureCoord = new EditOperation();
            modifyFeatureCoord.Name = "Move features";
            modifyFeatureCoord.Modify(abLayer, selOid, moveToPoint.ToGeometry()); //Modify the feature to the new geometry


            #region Edit Operation Planarize Features

            var planarizeFeatures = new EditOperation();
            planarizeFeatures.Name = "Planarize Features";

            //Planarize one or more features
            planarizeFeatures.Planarize(featureLayer, new List <long>()

            //Execute to execute the operation
            //Must be called within QueuedTask.Run

            //or use async flavor
            //await planarizeFeatures.ExecuteAsync();


            #region Edit Operation Reshape Features

            var reshapeFeatures = new EditOperation();
            reshapeFeatures.Name = "Reshape Features";

            reshapeFeatures.Reshape(featureLayer, oid, modifyLine);

            //Reshape a set of features that intersect some geometry....
            var selFeatures = MapView.Active.GetFeatures(modifyLine).Select(
                k => new KeyValuePair <MapMember, List <long> >(k.Key as MapMember, k.Value));

            reshapeFeatures.Reshape(selFeatures, modifyLine);

            //Execute to execute the operation
            //Must be called within QueuedTask.Run

            //or use async flavor
            //await reshapeFeatures.ExecuteAsync();


            var origin = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(0, 0, null);

            #region Edit Operation Rotate Features

            var rotateFeatures = new EditOperation();
            rotateFeatures.Name = "Rotate Features";

            //Rotate works on a selected set of features
            //Get all features that intersect a polygon
            var rotateSelection = MapView.Active.GetFeatures(polygon).Select(
                k => new KeyValuePair <MapMember, List <long> >(k.Key as MapMember, k.Value));

            //Rotate selected features 90 deg about "origin"
            rotateFeatures.Rotate(rotateSelection, origin, Math.PI / 2);

            //Execute to execute the operation
            //Must be called within QueuedTask.Run

            //or use async flavor
            //await rotateFeatures.ExecuteAsync();


            #region Edit Operation Scale Features

            var scaleFeatures = new EditOperation();
            scaleFeatures.Name = "Scale Features";

            //Rotate works on a selected set of features
            var scaleSelection = MapView.Active.GetFeatures(polygon).Select(
                k => new KeyValuePair <MapMember, List <long> >(k.Key as MapMember, k.Value));

            //Scale the selected features by 2.0 in the X and Y direction
            scaleFeatures.Scale(scaleSelection, origin, 2.0, 2.0, 0.0);

            //Execute to execute the operation
            //Must be called within QueuedTask.Run

            //or use async flavor
            //await scaleFeatures.ExecuteAsync();


            var mp1 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(0, 0, null);
            var mp2 = mp1;
            var mp3 = mp1;

            #region Edit Operation Split Features

            var splitFeatures = new EditOperation();
            splitFeatures.Name = "Split Features";

            var splitPoints = new List <MapPoint>()
                mp1, mp2, mp3

            //Split the feature at 3 points
            splitFeatures.Split(featureLayer, oid, splitPoints);

            // split using percentage
            var splitByPercentage = new SplitByPercentage()
                Percentage = 33, SplitFromStartPoint = true
            splitFeatures.Split(featureLayer, oid, splitByPercentage);

            // split using equal parts
            var splitByEqualParts = new SplitByEqualParts()
                NumParts = 3
            splitFeatures.Split(featureLayer, oid, splitByEqualParts);

            // split using single distance
            var splitByDistance = new SplitByDistance()
                Distance = 27.3, SplitFromStartPoint = false
            splitFeatures.Split(featureLayer, oid, splitByDistance);

            // split using varying distance
            var distances = new List <double>()
                12.5, 38.2, 89.99
            var splitByVaryingDistance = new SplitByVaryingDistance()
                Distances = distances, SplitFromStartPoint = true, ProportionRemainder = true
            splitFeatures.Split(featureLayer, oid, splitByVaryingDistance);

            //Execute to execute the operation
            //Must be called within QueuedTask.Run

            //or use async flavor
            //await splitAtPointsFeatures.ExecuteAsync();


            var linkLayer = featureLayer;

            #region Edit Operation Transform Features

            var transformFeatures = new EditOperation();
            transformFeatures.Name = "Transform Features";

