public CommandMove Update(Character actor, Callback onFinish) { this.TargetActor = actor; this.MoveType = EMoveType.SeekActor; this.OnFinish = onFinish; return(this); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Move"/> struct. /// Constructor for quiet promotion moves /// </summary> /// <param name="piece">The moving piece</param> /// <param name="from">The from square</param> /// <param name="to">The to square</param> /// <param name="type">The move type</param> /// <param name="promoted">The promotion piece</param> public Move(Piece piece, Square from, Square to, EMoveType type, Piece promoted) : this(from, to) { SetMovingPiece(piece); SetMoveType(type); SetPromotedPiece(promoted); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Move"/> struct. /// Constructor for capture moves /// </summary> /// <param name="piece">The moving piece</param> /// <param name="captured">The captured piece</param> /// <param name="from">The from square</param> /// <param name="to">The to square</param> /// <param name="type">The move type</param> public Move(Piece piece, Piece captured, Square from, Square to, EMoveType type) : this(from, to) { SetMovingPiece(piece); SetCapturedPiece(captured); SetMoveType(type); }
public CommandMove Update(Vector3 destPosition, Callback onFinish) { this.TargetPos = destPosition; this.MoveType = EMoveType.SeekPosition; this.OnFinish = onFinish; return(this); }
private void RecreateLevel() { _carrentBrushType = EPipeType.None; _carrentBrushColor = -1; _carrentBrushParam = -1; _intBrush = PIPE_TYPE_NONE_ID; _indexStart = -1; _drawState = EMoveType.None; _textures = new Texture[_w * _h]; _neededStates.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < _w; ++i) { List <SSlotData> rowN = new List <SSlotData>(); for (int j = 0; j < _h; ++j) { int id = GetSlotIndex(i, j); _textures[id] = _statesTexs[PIPE_TYPE_NONE_ID]; SSlotData neededSlot = new SSlotData(); neededSlot.x = i; neededSlot.y = j; neededSlot.c = -1; neededSlot.p = -1; = EPipeType.None; rowN.Add(neededSlot); } _neededStates.Add(rowN); } }
public CommandMove Update(Transform target, Callback onFinish) { this.Target = target; this.MoveType = EMoveType.SeekTransform; this.OnFinish = onFinish; return(this); }
public Move(int x, int y, EMoveType type) { Debug.Assert(x >= 0 && x <= 7, "Wrong Move x Position!"); Debug.Assert(y >= 0 && y <= 7, "Wrong Move y Position!"); X = x; Y = y; Type = type; }
/// <summary> /// Determine if a move is legal or not, by performing the move and checking if the king is under attack afterwards. /// </summary> /// <param name="move">The move to check</param> /// <param name="piece">The moving piece</param> /// <param name="from">The from square</param> /// <param name="type">The move type</param> /// <returns>true if legal, otherwise false</returns> public bool IsLegal(Move move, Piece piece, Square from, EMoveType type) { if (!InCheck && piece.Type() != EPieceType.King && (Pinned & from).Empty() && !type.HasFlagFast(EMoveType.Epcapture)) { return(true); } Position.IsProbing = true; Position.MakeMove(move); var opponentAttacking = Position.IsAttacked(Position.KingSquares[SideToMove.Side], ~SideToMove); Position.TakeMove(move); Position.IsProbing = false; return(!opponentAttacking); }
public void AddObjectToInventory(bool trade, GameObject prefab = null) { if (trade) { prefab = prefabToGive; } if (prefab) { moving = true; move = EMoveType.RECEIVE; newObject = Instantiate(prefab, transform); if (trade) { previousObject = newObject; } colliders = newObject.GetComponents <Collider>(); foreach (Collider collider in colliders) { collider.isTrigger = true; } rb = newObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); rb.useGravity = false; rb.drag = 0; newObject.transform.localPosition = spawnPos; targetPos = receiveEndPos; rb.velocity = (targetPos - spawnPos); Interactible interactible = newObject.GetComponent <Interactible>(); interactible.inspectionInterface = inspectionInterface; interactible.tutorialManager = tutorialManager; } else { moving = false; waiting = false; currentTime = 0; EventManager.Instance.Raise(new BlockInputEvent() { block = false, navigation = false }); } }
