Пример #1
    void Start()
        if (CoreXT.IsDevice)
            //eventStore, calender, etc will be null if Init() is not called.  Manually initilizing helps save memory and must be done before using.

            manager = new CLLocationManager();

            //response for calling PersonalXT.RequestCalendarAccess();
            //optional handler if you want to add custom messages to the user
            PersonalXT.CalendarAccess += delegate(object sender, GrantedEventArgs e) {
                Log("Calendar grant access: " + e.granted);

            //if reminder is granted access, then add reminder as well as retrieve location data
            PersonalXT.ReminderAccess += delegate(object sender, GrantedEventArgs e) {
                Log("Reminder grant access: " + e.granted);
                if (e.granted)
                    manager.StartUpdatingLocation();                     //will update delagate function manager.DidUpdateLocations

            //removing reminders after it is found.  or you can do whatever else with it.
            PersonalXT.RemindersFound += delegate(object sender, ReminderArgs e) {
                foreach (EKReminder obj  in e.objList)
                    PersonalXT.eventStore.RemoveReminder(obj, true, null);
                Log("Reminders Removed");

            //alternate way to do call back functions instead of using delegate file (see example PeoplePickerNavigationControllerDelegate.cs)
            manager.DidUpdateLocations += delegate(object sender, CLLocationManager.DidUpdateLocationsEventArgs e){

                EKStructuredLocation location = new EKStructuredLocation();
                location.title       = "Current location";
                location.geoLocation = e.locations[e.locations.Length - 1] as CLLocation;

                EKReminder reminder = EKReminder.Reminder(PersonalXT.eventStore);
                reminder.title    = "Buy U3DXT at coordinates: " + location.geoLocation.coordinate;
                reminder.calendar = PersonalXT.eventStore.defaultCalendarForNewReminders;

                NSError error = null;
                PersonalXT.eventStore.SaveReminder(reminder, true, error);

                if (error != null)
                    Log("error: " + error);
                Log("current location coordinates: " + location.geoLocation.coordinate);
            manager.desiredAccuracy = CLLocation.kCLLocationAccuracyNearestTenMeters;
            manager.distanceFilter  = 1;
Пример #2
        private void GenerarEvento(SalaJuntasReservacionModel Reservaciones)
            RequestAccess(EKEntityType.Event, () =>
                CLLocation location = new CLLocation();
                if (Reservaciones.Sucursal_Id == "1")
                    location = new CLLocation(20.6766, -103.3812);
                    location = new CLLocation(20.6766, -103.3812);
                var structuredLocation         = new EKStructuredLocation();
                structuredLocation.Title       = Reservaciones.Sucursal_Domicilio;
                structuredLocation.GeoLocation = location;

                NSDateFormatter dateFormat = new NSDateFormatter();
                dateFormat.DateFormat      = "dd/MM/yyyy";
                NSDate newFormatDate       = dateFormat.Parse(Reservaciones.Sala_Fecha);

                EKEvent newEvent = EKEvent.FromStore(AppHelper.Current.EventStore);

                DateTime myDate = DateTime.ParseExact(Reservaciones.Sala_Fecha, "yyyy-MM-dd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                var arrTime          = Reservaciones.Sala_Hora_Inicio.Split(':');
                var hora             = (double.Parse(arrTime[0]) - 1);
                var minutos          = double.Parse(arrTime[1]);
                var newDate          = myDate.AddHours(hora);
                var newDate2         = newDate.AddMinutes(minutos);
                var HoraAntesReunion = newDate2;
                if (newDate2 != null)
                    hora         = hora + 1;
                    var newDate3 = myDate.AddHours(hora);
                    var newDate4 = newDate3.AddMinutes(minutos);

                    var HoraInicio     = this.DateTimeToNSDate(newDate4);
                    newEvent.StartDate = HoraInicio;
                    arrTime            = Reservaciones.Sala_Hora_Fin.Split(':');
                    hora             = double.Parse(arrTime[0]);
                    minutos          = double.Parse(arrTime[1]);
                    var newDate5     = myDate.AddHours(hora);
                    var newDate6     = newDate5.AddMinutes(minutos);
                    newEvent.EndDate = this.DateTimeToNSDate(newDate6);
                newEvent.Title              = "Reservación de sala de juntas en " + Reservaciones.Sucursal_Descripcion + ", en el piso " + Reservaciones.Sala_Nivel + ", en la sala " + Reservaciones.Sala_Descripcion;
                newEvent.Notes              = "Se recomienda presentarse 5 minutos antes de su hora de reservación";
                newEvent.Calendar           = AppHelper.Current.EventStore.DefaultCalendarForNewEvents;
                newEvent.Location           = Reservaciones.Sucursal_Domicilio;
                newEvent.StructuredLocation = structuredLocation;
                NSError e;
                AppHelper.Current.EventStore.SaveEvent(newEvent, EKSpan.ThisEvent, out e);
Пример #3
        public void FromTitle()
            if (!TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion(4, 5))
                Assert.Inconclusive("EKStructuredLocation is new in 6.0");

            var sl = EKStructuredLocation.FromTitle("my title");

