Пример #1
		public static void Do() {
			// S -> aSa | bSb | ε
			var productions = new List<Production> {
				// construct productions by passing arguments...
				new Production(
					lhs: Nonterminal.Of("S"),
					rhs: new Sentence { Terminal.Of("a"), Nonterminal.Of("S"), Terminal.Of("a") },
					weight: 20
				// or from a string...
				CFGParser.Production(@"<S> -> 'b' <S> 'b' [10]"),
				CFGParser.Production(@"<S> -> ε [5]"),
			var cfg = new Grammar(productions, Nonterminal.Of("S"));
			// var cnf = cfg.ToCNF();

			//var probs = cfg.EstimateProbabilities(1000000);
			//foreach (var entry in probs) {
			//	var key = entry.Key;
			//	var value = entry.Value;
			//	if (key.Length <= 4) {
			//	Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", key, value);
			//	}

			// Print out the new CNF grammar
			// Console.WriteLine(cnf);

			var ep = new EarleyParser(cfg);
			// var cp = new CykParser(cnf);

			// Does this grammar accept the string "aabb"?
			Console.WriteLine("aabb: {0}", ep.ParseGetProbability(Sentence.FromLetters("aabb")));
			// How about "abba"?
			Console.WriteLine("abba: {0}", ep.ParseGetProbability(Sentence.FromLetters("abba")));


			for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

			var sentences = cfg.ProduceToDepth(3);
			foreach (var sentence in sentences) {

			var gg = new GrammarGenerator(1);
			var terminals = new List<Terminal> { Terminal.Of("a"), Terminal.Of("b") };
			var randGram = gg.NextCFG(
				numNonterminals: 4,
				numProductions: 10,
				maxProductionLength: 4,
				terminals: terminals
Пример #2
        private static void ExecuteTest(Grammar g, string input)
            var ag       = IdentityActions.Annotate(g);
            var earley1  = new EarleyParser(ag);
            var earley2  = new EarleyParser2(ag);
            var sentence = Sentence.FromWords(input);

            var sppf1 = earley1.ParseGetForest(sentence);
            var sppf2 = earley2.ParseGetForest(sentence);

            CheckTraversal(ag, sentence, sppf1);
            CheckTraversal(ag, sentence, sppf2);
Пример #3
        private static void DebugGrammar()
            BaseGrammar g = new Grammar(new List <Production> {
                CFGParser.Production("<S> → ε"),
            }, Nonterminal.Of("S"));
            var sentence = Sentence.FromWords("1 + 1 + 1");
            var grammar  = AdditionGrammar(argList => string.Format("({0} + {1})", argList[0].Payload, argList[2].Payload));

            g = grammar;
            var earley  = new EarleyParser(g);
            var earley2 = new EarleyParser2(g);

            //DotRunner.Run(earley.ParseGetForest(sentence).GetRawDot(), "testEarleyOld");
            //DotRunner.Run(earley2.ParseGetForest(sentence).GetRawDot(), "testEarleyNew");
            DotRunner.Run(DotBuilder.GetRawDot(earley.ParseGetForest(sentence)), "testEarleyOld");
            DotRunner.Run(DotBuilder.GetRawDot(earley2.ParseGetForest(sentence)), "testEarleyNew");
            // DotRunner.Run(DotBuilder.GetFlattenedDot(earley2.ParseGetForest(sentence)), "testEarleyFlat");

            // var prob0 = earley.ParseGetProbability(sentence);
            var prob = earley2.ParseGetProbability(sentence);
Пример #4
		static void Main(string[] args) {
			//var rand = new Random(0);
			// RandomTests.RandomJacobianTest();

			var t = new TestCFGToCNF();
			var tp = new TestCFGToCNFEmptyProb();
			var tr = new RegressionTests();
			var testp = new TestParsing();

			// testp.TestParsing21();
			// testp.TestWeirdSppf06();
			// testp.TestWeirdSppf07();

			// Console.Read();

			//var g = new Grammar(new List<Production>{
			//	CFGParser.Production("<S> → 'x' <X>"),
			//	CFGParser.Production("<S> → <X> 'x'"),
			//	CFGParser.Production("<S> → 'x' 'x'"),
			//	CFGParser.Production("<X> → 'x'"),
			//}, Nonterminal.Of("S"));
			//var g = new Grammar(new List<Production>{
			//	CFGParser.Production("<S> → <S> <S> <S>"),
			//	CFGParser.Production("<S> → 'x'"),
			//	CFGParser.Production("<S> → ε"),
			//}, Nonterminal.Of("S"));

