public string GetTokenJSON(int userCode)
        Dictionary<string, int> localTokens = new Dictionary<string, int>();
        EbayServiceBL service = new EbayServiceBL(userCode);
        foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> pair in service.UserTokens)
            string result = service.GetUser(pair.Value);

            localTokens.Add(result, pair.Key);
        string tokenJSON = Common.Serialize(localTokens);
        return tokenJSON;
Пример #2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Dictionary<string,int> localTokens = new Dictionary<string,int>();
        EbayServiceBL service = new EbayServiceBL(UserKey);
        foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> pair in service.UserTokens)
            string result = service.GetUser(pair.Value);

            localTokens.Add(result, pair.Key);

        string tokenJSON = Common.Serialize(localTokens);
        hfTokenJSON.Value = tokenJSON;
Пример #3
 public List<ParcelItem> GetEbayTransactions(int UserCode)
     EbayServiceBL service = new EbayServiceBL(UserCode);
     List<ParcelItem> allEbayItems = new List<ParcelItem>();
     if (service.UserTokens != null)
         foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> account in service.UserTokens)
             List<ParcelItem> ebayItems = GetEbayAccountTransactions(service, account,UserCode);
             if (ebayItems != null)
         return allEbayItems.OrderBy(a => a.Type).ThenBy(a => a.AccountID).ThenBy(a => a.BuyerID).ToList();
         return null;
Пример #4
    public List<CategoryType> GetEbayCategories(int UserCode)
        EbayServiceBL service = new EbayServiceBL(UserCode);
        List<CategoryType> allEbayCategories = new List<CategoryType>();
        if (service.UserTokens != null)

            foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> account in service.UserTokens)
                CategoryType[] Categories = service.GetCategories(account.Value.ToString());
                if (Categories != null)
            return allEbayCategories.ToList();
            return null;
    public string GetSearchByKeyword(string keyword, int pageSize, string TokenJSON, string filters, int? userCode)
        int UserCode = userCode == null ? new Base().UserKey : (int)userCode;
        User user = new DataModelEntities().Users.FirstOrDefault(f => f.User_Code == userCode);
        dynamic filterObject = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<dynamic>(filters);

        EbayServiceBL serviceBL = new EbayServiceBL(UserCode);

        FindItemsByKeywordsResponse response = serviceBL.SearchItems(keyword, pageSize, 1, filterObject);
        SearchResult result = response.searchResult;

        if (result == null)
            return null;

        // get all Items Details
        SimpleItemType[] simpleItems = serviceBL.GetMultipleItemsDetails(result);
        List<EbaySearchItem> searchItems = new List<EbaySearchItem>();

        Dictionary<string, int> tokens = (Dictionary<string, int>)Common.Deserialize(TokenJSON, typeof(Dictionary<string, int>));

        string[] mySellerIDs = tokens.Select(t => t.Key).ToArray();

        // Looping through response object for result
        foreach (SearchItem item in result.item)
            SimpleItemType simpleItem = simpleItems.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ItemID == item.itemId);
            if (simpleItem.ReserveMetSpecified == false || simpleItem.ReserveMet == true)
                EbaySearchItem searchItem = new EbaySearchItem();
                string timeLeft = item.sellingStatus.timeLeft, days = string.Empty, temp = string.Empty;

                if (timeLeft.IndexOf('D') != -1)
                    days = timeLeft.Substring(timeLeft.IndexOf('P') + 1, timeLeft.IndexOf('D') - 1) + "d ";
                if (days == "0d ")
                    days = "";

                temp = days + timeLeft.Substring(timeLeft.IndexOf('T') + 1, timeLeft.IndexOf('H') - timeLeft.IndexOf('T') - 1) + "h ";

                if (days == "")
                    timeLeft = temp + timeLeft.Substring(timeLeft.IndexOf('H') + 1, timeLeft.IndexOf('M') - timeLeft.IndexOf('H') - 1) + "m";
                    timeLeft = temp;

                searchItem.ItemID = item.itemId;
                searchItem.Title = item.title;
                searchItem.Price = item.sellingStatus.currentPrice.Value;
                searchItem.TimeRemaining = timeLeft;
                searchItem.ViewURL = item.viewItemURL;
                searchItem.ImageURL = item.galleryURL;
                searchItem.SellerID = simpleItem.Seller.UserID;
                searchItem.TopRatedSeller = simpleItem.Seller.TopRatedSeller;
                searchItem.SellerScore = simpleItem.Seller.PositiveFeedbackPercent;
                searchItem.ConvertedPrice = item.sellingStatus.convertedCurrentPrice.Value;
                searchItem.TotalCost = searchItem.ConvertedPrice;//will be shown on search result