            //Transform a selected set of features
            var transformSelection = MapView.Active.GetFeatures(polygon).Select(
                k => new KeyValuePair <MapMember, List <long> >(k.Key as MapMember, k.Value));

            transformFeatures.Transform(transformSelection, linkLayer);

            //Transform just a layer
            transformFeatures.Transform(featureLayer, linkLayer);

            //Perform an affine transformation
            transformFeatures.TransformAffine(featureLayer, linkLayer);

            //Execute to execute the operation
            //Must be called within QueuedTask.Run

            //or use async flavor
            //await transformFeatures.ExecuteAsync();


            #region Edit Operation Perform a Clip, Cut, and Planarize

            //Multiple operations can be performed by a single
            //edit operation.
            var clipCutPlanarizeFeatures = new EditOperation();
            clipCutPlanarizeFeatures.Name = "Clip, Cut, and Planarize Features";
            clipCutPlanarizeFeatures.Clip(featureLayer, oid, clipPoly);
            clipCutPlanarizeFeatures.Cut(featureLayer, oid, cutLine);
            clipCutPlanarizeFeatures.Planarize(featureLayer, new List <long>()

            //Note: An edit operation is a single transaction.
            //Execute the operations (in the order they were declared)

            //or use async flavor
            //await clipCutPlanarizeFeatures.ExecuteAsync();


            #region Edit Operation Chain Edit Operations

            //Chaining operations is a special case. Use "Chained Operations" when you require multiple transactions
            //to be undo-able with a single "Undo".

            //The most common use case for operation chaining is creating a feature with an attachement.
            //Adding an attachment requires the object id (of a new feature) has already been created.
            var editOperation1 = new EditOperation();
            editOperation1.Name = string.Format("Create point in '{0}'", CurrentTemplate.Layer.Name);

            long newFeatureID = -1;
            //The Create operation has to execute so we can get an object_id
            editOperation1.Create(this.CurrentTemplate, polygon, (object_id) => newFeatureID = object_id);
            //Must be within a QueuedTask

            //or use async flavor
            //await editOperation1.ExecuteAsync();

            //Now, because we have the object id, we can add the attachment.  As we are chaining it, adding the attachment
            //can be undone as part of the "Undo Create" operation. In other words, only one undo operation will show on the
            //Pro UI and not two.
            var editOperation2 = editOperation1.CreateChainedOperation();
            //Add the attachement using the new feature id
            editOperation2.AddAttachment(this.CurrentTemplate.Layer, newFeatureID, @"C:\data\images\Hydrant.jpg");

            //editOperation1 and editOperation2 show up as a single Undo operation on the UI even though
            //we had two transactions
            //Must be within a QueuedTask

            //or use async flavor
            //await editOperation2.ExecuteAsync();


            #region SetOnUndone, SetOnRedone, SetOnComitted

            // SetOnUndone, SetOnRedone and SetOnComittedManage can be used to manage
            // external actions(such as writing to a log table) that are associated with
            // each edit operation.

            //get selected feature and update attribute
            var selectedFeatures = MapView.Active.Map.GetSelection();
            var testInspector    = new Inspector();
            testInspector.Load(selectedFeatures.Keys.First(), selectedFeatures.Values.First());
            testInspector["Name"] = "test";

            //create and execute the edit operation
            var updateTestField = new EditOperation();
            updateTestField.Name = "Update test field";

            //actions for SetOn...
            updateTestField.SetOnUndone(() =>
                //Sets an action that will be called when this operation is undone.
                Debug.WriteLine("Operation is undone");

            updateTestField.SetOnRedone(() =>
                //Sets an action that will be called when this editoperation is redone.
                Debug.WriteLine("Operation is redone");

            updateTestField.SetOnComitted((bool b) => //called on edit session save(true)/discard(false).
                // Sets an action that will be called when this editoperation is committed.
                Debug.WriteLine("Operation is committed");


