private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var parser = new FileIniDataParser(); = parser.ReadFile("config.ini"); timerProcessor = new Timer(); timerMonitor = new Timer(); timerProcessor.Tick += new EventHandler(timerProcessor_Tick); timerMonitor.Tick += new EventHandler(timerMonitor_Tick); timerMonitor.Interval = 500; timerProcessor.Interval = 2000; this.Visible = false; this.ShowInTaskbar = false; trayIcon = new NotifyIcon() { Icon = Resources.AppIcon, Text = "MasterCCR", ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(new MenuItem[] { new MenuItem("Show", Show) }), Visible = true }; int result = 0; result = EcrCom.Open("PORT = " + data["cash_register"]["comm_port"]); if (result != 0) { addActivity("error", "Connection to ECR failed!"); EcrCom.Close(); } else { EcrCom.Close(); timerProcessor.Start(); } timerMonitor.Start(); }
private void timerProcessor_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { processings++; lblProcessings.Text = "Poll: " + processings.ToString(); try { string connstring = String.Format("Server={0};Port={1};" + "User Id={2};Password={3};Database={4};", data["database"]["host"], data["database"]["port"], data["database"]["username"], data["database"]["password"], data["database"]["database"]); NpgsqlConnection conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connstring); conn.Open(); // Get the next unprocessed order DataSet dsOrder = new DataSet(); DataTable dtOrder = new DataTable(); string sql = "SELECT * FROM pos_order " + "WHERE ecr_process = 0 AND create_date > current_date AND " + "(SELECT SUM(qty) FROM pos_order_line WHERE order_id = pos_order.\"id\") > 0 "; string fiscalJournalIds = data["cash_register"]["fiscal_journal_id"]; if (fiscalJournalIds != null) { sql += " AND EXISTS (SELECT id FROM account_bank_statement_line WHERE pos_statement_id = " + " AND journal_id IN (" + fiscalJournalIds + "))"; } sql += " LIMIT 1"; NpgsqlDataAdapter daOrder = new NpgsqlDataAdapter(sql, conn); dsOrder.Reset(); daOrder.Fill(dsOrder); dtOrder = dsOrder.Tables[0]; if (dtOrder.Rows.Count > 0) { this.addActivity("info", "Order found. Processing..."); DataRow rowOrder = dtOrder.Rows[0]; int result = 0; result = EcrCom.Open("PORT = " + data["cash_register"]["comm_port"]); if (result == 0) { string commandResult = "OK."; this.addActivity("success", "ECR Communication opened. Sending data..."); EcrCom.EcrCmd("CLEAR", ref commandResult); if (commandResult != "OK.") { throw new InvalidOperationException(commandResult); } EcrCom.EcrCmd("CHIAVE REG", ref commandResult); if (commandResult != "OK.") { throw new InvalidOperationException(commandResult); } sql = "SELECT pos_order_line.\"id\", pos_order_line.product_id, " + "qty, price_unit, as product_name " + "FROM pos_order_line " + "JOIN product_product ON pos_order_line.product_id = " + "JOIN product_template ON = product_product.product_tmpl_id " + "WHERE pos_order_line.order_id = " + rowOrder["id"]; NpgsqlDataAdapter daOrderLine = new NpgsqlDataAdapter(sql, conn); DataSet dsOrderLine = new DataSet(); dsOrderLine.Reset(); daOrderLine.Fill(dsOrderLine); DataTable dtOrderLine = dsOrderLine.Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow rowOrderLine in dtOrderLine.Rows) { sql = "SELECT * FROM product_taxes_rel WHERE prod_id = " + rowOrderLine["product_id"]; NpgsqlDataAdapter daProductTaxes = new NpgsqlDataAdapter(sql, conn); DataSet dsProductTaxes = new DataSet(); dsProductTaxes.Reset(); daProductTaxes.Fill(dsProductTaxes); DataTable dtProductTaxes = dsProductTaxes.Tables[0]; string department = "1", otherDepartment = "2"; if (data["cash_register"]["default_department"] != null) { department = data["cash_register"]["default_department"]; otherDepartment = department == "1" ? "2" : "1"; } if (dtProductTaxes.Rows.Count > 0) { department = otherDepartment; } EcrCom.EcrCmd(String.Format("VEND REP={0},qty={1},PREZZO={2},DES='{3}'", department, rowOrderLine["qty"], rowOrderLine["price_unit"], rowOrderLine["product_name"]), ref commandResult); if (commandResult != "OK.") { throw new InvalidOperationException(commandResult); } } if (data["footer"]["footer"].ToUpper().Equals("TRUE")) { EcrCom.EcrCmd("ALLEGA ON", ref commandResult); EcrCom.EcrCmd("CHIUD=1", ref commandResult); EcrCom.EcrCmd("ALLEG RIGA='" + data["footer"]["message"] + "'", ref commandResult); EcrCom.EcrCmd("ALLEGA FINE", ref commandResult); } else { EcrCom.EcrCmd("CHIU TEND = 1", ref commandResult); } if (commandResult != "OK.") { throw new InvalidOperationException(commandResult); } EcrCom.Close(); this.addActivity("info", "ECR Communication closed."); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Connection to ECR failed!"); } NpgsqlCommand command = conn.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = "UPDATE pos_order SET ecr_process = 1 WHERE id = @id"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("id", rowOrder["id"]); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); this.addActivity("success", "Order processed."); } conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { this.addActivity("error", ex.Message); EcrCom.Close(); timerProcessor.Stop(); } }