public async Task <bool> KeyframeTo(Transform target, float seconds, Easing.Function easing = null) { var start = Transform; var moveid = ++movement; for (float f = 0; f < 1;) { await Task.NextPhysicsFrame(); if (moveid != movement) { return(false); } var eased = easing != null?easing(f) : f; var newtx = Transform.Lerp(start, target, eased, false); TryKeyframeTo(newtx); f += Time.Delta / seconds; } Transform = target; return(true); }
public ScaleTitle(GameObject titleObj, Vector3 initial, Vector3 target, float dur, Easing.FunctionType easingType) { title = titleObj; initialScale = initial; targetScale = target; duration = dur; easeType = Easing.GetFunctionWithTypeEnum(easingType); }
public TweenUIPosition(GameObject obj, Vector2 start, Vector2 end, float time, Easing.FunctionType easeType) { rectTransform = obj.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); startPos = start; endPos = end; duration = time; easingFunction = Easing.GetFunctionWithTypeEnum(easeType); }
public SlideCharacter(GameObject chara, Vector3 initial, Vector3 target, float dur, Easing.FunctionType easingType) { character = chara; initialPos = initial; targetPos = target; duration = dur; easeType = Easing.GetFunctionWithTypeEnum(easingType); }
protected override float GetCurrentValue() { float value = 0.0f; Easing.Function interpolationMethod = Easing.GetEasingFunction(interpolationType); value = interpolationMethod(startInterpolation, TargetInterpolation, currentTime / totalTime); return(value); }
public void scale(Vector3 target, bool locally, [Optional, DefaultParameterValue(0)] Easing.Function easing) { if (this.m_timer > 0f) { Debug.LogError("Cannot modify task after it has been started!"); } else { this.m_scaling = new Scaling(); this.m_scaling.axis = new bool[] { true, true, true }; this.m_scaling.start = !locally ? this.m_transform.lossyScale : this.m_transform.localScale; = target; this.m_scaling.local = locally; this.m_scaling.easing = easing; } }
public void translate(Vector3 target, bool locally, [Optional, DefaultParameterValue(0)] Easing.Function easing) { if (this.m_timer > 0f) { Debug.LogError("Cannot modify task after it has been started!"); } else { this.m_translation = new Translation(); this.m_translation.axis = new bool[] { true, true, true }; this.m_translation.start = !locally ? this.m_transform.position : this.m_transform.localPosition; = target; this.m_translation.local = locally; this.m_translation.easing = easing; this.m_translation.algorithm = TranslationAlgorithm.LINEAR; } }
public void rotate(Vector3 rotateBy, bool locally, [Optional, DefaultParameterValue(0)] Easing.Function easing) { if (this.m_timer > 0f) { Debug.LogError("Cannot modify task after it has been started!"); } else { this.m_rotation = new Rotation(); this.m_rotation.axis = new bool[] { true, true, true }; this.m_rotation.start = !locally ? this.m_transform.rotation : this.m_transform.localRotation; this.m_rotation.rotateBy = rotateBy; this.m_rotation.local = locally; this.m_rotation.easing = easing; this.m_rotation.lazy = false; } }
public static IEnumerator Interpolate(Vector3 initialValue, Vector3 finalValue, float duration, System.Action <Vector3> setter, Ease ease = Ease.Linear, System.Action onFinished = null, TimeScale timeScale = TimeScale.Delta) { Vector3 diff = finalValue - initialValue; Easing.Function easeFunc = ease.GetFunction(); System.Action <float> lerp = (float t) => { Vector3 currentValue = initialValue + diff * easeFunc(t); setter.Invoke(currentValue); }; yield return(Lerp(lerp, duration, timeScale)); setter.Invoke(finalValue); onFinished?.Invoke(); }
