Пример #1
        /// <summary> transfers all components of an EM2 content into EM3 structure </summary>
        /// <param name="emPath"> EuromodFiles folder (containing EM2-files in XMLParam and (will contain) EM3-files in EM3Translation\XMLParam) </param>
        /// <param name="errors"> list of errors, only critical errors lead to returning false, i.e. there may be errors on "success" </param>
        /// <param name="checkEmptyPath"> if true and e3Path is not an empty folder the function returns false and puts an error into the list </param>
        /// <param name="report"> optional function for progress reporting, with the form 'void fName(string successfullyWrittenFile)' </param>
        /// <param name="cancelSrc"> optional cancellation item </param>
        public static bool Transform(string emPath, out List <string> errors, bool checkEmptyPath = false,
                                     Action <string> report = null, CancellationTokenSource cancelSrc = null)
            errors = new List <string>();
                string em3TranslationFolder = new EMPath(emPath).GetFolderEM3Translation();
                if (!Directory.Exists(em3TranslationFolder))
                else if (checkEmptyPath)
                    DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(em3TranslationFolder);
                    if (di.GetDirectories().Length > 0 || di.GetFiles().Length > 0)
                        throw new Exception($"Destination path is not empty: {em3TranslationFolder}");

                // read EM2 files: includes STRUCTURE changes
                // i.e. essentially from n pol/fun/par for n systems in EM2 to (initially) 1 pol/fun/par for all systems in EM3
                List <string>  wErrors   = new List <string>();
                EM2All.Content emContent = EM2All.Read(emPath, out errors, report, cancelSrc);

                // write EM3 files: includes CONTENT changes (performed by the EM23Adapt class)
                // e.g. dropping outdated properties, other treatment of private, global switches, ...
                bool success = emContent == null ? false : Write(emContent, emPath, out wErrors, report, cancelSrc);
            catch (Exception exception) { errors.Add(exception.Message); return(false); }
        void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Directory.Exists(txtCountryFolder.Text))
                UserInfoHandler.ShowError("Import Country Folder does not exist.");

            if (Directory.Exists(EMPath.Folder_Countries(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles) + txtShortName.Text))
                UserInfoHandler.ShowError("Country folder '" + txtShortName.Text + "' already exists at '" + EMPath.Folder_Countries(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles) + "'.");

            if (txtFlag.Text != string.Empty && !CountryAdministrator.IsValidFlagFilePath(txtFlag.Text))

            //out-commented as it does not really make sense to not allow for longer country-short-names
            //if (txtShortName.Text.Length != 2)
            //    if (UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Short Name is supposed to have two characters. Do you want to correct?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
            //        return;

            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
        // note: this assumes an existing EM3Translation-folder (as sub-folder of emPath) and takes only the translated countries in there into account
        public static bool GetInfoCountries(string emPath, out List <CountryInfo> countryInfo, out string errorsAndWarnings,
                                            bool getDatasets = true, bool getRunOptions = true)
            errorsAndWarnings = string.Empty; countryInfo = new List <CountryInfo>();
            EMPath pathHelper = new EMPath(emPath);

                if (!Directory.Exists(pathHelper.GetFolderCountries()))
                    errorsAndWarnings = $"Folder {pathHelper.GetFolderCountries()} not found"; return(false);

                object writeLock = new object(); List <CountryInfo> localCountryInfo = new List <CountryInfo>(); string localErrors = string.Empty;
                Parallel.ForEach(new DirectoryInfo(pathHelper.GetFolderCountries()).GetDirectories(), folder =>
                    lock (writeLock)
                        if (GetInfoCountry(pathHelper.GetCountryFilePath(folder.Name), out CountryInfo ci, out string error, getDatasets, getRunOptions))
                            localErrors += error + Environment.NewLine;
        static bool FolderRecursivly(string sourceFolderPath, string destinationFolderPath, ref bool undo, string renameFolderTo = "")
            sourceFolderPath      = EMPath.AddSlash(sourceFolderPath);
            destinationFolderPath = EMPath.AddSlash(destinationFolderPath);