void Update() { if (waiting) { currentTime += Time.deltaTime; if (currentTime >= waitTime) { waiting = false; currentTime = 0; EventManager.Instance.Raise(new BlockInputEvent() { block = false, navigation = false }); } } if (moving) { if (move == EMoveType.RECEIVE && newObject.transform.localPosition.z <= targetPos.z) { rb.velocity =; rb.useGravity = true; rb.drag = drag; foreach (Collider collider in colliders) { collider.isTrigger = false; } moving = false; waiting = true; } else if (move == EMoveType.GIVE_FIRST_STEP && previousObject.transform.localPosition.y >= targetPos.y) { move = EMoveType.GIVE_SECOND_STEP; targetPos = spawnPos; targetPos.x = previousObject.transform.localPosition.x; rb.velocity = (targetPos - previousObject.transform.localPosition); } else if (move == EMoveType.GIVE_SECOND_STEP && previousObject.transform.localPosition.z >= targetPos.z) { Destroy(previousObject); AddObjectToInventory(true); } } }
public void RemoveLastObjectFromInventory() { moving = true; move = EMoveType.GIVE_FIRST_STEP; colliders = previousObject.GetComponents <Collider>(); foreach (Collider collider in colliders) { collider.isTrigger = true; } rb = previousObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); rb.useGravity = false; rb.drag = 0; targetPos = previousObject.transform.position; targetPos.y += 1; rb.velocity = (targetPos - previousObject.transform.position); }
public void SetDestination(List <Vector3> path, EMoveType moveType = EMoveType.Direct) { if (path.Count <= 1) { lhDebug.LogError((object)("Path count is: " + path.Count + " " + path[0])); return; } #if lhSyncGizmos foreach (Transform item in m_objParent.transform) { if (item == m_objParent.transform) { continue; } UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(item.gameObject); } m_pathList.Clear(); m_sourcePathList.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; i++) { m_sourcePathList.Add(path[i]); var obj = new GameObject(i.ToString()); obj.transform.position = path[i]; obj.transform.parent = m_objParent.transform; } #endif m_path = path; //float totalDistance = CalculateTotalDistance(path.vectorPath); this.m_moveType = moveType; this.m_speed = Mathf.Lerp(m_speed, m_maxSpeed, Time.deltaTime * m_accerate); this.m_nextStep = m_speed * Time.deltaTime; this.m_nextCornerIndex = 1; if (m_moveType == EMoveType.Direct) { m_nextDirection = GetSegementDirection().normalized; } else { m_nextDirection = GetSegementJump().normalized; } m_targetReached = false; m_canMove = true; }
public void TestAllBasicMove() { Square expectedFrom = ESquare.a2; Square expectedTo = ESquare.h8; const EPieceType expectedMovingPieceType = EPieceType.Pawn; Piece expectedMovingPiece = EPieces.WhitePawn; Piece expectedCapturedPiece = EPieces.BlackKnight; Piece expectedPromotionPiece = EPieces.WhiteQueen; const EMoveType expectedMoveType = EMoveType.Promotion; // full move spectrum var move = new Move(expectedMovingPiece, expectedCapturedPiece, expectedFrom, expectedTo, expectedMoveType, expectedPromotionPiece); var actualFrom = move.GetFromSquare(); var actualTo = move.GetToSquare(); var actualMovingEPieceType = move.GetMovingPieceType(); var actualMovingPiece = move.GetMovingPiece(); var actualCapturedPiece = move.GetCapturedPiece(); var actualPromotionPiece = move.GetPromotedPiece(); var actualEMoveType = move.GetMoveType(); // test promotion status Assert.True(move.IsPromotionMove()); Assert.True(move.IsQueenPromotion()); // test squares Assert.Equal(expectedFrom, actualFrom); Assert.Equal(expectedTo, actualTo); // test pieces Assert.Equal(expectedMovingPieceType, actualMovingEPieceType); Assert.Equal(expectedMovingPiece, actualMovingPiece); Assert.Equal(expectedCapturedPiece, actualCapturedPiece); Assert.Equal(expectedPromotionPiece, actualPromotionPiece); // move type Assert.Equal(expectedMoveType, actualEMoveType); Assert.False(move.IsCastlelingMove()); Assert.False(move.IsDoublePush()); Assert.False(move.IsEnPassantMove()); }
void Move(EMoveType type) { float result = 0.0f; switch (type) { case EMoveType.eMT_Forward: { result = p_fMoveSpeed; break; } case EMoveType.eMT_BackWard: { result = -1 * p_fMoveSpeed; break; } case EMoveType.eMT_Idle: { result = 0; break; } } SetCurSpeed(result); UpdatePosition(); }
