void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (EditButton != null) { EditButton.Dispose(); EditButton = null; } if (TaskDescription != null) { TaskDescription.Dispose(); TaskDescription = null; } if (TaskType != null) { TaskType.Dispose(); TaskType = null; } if (TaskTypeIcon != null) { TaskTypeIcon.Dispose(); TaskTypeIcon = null; } if (ManageChildrenButton != null) { ManageChildrenButton.Dispose(); ManageChildrenButton = null; } }
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { base.OnInit(e); Page.RegisterRequiresControlState(this); listTextBox = new List <ASPxButtonEdit>(); string code = null; for (int i = 0; i < iSabayaContext.Languages.Count; i++) { code = iSabayaContext.Languages[i].Code; ASPxButtonEdit txt = new ASPxButtonEdit(); txt.ID = code.Replace('-', '_'); txt.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + txt.ID; txt.Width = Width; txt.ButtonStyle.Font.Bold = true; EditButton btn = new EditButton(); btn.Width = Unit.Pixel(24); btn.Text = code.Substring(0, code.IndexOf('-')).ToUpper(); btn.Enabled = false; btn.ToolTip = iSabayaContext.Languages[i].Title; txt.ButtonStyle.Border.BorderWidth = Unit.Pixel(0); txt.ButtonStyle.Paddings.Padding = Unit.Pixel(0); txt.Buttons.Add(btn); //txt.ButtonTemplate = new ButtonFlagImage(iSabayaContext.Languages[i].Code, iSabayaContext.Languages[i].SmallImageBytes); listTextBox.Add(txt); } tbControl = new Table() { CellPadding = 0, CellSpacing = 0 }; hddID = new HiddenField(); }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (AppraisedContainerView != null) { AppraisedContainerView.Dispose(); AppraisedContainerView = null; } if (EditButton != null) { EditButton.Dispose(); EditButton = null; } if (SubmitBtn != null) { SubmitBtn.Dispose(); SubmitBtn = null; } if (SummaryContainerView != null) { SummaryContainerView.Dispose(); SummaryContainerView = null; } if (valuemytrade != null) { valuemytrade.Dispose(); valuemytrade = null; } }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (Addbutton != null) { Addbutton.Dispose(); Addbutton = null; } if (DeleteButton != null) { DeleteButton.Dispose(); DeleteButton = null; } if (EditButton != null) { EditButton.Dispose(); EditButton = null; } if (Search != null) { Search.Dispose(); Search = null; } }
protected override void OnButtonClick(EditButton editButton) { bool hasPinpointed = Pinpoint(Village) || Pinpoint(Player); if (!hasPinpointed) { int kingdom; if (Tribe != null) { _map.SetCenter(Tribe); _map.EventPublisher.SelectTribe(this, Tribe, VillageTools.PinPoint); } else if (TryParseKingdom(out kingdom)) { _map.SetCenterContinent(kingdom); } else if (AllowCoordinates) { Point?point = World.Default.GetCoordinates(Text); if (point.HasValue) { if (_showButton && _map != null) { _map.SetCenter(point.Value); } } } else { _tooltip.ToolTipTitle = string.Empty; _tooltip.SetToolTip(this, GetEmptyTooltip()); } } }
private void EditAddPanel_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e) { Size = new Size(459, 316); EditAddPanel.Show(); Adddetails.Show(); EditButton.Show(); }
private void checkDataChanged(int ID) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=luxefood.database.windows.net;Initial Catalog=LuxeFoods;User ID=Klees;Password=Johnny69;Connect Timeout=60;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite;MultiSubnetFailover=False"); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); con.Open(); SqlCommand read = new SqlCommand($"SELECT * from [restaurant] WHERE id='{ID}'", con); SqlDataAdapter adapt = new SqlDataAdapter(read); adapt.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source, "Restauranten"); adapt.Fill(ds, "Restauranten"); con.Close(); DataTable tblRestauranten = ds.Tables["Restauranten"]; foreach (DataRow x in tblRestauranten.Rows) { if (textBox1.Text != "" && textBox1.Text != x["naam"].ToString()) { EditButton.Show(); } else { EditButton.Hide(); } } }