public void translateToAnchoredPos(Vector2 targetAnchoredPos, [Optional, DefaultParameterValue(0)] Easing.Function easing) { if (this.m_timer > 0f) { Debug.LogError("Cannot modify task after it has been started!"); } else if (this.m_rectTransform == null) { Debug.LogError("No RectTransform specified before attempting to translate to anchored position!"); } else { this.m_translationAnchoredPosition = new TranslationAnchoredPosition(); this.m_translationAnchoredPosition.start = this.m_rectTransform.anchoredPosition; = targetAnchoredPos; this.m_translationAnchoredPosition.easing = easing; this.m_translationAnchoredPosition.algorithm = TranslationAlgorithm.LINEAR; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { filter = GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.MarkDynamic(); filter.mesh = mesh; vertices = new Vector3[subdivisions * e]; tris = new int[subdivisions * tv]; switch (GlobalState.I.RadialMeshMode) { case RadialState.random: transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, Random.Range(0, 360)); break; case RadialState.simple: break; case RadialState.orderly: rotationSpeed = 180; break; case Destroy(gameObject); break; } initialSpeed = speed; startTime = Time.time; glow = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material; emissionId = Shader.PropertyToID("_EmissionColor"); emissionColor = GlobalState.I.BaseColor; glow.SetColor(emissionId, Color.white * 0.1f); easingFunction = Easing.GetEasingFunction(easing); StartCoroutine(Pop(popDuration)); }
public void reset(float duration, float delay, Easing.Function easingFunction) { this.reset(); this.m_duration = duration; this.m_delay = delay; if (this.m_translation != null) { this.m_translation.easing = easingFunction; } if (this.m_translationAnchoredPosition != null) { this.m_translationAnchoredPosition.easing = easingFunction; } if (this.m_rotation != null) { this.m_rotation.easing = easingFunction; } if (this.m_scaling != null) { this.m_scaling.easing = easingFunction; } }
/************************************************************************************************************************/ /// <summary>Modify the current fade to use the specified `function` to calculate the weight.</summary> /// <example>See <see cref="CustomFade"/>.</example> public static void Apply(AnimancerComponent animancer, Easing.Function function) => Apply(animancer.States.Current, function);
/************************************************************************************************************************/ /// <summary>Modify the current fade to use the specified `function` to calculate the weight.</summary> /// <example>See <see cref="CustomFade"/>.</example> public static void Apply(AnimancerPlayable animancer, Easing.Function function) => Delegate.Acquire(function.GetDelegate()).Apply(animancer);
static ConfigGameplay() { Dictionary <GameLogic.CharacterType, Dictionary <string, int> > dictionary = new Dictionary <GameLogic.CharacterType, Dictionary <string, int> >(new CharacterTypeBoxAvoidanceComparer()); Dictionary <string, int> dictionary2 = new Dictionary <string, int>(); dictionary2.Add("Skeleton001", 10); dictionary2.Add("Skeleton002", 10); dictionary2.Add("Skeleton003", 10); dictionary2.Add("Skeleton004", 10); dictionary2.Add("Skeleton005", 10); dictionary2.Add("Skeleton006", 10); dictionary2.Add("Skeleton007", 8); dictionary2.Add("Skeleton008", 6); dictionary.Add(GameLogic.CharacterType.Skeleton, dictionary2); dictionary2 = new Dictionary <string, int>(); dictionary2.Add("Jelly001", 10); dictionary2.Add("Jelly002", 10); dictionary2.Add("Jelly003", 10); dictionary2.Add("Jelly004", 6); dictionary.Add(GameLogic.CharacterType.Jelly, dictionary2); dictionary2 = new Dictionary <string, int>(); dictionary2.Add("Pygmy001", 10); dictionary2.Add("Pygmy002", 10); dictionary2.Add("Pygmy003", 10); dictionary2.Add("Pygmy004", 10); dictionary.Add(GameLogic.CharacterType.Pygmy, dictionary2); dictionary2 = new Dictionary <string, int>(); dictionary2.Add("Worg001", 10); dictionary2.Add("Worg002", 10); dictionary2.Add("Worg003", 0); dictionary2.Add("Worg004", 