                //We are ignoring Shipping cost for the time being because we dont have solution to get converted shipping cost
                if (item.shippingInfo.shippingServiceCost != null)
                    searchItem.ShippingCost = item.shippingInfo.shippingServiceCost.Value;
                    searchItem.ShippingCost = 0;

                /*If user have selected include shipping in settings shippingcost + price*/
                if (user.Automation_Include_Shipping != null && user.Automation_Include_Shipping == true)
                    searchItem.TotalCostIncludingShipping = searchItem.ShippingCost + searchItem.ConvertedPrice;
                    searchItem.TotalCostIncludingShipping = searchItem.ConvertedPrice;

                if (mySellerIDs.Contains(searchItem.SellerID))
                    searchItem.IsMyProduct = true;
                    searchItem.IsMyProduct = false;


        var data = searchItems.OrderBy(o => o.TotalCostIncludingShipping).ToList();
        return Common.Serialize(data);
    public string GetProductRankTitle(string filterJSON, int pageSize, string TokenJSON, int? userCode)
        int UserCode = userCode == null ? new Base().UserKey : (int)userCode;
        User user = new DataModelEntities().Users.FirstOrDefault(f => f.User_Code == UserCode);
        pageSize = user.Search_Only_Top_Items == null || user.Search_Only_Top_Items == 0 ? 25 : (int)user.Search_Only_Top_Items;

        SellerItem sellerItem = null;
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterJSON))
            sellerItem = (SellerItem)Common.Deserialize(filterJSON, typeof(SellerItem));
        if (sellerItem != null)
            //EbayServiceBL serviceBL = new EbayServiceBL(UserCode);
            EbayServiceBL serviceBL = new EbayServiceBL(UserCode, (int)sellerItem.Country_Code);

            FindItemsByKeywordsResponse response = null;
            SearchResult result = null;

            //There is no filter for ignored words
            //I am requesting api to give 60 items so that i can ignore items based on ingored words

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sellerItem.Ignore_Words))
                response = serviceBL.SearchItems(sellerItem, 60, 1);
                result = response.searchResult;

                if (result == null || result.count == 0)
                    return null;

                string[] ignoredWords = sellerItem.Ignore_Words.Split(',');
                SearchItem[] shortResult = result.item.AsEnumerable().Where(w => !ignoredWords.Any(a => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(a) && w.title.ToLower().Contains(a.ToLower()))).Take(pageSize).ToArray();
                if (shortResult.Length > 0)
                    result.item = shortResult;
                    result.count = shortResult.Length;
                    return null;
                response = serviceBL.SearchItems(sellerItem, pageSize, 1);
                result = response.searchResult;

                if (result == null || result.count == 0)
                    return null;


            //FindItemsByKeywordsResponse response = serviceBL.SearchItems(sellerItem, pageSize, 1);
            //SearchResult result = response.searchResult;

            //if (result == null || result.count == 0)
            //    return null;

            // get all Items Details
            SimpleItemType[] simpleItems = serviceBL.GetMultipleItemsDetails(result);
            List<EbaySearchItem> searchItems = new List<EbaySearchItem>();

            Dictionary<string, int> tokens = (Dictionary<string, int>)Common.Deserialize(TokenJSON, typeof(Dictionary<string, int>));

            string[] mySellerIDs = tokens.Select(t => t.Key).ToArray();

            // Looping through response object for result
            foreach (SearchItem item in result.item)
                SimpleItemType simpleItem = simpleItems.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ItemID == item.itemId);
                if (simpleItem.ReserveMetSpecified == false || simpleItem.ReserveMet == true)
                    EbaySearchItem searchItem = new EbaySearchItem();
                    string timeLeft = item.sellingStatus.timeLeft, days = string.Empty, temp = string.Empty;

                    if (timeLeft.IndexOf('D') != -1)
                        days = timeLeft.Substring(timeLeft.IndexOf('P') + 1, timeLeft.IndexOf('D') - 1) + "d ";
                    if (days == "0d ")
                        days = "";

                    temp = days + timeLeft.Substring(timeLeft.IndexOf('T') + 1, timeLeft.IndexOf('H') - timeLeft.IndexOf('T') - 1) + "h ";

                    if (days == "")
                        timeLeft = temp + timeLeft.Substring(timeLeft.IndexOf('H') + 1, timeLeft.IndexOf('M') - timeLeft.IndexOf('H') - 1) + "m";
                        timeLeft = temp;

                    searchItem.ItemID = item.itemId;
                    searchItem.Title = item.title;
                    searchItem.Price = item.sellingStatus.currentPrice.Value;
                    searchItem.TimeRemaining = timeLeft;
                    searchItem.ViewURL = item.viewItemURL;
                    searchItem.ImageURL = item.galleryURL;
                    searchItem.SellerID = simpleItem.Seller.UserID;
                    searchItem.TopRatedSeller = simpleItem.Seller.TopRatedSeller;
                    searchItem.SellerScore = simpleItem.Seller.PositiveFeedbackPercent;
                    searchItem.ConvertedPrice = item.sellingStatus.convertedCurrentPrice.Value;
                    searchItem.TotalCost = searchItem.ConvertedPrice;//will be shown on search result