private void InitializeControls() { cbTest.ClientInstanceName = this.cbTest.ID.ToString() + Name; cbpTxtMFAccountNo.ClientInstanceName = cbpTxtMFAccountNo.ClientID + this.ClientID; cboAccountNo.ClientInstanceName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(ComboName) ? this.ClientID + cboAccountNo.ClientID : ComboName; CallbacklikeCustomerName.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + CallbacklikeCustomerName.ClientID; GridCustomer.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + GridCustomer.ClientID; txtFirstName.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + txtFirstName.ClientID; btnFindName.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + btnFindName.ClientID; lblMFCustomerName.ClientInstanceName = lblMFCustomerName.ClientID + this.ClientID; cboAccountNo.ClientInstanceName = cboAccountNo.ClientID + this.ClientID; cbCheckOwner.ClientInstanceName = cbCheckOwner.ClientID + this.ClientID; popupAccount.ClientInstanceName = popupAccount.ClientID + this.ClientID; cbpViewSignature.ClientInstanceName = string.Format("{0}_{1}", this.ClientID, cbpViewSignature.ID); btnViewSignature.ClientInstanceName = string.Format("{0}_{1}", this.ClientID, btnViewSignature.ID); popupViewSignature.ClientInstanceName = string.Format("{0}_{1}", this.ClientID, popupViewSignature.ID); //game imgIsEmployee.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + imgIsEmployee.ClientID; EditButton btn = new EditButton(); btn.Image.Url = ResImageURL.Detail; btn.Position = ButtonsPosition.Left; btn.ToolTip = "Browse"; cboAccountNo.Buttons.Add(btn); }
private void AddGame_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameTextBox.Text)) && (!Compl)) { var SV = new SaveNotSaveDialog(); switch (SV.ShowDialog()) { case DialogResult.OK: if (AddingGame.ID_Game > 0) { EditButton.PerformClick(); } else { AddBut.PerformClick(); } break; case DialogResult.No: _context.RejectChanges(AddingGame); break; case DialogResult.Cancel: e.Cancel = true; break; } } else { _context.RejectChanges(AddingGame); } }
protected override WebControl CreateEditModeControlCore() { WebControl control = base.CreateEditModeControlCore(); ASPxButtonEditBase buttonEdit; if (UseFindEdit()) { buttonEdit = FindEdit.Editor; } else { buttonEdit = DropDownEdit.DropDown; } if (editObjectAction == null) { editObjectAction = new PopupWindowShowAction(null, MemberInfo.Name + "_ASPxLookupEditor_EditObject", PredefinedCategory.Unspecified); editObjectAction.CustomizePopupWindowParams += editObjectAction_CustomizePopupWindowParams; editObjectAction.Application = application; } EditButton editButton = new EditButton(); ASPxImageHelper.SetImageProperties(editButton.Image, "Editor_Edit", 16, 16); buttonEdit.Buttons.Add(editButton); buttonEdit.Load += new EventHandler(buttonEdit_Load); return(control); }
private void Adddetails_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { Size = new Size(459, 316); EditAddPanel.Show(); Adddetails.Show(); EditButton.Show(); }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (ContentView != null) { ContentView.Dispose(); ContentView = null; } if (DeleteButton != null) { DeleteButton.Dispose(); DeleteButton = null; } if (EditButton != null) { EditButton.Dispose(); EditButton = null; } if (OkButton != null) { OkButton.Dispose(); OkButton = null; } if (Text != null) { Text.Dispose(); Text = null; } }