Пример #2
        public async void AddNewRoute(string routeName)
            var map = MapView.Active.Map;

            if (!BuildOnSelect && SegmentsLayer.SelectionCount == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("At least one segment must be selected!");

            await QueuedTask.Run(async() =>
                using (var routesTable = RoutesStandaloneTable.GetTable())
                    using (var routeToHeadsTable = RouteToTrailheadsTable.GetTable())
                        using (var routeToSegmentsTable = RouteToTrailSegmentsTable.GetTable())
                            using (var routeBuf = routesTable.CreateRowBuffer())
                                using (var tempSegsFeatureClass = TempSegmentsLayer.GetFeatureClass())
                                    var namesFilter = new QueryFilter()
                                        WhereClause = $"Upper({RouteName}) = '{routeName.ToUpper().Replace("'", "''")}'"
                                    using (var namesCursor = RoutesStandaloneTable.Search(namesFilter))
                                        if (namesCursor.MoveNext())
                                            MessageBox.Show($"There is already a route named: {routeName}!");

                                    var operation  = new EditOperation();
                                    operation.Name = "Create new trails route: " + routeName;

                                    await EnsureIDsForSelectedAsync(operation);
                                    await operation.ExecuteAsync();

                                    if (!operation.IsSucceeded)

                                    var operation2 = operation.CreateChainedOperation();

                                    operation2.Callback(context =>
                                        // create route row
                                        routeBuf[RouteName] = routeName;
                                        routeBuf[RouteID]   = $"{{{Guid.NewGuid()}}}";
                                        using (var routeRow = routesTable.CreateRow(routeBuf))
                                            using (var headsCursor = HeadsLayer.GetSelection().Search(null, false))
                                                using (var segmentCursor = SegmentsLayer.GetSelection().Search((QueryFilter)null, false))
                                                    var segments = new List <string>();
                                                    var parts    = new Dictionary <int, List <Polyline> >();
                                                    if (BuildOnSelect)
                                                        // get segments from TempSegments layer
                                                        bool atLeastOne = false;
                                                        using (var tempSegsCursor = tempSegsFeatureClass.Search(null, false))
                                                            while (tempSegsCursor.MoveNext())
                                                                atLeastOne = true;
                                                                var row    = tempSegsCursor.Current;

                                                                var partNum = int.Parse(row[RoutePart].ToString());
                                                                var segID   = (string)row[USNG_SEG];
                                                                CreateRoutePart(segID, (string)routeRow[RouteID], partNum, context, routeToSegmentsTable);


                                                                var geometry = (Polyline)row["SHAPE"];
                                                                if (parts.ContainsKey(partNum))
                                                                    parts[partNum] = new List <Polyline>()
                                                            tempSegsFeatureClass.DeleteRows(new QueryFilter());

                                                        if (!atLeastOne)
                                                            context.Abort("There must be at least one feature in TempSegments!");
                                                        //get segments from selected features
                                                        while (segmentCursor.MoveNext())
                                                            var segRow = segmentCursor.Current;

                                                            var segID         = (string)segRow[USNG_SEG];
                                                            const int partNum = 1;
                                                            CreateRoutePart(segID, routeRow[RouteID], partNum, context, routeToSegmentsTable);


                                                            var geometry = (Polyline)segRow["SHAPE"];
                                                            if (parts.ContainsKey(partNum))
                                                                parts[partNum] = new List <Polyline>()

                                                    if (segments.Count > 1 && !ValidateConnectivity(parts))
                                                        context.Abort("Not all segments are connected!");

                                                    // trailhead
                                                    if (HeadsLayer.SelectionCount > 0)
                                                        while (headsCursor.MoveNext())
                                                            using (var headBuffer = routeToHeadsTable.CreateRowBuffer())
                                                                headBuffer[RouteID] = (string)routeRow[RouteID];
                                                                headBuffer[USNG_TH] = headsCursor.Current[USNG_TH];

                                                                using (var headRow = routeToHeadsTable.CreateRow(headBuffer))

                                    }, routesTable, routeToSegmentsTable, routeToHeadsTable, tempSegsFeatureClass);

                                    await operation2.ExecuteAsync();
                                    if (operation2.IsSucceeded)
                                        FrameworkApplication.AddNotification(new Notification
                                            Title    = FrameworkApplication.Title,
                                            Message  = $"Route: \"{routeName}\" added successfully!",
                                            ImageUrl = "pack://application:,,,/ArcGIS.Desktop.Resources;component/Images/GenericCheckMark32.png"

        protected override async Task <bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(Geometry geometry)
            // get the embedded control
            var vm = this.EmbeddableControl as ChooseTemplateViewModel;

            if (vm == null)