                    //We are ignoring Shipping cost for the time being because we dont have solution to get converted shipping cost
                    //if (item.shippingInfo.shippingServiceCost != null && user.Country1.Country_Abbr.ToUpper() == sellerItem.LocatedIn.ToUpper())
                    //    searchItem.ShippingCost = item.shippingInfo.shippingServiceCost.Value;
                    //    searchItem.ShippingCost = 0;

                    /*If user have selected include shipping in settings shippingcost + price*/
                    if (user.Automation_Include_Shipping != null && user.Automation_Include_Shipping == true)
                        searchItem.TotalCostIncludingShipping = searchItem.ShippingCost + searchItem.ConvertedPrice;
                        searchItem.TotalCostIncludingShipping = searchItem.ConvertedPrice;

                    if (mySellerIDs.Contains(searchItem.SellerID))
                        searchItem.IsMyProduct = true;
                        searchItem.IsMyProduct = false;


            var data = searchItems.Where(w => w.ItemID == sellerItem.Item_ID || w.IsMyProduct == false).ToList().OrderBy(o => o.TotalCost);
            return Common.Serialize(data);
            return null;
    public string UpdateProductTitle(string ItemId, string Title, string TokenJSON, string userID)
        Dictionary<string, int> tokens = (Dictionary<string, int>)Common.Deserialize(TokenJSON, typeof(Dictionary<string, int>));

        int userAccountCode = tokens[userID];

        int UserCode = new Base().UserKey;
        EbayServiceBL service = new EbayServiceBL(UserCode);

        string result = service.ReviseEbayItemTitle(ItemId, Title, service.UserTokens[userAccountCode]);

        return result;
    private void UpdateEbaySale(Manifest item)
        DataModelEntities context = new DataModelEntities();
        UserAccount account;
        if (item.AccountID == string.Empty)
            account = context.UserAccounts.Where(u => u.User_Code == UserKey & u.Account_Code == (int)Constant.Accounts.Ebay && u.Is_Active == true).OrderBy(u => u.User_Account_Code).First();
            int userAccountCode = int.Parse(item.AccountID);
            account = context.UserAccounts.First(u => u.User_Account_Code == userAccountCode);

        if (item.ItemID != string.Empty && item.TransactionID != string.Empty) // check if both itemID and transactionID are valid.
            CompleteSaleResponseType response = new EbayServiceBL(UserKey).UpdateShippingInfo(item.ItemID, item.TransactionID, item.TrackingNumber, account.Config_Value1);
            if (response.Ack == AckCodeType.Success || response.Ack == AckCodeType.Warning)
                // status updated
                lblUploadStatus.Text = "Success. Ebay Shipping Information updated";

                // delete from database too
                PriceManagerDAL.ParcelItem itemToDelete = context.ParcelItems.FirstOrDefault(f => f.User_Code == UserKey && f.TransactionID == item.TransactionID && f.ItemID == item.ItemID);
                if (itemToDelete != null)
                // some error
                lblUploadStatus.Text = "Error!! " + response.Errors[0].LongMessage;
            lblSkippedItems.Text += item.TrackingNumber + ", ";

        context = null;
    protected void btnConfirmAuthorization_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (IsValid)
            string sessionID = hfSessionID.Value;

                // fetch a new token using SessionID
                string token = new EbayServiceBL(UserKey).FetchToken(sessionID);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token) == false)
                    // save entry in database.
                    DataModelEntities context = new DataModelEntities();
                    // check if user is creating a new account, or updating existing one
                    UserAccount userAccount = null;

                    if (hfSelectedEbayAccountID.Value == "0")
                        userAccount = new UserAccount();
                        userAccount.User_Code = UserKey;
                        userAccount.Account_Code = (int)Constant.Accounts.Ebay;
                        userAccount.Application_Name = string.Empty;
                        userAccount.Config_Value1 = token;
                        userAccount.Created_Date = DateTime.Now;
                        userAccount.Is_Active = true;
                        userAccount.User_IP = Request.UserHostAddress;

                        int userAccountCode = Convert.ToInt32(hfSelectedEbayAccountID.Value);
                        userAccount = context.UserAccounts.First(u => u.User_Account_Code == userAccountCode);
                        userAccount.Config_Value1 = token;
                        userAccount.Modified_Date = DateTime.Now;
                        userAccount.User_IP = Request.UserHostAddress;


                        EbayServiceBL service = new EbayServiceBL((int)userAccount.User_Code);
                        if (service.UserTokens != null)
                            Dictionary<string, int> localTokens = new Dictionary<string, int>();
                            foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> pair in service.UserTokens)
                                string ebayUserName = service.GetUser(pair.Value);