private void LstBairro_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (BairroListBox.SelectedItem == null) { return; } EditButton.PerformClick(); }
public override void _Ready() { editor = GetNode <TextEdit>("/root/Window/VB/MainHB/Editor"); preview = GetNode <TextPreview>("/root/Window/VB/MainHB/TextPreview"); window = GetNode <Window>("/root/Window"); editButton = GetNode <EditButton>("/root/Window/VB/BottomHB/EditButton"); addButton = GetNode <AddButton>("/root/Window/VB/BottomHB/AddButton"); }
public bool ClickSave() { Save.Click(); EditButton.WaitTilIsVisible(); return(true); }
public static void AddFavButton4Cmb(ASPxComboBox cmb) { var btnFav = new EditButton { Position = ButtonsPosition.Left }; btnFav.Image.Url = "~/img/btnico/star.png"; btnFav.Image.Width = Unit.Pixel(16); btnFav.ToolTip = "Nhấn vào đây để chọn mục này là mặc định cho lần sau."; cmb.Buttons.Add(btnFav); }
private void EditButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { EditButton.ImageKey = "PanelDropDown_Down.bmp"; Rectangle rect = EditButton.RectangleToScreen(EditButton.ClientRectangle); EditMenu.Show(rect.X - (EditMenu.Width - EditButton.Width) - 4, rect.Y + (EditButton.Height - 6)); }
private void checkDataChanged(int ID) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=luxefood.database.windows.net;Initial Catalog=LuxeFoods;User ID=Klees;Password=Johnny69;Connect Timeout=60;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite;MultiSubnetFailover=False"); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); con.Open(); SqlCommand read = new SqlCommand($"SELECT * from [reservering] WHERE Id='{ID}'", con); SqlDataAdapter adapt = new SqlDataAdapter(read); adapt.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source, "Reservering"); adapt.Fill(ds, "Reservering"); con.Close(); DataTable tblReservering = ds.Tables["Reservering"]; int seatNr = 0; if (availableSeatsListBox.SelectedItem != null) { if (availableSeatsListBox.SelectedItem.ToString() != "Current Seat") { string strSource = availableSeatsListBox.SelectedItem.ToString(); string strStart = "Seat nr: "; if (strSource.Contains(strStart)) { int start, end; start = strSource.IndexOf(strStart, 0) + strStart.Length; end = strSource.Length; string reservationID = strSource.Substring(start, end - start); string seatNrStr = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < reservationID.Length; i++) { if (Char.IsDigit(reservationID[i])) { seatNrStr += reservationID[i]; } } seatNr = Int32.Parse(seatNrStr); } } } foreach (DataRow x in tblReservering.Rows) { if (((int)x["restaurantId"] != (int)RestaurantPicker.SelectedValue) || ((DateTime)x["datum"] != dateTimePicker1.Value) || ((int)x["tafelNummer"] != seatNr && (DateTime)x["datum"] == dateTimePicker1.Value && seatNr != 0)) { EditButton.Show(); } else { EditButton.Hide(); } } }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (AnimatedImageView != null) { AnimatedImageView.Dispose(); AnimatedImageView = null; } if (LivePhotoView != null) { LivePhotoView.Dispose(); LivePhotoView = null; } #if __TVOS__ if (LivePhotoPlayButton != null) { LivePhotoPlayButton.Dispose(); LivePhotoPlayButton = null; } #endif if (ImageView != null) { ImageView.Dispose(); ImageView = null; } if (Space != null) { Space.Dispose(); Space = null; } if (TrashButton != null) { TrashButton.Dispose(); TrashButton = null; } if (PlayButton != null) { PlayButton.Dispose(); PlayButton = null; } if (EditButton != null) { EditButton.Dispose(); EditButton = null; } if (ProgressView != null) { ProgressView.Dispose(); ProgressView = null; } }
