Пример #1
		public static void Main (string[] args)
			var input = new StringReader (args[0]);
			var lexer = new EcmaUrlTokenizer (input);
			var parser = new EcmaUrlParser ();

			Console.WriteLine (parser.yyparse (lexer));
Пример #2
        public void TestEcmaDescToMD_GenericNestedArray()
            EcmaUrlParser EcmaParser = new EcmaUrlParser();

            Monodoc.Ecma.EcmaDesc desc = EcmaParser.Parse("T:System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<T>+Enumerator[]");
            var md       = SDPYamlConverter.DescToTypeMDString(desc);
            var expected = "<xref href=\"System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1?alt=System.Collections.Generic.HashSet&text=HashSet\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"True\"/>&lt;T&gt;.<xref href=\"System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1.Enumerator?alt=System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1.Enumerator&text=Enumerator\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"True\"/>[]";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, md);
Пример #3
        public void TestEcmaDescToDisplayName_GenericNested()
            EcmaUrlParser EcmaParser = new EcmaUrlParser();

            Monodoc.Ecma.EcmaDesc desc = EcmaParser.Parse("T:System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<Namespace.Class+NestedClass>+NestedClass2");
            var displayName            = desc.ToDisplayName();
            var expected = "HashSet<Class.NestedClass>.NestedClass2";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, displayName);
Пример #4
        public void TestEcmaDescToMD_GenericNested()
            EcmaUrlParser EcmaParser = new EcmaUrlParser();

            Monodoc.Ecma.EcmaDesc desc = EcmaParser.Parse("T:System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<Namespace.Class+NestedClass>");
            var md       = SDPYamlConverter.DescToTypeMDString(desc);
            var expected = "<xref href=\"System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1?alt=System.Collections.Generic.HashSet&text=HashSet\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"True\"/>&lt;<xref href=\"Namespace.Class.NestedClass?alt=Namespace.Class.NestedClass&text=Class.NestedClass\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"True\"/>&gt;";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, md);
Пример #5
        static int GenericTypeBacktickSearch(IList <Node> childNodes, EcmaDesc desc)
            /* Our strategy is to search for the non-generic variant of the type
             * (which in most case should fail) and then use the closest index
             * to linearily search for the generic variant with the right generic arg number
            var searchNode = new Node()
                Caption = desc.TypeName
            int index = childNodes.BinarySearch(searchNode, EcmaTypeNodeComparer.Instance);

            // Place the index in the right start position
            if (index < 0)
                index = ~index;

            for (int i = index; i < childNodes.Count; i++)
                var currentNode = childNodes[i];
                // Find the index of the generic argument list
                int genericIndex = currentNode.Caption.IndexOf('<');
                // If we are not on the same base type name anymore, there is no point
                int captionSlice = genericIndex != -1 ? genericIndex : currentNode.Caption.LastIndexOf(' ');
                if (string.Compare(searchNode.Caption, 0,
                                   currentNode.Caption, 0,
                                   Math.Max(captionSlice, searchNode.Caption.Length),
                                   StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0)

                var numGenerics = CountTypeGenericArguments(currentNode.Caption, genericIndex);
                if (numGenerics == desc.GenericTypeArguments.Count)
                    // Simple comparison if we are not looking for an inner type
                    if (desc.NestedType == null)
                    // If more complicated, we fallback to using EcmaUrlParser
                    var caption = currentNode.Caption;
                    caption = "T:" + caption.Substring(0, caption.LastIndexOf(' ')).Replace('.', '+');
                    EcmaDesc otherDesc;
                    var      parser = new EcmaUrlParser();
                    if (parser.TryParse(caption, out otherDesc) && desc.NestedType.Equals(otherDesc.NestedType))

Пример #6
        public void TestEcmaDesc2()
            EcmaUrlParser EcmaParser = new EcmaUrlParser();

            Monodoc.Ecma.EcmaDesc desc = EcmaParser.Parse("T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>");
            Console.WriteLine(desc.ToSpecId(new List <string>()
                "TKey", "TValue"
Пример #7
        public void TestEcmaDesc_Matrix()
            EcmaUrlParser EcmaParser = new EcmaUrlParser();

            Monodoc.Ecma.EcmaDesc desc = EcmaParser.Parse("T:System.Predicate<T[,]>");
            var md       = SDPYamlConverter.DescToTypeMDString(desc);
            var expected = "<xref href=\"System.Predicate`1?alt=System.Predicate&text=Predicate\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"True\"/>&lt;T[,]&gt;";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, md);