                DirectoryInfo sourceFolder = new DirectoryInfo(sourceFolderPath);
                if (renameFolderTo == string.Empty)
                    destinationFolderPath = EMPath.AddSlash(destinationFolderPath + sourceFolder.Name);
                    destinationFolderPath = EMPath.AddSlash(destinationFolderPath + renameFolderTo);

                //check if trying to copy in same parent folder
                if (destinationFolderPath.ToLower() == sourceFolderPath.ToLower())
                    UserInfoHandler.ShowError("Cannot duplicate folder '" + sourceFolder.Name + "' in its parent folder.");

                //check if source folder already exists at destination path
                if (Directory.Exists(destinationFolderPath))
                    if (UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Folder '" + destinationFolderPath + "' already exists. Should it be deleted?", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.Cancel)
                    Directory.Delete(destinationFolderPath, true);

                //create source folder at destination path
                undo = true;

                //copy all files directly under this folder
                FileInfo[] subFiles = sourceFolder.GetFiles("*.*");
                if (subFiles != null)
                    foreach (FileInfo subFile in subFiles)
                        File.Copy(subFile.FullName, destinationFolderPath + subFile.Name);
                //find all subfolders under this folder for recursive call
                foreach (DirectoryInfo subFolder in sourceFolder.GetDirectories())
                    FolderRecursivly(subFolder.FullName, destinationFolderPath, ref undo);
            catch (Exception exception)
                UserInfoHandler.ShowException(exception, "Close and reopen the user interface and try again.");
        /// <summary>
        /// reads the EM2 variables file and transfers it to EM3 style
        /// creates the config folder, if it does not exist, and overwrites any existing variables file
        /// note: the intended usage is "single variables transformation"
        ///       the EM3All class is responsible for complete EM-content transformation (using the EM3Variables.Write functions)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="emPath"> EuromodFiles folder (containing EM2-files in XMLParam and (will contain) EM3-files in EM3Translation\XMLParam) </param>
        /// <param name="errors"> critical and non-critical erros during the transformation-process, empty structure for no errors </param>
        public static bool Transform(string emPath, out List <string> errors)
            errors = new List <string>(); EMPath pathHandler = new EMPath(emPath);
                DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(pathHandler.GetFolderConfig());

                if (TransformerCommon.IsFileUpToDate(pathHandler.GetVarFilePath(em2: true), di.FullName, out string hashCode))

                // read EM2-file
                EM2Variables.Content content = EM2Variables.Read(pathHandler.GetFolderConfig(em2: true), out List <string> rErrors);
                if (content == null)
                    errors = rErrors; return(false);

                // transfer to EM3-structure
                bool success = Write(content, emPath, out List <string> wErrors);

                if (success && errors.Count == 0)
                    TransformerCommon.WriteUpToDate(pathHandler.GetVarFilePath(em2: true), di.FullName, hashCode);
            catch (Exception exception)
                errors.Add($"Variables: {exception.Message}");
Пример #6
        static internal string GenerateProjectSettings(string projectPath)
            UserSettings settings = ReadSettings(GetCurrentSettingsFullName()); //read UserSetting.txt if available, otherwise get empty settings

            projectPath = EMPath.AddSlash(projectPath);

            //adapt EuromodFolder (= project-path) as well as default input- and output-folder, but the latter only if they were "standard" before, i.e. EuromodFolder\output resp. EuromodFolder\input
            string currentProjectPath     = EMPath.AddSlash(settings.Settings.First().EuromodFolder).ToLower();
            bool   useDefaultOutputFolder = settings.Settings.First().OutputFolder == string.Empty || settings.Settings.First().OutputFolder.ToLower().Contains(currentProjectPath);
            bool   useDefaultInputFolder  = settings.Settings.First().InputFolder == string.Empty || settings.Settings.First().InputFolder.ToLower().Contains(currentProjectPath);

            settings.Settings.First().EuromodFolder = projectPath; //change the project path
            if (useDefaultOutputFolder)
                settings.Settings.First().OutputFolder = projectPath + "output";
            if (useDefaultInputFolder)
                settings.Settings.First().InputFolder = projectPath + "input";

            string settingsPath = GetAnySettingsFullName();