                                if (pair.Key == userAccount.User_Account_Code)
                                    userAccount.Ebay_User_Name = ebayUserName;



                        ParcelBL objParcelBL = new ParcelBL();
                        System.Threading.Thread t = new System.Threading.Thread(() => objParcelBL.SaveEbayUserItems(UserKey));

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logging.WriteLog(LogType.Critical, ex.ToString());

                    ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "1", "window.location.reload()", true);
                    lblAuthError.Text = string.Empty;
                    lblAuthError.Text = "Either you have not authorized properly, or the Ebay servers are down for the moment. Please try agian in a while.";
            catch (Exception ex)
                lblAuthError.Text = "Either you have not authorized properly, or the Ebay servers are down for the moment. Please try agian in a while.";

Пример #10
    public void UpdateProductTitle(int sellerItemCode, ItemTitle itemTitle, ItemTitle oldTitle)
        DataModelEntities context = new DataModelEntities();
           SellerItem sellerItem = context.SellerItems.First(f => f.Item_Code == sellerItemCode);

           EbayServiceBL service = new EbayServiceBL((int)sellerItem.User_Code, (int)sellerItem.Country_Code);
           string result = service.ReviseEbayItemTitle(sellerItem.Item_ID, itemTitle.Title, service.UserTokens[(int)sellerItem.User_Account_Code]);

           /*In case of success service returns null*/
           if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
           TitleHistory ph = new TitleHistory();
           ph.Item_Code = sellerItemCode;
           ph.New_Title = itemTitle.Title;
           ph.Old_Title = oldTitle == null ? sellerItem.Item_Name : oldTitle.Title;
           ph.Total_Sales = oldTitle == null ? sellerItem.Current_Sales : oldTitle.TotalSales;
           ph.Created_Date = System.DateTime.Now;
           Logging.WriteLog(LogType.Info, sellerItem.Item_ID + " Title revised.");
           Logging.WriteLog(LogType.Error, result);
Пример #11
    public void UpdateProductPrice(string productRankResponse, SellerItem sellerItem)
        EbayServiceBL service = new EbayServiceBL((int)sellerItem.User_Code, (int)sellerItem.Country_Code);
        double? averagePrice = null;
        double newPrice;
        double? AvgORLow = null;
        double floorPrice = Convert.ToDouble(sellerItem.Floor_Price);
        double ceilingPrice = Convert.ToDouble(sellerItem.Ceiling_Price);
        int? rank = null;
        double? shippingCost = null;

        List<EbaySearchItem> searchItems = (List<EbaySearchItem>)Common.Deserialize(productRankResponse, typeof(List<EbaySearchItem>));
        string ItemID = sellerItem.Item_ID;

        EbaySearchItem myItem = searchItems.FirstOrDefault(f => f.ItemID == ItemID);
        if (myItem != null)
            shippingCost = myItem.ShippingCost;
            rank = searchItems.IndexOf(myItem);
            var myItemResponse = service.SearchItemsByID(ItemID);
            var myItemresult = myItemResponse.searchResult;
            if (myItemresult != null && myItemresult.count > 0)
                var myItemSearched = myItemresult.item.FirstOrDefault(f => f.itemId == ItemID);
                shippingCost = myItemSearched.shippingInfo.shippingServiceCost != null ? myItemSearched.shippingInfo.shippingServiceCost.Value : 0;
                //shippingCost = 0;

        List<EbaySearchItem> excludedMySearchItems = searchItems.Where(w => w.IsMyProduct == false).ToList();
        EbaySearchItem minPriceSearchItem = excludedMySearchItems.OrderBy(o => o.TotalCostIncludingShipping).FirstOrDefault();
        EbaySearchItem maxPriceSearchItem = excludedMySearchItems.OrderByDescending(o => o.TotalCostIncludingShipping).FirstOrDefault();

        /*Get averagePrice Price From Seached Items Excluded User's Items*/

        if (excludedMySearchItems != null)
            averagePrice = excludedMySearchItems.Sum(s => s.TotalCostIncludingShipping) / excludedMySearchItems.Count;

        /*Set New Price Of Item According to Algo which have been selected by user*/

        if (sellerItem.Algo == Convert.ToString((int)Common.Algo.Lowest))
            if (sellerItem.Less_To_Lowest_Price == null)
                AvgORLow = minPriceSearchItem != null ? (double?)(minPriceSearchItem.TotalCostIncludingShipping - 0.1) : null;
                AvgORLow = minPriceSearchItem != null ? (double?)(minPriceSearchItem.TotalCostIncludingShipping - Convert.ToDouble(sellerItem.Less_To_Lowest_Price)) : null;
                //AvgORLow = minPriceSearchItem != null ? (double?)(minPriceSearchItem.TotalCost - (minPriceSearchItem.TotalCost * Convert.ToDouble(sellerItem.Less_To_Lowest_Price))) : null; it was before 9th april 2014
        else if (sellerItem.Algo == Convert.ToString((int)Common.Algo.Average))
            AvgORLow = averagePrice;
        else if (sellerItem.Algo == Convert.ToString((int)Common.Algo.MatchLowest))
            AvgORLow = minPriceSearchItem.TotalCostIncludingShipping;
            AvgORLow = null;