			//var g = new Grammar(new List<Production>{
			//	CFGParser.Production("<S> → <S> <S>"),
			//	CFGParser.Production("<S> → 'b'"),
			//	CFGParser.Production("<S> → ε"),
			//}, Nonterminal.Of("S"));

			var g = new Grammar(new List<Production>{
				CFGParser.Production("<S> → <S> '+' <S>"),
				// CFGParser.Production("<S> → <S> '*' <S>"),
				// CFGParser.Production("<S> → [0-9]+"),
				CFGParser.Production("<S> → '0'"),
				// CFGParser.Production("<S> → '2'"),
			}, Nonterminal.Of("S"));
			//var ests = g.EstimateProbabilities(10000);
			//foreach (var est in ests) {
			//	Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", est.Key, est.Value);

			// 0 + 123 * 72

			var ep = new EarleyParser(g);
			var sppf = ep.ParseGetForest(Sentence.FromWords("0 + 0 + 0"));

			// var sppf = ep.ParseGetForest(Sentence.FromWords("x x"));
			// var sppf = ep.ParseGetForest(Sentence.FromWords("b"));
			// var dot = ForestHelpers.ToDot(sppf);
			var rawdot = sppf.GetRawDot();
			DotRunner.Run(rawdot, "rawGraph");

			var dot = sppf.ToDot();
			DotRunner.Run(dot, "addition");

			// var dotShared = ForestHelpers.ToDot(sppf, true);
			//var dotShared = sppf.ToDot(true);
			//DotRunner.Run(dotShared, "additionShared");

			//var pp = new PrettyPrinter();

			//// Console.WriteLine(sppf.ToStringHelper("", new HashSet<Sppf>()));
			// Readme.Do();
			//var p = CFGParser.Production("<S> -> 'a' [5]");


			//var rt = new CFGLibTest.RandomTests();
			//var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
			//// rt.RandomParsingTest(50000, 4, 3, 5, 4, 6, 1);
			//// rt.RandomParsingTest(500, 10, 5, 30, 8, 6);
			//rt.RandomParsingTest(1, 10, 5, 50, 8, 6);
			//Console.WriteLine("Elapsed: {0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000.0);

Пример #5
        public static void Do()
            // S -> aSa | bSb | ε
            var productions = new List <Production> {
                // construct productions by passing arguments...
                new Production(
                    lhs: Nonterminal.Of("S"),
                    rhs: new Sentence {
                    Terminal.Of("a"), Nonterminal.Of("S"), Terminal.Of("a")
                    weight: 20
                // or from a string...
                CFGParser.Production(@"<S> -> 'b' <S> 'b' [10]"),
                CFGParser.Production(@"<S> -> ε [5]"),
            var cfg = new Grammar(productions, Nonterminal.Of("S"));
            // var cnf = cfg.ToCNF();

            //var probs = cfg.EstimateProbabilities(1000000);
            //foreach (var entry in probs) {
            //	var key = entry.Key;
            //	var value = entry.Value;
            //	if (key.Length <= 4) {
            //	Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", key, value);
            //	}

            // Print out the new CNF grammar
            // Console.WriteLine(cnf);

            var ep = new EarleyParser(cfg);

            // var cp = new CykParser(cnf);

            // Does this grammar accept the string "aabb"?
            Console.WriteLine("aabb: {0}", ep.ParseGetProbability(Sentence.FromLetters("aabb")));
            // How about "abba"?
            Console.WriteLine("abba: {0}", ep.ParseGetProbability(Sentence.FromLetters("abba")));


            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

            var sentences = cfg.ProduceToDepth(3);

            foreach (var sentence in sentences)

            var gg        = new GrammarGenerator(1);
            var terminals = new List <Terminal> {
                Terminal.Of("a"), Terminal.Of("b")
            var randGram = gg.NextCFG(
                numNonterminals: 4,
                numProductions: 10,
                maxProductionLength: 4,
                terminals: terminals

Пример #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //var rand = new Random(0);
            // RandomTests.RandomJacobianTest();

            var t     = new TestCFGToCNF();
            var tp    = new TestCFGToCNFEmptyProb();
            var tr    = new RegressionTests();
            var testp = new TestParsing();

            // testp.TestParsing21();
            // testp.TestWeirdSppf06();
            // testp.TestWeirdSppf07();

            // Console.Read();

            //var g = new Grammar(new List<Production>{
            //	CFGParser.Production("<S> → 'x' <X>"),
            //	CFGParser.Production("<S> → <X> 'x'"),
            //	CFGParser.Production("<S> → 'x' 'x'"),
            //	CFGParser.Production("<X> → 'x'"),
            //}, Nonterminal.Of("S"));
            //var g = new Grammar(new List<Production>{
            //	CFGParser.Production("<S> → <S> <S> <S>"),
            //	CFGParser.Production("<S> → 'x'"),
            //	CFGParser.Production("<S> → ε"),
            //}, Nonterminal.Of("S"));