            SaveSettings(settings, settingsPath); //store as GuidUserSetting.txt
Пример #7
        internal static void CleanLogFile()
            string logFile = new EMPath(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles).GetEmLogFilePath();

            EM_UI_MainForm mainForm = EM_AppContext.Instance.GetActiveCountryMainForm();

            if (mainForm != null)
                mainForm.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            string error = AdaptLogFile(logFile);

            if (mainForm != null)
                mainForm.Cursor = Cursors.Default;

            if (error == string.Empty)
                UserInfoHandler.ShowSuccess("Successfully cleaned " + logFile + ".");
                UserInfoHandler.ShowError("Failed to clean " + logFile + ":" + Environment.NewLine + error);
Пример #8
        void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (lstSystems.CheckedItems.Count == 0)
                Tools.UserInfoHandler.ShowError("Please select at least one system.");
            _selectedSystems = new List <string>();
            foreach (object selectedSystem in lstSystems.CheckedItems)

            if (txtExportFolder.Text == string.Empty || !System.IO.Directory.Exists(txtExportFolder.Text))
                Tools.UserInfoHandler.ShowError("Please select a valid export path.");
            _selectedPath = EMPath.AddSlash(txtExportFolder.Text);

            if (radExportAndDelete.Checked)
                _deleteExportedSystems = true;

            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
        internal static string StoreFile(string filePath)
            CleanBackupFolder(); //delete all folders which are older than 3 days to avoid that the backup folder gets too big

                FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(filePath);

                //create a backup by copying file to a dated folder (see below) in BackUps-folder
                if (!Directory.Exists(EMPath.Folder_BackUps(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles)))
                string backUpFolder = fileInfo.Name + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_H-mm-ss");       //backup-folder is name e.g. VarConfig.xml_2013-12-08_10-30-23
                if (!Directory.Exists(EMPath.Folder_BackUps(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles) + backUpFolder)) //is actually rather unlikely
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(EMPath.Folder_BackUps(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles) + backUpFolder);

                File.Copy(filePath, EMPath.AddSlash(EMPath.Folder_BackUps(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles) + backUpFolder) + fileInfo.Name);
            catch (Exception exception)
        public static bool IsUpToDate(string emPath, string country)
            EMPath pathHandler = new EMPath(emPath);

            return(TransformerCommon.IsFileUpToDate(pathHandler.GetCountryFilePath(country, true), pathHandler.GetCountryFolderPath(country), out string hash1) &&
                   TransformerCommon.IsFileUpToDate(pathHandler.GetEM2DataConfigFilePath(country), pathHandler.GetCountryFolderPath(country), out string hash2));
 internal static void ReportSuccessAndInfo(string successfulAction, string backUpFolder, bool autoRestore = true)
     UserInfoHandler.ShowSuccess(successfulAction + " succeeded!" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "Please note that a back-up of the version before the action is stored under " + Environment.NewLine +
                                 EMPath.Folder_BackUps(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles) + backUpFolder + "." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                 (autoRestore ? "You may restore it via the button 'Restore' in the ribbon 'Country Tools'." : string.Empty));
        internal bool GetInstalledFilePath(out string installedFilePath, string localPath, string oldPath = "")
            // NOTE: This function should only ever be used by the two functions above to retrieve the help & funcConfig paths

            //Application.ExecutablePath should be something like 'C:\Program Files (x86)\EUROMOD\EM_UI\EM_UI.exe'
            //to assess the base installation path we need to extract 'C:\Program Files (x86)\EUROMOD\' and add the local path (e.g. 'executable\\euromod.exe')
            string installationPath = EMPath.AddSlash((new FileInfo(Application.ExecutablePath)).Directory.Parent.FullName);

            if (EnvironmentInfo.isCompilerEnvironment)
                installationPath = EMPath.AddSlash(Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetParent(installationPath).FullName).FullName);
            installedFilePath = installationPath + localPath;
            if (File.Exists(installedFilePath))

            //try if the 'old path' exists, i.e. the path within the EUROMOD bundle (e.g. '...\EuromodFiles\Executable\Euromod.exe')
            if (oldPath != string.Empty && File.Exists(oldPath))
                installedFilePath = oldPath;