0); dictionary.Add(GameLogic.CharacterType.Worg, dictionary2); dictionary2 = new Dictionary <string, int>(); dictionary2.Add("Crocodile001", 10); dictionary2.Add("Crocodile002", 10); dictionary2.Add("Crocodile003", 10); dictionary.Add(GameLogic.CharacterType.Crocodile, dictionary2); dictionary2 = new Dictionary <string, int>(); dictionary2.Add("Rat001", 10); dictionary2.Add("Rat002", 10); dictionary2.Add("Rat003", 10); dictionary.Add(GameLogic.CharacterType.Rat, dictionary2); dictionary2 = new Dictionary <string, int>(); dictionary2.Add("Anubis001", 10); dictionary2.Add("Anubis002", 10); dictionary2.Add("Anubis003", 10); dictionary.Add(GameLogic.CharacterType.Anubis, dictionary2); dictionary2 = new Dictionary <string, int>(); dictionary2.Add("Mummy001", 10); dictionary2.Add("Mummy002", 10); dictionary.Add(GameLogic.CharacterType.Mummy, dictionary2); dictionary2 = new Dictionary <string, int>(); dictionary2.Add("Goblin001", 10); dictionary2.Add("Goblin002", 10); dictionary2.Add("Goblin003", 10); dictionary2.Add("Goblin004", 10); dictionary.Add(GameLogic.CharacterType.Goblin, dictionary2); dictionary2 = new Dictionary <string, int>(); dictionary2.Add("Yeti001", 10); dictionary2.Add("Yeti002", 10); dictionary2.Add("Yeti003", 10); dictionary2.Add("Yeti004", 10); dictionary.Add(GameLogic.CharacterType.Yeti, dictionary2); dictionary2 = new Dictionary <string, int>(); dictionary2.Add("Shroom001", 10); dictionary2.Add("Shroom002", 10); dictionary2.Add("Shroom003", 10); dictionary2.Add("Shroom004", 10); dictionary.Add(GameLogic.CharacterType.Shroom, dictionary2); CHARACTER_SPAWN_WEIGHTS = dictionary; STUN_MATERIAL_COLOR = new Color(0.08235294f, 0.8470588f, 1f, 1f); POISON_MATERIAL_COLOR = new Color(0.6196079f, 0.972549f, 0f, 1f); SLOW_MATERIAL_COLOR = new Color(0f, 1f, 1f, 1f); CLONE_COOLDOWN_MATERIAL_COLOR = new Color(0.3882353f, 0.8980392f, 1f, 1f); CLONE_DECOY_MATERIAL_COLOR = new Color(0.6156863f, 0f, 1f, 1f); CLONE_HEAL_MATERIAL_COLOR = new Color(0.4431373f, 1f, 0.2666667f, 1f); DEFAULT_NORMALIZED_HP_AFTER_REVIVE = 0.5f; PASSIVE_HP_REGEN_PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD = 9f; PASSIVE_HP_REGEN_TICK_INTERVAL = 0.2f; PASSIVE_HP_REGEN_PCT_PER_TICK = 0.2f; HERO_HP_SAFEGUARD_MAX_HP_LOSS_PER_MINION_HIT_NORMALIZED = 0.1f; GLOBAL_MELEE_DAMAGE_VARIATION_PCT = 0.03f; OUT_OF_BOUNDS_CHECKING_ENABLED = true; CHARACTER_FULLSPEED_ACCELERATION_TIMER = 0.18f; CHARACTER_FULLSPEED_ACCELERATION_EASING = Easing.Function.IN_CUBIC; ROTATION_STEERING_THRESHOLD = 0.9f; SUPPORT_CHARACTER_AUTO_KILL_RADIUS = float.MaxValue; CRITTER_MAX_COUNT = 8; AGGRO_RANGE_IDLE = 10f; AGGRO_RANGE_ALARMED = 5f; AI_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 0.0666666f; MAX_MONSER_PURSUIT_PATH_LENGTH = 20f; Dictionary <ProjectileType, Projectile.ProjectileProperties> dictionary3 = new Dictionary <ProjectileType, Projectile.ProjectileProperties>(new ProjectileTypeBoxAvoidanceComparer()); Projectile.ProjectileProperties properties = new Projectile.ProjectileProperties(); properties.Type = ProjectileType.Fireball; properties.Radius = 0.6f; properties.DestroyAfterContact = true; properties.MaxLifetime = 3f; properties.Speed = 8f; properties.DamageType = DamageType.Ranged; dictionary3.Add(ProjectileType.Fireball, properties); Projectile.ProjectileProperties properties2 = new Projectile.ProjectileProperties(); properties2.Type = ProjectileType.Orb; properties2.Radius = 0.6f; properties2.DestroyAfterContact = true; properties2.MaxLifetime = 2f; properties2.Speed = 14f; properties2.DamageType = DamageType.Magic; dictionary3.Add(ProjectileType.Orb, properties2); Projectile.ProjectileProperties properties3 = new Projectile.ProjectileProperties(); properties3.Type = ProjectileType.Dragonball; properties3.Radius = 0.6f; properties3.DestroyAfterContact = true; properties3.MaxLifetime = 3f; properties3.Speed = 10f; properties3.DamageType = DamageType.Ranged; dictionary3.Add(ProjectileType.Dragonball, properties3); Projectile.ProjectileProperties properties4 = new Projectile.ProjectileProperties(); properties4.Type = ProjectileType.Rock; properties4.Radius = 0.6f; properties4.DestroyAfterContact = true; properties4.MaxLifetime = 3f; properties4.CollideWithGround = true; properties4.Speed = 8f; properties4.DamageType = DamageType.Ranged; dictionary3.Add(ProjectileType.Rock, properties4); Projectile.ProjectileProperties properties5 = new Projectile.ProjectileProperties(); properties5.Type = ProjectileType.Frostball; properties5.Radius = 0.6f; properties5.DestroyAfterContact = true; properties5.MaxLifetime = 3f; properties5.Speed = 10f; properties5.DamageType = DamageType.Ranged; dictionary3.Add(ProjectileType.Frostball, properties5); Projectile.ProjectileProperties properties6 = new Projectile.ProjectileProperties(); properties6.Type = ProjectileType.Bubbles; properties6.Radius = 0.6f; properties6.DestroyAfterContact = true; properties6.MaxLifetime = 3f; properties6.Speed = 10f; properties6.DamageType = DamageType.Ranged; dictionary3.Add(ProjectileType.Bubbles, properties6); Projectile.ProjectileProperties properties7 = new Projectile.ProjectileProperties(); properties7.Type = ProjectileType.Splinters1; properties7.Radius = 0.6f; properties7.DestroyAfterContact = true; properties7.MaxLifetime = 3f; properties7.Speed = 10f; properties7.DamageType = DamageType.Ranged; dictionary3.Add(ProjectileType.Splinters1, properties7); Projectile.ProjectileProperties properties8 = new Projectile.ProjectileProperties(); properties8.Type = ProjectileType.Splinters2; properties8.Radius = 0.6f; properties8.DestroyAfterContact = true; properties8.MaxLifetime = 3f; properties8.Speed = 10f; properties8.DamageType = DamageType.Ranged; dictionary3.Add(ProjectileType.Splinters2, properties8); Projectile.ProjectileProperties properties9 = new Projectile.ProjectileProperties(); properties9.Type = ProjectileType.Ink; properties9.Radius = 0.6f; properties9.DestroyAfterContact = true; properties9.MaxLifetime = 3f; properties9.Speed = 10f; properties9.DamageType = DamageType.Ranged; dictionary3.Add(ProjectileType.Ink, properties9); Projectile.ProjectileProperties properties10 = new Projectile.ProjectileProperties(); properties10.Type = ProjectileType.Coins; properties10.Radius = 0.6f; properties10.DestroyAfterContact = true; properties10.MaxLifetime = 3f; properties10.Speed = 10f; properties10.DamageType = DamageType.Ranged; dictionary3.Add(ProjectileType.Coins, properties10); PROJECTILE_PROTOTYPE_PROPERTIES = dictionary3; USE_RANDOMIZED_BOSS_PERKS = false; PET_MAX_LEVEL = 5; List <int> list = new List <int>(); list.Add(2); list.Add(3); list.Add(4); list.Add(5); PET_PERK_MILESTONE_LEVELS = list; CHARACTER_MELEE_ATTACK_DESTRUCTIBLE_HIT_RADIUS = 2.25f; }
private IEnumerator animationRoutine(float targetAlpha, float duration, Easing.Function easing) {
public bool Initialize() { _orbiting = false; _alive = true; _orbitEasing = Easing.EaseFunction(EaseType.EaseInSine); _chargeEasing = Easing.EaseFunction(EaseType.Linear); ForwardIndicator.SetActive(false); return true; }
private IEnumerator animatedProgressRoutine(float sourceV, float targetV, float duration, Easing.Function easingFunction, AnimationComplete completeCallback, float delay) {
private IEnumerator animationRoutine(float duration, float targetHeight, Easing.Function easing) {
public void translateWithQuarticBezier(Vector3 target, bool locally, Vector3 bezierP1, Vector3 bezierP2, Vector3 bezierP3, [Optional, DefaultParameterValue(0)] Easing.Function easing) { if (this.m_timer > 0f) { Debug.LogError("Cannot modify task after it has been started!"); } else { this.m_translation = new Translation(); this.m_translation.axis = new bool[] { true, true, true }; this.m_translation.start = !locally ? this.m_transform.position : this.m_transform.localPosition; = target; this.m_translation.local = locally; this.m_translation.easing = easing; this.m_translation.algorithm = TranslationAlgorithm.QUARTIC_BEZIER; this.m_translation.cp0 = bezierP1; this.m_translation.cp1 = bezierP2; this.m_translation.cp2 = bezierP3; } }