        /*IF AvgORLow is set and not equals to null means price will be updated */

        if (AvgORLow != null)
            newPrice = AvgORLow >= floorPrice &&
                       AvgORLow <= ceilingPrice ?
                       Convert.ToDouble(AvgORLow) :
                       AvgORLow > ceilingPrice ?
                       ceilingPrice :

            if (sellerItem.User.Automation_Include_Shipping == true && sellerItem.User.Country1.Country_Abbr.ToUpper() == sellerItem.LocatedIn.ToUpper())
                if (shippingCost == null)

                newPrice = newPrice - Convert.ToDouble(shippingCost);

            if (sellerItem.Is_Round_To_Nearest == true)
                newPrice = Math.Floor(newPrice / 0.10) * 0.10;

            if (sellerItem.Current_Price == Convert.ToDecimal(newPrice))

            string result = service.ReviseEbayItem(sellerItem.Item_ID, (double)newPrice, service.UserTokens[(int)sellerItem.User_Account_Code]);

            /*In case of success service returns null*/
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))

                DataModelEntities context = new DataModelEntities();
                SellerItem si = context.SellerItems.First(f => f.Item_Code == sellerItem.Item_Code);

                PricingHistory ph = new PricingHistory();
                ph.Algo = si.Algo;
                ph.Keyword = si.Keywords;
                ph.Item_Code = si.Item_Code;
                ph.Old_Price = si.Current_Price;
                ph.New_Price = Convert.ToDecimal(newPrice);
                ph.Created_Date = System.DateTime.Now;
                ph.Currency = sellerItem.Currency;

                si.Current_Price = Convert.ToDecimal(newPrice);
                si.Item_Rank = rank != null ? rank + 1 : null;

                if (sellerItem.Floor_Price == Convert.ToDecimal(newPrice))
                    /*Send Floor limit Reaced Notification*/
                    System.Threading.Thread t = new System.Threading.Thread(() => SendFloorLimitReachedAlert(sellerItem));


                if (sellerItem.Ceiling_Price == Convert.ToDecimal(newPrice))
                    /*Send Floor limit Reaced Notification*/
                    System.Threading.Thread t = new System.Threading.Thread(() => SendFloorLimitReachedAlert(sellerItem));

                Logging.WriteLog(LogType.Info, sellerItem.Item_ID + " Price revised.");
                Logging.WriteLog(LogType.Error, result);
    protected void btnConfirmAuthorization_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (IsValid)
            string sessionID = hfSessionID.Value;

                // fetch a new token using SessionID
                string token = new EbayServiceBL(UserKey).FetchToken(sessionID);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token) == false)
                    // save entry in database.
                    DataModelEntities context = new DataModelEntities();

                    // check if user is creating a new account, or updating existing one
                    if (hfSelectedEbayAccountID.Value == "0")
                        UserAccount userAccount = new UserAccount();
                        userAccount.User_Code = UserKey;
                        userAccount.Account_Code = (int)Constant.Accounts.Ebay;
                        userAccount.Application_Name = string.Empty;
                        userAccount.Config_Value1 = token;
                        userAccount.Created_Date = DateTime.Now;
                        userAccount.Is_Active = true;
                        userAccount.User_IP = Request.UserHostAddress;

                        int userAccountCode = Convert.ToInt32(hfSelectedEbayAccountID.Value);
                        UserAccount userAccount = context.UserAccounts.First(u => u.User_Account_Code == userAccountCode);
                        userAccount.Config_Value1 = token;
                        userAccount.Modified_Date = DateTime.Now;
                        userAccount.User_IP = Request.UserHostAddress;

                    ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "1", "window.location.reload()", true);
                    lblAuthError.Text = string.Empty;
                    lblAuthError.Text = "Either you have not authorized properly, or the Ebay servers are down for the moment. Please try agian in a while.";
            catch (Exception ex)
                lblAuthError.Text = "Either you have not authorized properly, or the Ebay servers are down for the moment. Please try agian in a while.";

Пример #13
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)