            EM_UI.Tools.UserInfoHandler.ShowError("File not found: '" + installedFilePath + "'.");
        static internal void LoadAddOns()
            if (!Directory.Exists(EMPath.Folder_AddOns(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles)))

            DirectoryInfo folderAddOns = new DirectoryInfo(EMPath.Folder_AddOns(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles));

            foreach (FileInfo addOnFile in folderAddOns.GetFiles("*.xml"))
                string addOnShortName = addOnFile.Name.Substring(0, addOnFile.Name.Length - addOnFile.Extension.Length);
                if (_countries.Keys.Contains(addOnShortName.ToLower()))
                    continue; //add-on already in countries list
                Country addOn = new Country();
                addOn._shortName = addOnShortName;

                string flagPathAndFileName = new EMPath(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles).GetFolderImages() + addOn._shortName + _imageExtension;
                addOn._flag    = GetImageFromFile(flagPathAndFileName, global::EM_UI.Properties.Resources.NoAddOnImage);
                addOn._isAddOn = true;

                _countries.Add(addOn._shortName.ToLower(), addOn);
        static bool IsValidCountryXMLFile(string folderPath, string countryShortName, out string errorMessage, bool checkForCountryConsistence = false)
                CountryConfig countryConfig = new CountryConfig();
                string        fileName      = EMPath.AddSlash(folderPath) + GetCountryXMLFileName(countryShortName);
                if (!File.Exists(fileName))
                    errorMessage = string.Format($"File '{fileName}' not found."); return(false);
                }                                                                                                            // this is for whatever reason not catched by the error handler and leads to a crash if not handled here
                using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(fileName, DefGeneral.DEFAULT_ENCODING))

                //trying to access country leads to an exception if this is not a valid country xml-file
                string xmlCountryShortName = countryConfig.Country.First().ShortName;

                if (checkForCountryConsistence)
                    if (xmlCountryShortName.ToLower() != countryShortName.ToLower())
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("Name of country within file (" + xmlCountryShortName +
                                                           ") does not correspond with name used for country file (" + countryShortName + ").");

                errorMessage = string.Empty;
            catch (Exception exception)
                errorMessage = exception.Message;
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// reads EM2 global files (for ex-rates, hicp, glo-switches) and transfers them to EM3 style
        /// creates the config folder, if it does not exist, and overwrites any existing global file
        /// note: the intended usage is "single transformation of global files"
        ///       the EM3All class is responsible for complete EM-content transformation (using the EM3Global.WriteXXX functions)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="emPath"> EuromodFiles folder (containing EM2-files in XMLParam and (will contain) EM3-files in EM3Translation\XMLParam) </param>
        /// <param name="errors"> critical and non-critical erros during the transformation-process, empty structure for no errors </param>
        /// <param name="mustExist"> if false, the non-existence of any global file does not produce an error </param>
        public static bool Transform(string emPath, out List <string> errors, bool mustExist = false)
            errors = new List <string>(); EMPath pathHandler = new EMPath(emPath);
                DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(pathHandler.GetFolderConfig());

                // read EM2-files
                List <List <MultiProp> > exRates  = EM2Global.ReadExRates(pathHandler.GetFolderConfig(em2: true), out List <string> _errors, mustExist); errors.AddRange(_errors);
                List <List <MultiProp> > hicp     = EM2Global.ReadHICP(pathHandler.GetFolderConfig(em2: true), out _errors, mustExist); errors.AddRange(_errors);
                List <List <MultiProp> > switches = EM2Global.ReadSwitchPol(pathHandler.GetFolderConfig(em2: true), out _errors, mustExist); errors.AddRange(_errors);

