public DataTable AddMyCollections([FromBody] MyCollections json) { DataTable dt = null; try { if ( > 0 && json.userid > 0) { EPData ep = new EPData(); ValidInfo valid = ep.AddMyCollectionByCP(json); if (valid.valid) { dt = GetTable("true", ""); } } else { dt = GetTable("false", "参数错误"); } } catch (Exception ex) { dt = GetTable("false", ex.Message); Log.WriteError(ex, "我的收藏(SettMyCollections)"); } return(dt); }
public DataTable CheckMyNotes([FromBody] MyNotes json) { DataTable dt = null; try { if (json.userid > 0 && > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("SELECT * FROM EP_MyNotes WHERE UserId={0} AND ID ={1}", json.userid,; EPData ep = new EPData(); dt = ep.GetData(sb.ToString()); } else { dt = GetTable("false", "参数错误"); } } catch (Exception ex) { dt = GetTable("false", ex.Message); Log.WriteError(ex, "我的笔记(CheckMyNotes)"); } return(dt); }
public DataTable EditMyNotes([FromBody] MyNotes json) { DataTable dt = null; try { if (json.userid > 0 && > 0) { EPData ep = new EPData(); ep.EditMyNoteByCP(json); dt = GetTable("true", ""); //SqlParameter[] sqlparam =null; //sqlparam.(new SqlParameter() { }); //ep.EditMyNoteByCP("cp_EditMyNotes", sqlparam); } else { dt = GetTable("false", "参数错误"); } } catch (Exception ex) { dt = GetTable("false", ex.Message); Log.WriteError(ex, "我的笔记(EditMyNotes)"); } return(dt); }
public void SendCode([FromBody] CodeInfo json) { try { string phone =; string code = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(phone)) { Random rm = new Random(); code = rm.Next(100000, 1000000).ToString(); EPData ep = new EPData(); if (ep.InsertCodeByCP("cp_VerificationCodeInsert", phone, code, json.codetype)) { //if (EPData.InsertCodeByCP("cp_VerificationCodeInsert", phone, code)) //{ // Log.WriteCode(phone, code); //} //new MWSend().MWSendMsg(phone, code); new WYSend().Send(phone, code); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteError(ex, "发送验证码(SendCode)"); } }
public void AddMyCollectionVideosWatchCounts([FromBody] MyCollectionVideos json) { try { if (json.userid > 0 && > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat(@"UPDATE EP_MyCollectionVideos SET WatchCounts = WatchCounts+1,MyWatchCounts =MyWatchCounts +1 WHERE UserId = {0} AND ID ={1};", json.userid,; EPData ep = new EPData(); ep.GetData(sb.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteError(ex, "我的收藏视屏(AddMyCollectionVideosWatchCounts)"); } }
public DataTable UserRegister([FromBody] RegisterInfo json) { DataTable dt = null; try { EPData ep = new EPData(); ValidInfo valid = ep.UserRegisterByCp(json); if (valid.valid) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("SELECT 'true' AS IsSuccess,'' AS Error,* FROM dbo.EP_User WHERE Phone = '{0}'", json.account); dt = ep.GetData(sb.ToString()); } else { dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("IsSuccess", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("Error", typeof(string)); DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["IsSuccess"] = valid.valid.ToString(); dr["Error"] = valid.errmsg; dt.Rows.Add(dr); } } catch (Exception ex) { dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("IsSuccess", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("Error", typeof(string)); DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["IsSuccess"] = "false"; dr["Error"] = ex.Message; dt.Rows.Add(dr); Log.WriteError(ex, "注册(UserRegister)"); } return(dt); }
public DataTable GetMyMessages([FromBody] User json) { DataTable dt = null; try { if (json.userid > 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(json.isread)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("SELECT * FROM EP_MyMessages WHERE UserId={0} ", json.userid); switch (json.isread) { case "0": break; case "1": sb.Append(" AND IsRead=1"); break; case "2": sb.Append(" AND IsRead=0"); break; } sb.Append(" ORDER BY CreatTime DESC"); EPData ep = new EPData(); dt = ep.GetData(sb.ToString()); } else { dt = GetTable("false", "参数错误"); } } catch (Exception ex) { dt = GetTable("false", ex.Message); Log.WriteError(ex, "我的消息(GetMyMessages)"); } return(dt); }
public DataTable DeleteMyNotes([FromBody] User json) { DataTable dt = null; try { if (json.userid > 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(json.noteids)) { string noteids = json.noteids.Trim(','); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat(@"DELETE EP_MyNotes WHERE UserId={0} AND ID IN({1}); BEGIN IF (@@ROWCOUNT >=0) BEGIN SELECT 'true' AS IsSuccess,'' AS Error END ELSE BEGIN SELECT 'false' AS IsSuccess,'删除我的笔记失败' AS Error END END ", json.userid, noteids); EPData ep = new EPData(); dt = ep.GetData(sb.ToString()); } else { dt = GetTable("false", "参数错误"); } } catch (Exception ex) { dt = GetTable("false", ex.Message); Log.WriteError(ex, "我的笔记(DeleteMyNotes)"); } return(dt); }
public DataTable AddMyNotes([FromBody] MyNotes json) { DataTable dt = null; try { if (json.userid > 0) { EPData ep = new EPData(); ValidInfo valid = ep.AddMyNotesByCp(json); dt = GetTable(valid.valid, valid.errmsg); } else { dt = GetTable("false", "参数错误"); } } catch (Exception ex) { dt = GetTable("false", ex.Message); Log.WriteError(ex, "我的笔记(AddMyNotes)"); } return(dt); }
public DataTable InsertMessagesToUser([FromBody] MyMessages json) { DataTable dt = null; try { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(json.userids)) { EPData ep = new EPData(); ValidInfo valid = ep.InsertMessagesToUserByCP(json); dt = GetTable(valid.valid.ToString(), valid.errmsg); } else { dt = GetTable("false", "参数错误"); } } catch (Exception ex) { dt = GetTable("false", ex.Message); Log.WriteError(ex, "我的消息(SendMessagesToUser)"); } return(dt); }
public DataTable SetMyMessagesIsRead([FromBody] User json) { DataTable dt = null; try { if (json.userid > 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(json.msgids)) { string msgids = json.msgids.Trim(','); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat(@"UPDATE EP_MyMessages SET IsRead = 1 WHERE ID IN ({0}) BEGIN IF(@@ROWCOUNT >= 0) BEGIN SELECT 'true' AS IsSuccess, '' AS Error END ELSE BEGIN SELECT 'false' AS IsSuccess, '设置已读失败' AS Error END END", msgids); EPData ep = new EPData(); dt = ep.GetData(sb.ToString()); } else { dt = GetTable("false", "参数错误"); } } catch (Exception ex) { dt = GetTable("false", ex.Message); Log.WriteError(ex, "我的消息(SetMyMessagesIsRead)"); } return(dt); }
public DataTable GetMyCollections([FromBody] User json) { DataTable dt = null; try { if (json.userid > 0) { EPData ep = new EPData(); dt = ep.GetData("SELECT * FROM EP_MyCollections WHERE UserId ={0} ORDER BY CreatTime DESC" + json.userid); } else { dt = GetTable("false", "参数错误"); } } catch (Exception ex) { dt = GetTable("false", ex.Message); Log.WriteError(ex, "我的收藏(GetMyCollection)"); } return(dt); }