Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the state of this user control, according to the zone state passed into.
 /// It keeps the current selected Zone Id.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="zoneState">Zone state, which shall be set.</param>
 public void updateZoneState(ZoneState zoneState)
     if (_zoneState != zoneState)
         _log.Trace(m => m("Update Zone state in control {0}, for zone {1} ({2}). New State='{3}'",
                           this.Name, GetSelectedZone().ToString(), _selectedZone.ToString(), zoneState));
         _zoneState = zoneState;
         if ((cmbSourceSelect != null) && (cmbSourceSelect.Items.Count > 0))
             // triggers the method cmbSourceSelect_SelectedIndexChanged()
             cmbSourceSelect.SelectedIndex = zoneState.Source.ObjectId - 1;
         if ((cmbPowerStatusSelect != null) && (cmbPowerStatusSelect.Items.Count > 0))
             // triggers the method cmbPowerStatusSelect_SelectedIndexChanged()
             cmbPowerStatusSelect.SelectedItem = (zoneState.PowerStatus ? EZonePowerStatus.ZoneStatusON.ToString() : EZonePowerStatus.ZoneStatusOFF.ToString());
         if (trackVolume != null)
             trackVolume.Value = zoneState.Volume;
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Private method to notify the subscribers about changes in the zone state.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="zoneId">Zone Id, of the changed zone. One-Based enumeration.</param>
 /// <param name="oldZoneState">Old Zone State.</param>
 /// <param name="newZoneState">New Zone State.</param>
 private void notifyZoneStateSubscribers(ENuvoEssentiaZones zoneId, ZoneState oldZoneState, ZoneState newZoneState)
     _log.Trace(m => m("Zone State with zoneId='{0}' has changed, notify the subscribers. oldState='{1}' newState='{2}'.", zoneId.ToString(), oldZoneState.ToString(), newZoneState.ToString()));
     if (onZoneUpdated != null)
         if (oldZoneState != newZoneState)
             onZoneUpdated(this, new ZoneStateEventArgs(zoneId, oldZoneState, newZoneState));