                // transfer to EM3-structure
                bool success = WriteExRates(exRates, emPath, out _errors); errors.AddRange(_errors);
                success &= WriteHICP(hicp, emPath, out _errors); errors.AddRange(_errors);
                success &= WriteExtensions(switches, emPath, out _errors); errors.AddRange(_errors);

            catch (Exception exception)
                errors.Add($"Global files: {exception.Message}");
        private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int selCount = listFiles.SelectedIndices.Count;

            if (selCount < templateInfo.minFiles || selCount > templateInfo.maxFiles)
                if (templateInfo.maxFiles == 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select a file.");                             // is the same as selCount=0 (as list is in single-selection mode)
                else if (templateInfo.minFiles == templateInfo.maxFiles)
                    MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Please select {0} files.", templateInfo.maxFiles));
                else if (templateInfo.maxFiles == int.MaxValue)
                    MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Please select at least {0} files.", templateInfo.minFiles));
                    MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Please select {0} to {1} files.", templateInfo.minFiles, templateInfo.maxFiles));

            filePackages = new List <FilePackageContent>();
            foreach (var file in selectedIndices.Select(i => listFiles.Items[i]))
                string fileFullPath = Path.Combine(textPath.Text, file.ToString());
                if (templateInfo.templateType == HardDefinitions.TemplateType.Default)
                    filePackages.Add(new FilePackageContent()
                        PathBase = fileFullPath
                else // MULTI_ALT
                    if (filePackages.Count == 0)
                        filePackages.Add(new FilePackageContent());

            // save selected paths in UI-user-settings (see EM_UI.PlugInService.SessionInfo.cs, about why not using an own settings-file)
            if (!EMPath.IsSamePath(textPath.Text.ToLower(), UISessionInfo.GetOutputFolder().ToLower())) // if the path was changed: save in user-settings ...
                UISessionInfo.SetRetainedUserSetting(StatisticsPresenter.USER_SETTINGS_ID, StatisticsPresenter.BASE_OUTPUT_FOLDER, textPath.Text);
            else // ... if path corresponds with default-output-folder: remove from user-settings, to avoid that it will remain, if user changes the default-path in project settings
                UISessionInfo.RemoveRetainedUserSetting(StatisticsPresenter.USER_SETTINGS_ID, StatisticsPresenter.BASE_OUTPUT_FOLDER);

            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
 internal DataConfig ReadXml(string filePath, string fileName)
     _dataConfig = new DataConfig();
     using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(EMPath.AddSlash(filePath) + fileName, DefGeneral.DEFAULT_ENCODING))
Пример #18
 void UpdateOutputFieldOnRunDialoguesIfDefault()
     // if the output folder changed, check if any loaded Run Dialogues also need to be updated
     if (Get().OutputFolder != bkupGet().OutputFolder)
         EM_AppContext.Instance.UpdateOutputFieldOnRunDialoguesIfDefault(EMPath.AddSlash(bkupGet().OutputFolder), EMPath.AddSlash(Get().OutputFolder));
        internal void WriteXml(string filePath, string fileName, bool saveWithLineBreaks = true)
            Stream fileStream = new FileStream(EMPath.AddSlash(filePath) + fileName, FileMode.Create);

            using (XmlTextCDATAWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextCDATAWriter(fileStream,
                                                                         DefGeneral.DEFAULT_ENCODING, CountryConfigFacade._cDataElements, saveWithLineBreaks))
 static internal string GetFlagPath(string shortName, bool addOn)
 { //get "official" flag/symbol path, i.e. the path where country-flag/add-on-symbol ought to be stored from now on (even if it is not yet actually stored there)
     if (ConsiderOldAddOnFileStructure(addOn))
         return(new EMPath(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles).GetFolderImages()); //if add-ons are still stored "loosely" (not in folders) the symbols are still best stored in the Flags-folder (instead of also loosely in the AddOns-folder)
     //otherwise the official flag/symbol path is the folder of the country/add-on
     return(EMPath.AddSlash((addOn ? EMPath.Folder_AddOns(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles) : EMPath.Folder_Countries(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles)) + shortName));
        internal static bool RestoreCountry(EM_UI_MainForm mainForm, string backUpFolder = "")
            bool reportSuccess = false;

            if (backUpFolder == string.Empty) //called via button in MainForm
                FolderBrowserDialog folderBrowserDialog = new FolderBrowserDialog();
                folderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath = EMPath.Folder_BackUps(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles);
                folderBrowserDialog.Description  = "Please select the back-up folder";
                if (folderBrowserDialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel)
                backUpFolder  = folderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath;
                reportSuccess = true;
            else //called from a catch-branch, i.e. using just generated back-up in Temp/BackUp
                backUpFolder = EMPath.Folder_BackUps(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles) + backUpFolder;

            string countryShortName = mainForm.GetCountryShortName();
            bool   isAddOn          = CountryAdministrator.IsAddOn(countryShortName);

