Пример #1
        /// <summary>Expresses an EC# token as a string.</summary>
        /// <remarks>Note that some Tokens do not contain enough information to
        /// reconstruct a useful token string, e.g. comment tokens do not store the
        /// comment but merely contain the location of the comment in the source code.
        /// For performance reasons, a <see cref="Token"/> does not have a reference
        /// to its source file, so this method cannot return the original string.
        /// <para/>
        /// The results are undefined if the token was not produced by <see cref="EcsLexer"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        public static string ToString(Token t)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (t.Kind == TokenKind.Operator || t.Kind == TokenKind.Assignment || t.Kind == TokenKind.Dot)
                if (t.Type() == TT.BQString)
                    return(EcsNodePrinter.PrintString((t.Value ?? "").ToString(), '`', false));
                string value = (t.Value ?? "(null)").ToString();
            switch (t.Type())
            case TT.EOF: return("/*EOF*/");

            case TT.Spaces: return(" ");

            case TT.Newline: return("\n");

            case TT.SLComment: return("//\n");

            case TT.MLComment: return("/**/");

            case TT.Shebang: return("#!" + (t.Value ?? "").ToString() + "\n");

            case TT.Id:
            case TT.ContextualKeyword:
                return(EcsNodePrinter.PrintId(t.Value as Symbol ?? GSymbol.Empty));

            case TT.@base: return("base");

            case TT.@this: return("this");

            case TT.Number:
            case TT.String:
            case TT.SQString:
            case TT.Symbol:
            case TT.OtherLit:
                return(EcsNodePrinter.PrintLiteral(t.Value, t.Style));

            case TT.Comma: return(",");

            case TT.Semicolon: return(";");

            case TT.LParen: return("(");

            case TT.RParen: return(")");

            case TT.LBrack: return("[");

            case TT.RBrack: return("]");

            case TT.LBrace: return("{");

            case TT.RBrace: return("}");

            case TT.AttrKeyword:
                string value = (t.Value ?? "(null)").ToString();

            case TT.TypeKeyword:
                Symbol valueSym = (t.Value as Symbol) ?? GSymbol.Empty;
                string result;
                if (EcsNodePrinter.TypeKeywords.TryGetValue(valueSym, out result))
                    Debug.Fail("Unexpected value for " + t.Type());
                    return((t.Value ?? "(null)").ToString());

            case TT.@break:     return("break");

            case TT.@case:          return("case");

            case TT.@checked:       return("checked");

            case TT.@class:         return("class");

            case TT.@continue:      return("continue");

            case TT.@default:       return("default");

            case TT.@delegate:      return("delegate");

            case TT.@do:            return("do");

            case TT.@enum:          return("enum");

            case TT.@event:         return("event");

            case TT.@fixed:         return("fixed");

            case TT.@for:           return("for");

            case TT.@foreach:       return("foreach");

            case TT.@goto:          return("goto");

            case TT.@if:            return("if");

            case TT.@interface:     return("interface");

            case TT.@lock:          return("lock");

            case TT.@namespace:     return("namespace");

            case TT.@return:        return("return");

            case TT.@struct:        return("struct");

            case TT.@switch:        return("switch");

            case TT.@throw:         return("throw");

            case TT.@try:           return("try");

            case TT.@unchecked:     return("unchecked");

            case TT.@using:         return("using");

            case TT.@while:         return("while");

            case TT.@operator:  return("operator");

            case TT.@sizeof:    return("sizeof");

            case TT.@typeof:    return("typeof");

            case TT.@else:      return("else");

            case TT.@catch:     return("catch");

            case TT.@finally:       return("finally");

            case TT.@in:            return("in");

            case TT.@as:            return("as");

            case TT.@is:            return("is");

            case TT.@new:           return("new");

            case TT.@out:           return("out");

            case TT.@stackalloc: return("stackalloc");

            case TT.PPif: return("#if");

            case TT.PPelse: return("#else");

            case TT.PPelif: return("#elif");

            case TT.PPendif: return("#endif");

            case TT.PPdefine: return("#define");

            case TT.PPundef: return("#undef");

            case TT.PPwarning: return("#warning" + t.Value);

            case TT.PPerror: return("#error" + t.Value);

            case TT.PPnote: return("#note" + t.Value);

            case TT.PPline: return("#line");

            case TT.PPregion: return("#region" + t.Value);

            case TT.PPendregion: return("#endregion");

            case TT.PPpragma: return("#pragma");

            case TT.PPignored: return((t.Value ?? "").ToString());

                return(string.Format("@`unknown token 0x{0:X4}`", t.TypeInt));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>Expresses an EC# token as a string.</summary>
        /// <remarks>Note that some Tokens do not contain enough information to
        /// reconstruct a useful token string, e.g. comment tokens do not store the
        /// comment but merely contain the location of the comment in the source code.
        /// For performance reasons, a <see cref="Token"/> does not have a reference
        /// to its source file, so this method cannot return the original string.
        /// <para/>
        /// The results are undefined if the token was not produced by <see cref="EcsLexer"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        public static string ToString(Token t, ICharSource sourceCode)
            if (sourceCode != null && t.EndIndex <= sourceCode.Count)
                return(sourceCode.Slice(t.StartIndex, t.Length).ToString());

