//------------------------------------------------------------------------- public TurretDataTable() { TbDataTurret.TurretType turret_type; Dictionary <int, EbData> mapData = EbDataMgr.Instance.getMapData <TbDataTurret>(); Dictionary <int, TbDataTurret> mapTurrets = new Dictionary <int, TbDataTurret>(); foreach (var it in mapData) { turret_type = ((TbDataTurret)it.Value).mTurretType; if (turret_type == TbDataTurret.TurretType.None) { continue; } if (!mDictTurretData.ContainsKey(turret_type)) { mDictTurretData.Add(turret_type, new Dictionary <int, TbDataTurret>()); } if (!mDictTurretData[turret_type].ContainsKey(((TbDataTurret)it.Value).TurretRate)) { mDictTurretData[turret_type].Add(((TbDataTurret)it.Value).TurretRate, (TbDataTurret)it.Value); } else { EbLog.Warning("TbDataTurret configure has same value " + it.Value.Id); } } }
private async Task <(bool, bool, string)> UpdateLastSyncInfo(EbMobileSolutionData solutionData, LastSyncInfo syncInfo, string appVersion) { string msg = null; bool leaveLastSyncTsCheck = false, incorrectDate = false, maintenanceMode = false; if (solutionData.MetaData != null) { if (solutionData.MetaData.TryGetValue(AppConst.maintenance_msg, out object val) && val != null) { msg = val.ToString(); maintenanceMode = true; } else if (solutionData.MetaData.TryGetValue(AppConst.session_expired, out object val2) && bool.TryParse(val2.ToString(), out bool b) && b) { msg = AppConst.session_expired; maintenanceMode = true; } else if (solutionData.MetaData.TryGetValue(AppConst.leave_ts_check, out object val3) && bool.TryParse(val3.ToString(), out bool st) && st) { EbLog.Warning("Last sync ts check avoided"); leaveLastSyncTsCheck = true; } if (solutionData.MetaData.TryGetValue(AppConst.app_version, out object val4) && val4 != null) { syncInfo.LatestAppVersion = val4.ToString(); } else { syncInfo.LatestAppVersion = null; } } else { syncInfo.LatestAppVersion = null; } if (!(solutionData.last_sync_ts > DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(0, 2, 0)) && solutionData.last_sync_ts < DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 3, 0))) && !leaveLastSyncTsCheck) { incorrectDate = true; EbLog.Warning("Device date time is incorrect. Server time: " + solutionData.last_sync_ts); if (msg == null) { msg = "Device date time is incorrect"; } } if (msg != null) { EbLog.Warning(msg); } syncInfo.PullSuccess = false; syncInfo.IsLoggedOut = false; syncInfo.SolnId = App.Settings.Sid; await Store.SetJSONAsync(AppConst.LAST_SYNC_INFO, syncInfo); return(incorrectDate, maintenanceMode, msg); }
protected override void SetValues() { this.SetValuesFormContext(); List <EbCTCMapper> ebCTCMappers = this.context.UseLinkSettings ? context.ContextToControlMap : context.ContextToFabControlMap; if (ebCTCMappers == null) { EbLog.Warning($"column to control map empty in context visualization in page '{this.Page.DisplayName}'"); return; } ; foreach (var map in ebCTCMappers) { object value = contextRow[map.ColumnName]; if (this.Form.ControlDictionary.TryGetValue(map.ControlName, out EbMobileControl ctrl)) { if (ctrl is INonPersistControl || ctrl is ILinesEnabled) { continue; } else { ctrl.SetValue(value); } } } base.SetValues(); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- protected BaseEntity buildEntity(int fish_vib_id) { if (mEntityParticleSystem == null) { EbLog.Warning("BaseGenerator::There are no BaseEntityFactory."); return(null); } return(mEntityParticleSystem.buildEntity(mBaseGeneratorId, fish_vib_id, getNextFishId())); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- public void addParticleSystem(string file_name, List <string> server_param, int fish_begin_id) { EntityParticleSystemData lord_data = mParticleSystemDataPrototype.cloneParticleSystemData(file_name); if (lord_data == null) { EbLog.Warning("ParticleSystem::Add::Error::" + file_name); return; } mParticleSystemKeeper.addParticleSystem( new EntityParticleSystem().create(this, mEntityFactory, lord_data, fish_begin_id, server_param, mRouteObjectMgr)); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- public BaseEntity buildEntity(int generator_id, int fish_vib_id, int fish_id) { if (mBaseEntityFactory == null) { EbLog.Warning("BaseGenerator::There are no BaseEntityFactory."); return(null); } BaseEntity entity = mBaseEntityFactory.buildBaseEntity(fish_vib_id, fish_id); addBaseEntity(generator_id, entity); return(entity); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Interface: IPhotonPeerListener.DebugReturn public void DebugReturn(DebugLevel level, string message) { if (level == DebugLevel.INFO) { EbLog.Note(message); } else if (level == DebugLevel.WARNING) { EbLog.Warning(message); } else if (level == DebugLevel.ERROR) { EbLog.Error(message); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- void debug_log() { string str = "mColliderQuadTree::"; TagColliderObject collider_object = null; foreach (var it in mColliderQuadTree) { if (it.QuadNodeObject == null) { continue; } collider_object = (TagColliderObject)it.QuadNodeObject; str += collider_object.getBulletColliders().Count + "::"; } EbLog.Warning(str); }
private async void OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (isTapped) { return; } try { isTapped = true; EbMobilePage page = EbPageHelper.GetPage(LinkRefId); if (page != null) { EbPageRenderer renderer = await EbPageHelper.GetRenderer(page); if (renderer.IsReady) { EbLog.Info(renderer.Message); await App.Navigation.NavigateMasterAsync(renderer.Renderer); } else { EbLog.Error("unable to create renderer, [DataLink] " + renderer.Message); } } else { EbLog.Warning("page not found in [DataLink], Check permission"); } } catch (Exception ex) { EbLog.Info("[EbMobileDashboard] click navigation error"); EbLog.Error(ex.Message); } isTapped = false; }
public override void SetValue(object value) { try { if (value != null) { if (this.EbDateType == EbDateType.Time) { timePicker.Time = TimeSpan.Parse(value.ToString()); } else { datePicker.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(value); } } } catch (Exception ex) { EbLog.Error(ex.Message); EbLog.Warning(ex.StackTrace); } }
void assert(bool is_ok, string error, string ok) { EbLog.Warning((test_count++) + " :: " + (is_ok ? ok : error)); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- public void Log_Warn(string str) { EbLog.Warning(str); }
private async Task <bool> GetLatestAutoId(List <AppData> Applications) { List <EbMobileAutoIdData> autoIdData = new List <EbMobileAutoIdData>(); try { foreach (AppData app in Applications) { foreach (MobilePagesWraper mobPageWrap in app.MobilePages) { EbMobilePage page = mobPageWrap.GetPage(); if (page.Container is EbMobileForm form) { EbMobileAutoId autoId = (EbMobileAutoId)form.ChildControls.Find(e => e is EbMobileAutoId); if (autoId != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form.TableName)) { string query = autoId.PrefixExpr?.GetCode(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query) && page.NetworkMode == NetworkMode.Offline) { EbDataTable dt = App.DataDB.DoQuery(query); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { autoIdData.Add(new EbMobileAutoIdData() { Table = form.TableName, Column = autoId.Name, Prefix = dt.Rows[0][0]?.ToString() }); } } } } } } if (autoIdData.Count > 0) { RestRequest request = new RestRequest(ApiConstants.PULL_LATEST_AUTOID, Method.POST); RestClient client = new