                //check if backUpFolder contains the necessary files and if the files actually contain a backup of the loaded country/add-on ...
                string errorMessage;
                if (!Country.DoesFolderContainValidXMLFiles(countryShortName, out errorMessage, backUpFolder, isAddOn,
                                                            true)) //check if countryShortName corresponds to country's short name as stored in the XML-file
                    throw new System.ArgumentException(errorMessage);

                //... if yes, copy files form backup-folder to Countries-folder
                if (!Country.CopyXMLFiles(countryShortName, out errorMessage, backUpFolder))
                    throw new System.ArgumentException(errorMessage);


                if (reportSuccess) //report success only if called via button (and not if called by a failed function)
                    UserInfoHandler.ShowSuccess("Successfully restored using back-up stored in" + Environment.NewLine + backUpFolder + ".");

            catch (Exception exception)
                UserInfoHandler.ShowError("Restore failed because of the error stated below." + Environment.NewLine +
                                          "You may want to try a manual restore via the button in the ribbon 'Country Tools'." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
        void ConfigurePathsForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string helpPath; EM_AppContext.Instance.GetHelpPath(out helpPath); helpProvider.HelpNamespace = helpPath;

            cmbEuromodFolder.Text = EM_AppContext.Instance.GetUserSettingsAdministrator().Get().EuromodFolder;
            foreach (string projectPath in UserSettingsAdministrator.GetAvailableProjectPaths(out _pathsUserSettings))
        static internal System.Drawing.Image GetFlag(string shortName, bool addOn)
            string flagName = shortName + _imageExtension;
            string flagPath = GetFlagPath(shortName, addOn); //first search at the "new" storage place

            if (!File.Exists(flagPath + flagName))
                flagPath = new EMPath(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles).GetFolderImages(); //if not found, try the "old" storage place
            return(GetImageFromFile(flagPath + flagName, addOn ? global::EM_UI.Properties.Resources.NoAddOnImage : global::EM_UI.Properties.Resources.NoFlag));
 internal string GetPath()
     if (CountryAdministrator.ConsiderOldAddOnFileStructure(_isAddOn))
         return(EMPath.AddSlash((_isAddOn ? EMPath.Folder_AddOns(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles) : EMPath.Folder_Countries(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles)) + _shortName));
        internal static string StoreCountry(EM_UI_MainForm mainForm, bool storeChanges = true)
            CleanBackupFolder(); //delete all folders which are older than 3 days to avoid that the backup folder gets too big

            //outcommented as it is probably more confusing to inform the user than that one cannot undo actions before this (probably big) action ...
            //if (undoManager.HasChanges() && Tools.UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Please note that the action generates a backup and therefore must reset the undo list. That means no undoing of actions up until now will be possible.",
            //    MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.Cancel)
            //    return false;

            //... instead pose this easier to understand question (i.e. only ask for saving unsaved changes, but not for any undo-stuff)
            if (storeChanges && mainForm.HasChanges() && Tools.UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Do you want to save changes?", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.Cancel)

                //the action will directly operate the XML-files therefore changes need to be commited and saved, unless explicitly not wished
                if (storeChanges)

                //create a backup by copying files from Countries-folder to a dated folder (see below) in BackUps-folder
                if (!Directory.Exists(EMPath.Folder_BackUps(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles)))
                string countryShortName = mainForm.GetCountryShortName();
                string backUpFolder     = countryShortName + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_H-mm-ss"); //backup-folder is name e.g. uk_2013-12-08_10-30-23
                if (!Directory.Exists(EMPath.Folder_BackUps(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles) + backUpFolder))  //is actually rather unlikely
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(EMPath.Folder_BackUps(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles) + backUpFolder);