/* <dx:EditButton Position="Left" ToolTip="<%$ Resources:Control, DefaultButton.Tooltip %>"> <Image Height="16px" Url="~/img/btnico/star.png" Width="16px"> </Image> </dx:EditButton> <dx:EditButton ToolTip="<%$ Resources:Control, AddButton.Tooltip %>"> <Image Url="~/img/common/Add.png" Width="16px"> </Image> </dx:EditButton> */ public static void AddNewButton4Cmb(ASPxComboBox cmb) { var btnNew = new EditButton { Position = ButtonsPosition.Right }; btnNew.Image.Url = "~/img/common/Add.png"; btnNew.Image.Width = Unit.Pixel(16); btnNew.ToolTip = "Nhấn vào đây để tạo mới thêm danh mục này"; cmb.Buttons.Add(btnNew); }
public LiveCardDataPreview() { InitializeComponent(); EditAddPanel.Hide(); //_instanceOfForm2 = new LiveCardInputForm(); Adddetails.Hide(); EditButton.Hide(); /* bunifuImageButton1.Hide();*/ }
private EditButton CreateEditButton(DevExpress.Web.ASPxEditors.ButtonsPosition position, string cssClass, string disabledCssClass) { EditButton btn = new EditButton(); btn.Position = position; btn.Image.SpriteProperties.CssClass = cssClass + "_" + this.CssPostfix; btn.Image.SpriteProperties.DisabledCssClass = disabledCssClass + "_" + this.CssPostfix; return(btn); }
public void UpdateContextMenus() { EditButton .GetBindingExpression(VisibilityProperty)? .UpdateTarget(); DeleteButton .GetBindingExpression(VisibilityProperty)? .UpdateTarget(); }
void preview_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e) { GetProjectDetails(id); if (Controllers.User != "admin") { EditButton.Hide(); } GetTasks(id); }
// Lưu chỉnh sửa độc giả private void SaveEditButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DocGiaDTO DgDTO = new DocGiaDTO(); if (radioButton5.Checked == true) { DgDTO.Madocgia = textBox6.Text; DgDTO.Hoten = textBox9.Text; DgDTO.Ngaysinh = dateTimePicker4.Value; DgDTO.Diachi = textBox8.Text; DgDTO.Email = textBox7.Text; DgDTO.Loaidocgia = radioButton5.Text; DgDTO.Ngaylapthe = dateTimePicker5.Value; DgDTO.Cogiatri = dateTimePicker3.Value; } else { DgDTO.Madocgia = textBox6.Text; DgDTO.Hoten = textBox9.Text; DgDTO.Ngaysinh = dateTimePicker4.Value; DgDTO.Diachi = textBox8.Text; DgDTO.Email = textBox7.Text; DgDTO.Loaidocgia = radioButton6.Text; DgDTO.Ngaylapthe = dateTimePicker5.Value; DgDTO.Cogiatri = dateTimePicker3.Value; } bool kq = DgBUS.Sua(DgDTO); if (kq == false) { MessageBox.Show("Sửa độc giả thất bại. Vui lòng kiểm tra lại dũ liệu"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Sửa độc giả thành công"); DgBUS.Getlistreader(dataGridView1); } SaveEditButton.Hide(); CancelEdit.Hide(); AddBt.Show(); EditButton.Show(); DeleteButton.Show(); textBox6.Enabled = false; textBox9.Enabled = false; textBox8.Enabled = false; textBox7.Enabled = false; radioButton5.Enabled = false; radioButton6.Enabled = false; dateTimePicker4.Enabled = false; dateTimePicker5.Enabled = false; dateTimePicker6.Enabled = false; }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (ButtonsView != null) { ButtonsView.Dispose(); ButtonsView = null; } if (DateLabel != null) { DateLabel.Dispose(); DateLabel = null; } if (DeleteButton != null) { DeleteButton.Dispose(); DeleteButton = null; } if (EditButton != null) { EditButton.Dispose(); EditButton = null; } if (ProductDetailsView != null) { ProductDetailsView.Dispose(); ProductDetailsView = null; } if (ProductImageView != null) { ProductImageView.Dispose(); ProductImageView = null; } if (ProductTitleLabel != null) { ProductTitleLabel.Dispose(); ProductTitleLabel = null; } if (ScoreContainerView != null) { ScoreContainerView.Dispose(); ScoreContainerView = null; } if (TextLabel != null) { TextLabel.Dispose(); TextLabel = null; } }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (AttachmentContentView != null) { AttachmentContentView.Dispose(); AttachmentContentView = null; } if (AutorLabel != null) { AutorLabel.Dispose(); AutorLabel = null; } if (DateLabel != null) { DateLabel.Dispose(); DateLabel = null; } if (DetailLabel != null) { DetailLabel.Dispose(); DetailLabel = null; } if (EditButton != null) { EditButton.Dispose(); EditButton = null; } if (HeightAttachmentConstraint != null) { HeightAttachmentConstraint.Dispose(); HeightAttachmentConstraint = null; } if (SectionTextField != null) { SectionTextField.Dispose(); SectionTextField = null; } if (TitleEventLabel != null) { TitleEventLabel.Dispose(); TitleEventLabel = null; } if (TopAttachmentContentConstraint != null) { TopAttachmentContentConstraint.Dispose(); TopAttachmentContentConstraint = null; } }
public MenuDashboardGerechtOverview(int menuId, int adminID, string previous = "") { globalMenuId = menuId; globalAdminID = adminID; globalPrevious = previous; InitializeComponent(); CenterToScreen(); FillDashboard(); EditButton.Hide(); }
private void PreviewCard_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e) { Adddetails.Show(); EditButton.Show(); Size = new Size(459, 316); EditAddPanel.Show(); /* bunifuImageButton1.Show(); * panel1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(25, Color.Transparent);*/ }
public ProjectPreview(int id) { this.id = id; InitializeComponent(); GetProjectDetails(id); if (Controllers.User != "admin") { EditButton.Hide(); } GetTasks(id); }
public void BudgetAmount() { if (ScenarioContext.Current.ScenarioInfo.Title == "TC5-Activating the new Package") { EditButton.SendKeys(ExcelOperation.GetData[5]); } else { EditButton.SendKeys(ExcelOperation.GetData[4]); } }
internal void EditManageListings() { //Click on the Manage Listings Tab ManageListingsTab.Click(); Thread.Sleep(2000); // Click on the Edit Icon EditButton.Click(); Thread.Sleep(2000); ShareSkill ShareSkillPage = new ShareSkill(); ShareSkillPage.EditShareSkill(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor</summary> public PropertyEditingControl() { m_editButton = new EditButton(); m_textBox = new TextBox(); // force creation of the window handles on the GUI thread // see http://forums.msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/clr/thread/fa033425-0149-4b9a-9c8b-bcd2196d5471/ #pragma warning disable 219 IntPtr handle; #pragma warning restore 219 handle = m_editButton.Handle; handle = m_textBox.Handle; base.SuspendLayout(); m_editButton.Left = base.Right - 18; m_editButton.Size = new Size(18, 18); m_editButton.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top; m_editButton.Visible = false; m_editButton.Click += editButton_Click; m_editButton.MouseDown += editButton_MouseDown; m_textBox.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom; m_textBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; m_textBox.LostFocus += textBox_LostFocus; // forward textbox events as if they originated with this control m_textBox.DragOver += textBox_DragOver; m_textBox.DragDrop += textBox_DragDrop; m_textBox.MouseHover += textBox_MouseHover; m_textBox.MouseLeave += textBox_MouseLeave; m_textBox.Visible = false; Controls.Add(m_editButton); Controls.Add(m_textBox); base.ResumeLayout(); m_textBox.SizeChanged += (sender, e) => Height = m_textBox.Height + 1; m_dropDownForm = new DropDownForm(this); }