RestClient(App.Settings.RootUrl) { Timeout = ApiConstants.TIMEOUT_IMPORT }; request.AddParameter("data", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(autoIdData)); request.AddHeader(AppConst.BTOKEN, App.Settings.BToken); request.AddHeader(AppConst.RTOKEN, App.Settings.RToken); IRestResponse response = await client.ExecuteAsync(request); if (response.IsSuccessful) { EbDataSet ds = new EbDataSet(); EbMobileAutoIdDataResponse resp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EbMobileAutoIdDataResponse>(response.Content); ds.Tables.Add(resp.OfflineData); DBService.Current.ImportData(ds); EbLog.Info("GetLatestAutoId success"); return(true); } else { EbLog.Warning("GetLatestAutoId failed"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { EbLog.Error("Error in GetLatestAutoId: " + ex.Message); } return(autoIdData.Count > 0 ? false : true); }
public async Task <EbMobileSolutionData> GetSolutionDataAsync(Loader loader) { if (App.Settings.SyncInProgress) { EbLog.Info(App.Settings.Sid + ": Sync in progress..."); return(null); } App.Settings.SyncInProgress = true; EbLog.BackupLogFiles(); EbMobileSolutionData solutionData = null; bool flag = false; try { loader.Message = "Sync started..."; EbLog.Info("Sync started..."); LocalDBServie service = new LocalDBServie(); SyncResponse response = await service.PushDataToCloud(loader); if (response.Status) { loader.Message = string.Empty; } else { loader.Message = response.Message + " \n"; } loader.Message += "Fetching data from server..."; EbLog.Info("Fetching data from server..."); RestClient client = new RestClient(App.Settings.RootUrl) { Timeout = ApiConstants.TIMEOUT_IMPORT }; RestRequest request = new RestRequest(ApiConstants.GET_SOLUTION_DATAv2, Method.POST); request.AddHeader(AppConst.BTOKEN, App.Settings.BToken); request.AddHeader(AppConst.RTOKEN, App.Settings.RToken); Dictionary <string, object> metaDict = new Dictionary <string, object>(); metaDict.Add(AppConst.draft_ids, GetErrorDraftIds()); INativeHelper helper = DependencyService.Get <INativeHelper>(); metaDict.Add(AppConst.app_version, helper.AppVersion); metaDict.Add(AppConst.device_id, helper.DeviceId); request.AddParameter(AppConst.metadata, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(metaDict)); IRestResponse resp = await client.ExecuteAsync(request); if (resp.IsSuccessful) { loader.Message = "Processing pulled data..."; LastSyncInfo syncInfo = App.Settings.SyncInfo; if (syncInfo == null) { syncInfo = new LastSyncInfo(); } solutionData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EbMobileSolutionData>(resp.Content); (bool incorrectDate, bool maintenanceMode, string msg) = await UpdateLastSyncInfo(solutionData, syncInfo, helper.AppVersion); if (!maintenanceMode) { await ImportSolutionData(solutionData); loader.Message = "Importing latest document ids..."; EbLog.Info("Importing latest document ids..."); if (await GetLatestAutoId(solutionData.Applications)) { if (!incorrectDate) { syncInfo.LastSyncTs = solutionData.last_sync_ts; syncInfo.LastOfflineSaveTs = solutionData.last_sync_ts; } else { Utils.Toast(msg); } syncInfo.PullSuccess = true; await Store.SetJSONAsync(AppConst.LAST_SYNC_INFO, syncInfo); flag = true; } else { Utils.Toast("Failed to import latest doc ids"); } } else { Utils.Toast(msg); syncInfo.PullSuccess = true; await Store.SetJSONAsync(AppConst.LAST_SYNC_INFO, syncInfo); } } else { Utils.Toast(response.Message ?? "Sync failed"); EbLog.Warning(response.Message ?? "Sync failed"); } } catch (Exception ex) { EbLog.Error("Error on [GetSolutionData] request" + ex.Message); Utils.Toast(ex.Message); } loader.IsVisible = false; App.Settings.SyncInProgress = false; return(flag ? solutionData : null); }