            //var g = new Grammar(new List<Production>{
            //	CFGParser.Production("<S> → <S> <S>"),
            //	CFGParser.Production("<S> → 'b'"),
            //	CFGParser.Production("<S> → ε"),
            //}, Nonterminal.Of("S"));

            var g = new Grammar(new List <Production> {
                CFGParser.Production("<S> → <S> '+' <S>"),
                // CFGParser.Production("<S> → <S> '*' <S>"),
                // CFGParser.Production("<S> → [0-9]+"),
                CFGParser.Production("<S> → '0'"),
                // CFGParser.Production("<S> → '2'"),
            }, Nonterminal.Of("S"));
            //var ests = g.EstimateProbabilities(10000);
            //foreach (var est in ests) {
            //	Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", est.Key, est.Value);

            // 0 + 123 * 72

            var ep   = new EarleyParser(g);
            var sppf = ep.ParseGetForest(Sentence.FromWords("0 + 0 + 0"));

            // var sppf = ep.ParseGetForest(Sentence.FromWords("x x"));
            // var sppf = ep.ParseGetForest(Sentence.FromWords("b"));
            // var dot = ForestHelpers.ToDot(sppf);

            var rawdot = sppf.GetRawDot();

            DotRunner.Run(rawdot, "rawGraph");

            var dot = sppf.ToDot();

            DotRunner.Run(dot, "addition");

            // var dotShared = ForestHelpers.ToDot(sppf, true);
            //var dotShared = sppf.ToDot(true);
            //DotRunner.Run(dotShared, "additionShared");

            //var pp = new PrettyPrinter();

            //// Console.WriteLine(sppf.ToStringHelper("", new HashSet<Sppf>()));
            // Readme.Do();
            //var p = CFGParser.Production("<S> -> 'a' [5]");


            //var rt = new CFGLibTest.RandomTests();
            //var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            //// rt.RandomParsingTest(50000, 4, 3, 5, 4, 6, 1);
            //// rt.RandomParsingTest(500, 10, 5, 30, 8, 6);
            //rt.RandomParsingTest(1, 10, 5, 50, 8, 6);
            //Console.WriteLine("Elapsed: {0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000.0);

Пример #7
        private bool ProcessOneGrammar()
            var(g, terminals) = NextGrammar();
            var h = g.ToCNF();
            // Console.WriteLine(g.Productions.Count());
            var preparedSentences = new List <Sentence>();

            for (int length = 0; length <= _maxInputLength; length++)
                var combinations = CFGLibTest.Helpers.CombinationsWithRepetition(terminals, length);
                foreach (var target in combinations)
                    var sentence = new Sentence(target);

            AddRandomSentences(preparedSentences, terminals);
            var uniquifySentences = new Dictionary <string, Sentence>();

            foreach (var sentence in preparedSentences)
                uniquifySentences[sentence.AsTerminals()] = sentence;
            preparedSentences = uniquifySentences.Values.ToList();

            // Console.WriteLine("Parsing sentences...");
            EarleyParser  earley1;
            EarleyParser2 earley2;
            CykParser     cyk;

            try {
                earley1 = new EarleyParser(g);
                earley2 = new EarleyParser2(g);
                cyk     = new CykParser(h);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Report(g, e);

            foreach (var sentence in preparedSentences)
                try {
                    var sppf1 = earley1.ParseGetForest(sentence);
                    var sppf2 = earley2.ParseGetForest(sentence);

                    if (sppf1 == null && sppf2 != null)
                        throw new Exception();
                    if (sppf2 == null && sppf1 != null)
                        throw new Exception();

                    var p1 = earley1.ProbabilityOfSppf(sppf1);
                    var p2 = earley2.ProbabilityOfSppf(sppf2);
                    var p3 = cyk.ParseGetProbability(sentence);
                    if (!Helpers.IsNear(p1, p2))
                        throw new Exception();
                    if (!Helpers.IsNear(p1, p3))
                        throw new Exception();
                    try {
                        TestTraversal.CheckTraversal(g, sentence, sppf1);
                    } catch (TraversalLoopException) { }
                    try {
                        TestTraversal.CheckTraversal(g, sentence, sppf2);
                    } catch (TraversalLoopException) { }
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Report(g, e, sentence);
                    // throw new RandomTestException(e, g, sentence);