protected override void OnButtonClick(EditButton editButton) { bool hasPinpointed = Pinpoint(Village) || Pinpoint(Player); if (!hasPinpointed) { int kingdom; if (Tribe != null) { _map.SetCenter(Tribe); _map.EventPublisher.SelectTribe(this, Tribe, VillageTools.PinPoint); } else if (TryParseKingdom(out kingdom)) { _map.SetCenterContinent(kingdom); } else if (AllowCoordinates) { Point? point = World.Default.GetCoordinates(Text); if (point.HasValue) { if (_showButton && _map != null) { _map.SetCenter(point.Value); } } } else { _tooltip.ToolTipTitle = string.Empty; _tooltip.SetToolTip(this, GetEmptyTooltip()); } } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// Creates a FormularioBonitoTieneEditButtons link in the same Partition as the given Formulario /// </summary> /// <param name="source">Formulario to use as the source of the relationship.</param> /// <param name="target">EditButton to use as the target of the relationship.</param> public FormularioBonitoTieneEditButtons(Formulario source, EditButton target) : base((source != null ? source.Partition : null), new DslModeling::RoleAssignment[]{new DslModeling::RoleAssignment(FormularioBonitoTieneEditButtons.FormularioDomainRoleId, source), new DslModeling::RoleAssignment(FormularioBonitoTieneEditButtons.EditButtonDomainRoleId, target)}, null) { }
public static Formulario GetFormulario(EditButton element) { return DslModeling::DomainRoleInfo.GetLinkedElement(element, EditButtonDomainRoleId) as Formulario; }
public ASPxSearchDropDownEdit(WebLookupEditorHelper helper, string emptyValue, string displayFormat) { Helper = helper; EmptyValue = emptyValue; DisplayFormat = displayFormat; dropDown = RenderHelper.CreateASPxComboBox(); dropDown.ID = "DD"; dropDown.Width = Unit.Percentage(100); dropDown.CssClass = "xafLookupEditor"; // the following properties would be nice to be read from the model dropDown.IncrementalFilteringMode = IncrementalFilteringMode.StartsWith; dropDown.FilterMinLength = 3; dropDown.DropDownButton.Visible = false; dropDown.EnableCallbackMode = true; dropDown.CallbackPageSize = 10; dropDown.ItemRequestedByValue += dropDown_ItemRequestedByValue; dropDown.ItemsRequestedByFilterCondition += dropDown_ItemsRequestedByFilterCondition; dropDown.TextField = Helper.DisplayMember.Name; dropDown.ValueField = Helper.LookupObjectTypeInfo.KeyMember.Name; dropDown.Columns.Add(Helper.LookupObjectTypeInfo.DefaultMember.BindingName); /*if (Helper.LookupObjectTypeInfo.Type.FullName == "MainDemo.Module.BusinessObjects.Contact") { dropDown.Columns.Add("FullName", "FullName", 300); dropDown.Columns.Add("SpouseName", "SpouseName", 300); dropDown.TextFormatString = "{0} {1}"; }*/ newButton = dropDown.Buttons.Add(); clearButton = dropDown.Buttons.Add(); ASPxImageHelper.SetImageProperties(newButton.Image, "Action_New_12x12"); ASPxImageHelper.SetImageProperties(clearButton.Image, "Editor_Clear"); InitTable(); }
public static void SetFormulario(EditButton element, Formulario newFormulario) { DslModeling::DomainRoleInfo.SetLinkedElement(element, EditButtonDomainRoleId, newFormulario); }