                //copy XML-files (e.g. uk.xml + uk_DataConfig.xml or LMA.xml)
                string errorMessage;
                if (!Country.CopyXMLFiles(countryShortName, out errorMessage, string.Empty, EMPath.AddSlash(EMPath.Folder_BackUps(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles) + backUpFolder)))
                    throw new System.ArgumentException(errorMessage);

            catch (Exception exception)
Пример #26
        void UpdateSwitchTable(bool reportInvalid = true)
            _selectedPolicyID = string.Empty;

            if (lvSwitchablePolicies.CheckedItems.Count == 0)
                return; //leave table empty if no switchable policy is available
            //find out which switchable policy is selected
            _selectedPolicyID            = (lvSwitchablePolicies.CheckedItems[0].Tag != null) ? lvSwitchablePolicies.CheckedItems[0].Tag.ToString() : string.Empty;
            txtSelectedSwitchPolicy.Text = lvSwitchablePolicies.CheckedItems[0].Text;

            string invalidDefaultSwiches = string.Empty;

            foreach (DataGridViewRow dgvRow in dgvSwitches.Rows)
                for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < dgvSwitches.Columns.Count; ++columnIndex)
                    //run over available dataset-system combinations
                    dgvRow.Cells[columnIndex].Value    = string.Empty; //if dataset is not applicable for the system put an emtpy string, which is overwritten, if a db-system-combination is found
                    dgvRow.Cells[columnIndex].ReadOnly = true;
                    foreach (DataConfig.DBSystemConfigRow dbSystemConfigRow in from ds in _dataConfig.DBSystemConfig where ds.DataBaseID == dgvRow.Tag as string select ds)
                        //if dataset is applicable for the system, get (if exists) the policy-switch value for this switchable policy (i.e. the selected switchable policy), system and dataset
                        if (dbSystemConfigRow.SystemID == (dgvSwitches.Columns[columnIndex].Tag as CountryConfig.SystemRow).ID)
                            string defaultSwitch = GetExtensionDefaultSwitch(dbSystemConfigRow, _selectedPolicyID);
                            if (defaultSwitch != DefPar.Value.ON && defaultSwitch != DefPar.Value.OFF && defaultSwitch != DefPar.Value.NA)
                                invalidDefaultSwiches += Environment.NewLine + $"Invalid Switch: '{defaultSwitch}' for {txtSelectedSwitchPolicy.Text}/{dbSystemConfigRow.DataBaseRow.Name}/{dbSystemConfigRow.SystemName}";
                                dgvRow.Cells[columnIndex].Value = defaultSwitch;
                            dgvRow.Cells[columnIndex].ReadOnly = false;
                            dgvRow.Cells[columnIndex].Tag      = dbSystemConfigRow;
            if (reportInvalid && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(invalidDefaultSwiches))
                    $"{EMPath.GetEM2DataConfigFileName(_countryShortName)} contains invalid default switches!!!" + Environment.NewLine +
                    (invalidDefaultSwiches.Length > 1500 ? invalidDefaultSwiches.Substring(0, 1500) + "..." : invalidDefaultSwiches));
        private void EM3_Transform(string country, string addOn)
                EMPath emPath = new EMPath(EM_AppContext.FolderEuromodFiles);
                lock (transformLock)
                    bool success = TransformCountry() && TransformAddOn() &&
                                   (em3_transformGlobals == false || (TransformGlobals() && TransformVariables()));
                bool TransformCountry()
                    bool ok = EM3Country.Transform(emPath.GetFolderEuromodFiles(), country, out List <string> transErrors);

                    AddErrorRange(transErrors); return(ok);
                bool TransformGlobals()
                    bool ok = EM3Global.Transform(emPath.GetFolderEuromodFiles(), out List <string> transErrors);

                    AddErrorRange(transErrors); return(ok);
                bool TransformVariables()
                    bool ok = EM3Variables.Transform(emPath.GetFolderEuromodFiles(), out List <string> transErrors);

                    AddErrorRange(transErrors); return(ok);
                bool TransformAddOn()
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addOn))
                    bool ok = EM3Country.TransformAddOn(emPath.GetFolderEuromodFiles(), addOn, out List <string> transErrors);