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (t.Kind == TokenKind.Operator || t.Kind == TokenKind.Assignment || t.Kind == TokenKind.Dot)
                if (t.Type() == TT.BQString)
                    return(EcsNodePrinter.PrintString((t.Value ?? "").ToString(), '`', false));
                string value = (t.Value ?? "(null)").ToString();
            switch (t.Type())
            case TT.EOF: return("/*EOF*/");

            case TT.Spaces: return(" ");

            case TT.Newline: return("\n");

            case TT.SLComment: return("//\n");

            case TT.MLComment: return("/**/");

            case TT.Shebang: return("#!" + (t.Value ?? "").ToString() + "\n");

            case TT.Id:
            case TT.ContextualKeyword:
            case TT.LinqKeyword:
                var mode = (t.Style & NodeStyle.Operator) != 0 ? EcsNodePrinter.IdPrintMode.Operator :
                           (t.Style & NodeStyle.VerbatimId) != 0 ? EcsNodePrinter.IdPrintMode.Verbatim : EcsNodePrinter.IdPrintMode.Normal;
                return(EcsNodePrinter.PrintId(t.Value as Symbol ?? GSymbol.Empty, mode));

            case TT.Base: return("base");

            case TT.This: return("this");

            case TT.Literal:
                return(EcsNodePrinter.PrintLiteral(t.Value, t.Style));

            case TT.Comma: return(",");

            case TT.Semicolon: return(";");

            case TT.LParen: return("(");

            case TT.RParen: return(")");

            case TT.LBrack: return("[");

            case TT.RBrack: return("]");

            case TT.LBrace: return("{");

            case TT.RBrace: return("}");

            case TT.AttrKeyword:
                string value = (t.Value ?? "(null)").ToString();

            case TT.TypeKeyword:
                Symbol valueSym = (t.Value as Symbol) ?? GSymbol.Empty;
                string result;
                if (EcsFacts.TypeKeywords.TryGetValue(valueSym, out result))
                    Debug.Fail("Unexpected value for " + t.Type());
                    return((t.Value ?? "(null)").ToString());

            case TT.CheckedOrUnchecked:

            case TT.Break:       return("break");

            case TT.Case:        return("case");

            case TT.Class:       return("class");

            case TT.Continue:    return("continue");

            case TT.Default:     return("default");

            case TT.Delegate:    return("delegate");

            case TT.Do:          return("do");

            case TT.Enum:        return("enum");

            case TT.Event:       return("event");

            case TT.Fixed:       return("fixed");

            case TT.For:         return("for");

            case TT.Foreach:     return("foreach");

            case TT.Goto:        return("goto");

            case TT.If:          return("if");

            case TT.Interface:   return("interface");

            case TT.Lock:        return("lock");

            case TT.Namespace:   return("namespace");

            case TT.Return:      return("return");

            case TT.Struct:      return("struct");

            case TT.Switch:      return("switch");

            case TT.Throw:       return("throw");

            case TT.Try:         return("try");

            case TT.Using:       return("using");

            case TT.While:       return("while");

            case TT.Operator:    return("operator");

            case TT.Sizeof:      return("sizeof");

            case TT.Typeof:      return("typeof");

            case TT.Else:        return("else");

            case TT.Catch:       return("catch");

            case TT.Finally:     return("finally");

            case TT.In:          return("in");

            case TT.As:          return("as");

            case TT.Is:          return("is");

            case TT.New:         return("new");

            case TT.Out:         return("out");

            case TT.Stackalloc:  return("stackalloc");

            case TT.PPif: return("#if");

            case TT.PPelse: return("#else");

            case TT.PPelif: return("#elif");

            case TT.PPendif: return("#endif");

            case TT.PPdefine: return("#define");

            case TT.PPundef: return("#undef");

            case TT.PPwarning: return("#warning" + t.Value);

            case TT.PPerror: return("#error" + t.Value);

            case TT.PPnote: return("#note" + t.Value);

            case TT.PPline: return("#line");

            case TT.PPregion: return("#region" + t.Value);

            case TT.PPendregion: return("#endregion");

            case TT.PPpragma: return("#pragma");

            case TT.PPignored: return((t.Value ?? "").ToString());

                return(string.Format("@`unknown token 0x{0:X4}`", t.TypeInt));