Пример #1
        private static unsafe ENLINK ConvertFromENLINK64(ENLINK64 es64)
            var enlink = new ENLINK();

            fixed(byte *numRef = es64.contents)
                enlink.nmhdr           = new NMHDR();
                enlink.charrange       = new CHARRANGE();
                enlink.nmhdr.hwndFrom  = Marshal.ReadIntPtr((IntPtr)numRef);
                enlink.nmhdr.idFrom    = Marshal.ReadIntPtr((IntPtr)(numRef + 8));
                enlink.nmhdr.code      = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(numRef + 0x10));
                enlink.msg             = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(numRef + 0x18));
                enlink.wParam          = Marshal.ReadIntPtr((IntPtr)(numRef + 0x1c));
                enlink.lParam          = Marshal.ReadIntPtr((IntPtr)(numRef + 0x24));
                enlink.charrange.cpMin = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(numRef + 0x2c));
                enlink.charrange.cpMax = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(numRef + 0x30));

    // ... other code ...

    protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
        const int WM_NOTIFY    = 0x004E;
        const int EN_LINK      = 0x070B;
        const int WM_SETCURSOR = 0x0020;

        if (m.Msg == WM_NOTIFY)
            NMHDR nmhdr = (NMHDR)m.GetLParam(typeof(NMHDR));
            if (nmhdr.code == EN_LINK)
                ENLINK enlink = (ENLINK)m.GetLParam(typeof(ENLINK));
                if (enlink.msg == WM_SETCURSOR)
                    // Set the result to indicate this message has been handled,
                    // and return without calling the default window procedure.
                    m.Result = (IntPtr)1;
        base.WndProc(ref m);
Пример #3
 private static unsafe ENLINK ConvertFromENLINK64(ENLINK64 es64)
     var enlink = new ENLINK();
     fixed (byte* numRef = es64.contents)
         enlink.nmhdr = new NMHDR();
         enlink.charrange = new CHARRANGE();
         enlink.nmhdr.hwndFrom = Marshal.ReadIntPtr((IntPtr) numRef);
         enlink.nmhdr.idFrom = Marshal.ReadIntPtr((IntPtr) (numRef + 8));
         enlink.nmhdr.code = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr) (numRef + 0x10));
         enlink.msg = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr) (numRef + 0x18));
         enlink.wParam = Marshal.ReadIntPtr((IntPtr) (numRef + 0x1c));
         enlink.lParam = Marshal.ReadIntPtr((IntPtr) (numRef + 0x24));
         enlink.charrange.cpMin = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr) (numRef + 0x2c));
         enlink.charrange.cpMax = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr) (numRef + 0x30));
     return enlink;
Пример #4
 private static extern void RichTextBox_EnLink(out ENLINK enlink);