            Dictionary<string, int> localTokens = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            EbayServiceBL service = new EbayServiceBL(UserKey);
            if (service.UserTokens != null)
                string userNames = "";
                foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> pair in service.UserTokens)
                    string result = service.GetUser(pair.Value);
                    localTokens.Add(result, pair.Key);
                    userNames = result + ",";

                hfSeller.Value = "";//userNames.Substring(0, userNames.Length - 1);
                string tokenJSON = Common.Serialize(localTokens);
                hfTokenJSON.Value = tokenJSON;
                Response.Redirect("~/pages/shopconnect.aspx", true);

Пример #14
    public void SaveEbayUserItems(int UserCode)
        EbayServiceBL service = new EbayServiceBL(UserCode);
        DataModelEntities context = new DataModelEntities();
        DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
        if (service.UserTokens != null)
            foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> account in service.UserTokens)
                   // List<Seller_Item> items = service.GetUserItems(account.Value);
                    List<Seller_Item> items = service.GetUserItemsList(account.Value);
                    foreach (Seller_Item item in items)
                        SellerItem sellerItem = context.SellerItems.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Is_Active == true && a.User_Account_Code == account.Key && a.Item_ID == item.ItemID && a.Country_Code == service.countryID);
                        if (sellerItem == null)
                            if (item.EndDate.Date > today.Date)
                                /*Save to seller item*/
                                SellerItem dbItem = new SellerItem();
                                dbItem.BIN_Price = (decimal)item.BinPrice;
                                dbItem.Created_Date = DateTime.Now;
                                dbItem.Current_Price = (decimal)item.CurrentPrice;
                                dbItem.End_Date = item.EndDate;
                                dbItem.Is_Active = true;
                                dbItem.Item_ID = item.ItemID;
                                dbItem.Item_Name = item.ItemName;
                                dbItem.Start_Date = item.StartDate;
                                dbItem.Is_Automated = false;
                                dbItem.User_Code = UserCode;
                                dbItem.User_Account_Code = account.Key;
                                dbItem.Picture_URL = item.PictureURL;
                                dbItem.Item_View_URL = item.ItemViewURL;
                                dbItem.Is_Promo_Item = item.IsPromoItem;
                                dbItem.Item_Category_ID = item.CategoryID;
                                dbItem.Item_Category_Name = item.CategoryName;
                                dbItem.Currency = item.Currency;
                                dbItem.Country_Code = item.CountryCode;
                                dbItem.LocatedIn = item.CountryShortCode;
                                dbItem.Current_Sales = item.CurrentSales;
                                dbItem.QuantityAvailable = item.QuantityAvailable;

                            if (item.EndDate.Date > today.Date)
                                sellerItem.User_Account_Code = account.Key;
                                sellerItem.BIN_Price = (decimal)item.BinPrice;
                                sellerItem.Current_Price = (decimal)item.CurrentPrice;
                                sellerItem.End_Date = item.EndDate;
                                sellerItem.Item_Name = item.ItemName;
                                sellerItem.Start_Date = item.StartDate;
                                sellerItem.Is_Promo_Item = item.IsPromoItem;
                                sellerItem.Picture_URL = item.PictureURL;
                                sellerItem.Item_View_URL = item.ItemViewURL;
                                sellerItem.Item_Category_ID = item.CategoryID;
                                sellerItem.Item_Category_Name = item.CategoryName;
                                if (item.IsPromoItem == true && sellerItem.Is_Automated == true)
                                    sellerItem.Is_Automated = false;
                                sellerItem.Currency = item.Currency;
                                sellerItem.Country_Code = item.CountryCode;
                                sellerItem.Current_Sales = item.CurrentSales;
                                sellerItem.QuantityAvailable = item.QuantityAvailable;

                                ItemTitle currentTitle = context.ItemTitles.FirstOrDefault(f => f.ItemId == sellerItem.Item_Code && (f.Is_Current == true || f.Title.ToLower() == sellerItem.Item_Name.ToLower()));

                                if (currentTitle != null)
                                    if(context.TitleHistories.Any(a => a.Item_Code == sellerItem.Item_Code))
                                       var totalSales = context.GetSalesForOldTitles(sellerItem.Item_Code, sellerItem.Item_Name).FirstOrDefault();
                                       currentTitle.TotalSales = totalSales.TotalSales;


                                sellerItem.Is_Automated = false;
                                sellerItem.Is_Active = false;


                        if (1 == 1)
                            Decimal weightMajor = item.Weight != null ? Convert.ToDecimal(item.Weight) * 1000 : 0; //Weight Major comes in Kgs so converted in to gms
                            Decimal weightMinor = item.Weight != null ? Convert.ToDecimal(item.WeightMinor) : 0; //Weight Minor comes in gms
                            Decimal weight = (weightMajor + weightMinor) / 1000; // Added both major and minor and converted into kgs