/// <summary>Modify the current fade to use the specified `function` to calculate the weight.</summary> /// <example>See <see cref="CustomFade"/>.</example> public static void Apply(AnimancerPlayable animancer, Easing.Function function) => Apply(animancer.States.Current, function);
/// <summary>Modify the current fade to use the specified `function` to calculate the weight.</summary> /// <example>See <see cref="CustomFade"/>.</example> public static void Apply(AnimancerNode node, Easing.Function function) => Delegate.Acquire(function.GetDelegate()).Apply(node);
public IEnumerator CoFadeImageAlpha(float iterator, float time, float startA, float endA, Image image, Easing.Function function, Easing.Direction direction) { while (iterator < time) { iterator += Time.deltaTime; if (iterator > time) { iterator = time; } float val = JoniUtility.Easing.GetTerpedPosition(iterator, time, function, direction); float newA = ExtendedLerp.LerpWithoutClamp(startA, endA, val); Color col = image.color; image.color = new Color(col.r, col.g, col.b, newA); yield return(0); } }
public Lerper() { m_easingFunction = new Easing.Four(Easing.Linear.easeNone); }
public IEnumerator CoMoveX(float iterator, float time, float startX, float endX, Transform transform, Easing.Function function, Easing.Direction direction) { while (iterator < time) { iterator += Time.deltaTime; if (iterator > time) { iterator = time; } float val = JoniUtility.Easing.GetTerpedPosition(iterator, time, function, direction); float newX = ExtendedLerp.LerpWithoutClamp(startX, endX, val); Vector3 position = transform.localPosition; transform.localPosition = new Vector3(newX, position.y, position.z); yield return(0); } }
public Lerper(Easing.Function easingFunction) { m_easingFunction = easingFunction; }
public Lerper(EasingType easingType) { switch (easingType) { case EasingType.Linear: { m_easingFunction = new Easing.Four(Easing.Linear.easeNone); } break; case EasingType.ExpoEaseIn: { m_easingFunction = new Easing.Four(Easing.Expo.easeIn); } break; case EasingType.ExpoEaseOut: { m_easingFunction = new Easing.Four(Easing.Expo.easeOut); } break; case EasingType.ExpoEaseInOut: { m_easingFunction = new Easing.Four(Easing.Expo.easeInOut); } break; case EasingType.BounceEaseIn: { m_easingFunction = new Easing.Four(Easing.Bounce.easeIn); } break; case EasingType.BounceEaseOut: { m_easingFunction = new Easing.Four(Easing.Bounce.easeOut); } break; case EasingType.BounceEaseInOut: { m_easingFunction = new Easing.Four(Easing.Bounce.easeInOut); } break; case EasingType.BackEaseIn: { m_easingFunction = new Easing.Five(Easing.Back.easeIn); } break; case EasingType.BackEaseOut: { m_easingFunction = new Easing.Five(Easing.Back.easeOut); } break; case EasingType.BackEaseInOut: { m_easingFunction = new Easing.Five(Easing.Back.easeInOut); } break; } }
public static IEnumerator DoOverEasedTime(float duration, Easing.Function func, TimedAction timedAction) { return(DoOverTime(duration, t => { timedAction(func(t)); })); }
public IEnumerator CoScaleLoop(float iterator, float time, float startS, float endS, Transform transform, Easing.Function function, Easing.Direction direction) { while (iterator < time) { iterator += Time.deltaTime; if (iterator > time) { iterator = time; } float val = JoniUtility.Easing.GetTerpedPosition(iterator, time, function, direction); float newS = ExtendedLerp.LerpWithoutClamp(startS, endS, val); transform.localScale = new Vector3(newS, newS, newS); if (iterator == time) { iterator = 0; float tempS = endS; endS = startS; startS = tempS; } yield return(0); } }