private void buildAddBtn(ASPxGridLookup cmb, string popupCode, int moduleID, int width, int height, string title, string param) { EditButton btnAdd = new EditButton(); btnAdd.Image.IconID = "actions_add_16x16"; btnAdd.Image.Height = Unit.Pixel(16); btnAdd.ToolTip = "Thêm mới"; cmb.Buttons.Add(btnAdd); string cmbClientName = cmb.ClientInstanceName; cmb.ClientSideEvents.ButtonClick = string.Format("function(s,e){{btnCmbAdd('{0}','{1}',{2},{3},{4},'{5}','{6}');}}", popupCode, cmbClientName, moduleID, width, height, title, param); cmb.ClientSideEvents.KeyPress = string.Format("function(s,e){{if(event.ctrlKey && event.keyCode==13)btnCmbAdd('{0}','{1}',{2},{3},{4},'{5}','{6}');}}", popupCode, cmbClientName, moduleID, width, height, title, param); }
private void buildFavAddBtn(ASPxGridLookup cmb, string popupCode, int ModulePage, int moduleID, int width, int height, string title, string param) { EditButton btnAdd = new EditButton(); btnAdd.Image.IconID = "actions_add_16x16"; btnAdd.Image.Height = Unit.Pixel(16); btnAdd.ToolTip = "Thêm mới"; cmb.Buttons.Add(btnAdd); string cmbClientName = cmb.ClientInstanceName; string cmbClientID = cmb.ClientID + "_B1Img"; EditButton btnFav = new EditButton(); btnFav.Image.Url = "~/img/nonstar.png"; btnFav.Image.Height = Unit.Pixel(16); btnFav.ToolTip = "Chọn làm giá trị mặc định"; cmb.Buttons.Add(btnFav); cmb.ClientSideEvents.Init = string.Format("function(s,e){{cmbFavAddInit(s,'{0}','{1}',{2});}}", cmbClientName, cmbClientID, ModulePage); cmb.ClientSideEvents.ButtonClick = string.Format("function(s,e){{cmbFavAddClick(s,e,'{0}','{1}','{2}',{3},{4},{5},{6},'{7}','{8}');}}", popupCode, cmbClientName, cmbClientID, ModulePage, moduleID, width, height, title, param); cmb.ClientSideEvents.KeyPress = string.Format("function(s,e){{if(event.ctrlKey && event.keyCode==13)btnCmbAdd('{0}','{1}',{2},{3},{4},'{5}','{6}');}}", popupCode, cmbClientName, moduleID, width, height, title, param); }
private void buildFavBtn(ASPxComboBox cmb, int ModulePage) { EditButton btnFav = new EditButton(); btnFav.Image.Url = "~/img/nonstar.png"; btnFav.Image.Height = Unit.Pixel(16); btnFav.ToolTip = "Chọn làm giá trị mặc định"; cmb.Buttons.Add(btnFav); string cmbClientName = cmb.ClientInstanceName; string cmbClientID = cmb.ClientID + "_B0Img"; cmb.ClientSideEvents.Init = string.Format("function(s,e){{cmbFavInit(s,'{0}','{1}',{2});}}", cmbClientName, cmbClientID, ModulePage); cmb.ClientSideEvents.ButtonClick = string.Format("function(s,e){{cmbFavClick(s,'{0}','{1}',{2});}}", cmbClientName, cmbClientID, ModulePage); }
private void buildRefreshBtn(ASPxGridLookup cmb) { string cmbClientName = cmb.ClientInstanceName; EditButton btnRefresh = new EditButton(); btnRefresh.Image.IconID = "actions_refresh_16x16"; btnRefresh.Image.Height = Unit.Pixel(16); btnRefresh.ToolTip = "Load lại dữ liệu"; cmb.Buttons.Add(btnRefresh); cmb.ClientSideEvents.ButtonClick = string.Format("function(s,e){{cmbRefreshClick('{0}');}}", cmbClientName); }
private void buildFavRefresh(ASPxGridLookup cmb, int ModulePage) { EditButton btnFav = new EditButton(); btnFav.Image.Url = "~/img/nonstar.png"; btnFav.Image.Height = Unit.Pixel(16); btnFav.ToolTip = "Chọn làm giá trị mặc định"; cmb.Buttons.Add(btnFav); EditButton btnRefresh = new EditButton(); btnRefresh.Image.IconID = "actions_refresh_16x16"; btnRefresh.Image.Height = Unit.Pixel(16); btnRefresh.ToolTip = "Load lại dữ liệu"; cmb.Buttons.Add(btnRefresh); string cmbClientName = cmb.ClientInstanceName; string cmbClientID = cmb.ClientID + "_B0Img"; cmb.ClientSideEvents.Init = string.Format("function(s,e){{cmbFavInit(s,'{0}','{1}',{2});}}", cmbClientName, cmbClientID, ModulePage); cmb.ClientSideEvents.ButtonClick = string.Format("function(s,e){{cmbFavRefClick(s,e,'{0}','{1}',{2});}}", cmbClientName, cmbClientID, ModulePage); }