                            Item partmaster = context.Items.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Item_ID == item.ItemID && a.UserCode == UserCode && a.Country_Code == service.countryID);
                            if (partmaster == null)
                                partmaster = new Item();
                                partmaster.Item_ID = item.ItemID;
                                partmaster.CustomLabel = item.CustomLabel;
                                partmaster.Description = item.ItemName;
                                partmaster.UserCode = UserCode;
                                partmaster.User_Account_Code = account.Key;
                                partmaster.Height = item.Height != null ? item.Height.ToString() : string.Empty;
                                partmaster.Length = item.Length != null ? item.Length.ToString() : string.Empty;
                                partmaster.Width = item.Width != null ? item.Width.ToString() : string.Empty;
                                partmaster.Weight = item.Weight != null || item.WeightMinor != null ? weight.ToString("0.00") : string.Empty;
                                partmaster.Balance_Quantity = item.Quantity;
                                partmaster.Current_Price = Convert.ToDecimal(item.CurrentPrice);
                                partmaster.BIN_Price = Convert.ToDecimal(item.BinPrice);
                                partmaster.Picture_URL = item.PictureURL;
                                partmaster.Item_View_URL = item.ItemViewURL;
                                partmaster.Item_Category_ID = item.CategoryID;
                                partmaster.Item_Category_Name = item.CategoryName;
                                partmaster.Start_Date = item.StartDate;
                                partmaster.End_Date = item.EndDate;
                                partmaster.User_Account_Code = account.Key;
                                partmaster.Detail_Description = item.Discription;
                                partmaster.Country_Code = item.CountryCode;
                                partmaster.CustomLabel = item.CustomLabel;
                                partmaster.Description = item.ItemName;
                                partmaster.UserCode = UserCode;
                                partmaster.User_Account_Code = account.Key;

                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(partmaster.Height))
                                    partmaster.Height = item.Height != null ? item.Height.ToString() : string.Empty;

                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(partmaster.Length))
                                    partmaster.Length = item.Length != null ? item.Length.ToString() : string.Empty;

                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(partmaster.Width))
                                    partmaster.Width = item.Width != null ? item.Width.ToString() : string.Empty;

                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(partmaster.Weight))
                                    partmaster.Weight = item.Weight != null || item.WeightMinor != null ? weight.ToString("0.00") : string.Empty;

                                partmaster.Height = item.Height != null ? item.Height.ToString() : string.Empty;
                                partmaster.Length = item.Length != null ? item.Length.ToString() : string.Empty;
                                partmaster.Width = item.Width != null ? item.Width.ToString() : string.Empty;
                                partmaster.Weight = item.Weight != null || item.WeightMinor != null ? weight.ToString("0.00") : string.Empty;
                                partmaster.Current_Price = Convert.ToDecimal(item.CurrentPrice);
                                partmaster.BIN_Price = Convert.ToDecimal(item.BinPrice);
                                partmaster.Picture_URL = item.PictureURL;
                                partmaster.Item_View_URL = item.ItemViewURL;
                                partmaster.Item_Category_ID = item.CategoryID;
                                partmaster.Item_Category_Name = item.CategoryName;
                                partmaster.Start_Date = item.StartDate;
                                partmaster.User_Account_Code = account.Key;
                                partmaster.End_Date = item.EndDate;
                                partmaster.Balance_Quantity = item.Quantity;
                                partmaster.Country_Code = item.CountryCode;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logging.WriteLog(LogType.Critical, ex.ToString());


Пример #15
    private List<ParcelItem> GetEbayAccountTransactions(EbayServiceBL service, KeyValuePair<int, string> account, int UserCode)
        int accountID = account.Key;
        DataModelEntities context = new DataModelEntities();
        List<PriceManagerDAL.ParcelItem> parcelItems = context.ParcelItems.Where(f => f.AccountID == accountID && f.User_Code == UserCode && f.Is_Active == true).ToList();

        string currentItemID = string.Empty, currentTransactionID = string.Empty, currentRecordNo = string.Empty;

        SellingManagerSoldOrderType[] results = service.GetPendingShipmentItems(account.Value);

        if(results == null)
            results = new SellingManagerSoldOrderType[0];

        // delete all database entries that does not exist in the API results.
        foreach (PriceManagerDAL.ParcelItem existingItem in parcelItems)
            long transactionID = long.Parse(existingItem.TransactionID);
            SellingManagerSoldOrderType checkResult = results.FirstOrDefault(r => r.SellingManagerSoldTransaction.Count(c => c.ItemID == existingItem.ItemID && c.TransactionID == transactionID) > 0);
            if (checkResult == null)

        // delete entries which do not have correct shipping details
        foreach (PriceManagerDAL.ParcelItem existingItem in parcelItems.Where(p => string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.BuyerName) == true))