            // ensure there's a template chosen
            if (vm.SelectedTemplate == null)
                vm.ShowMessage("Please choose a layer and template");
            // clear any message

            var template = vm.SelectedTemplate;
            BasicFeatureLayer templateLayer = template.Layer as BasicFeatureLayer;

            if (templateLayer == null)

            bool result = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                // find the target feature from the geometry click
                var targetFeatures = MapView.Active.GetFeatures(geometry);
                if ((targetFeatures == null) || (targetFeatures.ToDictionary().Keys.Count == 0))

                // we will use the first feature returned
                var targetLayer = targetFeatures.ToDictionary().Keys.First();
                var targetOID   = targetFeatures[targetLayer][0];

                // At 2.4, EditOperation.TransferAttributes method is one of the few functions which honors the field mapping.
                // The only method signature for EditOperation.TransferAttributes requires a source and target feature
                // So our workflow will be
                // 1.  Create a temporary feature using the chosen template and empty geometry
                // 2.  Call TransferAttributes from the temporary feature to the target feature
                // 3.  Delete the temporary feature

                // build an empty geometry according to the correct template layer type
                Geometry emptyGeometry = null;
                switch (templateLayer.ShapeType)
                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint:
                    emptyGeometry = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint();

                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline:
                    emptyGeometry = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline();

                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon:
                    emptyGeometry = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon();

                // some other geometry type
                if (emptyGeometry == null)

                // create the temporary feature using the empty geometry
                var op  = new EditOperation();
                op.Name = "Transfer attributes from template";

                // note Create signature.. we are interested in the new ObjectID
                var rowToken = op.Create(template, emptyGeometry);
                // execute
                var opResult = op.Execute();

                // if create was successful
                if (opResult)
                    var newObjectID = rowToken.ObjectID.Value;
                    // chain to create a new operation
                    var opChain = op.CreateChainedOperation();
                    // transfer the attributes between the temporary feature and the target feature
                    opChain.TransferAttributes(templateLayer, newObjectID, targetLayer, targetOID);
                    // and now delete the temporary feature
                    opChain.Delete(templateLayer, newObjectID);
                    opResult = opChain.Execute();


Пример #4
        private async Task <Tuple <string, int> > ImportPlatAsync(CancelableProgressorSource cps)
            var result = await QueuedTask.Run <Tuple <string, int> >(async() =>
                // first we  create a 'legal record' for the plat
                Dictionary <string, object> RecordAttributes = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                string sNewRecordName = $@"Plat {_selectedZone}-{_selectedSection}-{_selectedPlat}";
                int importedCount     = 0;
                    var editOper = new EditOperation()
                        Name            = $@"Create Parcel Fabric Record: {sNewRecordName}",
                        ProgressMessage = "Create Parcel Fabric Record...",
                        ShowModalMessageAfterFailure = false,
                        SelectNewFeatures            = false,
                        SelectModifiedFeatures       = false
                    cps.Progressor.Value += 1;
                    if (cps.Progressor.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                        return(new Tuple <string, int> ("Cancelled", importedCount));
                    cps.Progressor.Status  = (cps.Progressor.Value * 100 / cps.Progressor.Max) + @" % Completed";
                    cps.Progressor.Message = editOper.ProgressMessage;
                    RecordAttributes.Add(FieldNameName, sNewRecordName);
                    RecordAttributes.Add(FieldNameZone, _selectedZone);
                    RecordAttributes.Add(FieldNameSect, _selectedSection);
                    RecordAttributes.Add(FieldNamePlat, _selectedPlat);
                    var editRowToken = editOper.CreateEx(_recordLayer, RecordAttributes);
                    if (!editOper.Execute())
                        return(new Tuple <string, int>($@"Error [{editOper.Name}]: {editOper.ErrorMessage}", importedCount));