private static void AddPawnMoves(this IPosition pos, MoveList moves, BitBoard targetSquares, Direction direction, EMoveType type, Emgf flags) { if (targetSquares.Empty()) { return; } var stm = pos.State.SideToMove; var piece = EPieceType.Pawn.MakePiece(stm); var promotionRank = stm.PromotionRank(); var promotionSquares = targetSquares & promotionRank; var nonPromotionSquares = targetSquares & ~promotionRank; while (nonPromotionSquares) { var to = nonPromotionSquares.Lsb(); var from = to - direction; pos.AddMove(moves, piece, from, to, PieceExtensions.EmptyPiece, flags, type); BitBoards.ResetLsb(ref nonPromotionSquares); } type |= EMoveType.Promotion; if (flags.HasFlagFast(Emgf.Queenpromotion)) { var sqTo = promotionSquares.Lsb(); var sqFrom = sqTo - direction; pos.AddMove(moves, piece, sqFrom, sqTo, EPieceType.Queen.MakePiece(stm), flags, type); BitBoards.ResetLsb(ref promotionSquares); } else { while (promotionSquares) { var sqTo = promotionSquares.Lsb(); var sqFrom = sqTo - direction; for (var promotedPiece = EPieceType.Queen; promotedPiece >= EPieceType.Knight; promotedPiece--) { pos.AddMove(moves, piece, sqFrom, sqTo, promotedPiece.MakePiece(stm), flags, type); } BitBoards.ResetLsb(ref promotionSquares); } } }
/// <summary> /// Applies the move to the current matrix and gets the resulting one. /// </summary> /// <param name="moveType">Move type.</param> /// <returns></returns> public int[,] ApplyMove(EMoveType moveType) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static bool HasFlagFast(this EMoveType value, EMoveType flag) => (value & flag) != 0;
private void AddMove(ICollection <Move> moves, Piece piece, Square from, Square to, Piece promoted, EMoveType type = EMoveType.Quiet) { Move move; if (type.HasFlagFast(EMoveType.Capture)) { move = new Move(piece, Position.GetPiece(to), from, to, type, promoted); } else if (type.HasFlagFast(EMoveType.Epcapture)) { move = new Move(piece, EPieceType.Pawn.MakePiece(~SideToMove), from, to, type, promoted); } else { move = new Move(piece, from, to, type, promoted); } // check if move is actual a legal move if the flag is enabled if (Flags.HasFlagFast(Emgf.Legalmoves) && !IsLegal(move, piece, from, type)) { return; } moves.Add(move); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Move"/> struct. /// Constructor for capture+promotion moves /// </summary> /// <param name="piece">The moving piece</param> /// <param name="captured">The captured piece</param> /// <param name="from">The from square</param> /// <param name="to">The to square</param> /// <param name="type">The move type</param> /// <param name="promotedEPiece">The promotion piece</param> public Move(Piece piece, Piece captured, Square from, Square to, EMoveType type, Piece promotedEPiece) : this(piece, captured, from, to, type) => SetPromotedPiece(promotedEPiece);
public ChartMovedEventArgs(EMoveType move_type) { MoveType = move_type; }
private void AddPawnMoves(MoveList moves, BitBoard targetSquares, Direction direction, EMoveType type) { if (targetSquares.Empty()) { return; } var piece = EPieceType.Pawn.MakePiece(_position.State.SideToMove); foreach (var squareTo in targetSquares) { var squareFrom = squareTo - direction; if (!squareTo.IsPromotionRank()) { AddMove(moves, piece, squareFrom, squareTo, PieceExtensions.EmptyPiece, type); } else { if (Flags.HasFlagFast(Emgf.Queenpromotion)) { AddMove(moves, piece, squareFrom, squareTo, EPieceType.Queen.MakePiece(_position.State.SideToMove), type | EMoveType.Promotion); } else { for (var promotedPiece = EPieceType.Queen; promotedPiece >= EPieceType.Knight; promotedPiece--) { AddMove(moves, piece, squareFrom, squareTo, promotedPiece.MakePiece(_position.State.SideToMove), type | EMoveType.Promotion); } } } } }
public CommandMove Update(Vector3 motion) { this.Motion = motion; this.MoveType = EMoveType.MoveForce; return(this); }
private static void AddMove(this IPosition pos, MoveList moves, Piece piece, Square from, Square to, Piece promoted, Emgf flags, EMoveType type = EMoveType.Quiet) { Move move; if (type.HasFlagFast(EMoveType.Capture)) { move = new Move(piece, pos.GetPiece(to), from, to, type, promoted); } else if (type.HasFlagFast(EMoveType.Epcapture)) { move = new Move(piece, EPieceType.Pawn.MakePiece(~pos.State.SideToMove), from, to, type, promoted); } else { move = new Move(piece, from, to, type, promoted); } // check if move is actual a legal move if the flag is enabled if (flags.HasFlagFast(Emgf.Legalmoves) && !pos.IsLegal(move, piece, from, type)) { return; } moves.Add(move); }