            desc     = EcmaParser.Parse("T:System.Management.Automation.Host.BufferCell[,,]");
            md       = SDPYamlConverter.DescToTypeMDString(desc);
            expected = "<xref href=\"System.Management.Automation.Host.BufferCell?alt=System.Management.Automation.Host.BufferCell&text=BufferCell\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"True\"/>[,,]";
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, md);
Пример #8
		public void Setup ()
			parser = new EcmaUrlParser ();
Пример #9
		void RewriteCrefsIfNecessary (XDocument doc, string path)
			// we also have to rewrite crefs
			var sees = doc.Descendants ().Where (d => d.Name.LocalName == "see").ToArray ();
			foreach (var see in sees) {
				var cref = see.Attribute ("cref");
				if (cref == null) {
				EcmaUrlParser parser = new EcmaUrlParser ();
				EcmaDesc reference;
				if (!parser.TryParse (cref.Value, out reference)) {
				if ((new EcmaDesc.Kind[] {
				}).Any (k => k == reference.DescKind)) {
					string ns = reference.Namespace;
					string type = reference.TypeName;
					string memberName = reference.MemberName;
					if (reference.MemberArguments != null) {
						XDocument refDoc = FindReferenceDoc (path, doc, ns, type);
						if (refDoc == null) {
						// look in the refDoc for the memberName, and match on parameters and # of type parameters
						var overloads = refDoc.XPathSelectElements ("//Member[@MemberName='" + memberName + "']").ToArray ();
						// Do some initial filtering to find members that could potentially match (based on parameter and typeparam counts)
						var members = overloads.Where (e => reference.MemberArgumentsCount == e.XPathSelectElements ("Parameters/Parameter[not(@apistyle) or @apistyle='classic']").Count () && reference.GenericMemberArgumentsCount == e.XPathSelectElements ("TypeParameters/TypeParameter[not(@apistyle) or @apistyle='classic']").Count ()).Select (m => new {
							Node = m,
							AllParameters = m.XPathSelectElements ("Parameters/Parameter").ToArray (),
							Parameters = m.XPathSelectElements ("Parameters/Parameter[not(@apistyle) or @apistyle='classic']").ToArray (),
							NewParameters = m.XPathSelectElements ("Parameters/Parameter[@apistyle='unified']").ToArray ()
						}).ToArray ();
						// now find the member that matches on types
						var member = members.FirstOrDefault (m => reference.MemberArguments.All (r => m.Parameters.Any (mp => mp.Attribute ("Type").Value.Contains (r.TypeName))));
						if (member == null || member.NewParameters.Length == 0)
						foreach (var arg in reference.MemberArguments) {
							// find the "classic" parameter
							var oldParam = member.Parameters.First (p => p.Attribute ("Type").Value.Contains (arg.TypeName));
							var newParam = member.NewParameters.FirstOrDefault (p => oldParam.Attribute ("Name").Value == p.Attribute ("Name").Value);
							if (newParam != null) {
								// this means there was a change made, and we should try to convert this cref
								arg.TypeName = NativeTypeManager.ConvertToNativeType (arg.TypeName);
						var rewrittenReference = reference.ToEcmaCref ();
						Console.WriteLine ("From {0} to {1}", cref.Value, rewrittenReference);
						cref.Value = rewrittenReference;
 public void Setup()
     parser = new EcmaUrlParser();
Пример #11
        public void TestEcmaDesc_Complex()
            EcmaUrlParser EcmaParser = new EcmaUrlParser();

            Monodoc.Ecma.EcmaDesc desc = EcmaParser.Parse("T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Scorables.Internals.FoldScorable<Item,Score>.State>>");
Пример #12
        void RewriteCrefsIfNecessary(XDocument doc, string path)
            // we also have to rewrite crefs
            var sees = doc.Descendants().Where(d => d.Name.LocalName == "see").ToArray();

            foreach (var see in sees)
                var cref = see.Attribute("cref");
                if (cref == null)
                EcmaUrlParser parser = new EcmaUrlParser();
                EcmaDesc      reference;
                if (!parser.TryParse(cref.Value, out reference))
                if ((new EcmaDesc.Kind[] {
                }).Any(k => k == reference.DescKind))
                    string ns         = reference.Namespace;
                    string type       = reference.TypeName;
                    string memberName = reference.MemberName;
                    if (reference.MemberArguments != null)
                        XDocument refDoc = FindReferenceDoc(path, doc, ns, type);
                        if (refDoc == null)
                        // look in the refDoc for the memberName, and match on parameters and # of type parameters
                        var overloads = refDoc.XPathSelectElements("//Member[@MemberName='" + memberName + "']").ToArray();
                        // Do some initial filtering to find members that could potentially match (based on parameter and typeparam counts)
                        var members = overloads.Where(e => reference.MemberArgumentsCount == e.XPathSelectElements("Parameters/Parameter[not(@apistyle) or @apistyle='classic']").Count() && reference.GenericMemberArgumentsCount == e.XPathSelectElements("TypeParameters/TypeParameter[not(@apistyle) or @apistyle='classic']").Count()).Select(m => new {
                            Node          = m,
                            AllParameters = m.XPathSelectElements("Parameters/Parameter").ToArray(),
                            Parameters    = m.XPathSelectElements("Parameters/Parameter[not(@apistyle) or @apistyle='classic']").ToArray(),
                            NewParameters = m.XPathSelectElements("Parameters/Parameter[@apistyle='unified']").ToArray()
                        // now find the member that matches on types
                        var member = members.FirstOrDefault(m => reference.MemberArguments.All(r => m.Parameters.Any(mp => mp.Attribute("Type").Value.Contains(r.TypeName))));
                        if (member == null || member.NewParameters.Length == 0)
                        foreach (var arg in reference.MemberArguments)
                            // find the "classic" parameter
                            var oldParam = member.Parameters.First(p => p.Attribute("Type").Value.Contains(arg.TypeName));
                            var newParam = member.NewParameters.FirstOrDefault(p => oldParam.Attribute("Name").Value == p.Attribute("Name").Value);
                            if (newParam != null)
                                // this means there was a change made, and we should try to convert this cref
                                arg.TypeName = NativeTypeManager.ConvertToNativeType(arg.TypeName);
                        var rewrittenReference = reference.ToEcmaCref();
                        Console.WriteLine("From {0} to {1}", cref.Value, rewrittenReference);
                        cref.Value = rewrittenReference;