                    // now make the record the active record
                    var defOID = -1;
                    var lOid   = editRowToken.ObjectID ?? defOID;
                    await _parcelFabricLayer.SetActiveRecordAsync(lOid);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(new Tuple <string, int>($@"Error [Exception]: {ex.Message}", importedCount));
                    // Copy the selected set of polygons into the Tax Parcels
                    // However, since we need to set the polygon attributes manually we need to add each
                    // parcel one at a time
                    var qry     = $@"{FieldNameZone} = {_selectedZone} and {FieldNameSect} = {_selectedSection} and {FieldNamePlat} = '{_selectedPlat}'";
                    var lstTmks = GetDistinctValues(_importParcelLineLayer, qry, FieldNameTmk);
                    foreach (var selectedTmk in lstTmks)
                        qry     = $@"{FieldNameTmk} = {selectedTmk}";
                        var cnt = SelectSet(_importParcelLineLayer, qry);
                        cps.Progressor.Value += cnt;
                        if (cps.Progressor.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                            return(new Tuple <string, int>("Cancelled", importedCount));
                        cps.Progressor.Status  = (cps.Progressor.Value * 100 / cps.Progressor.Max) + @" % Completed";
                        cps.Progressor.Message = $@"Process parcel no: {selectedTmk}";
                        var editOper           = new EditOperation()
                            Name            = $@"Copy new parcel lines for: {sNewRecordName}",
                            ProgressMessage = "Create Parcel lines ...",
                            ShowModalMessageAfterFailure = false,
                            SelectNewFeatures            = false,
                            SelectModifiedFeatures       = false
                        var ids = new List <long>(_importParcelLineLayer.GetSelection().GetObjectIDs());
                        if (ids.Count == 0)
                            return(new Tuple <string, int>($@"Error [{editOper.Name}]: No selected lines were found. Please select line features and try again.", importedCount));
                        var parcelEditTkn = editOper.CopyLineFeaturesToParcelType(_importParcelLineLayer, ids, _taxLayerLines, _taxLayerPolys);
                        if (!editOper.Execute())
                            return(new Tuple <string, int>($@"Error [{editOper.Name}]: {editOper.ErrorMessage}", importedCount));

                        // Update the names for all new parcel features
                        var createdParcelFeatures = parcelEditTkn.CreatedFeatures;
                        var editOperUpdate        = editOper.CreateChainedOperation();
                        // note: this only works for single parcels
                        Dictionary <string, object> ParcelAttributes = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                        // collect the attribute to be used for the polygon
                        // unfortunately the polygon attributes are not autopopulated so we have to do this here
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <MapMember, List <long> > kvp in createdParcelFeatures)
                            if (cps.Progressor.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                                return(new Tuple <string, int>("Cancelled", importedCount));
                            var mapMember = kvp.Key;
                            if (mapMember.Name.EndsWith("_Lines"))
                                var oids = kvp.Value;
                                foreach (long oid in oids)
                                    var insp = new Inspector();
                                    insp.Load(mapMember, oid);
                                    var tmk = insp[FieldNameTmk];
                                    if (tmk != null)
                                        var sTmk = tmk.ToString();
                                        if (sTmk.Length > 6)
                                            var selectedIsland  = sTmk.Substring(0, 1);
                                            var selectedZone    = sTmk.Substring(1, 1);
                                            var selectedSection = sTmk.Substring(2, 1);
                                            var selectedPlat    = sTmk.Substring(3, 3);
                                            ParcelAttributes.Add(FieldNameName, $@"{sTmk.Substring(0, 1)}-{sTmk.Substring(1, 1)}-{sTmk.Substring(2, 1)}-{sTmk.Substring(3, 3)}-{sTmk.Substring(6)}");
                                            ParcelAttributes.Add(FieldNameTmk, tmk);
                                            ParcelAttributes.Add(FieldNameIsland, selectedIsland);
                                            ParcelAttributes.Add(FieldNameZone, selectedZone);
                                            ParcelAttributes.Add(FieldNameSect, selectedSection);
                                            ParcelAttributes.Add(FieldNamePlat, selectedPlat);
                                            ParcelAttributes.Add(FieldNameParcel, insp[FieldNameParcel]);
                                            ParcelAttributes.Add(FieldNameLink, insp[FieldNameLink]);
                            if (ParcelAttributes.Count > 0)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <MapMember, List <long> > kvp in createdParcelFeatures)
                            if (cps.Progressor.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                                return(new Tuple <string, int>("Cancelled", importedCount));
                            var mapMember = kvp.Key;
                            if (!mapMember.Name.EndsWith("_Lines"))
                                var oids = kvp.Value;
                                foreach (long oid in oids)
                                    editOperUpdate.Modify(mapMember, oid, ParcelAttributes);
                        if (!editOperUpdate.Execute())
                            return(new Tuple <string, int>($@"Error [{editOperUpdate.Name}]: {editOperUpdate.ErrorMessage}", importedCount));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(new Tuple <string, int>($@"Error [Exception]: {ex.Message}", importedCount));
                    // Build all Parcels for the Active record in the parcel fabric (set in step one)
                    var theActiveRecord = _parcelFabricLayer.GetActiveRecord();
                    var guid            = theActiveRecord.Guid;
                    var editOper        = new EditOperation()
                        Name            = "Build Parcels",
                        ProgressMessage = "Build Parcels...",
                        ShowModalMessageAfterFailure = true,
                        SelectNewFeatures            = true,
                        SelectModifiedFeatures       = true
                    cps.Progressor.Value += 1;
                    if (cps.Progressor.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                        return(new Tuple <string, int>("Cancelled", importedCount));
                    cps.Progressor.Status  = (cps.Progressor.Value * 100 / cps.Progressor.Max) + @" % Completed";
                    cps.Progressor.Message = editOper.ProgressMessage;
                    editOper.BuildParcelsByRecord(_parcelFabricLayer, guid);
                    if (!editOper.Execute())
                        return(new Tuple <string, int>($@"Error [{editOper.Name}]: {editOper.ErrorMessage}", importedCount));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(new Tuple <string, int>($@"Error [Exception]: {ex.Message}", importedCount));
                return(new Tuple <string, int>(string.Empty, importedCount));
            }, cps.Progressor);

