private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //save to the database db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Save Successfull!", "SB Payroll", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); CalculateTotalNonCashBenefitAmount(); if (OnEmployeeBenefitAmountChanged != null) { OnEmployeeBenefitAmountChanged(this, new BenefitAmountHandlerEventArgs(TotalNonCashBenefitsAmount)); } if (this.Owner is EditEmployee) { EditEmployee f = (EditEmployee)this.Owner; f.GridRefresh(); this.Close(); } else if (this.Owner is AddEmpTxn) { AddEmpTxn aet = (AddEmpTxn)this.Owner; this.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.ShowError(ex); } }
private void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsEmployeeTransactionValid()) { try { if (cbItemId.SelectedIndex != -1) { _empTxn.ItemId = cbItemId.SelectedValue.ToString(); } decimal _amount; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAmount.Text) && decimal.TryParse(txtAmount.Text, out _amount)) { _empTxn.Amount = _amount; } decimal _YTDAmount; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtYTDAmount.Text) && decimal.TryParse(txtYTDAmount.Text, out _YTDAmount)) { _empTxn.Balance = _YTDAmount; } _empTxn.PostDate = DateTime.Today; _empTxn.EmpNo = _empTxn.EmpNo; _empTxn.Recurrent = chkRecurrent.Checked; _empTxn.Enabled = chkEnabled.Checked; _empTxn.TrackYTD = chkTrackYTD.Checked; _empTxn.CreatedBy = _empTxn.CreatedBy; _empTxn.LastChangeDate = DateTime.Today; _empTxn.LastChangedBy = _User; _empTxn.AuthorizedBy = _empTxn.AuthorizedBy; _empTxn.AuthorizeDate = _empTxn.AuthorizeDate.GetValueOrDefault(); _empTxn.ShowYTDInPayslip = chkShowYTDinPayslip.Checked; rep.UpdateEmpTxn(_empTxn); EditEmployee f = (EditEmployee)this.Owner; f.GridRefresh(); this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.ShowError(ex); } } }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsEmployeeTransactionValid()) { try { var _employerquery = (from ep in db.Employers select ep).FirstOrDefault(); DAL.Employer _Employer = _employerquery; EmployeeTransaction et = new EmployeeTransaction(); decimal _amount; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAmount.Text) && decimal.TryParse(txtAmount.Text, out _amount)) { et.Amount = decimal.Parse(txtAmount.Text.Trim()); } et.PostDate = DateTime.Today; et.EmployeeId = employee.Id; if (employee.EmpNo != null) { et.EmpNo = employee.EmpNo; } if (cbItemId.SelectedIndex != -1) { et.ItemId = cbItemId.SelectedValue.ToString(); } et.Recurrent = chkRecurrent.Checked; et.Processed = false; et.InitialAmount = 0M; et.AccumulativePayment = 0M; et.Enabled = true; et.TrackYTD = chkTrackYTD.Checked; et.CreatedBy = _User; et.LastChangeDate = DateTime.Today; et.LastChangedBy = _User; if (_Employer.AuthorizedSignatory != null) { et.AuthorizedBy = _Employer.AuthorizedSignatory; } et.AuthorizeDate = DateTime.Today; decimal _YTDAmount; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtYTDAmount.Text) && decimal.TryParse(txtYTDAmount.Text, out _YTDAmount)) { et.Balance = _YTDAmount; } et.ShowYTDInPayslip = chkShowYTDinPayslip.Checked; if (db.EmployeeTransactions.Any(i => i.EmpNo == et.EmpNo && i.ItemId == et.ItemId)) { MessageBox.Show("Employee Transaction for item \n" + et.ItemId + "Exists!", "SB Payroll", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } if (!db.EmployeeTransactions.Any(i => i.EmpNo == et.EmpNo && i.ItemId == et.ItemId)) { db.EmployeeTransactions.AddObject(et); db.SaveChanges(); } EditEmployee f = (EditEmployee)this.Owner; f.GridRefresh(); this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.ShowError(ex); } } }