        // now traverse through API results and save only those which are new
        List<ParcelItem> items = new List<ParcelItem>();
        if (results != null && results.Length > 0)
            List<ChargeCode> chargeCodes = new DataModelEntities().ChargeCodes.Where(u => u.Is_Active == true && u.User_Code == UserCode).ToList();
            foreach (SellingManagerSoldOrderType result in results)
                foreach (SellingManagerSoldTransactionType transaction in result.SellingManagerSoldTransaction)

                        currentItemID = transaction.ItemID;
                        currentTransactionID = transaction.TransactionID.ToString();

                        // ignore if the item already exists in our database
                        if (context.ParcelItems.FirstOrDefault(f => f.AccountID == accountID && f.ItemID == currentItemID && f.TransactionID == currentTransactionID) != null)

                        ParcelItem item = new ParcelItem();
                        item.Type = "EBAY";

                        SellingManagerSoldOrderType itemDetails = service.GetSaleRecordDetails(transaction.ItemID, transaction.TransactionID.ToString(), account.Value);

                        currentRecordNo = itemDetails.SaleRecordID.ToString();

                        item.AccountID = account.Key.ToString();
                        item.ItemID = transaction.ItemID;
                        item.TransactionID = transaction.TransactionID.ToString();
                        item.ItemName = transaction.ItemTitle;
                        item.CustomLabel = transaction.CustomLabel;
                        item.CustomLabelText = transaction.SaleRecordID.ToString() + ":" + transaction.CustomLabel;
                        if (itemDetails.ShippingAddress != null)
                            if (StateHelper.States.Where(s => s.Key == itemDetails.ShippingAddress.StateOrProvince.ToLower()).Count() > 0)
                                item.State = StateHelper.States[itemDetails.ShippingAddress.StateOrProvince.ToLower()];
                                item.State = itemDetails.ShippingAddress.StateOrProvince.ToLower();
                            item.BuyerName = itemDetails.ShippingAddress.Name;
                            item.Street = itemDetails.ShippingAddress.Street;
                            item.Street2 = itemDetails.ShippingAddress.Street1;
                            item.Street3 = itemDetails.ShippingAddress.Street2;
                            item.City = itemDetails.ShippingAddress.CityName;
                            item.PostalCode = itemDetails.ShippingAddress.PostalCode.TrimStart('0'); ;
                            item.Country = itemDetails.ShippingAddress.Country.ToString();
                            item.Phone = itemDetails.ShippingAddress.Phone;

                        item.EmailAddress = itemDetails.BuyerEmail;
                        item.BuyerID = itemDetails.BuyerID;
                        item.Quantity = transaction.QuantitySold;
                        if (itemDetails.ActualShippingCost != null)
                            item.ShippingCost = itemDetails.ActualShippingCost.Value;
                        item.SaleRecordId = itemDetails.SaleRecordID.ToString();

                        bool IspostCodeOK = true;
                        if (itemDetails.ShippingDetails != null)
                            if (itemDetails.ShippingDetails.InsuranceFee == null)
                                item.HasInsurance = false;
                                item.HasInsurance = true;
                                item.Insurance = itemDetails.ShippingDetails.InsuranceFee.Value;
                            if (itemDetails.ShippingDetails != null && itemDetails.ShippingDetails.ShippingServiceOptions != null)
                                item.ShippingMethod = itemDetails.ShippingDetails.ShippingServiceOptions[0].ShippingService;
                                item.ShippingMethod = "N/A";

                            IspostCodeOK = Common.VerifyPostCode(itemDetails.ShippingAddress.PostalCode, itemDetails.ShippingAddress.CityName);
                            if (IspostCodeOK)
                                item.PostCodeImageURL = Constant.tickURL;
                                item.PostCodeImageURL = Constant.crossURL;

                        if (itemDetails.SellingManagerSoldTransaction != null)
                            item.Currency = itemDetails.SellingManagerSoldTransaction[0].ItemPrice.currencyID.ToString();
                            item.Price = itemDetails.SellingManagerSoldTransaction[0].ItemPrice.Value;

                        item.RecordNumber = itemDetails.SaleRecordID.ToString();

                        ChargeCode code = chargeCodes.FirstOrDefault(u => item.ShippingMethod.ToLower().Contains(u.Ebay_Code.ToLower()) == true);
                        if (code != null && code.Charge_Code_Name.ToLower() == "ignore")
                            continue; // ignore the item

                        GetMemberMessagesResponseType messages = service.GetTransactionMessages(item.ItemID, item.BuyerID, account.Value);
                        if (messages.MemberMessage != null)
                            List<ParcelMessage> ebayMessages = service.ConvertEbayMessages(messages);
                            item.Messages = Common.Serialize(ebayMessages);


                        currentItemID = string.Empty;
                        currentRecordNo = string.Empty;
                        currentTransactionID = string.Empty;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logging.WriteLog(LogType.Critical, ex.ToString());
            return items.OrderBy(i => i.BuyerID).ToList();
            return null;