Пример #5
        protected override /*async*/ Task <bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(Geometry geometry)
            Debug.WriteLine("OnSketchCompleteAsync, enter");

            // Create an edit operation
            var createOperation = new EditOperation();

            createOperation.Name = string.Format("Create {0}", "points");
            createOperation.SelectNewFeatures = true;

            // Queue feature creation
            //createOperation.Create(featureLayer, geometry);
            var attributes = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            attributes.Add("geom", geometry);
            attributes.Add("user_id", DataHelper.userID);
            //attributes.Add("attr01", "hi there");
            //attributes.Add("attr02", 5);

            long newFeatureID = -1;

            createOperation.Create(featureLayer, attributes, (object_id) => newFeatureID = object_id);             //TODO: how to get at other fields, like id?

            // Execute the operation
            //return createOperation.ExecuteAsync();

            return(ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>

                var attributeOperation = createOperation.CreateChainedOperation();
                attributes = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                attributes.Add("feature_id", newFeatureID);
                attributes.Add("attr01", "Complete and Unabridged");
                attributes.Add("attr02", 42);

                ArcGIS.Core.Data.DatabaseConnectionProperties connectionProperties = new DatabaseConnectionProperties(EnterpriseDatabaseType.PostgreSQL)
                    AuthenticationMode = AuthenticationMode.DBMS,
                    Instance = @"",
                    Database = "geomapmaker2",
                    User = "******",
                    Password = "******",
                    //Version = "dbo.DEFAULT"

                using (Geodatabase geodatabase = new Geodatabase(connectionProperties))
                    //using (RelationshipClass relationshipClass = geodatabase.OpenDataset<RelationshipClass>("geomapmaker2.geomapmaker2.point_features_some_point_attributes"))
                    //using (FeatureClass featureClass = geodatabase.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>("geomapmaker2.geomapmaker2.point_features"))
                    using (Table attributeTable = geodatabase.OpenDataset <Table>("geomapmaker2.geomapmaker2.some_point_attributes"))
                        attributeOperation.Create(attributeTable, attributes);
                        return attributeOperation.ExecuteAsync();

                         * QueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilter { WhereClause = "object_id = " + newFeatureID };
                         * using (RowCursor rowCursor = featureClass.Search(queryFilter, false))
                         * {
                         *      while (rowCursor.MoveNext())
                         *      {
                         *                 rowCursor.CurrentGetTable????
                         *      }
                         * }