            Assert.IsNull(sl.GeoLocation, "GeoLocation");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, sl.Radius, "Radius");
            Assert.AreEqual("my title", sl.Title, "Title");
Пример #4
        public void DefaultValues()
            if (!TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion(4, 5))
                Assert.Inconclusive("EKStructuredLocation is new in 6.0");

            var sl = new EKStructuredLocation();

            Assert.IsNull(sl.GeoLocation, "GeoLocation");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, sl.Radius, "Radius");
            Assert.IsNull(sl.Title, "Title");
Пример #5
        private void GenerarEvento()
            RequestAccess(EKEntityType.Event, () =>
                CLLocation location = new CLLocation();
                if (SucursalModel.Sucursal_Id == "1")
                    location = new CLLocation(20.6766, -103.3812);
                    location = new CLLocation(20.6766, -103.3812);
                var structuredLocation         = new EKStructuredLocation();
                structuredLocation.Title       = SucursalModel.Sucursal_Domicilio;
                structuredLocation.GeoLocation = location;

                NSDateFormatter dateFormat = new NSDateFormatter();
                dateFormat.DateFormat      = "E, d MMM yyyy HH:mm";
                NSDate newFormatDate       = dateFormat.Parse(this.FechaReservacion);
                EKEvent newEvent           = EKEvent.FromStore(AppHelper.Current.EventStore);

                DateTime myDate      = ((DateTime)newFormatDate).ToLocalTime();
                var HoraAntesReunion = myDate.AddHours(1 * -1);
                if (myDate != null)
                    newEvent.StartDate = DateTimeToNSDate(myDate);
                    newEvent.EndDate   = DateTimeToNSDate(myDate.AddHours(1));
                newEvent.Title = "Visita de invitados en " + SucursalModel.Sucursal_Descripcion;
                newEvent.Notes = "Invitados: ";
                foreach (UsuarioModel Invitado in InvitadosCalendar)
                    newEvent.Notes = newEvent.Notes + Invitado.Usuario_Nombre + " " + Invitado.Usuario_Apellidos + ". ";
                newEvent.Notes              = newEvent.Notes + " Asunto: " + Asunto;
                newEvent.Calendar           = AppHelper.Current.EventStore.DefaultCalendarForNewEvents;
                newEvent.Location           = SucursalModel.Sucursal_Domicilio;
                newEvent.StructuredLocation = structuredLocation;
                NSError e;
                AppHelper.Current.EventStore.SaveEvent(newEvent, EKSpan.ThisEvent, out e);
Пример #6
    void Start()
        if (CoreXT.IsDevice) {

            //eventStore, calender, etc will be null if Init() is not called.  Manually initilizing helps save memory and must be done before using.

            manager = new CLLocationManager();

            //response for calling PersonalXT.RequestCalendarAccess();
            //optional handler if you want to add custom messages to the user
            PersonalXT.CalendarAccess += delegate(object sender, GrantedEventArgs e) {
                Log ("Calendar grant access: " + e.granted);

            //if reminder is granted access, then add reminder as well as retrieve location data
            PersonalXT.ReminderAccess += delegate(object sender, GrantedEventArgs e) {
                Log ("Reminder grant access: " + e.granted);
                    manager.StartUpdatingLocation(); //will update delagate function manager.DidUpdateLocations

            //removing reminders after it is found.  or you can do whatever else with it.
            PersonalXT.RemindersFound += delegate(object sender, ReminderArgs e) {
                foreach(EKReminder obj  in e.objList){
                    PersonalXT.eventStore.RemoveReminder(obj, true, null);
                Log("Reminders Removed");

            //alternate way to do call back functions instead of using delegate file (see example PeoplePickerNavigationControllerDelegate.cs)
            manager.DidUpdateLocations += delegate(object sender, CLLocationManager.DidUpdateLocationsEventArgs e){

                EKStructuredLocation location = new EKStructuredLocation();
                location.title = "Current location";
                location.geoLocation = e.locations[e.locations.Length-1] as CLLocation;

                EKReminder reminder = EKReminder.Reminder(PersonalXT.eventStore);
                reminder.title = "Buy U3DXT at coordinates: " + location.geoLocation.coordinate;
                reminder.calendar = PersonalXT.eventStore.defaultCalendarForNewReminders;

                NSError error = null;

                if(error != null)
                    Log ("error: " + error);
                Log ("current location coordinates: " + location.geoLocation.coordinate);
            manager.desiredAccuracy = CLLocation.kCLLocationAccuracyNearestTenMeters;
            manager.distanceFilter = 1;