                    AddErrorRange(transErrors); return(ok);
            catch (Exception exception) { em3_petInfo.AddSystemIndependentError(exception.Message); }

            void AddErrorRange(List <string> errors)
                foreach (string error in errors)
        /// <summary>
        /// reads a country's EM2 country- and dataconfig-XML-files and transfers them to EM3 style
        /// creates the country folder, if it does not exist, and overwrites any existing country file
        /// note: the intended usage is "single country transformation"
        ///       the EM3All class is responsible for complete EM-content transformation (using the EM3Country.Write function)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="emPath"> EuromodFiles folder (containing EM2-files in XMLParam and (will contain) EM3-files in EM3Translation\XMLParam) </param>
        /// <param name="country"> short-name of country </param>
        /// <param name="errors"> critical and non-critical erros during the transformation-process, empty structure for no errors </param>
        public static bool Transform(string emPath, string country, out List <string> errors)
            errors = new List <string>(); EMPath pathHandler = new EMPath(emPath);
            string em2CountryFile = string.Empty, em2DataFile = string.Empty;

                DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(pathHandler.GetCountryFolderPath(country));

                // read EM2-files
                em2CountryFile = pathHandler.GetCountryFilePath(country: country, em2: true);
                em2DataFile    = pathHandler.GetEM2DataConfigFilePath(country);

                bool up2D1 = TransformerCommon.IsFileUpToDate(em2CountryFile, pathHandler.GetCountryFolderPath(country), out string hash1);
                bool up2D2 = TransformerCommon.IsFileUpToDate(em2DataFile, pathHandler.GetCountryFolderPath(country), out string hash2);
                if (up2D1 && up2D2)
                    return(true);                // do not combine in one if, to make sure that both hash-files (for country and dataconfig) are generated
                EM2Country.Content ctryContent = EM2Country.Read(em2CountryFile, out List <string> cErrors);
                EM2Data.Content    dataContent = EM2Data.Read(em2DataFile, out List <string> dErrors);
                // need the global file with policy-switches for proper transformation of local policy switches
                List <List <MultiProp> > extensions = EM2Global.ReadSwitchPol(pathHandler.GetFolderConfig(em2: true), out List <string> gErrors);
                errors.AddRange(cErrors); errors.AddRange(dErrors); errors.AddRange(gErrors);
                if (ctryContent == null || dataContent == null || extensions == null)

                // write EM3-file (includes EM2->EM3 adaptations, via EM23Adapt class)
                string em3CountryFile = pathHandler.GetCountryFilePath(country);
                bool   success        = Write(ctryContent, dataContent, extensions, em3CountryFile, out List <string> wErrors);

                if (success && errors.Count == 0)
                    TransformerCommon.WriteUpToDate(em2CountryFile, pathHandler.GetCountryFolderPath(country), hash1);
                    TransformerCommon.WriteUpToDate(em2DataFile, pathHandler.GetCountryFolderPath(country), hash2);

            catch (Exception exception)
                errors.Add($"{country}: {exception.Message}");
Пример #29
        internal RVCompareVersionsForm(string compareCountryFolder)

            ProgressIndicator progressIndicator = new ProgressIndicator(GetCountryInfo_BackgroundEventHandler, "Comparing ...",

            if (progressIndicator.ShowDialog() != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                return;                                                                         // user pressed Cancel
            foreach (var c in progressIndicator.Result as Dictionary <string, List <string> > )
                dataGrid.Rows.Add(c.Key, c.Value[0], c.Value[1], c.Value[2], c.Value[3], c.Value[4], c.Value[5]);
        static internal void WriteErrorLogFile(string errlogPath, string errors)
            string dateTimePrefix = string.Format("{0:yyyyMMddHHmm}", DateTime.Now);
            string fileName       = EMPath.AddSlash(errlogPath) + dateTimePrefix + EM_XmlHandler.TAGS.EM2CONFIG_errLogAddOnFileName;

            string heading = "=====================================================================================================================" + Environment.NewLine;

            heading += DefGeneral.BRAND_TITLE + " ADD-ON ERROR LOG" + Environment.NewLine;
            heading += "=====================================================================================================================" + Environment.NewLine;

            System.IO.TextWriter textWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fileName);
            textWriter.Write(heading + errors);
