public void Eliminar(Empresa itemEliminar) { using (EFContext db = new EFContext(ConexionUtil.ObtenerCadena())) { Empresa empresa = (from s in db.Empresa where s.Codigo == itemEliminar.Codigo select s).Single(); db.Empresa.Remove(empresa); db.SaveChanges(); } }
/// <summary> /// Crear Empresa /// </summary> /// <param name="EmpresaACrear">Dominio Empresa</param> /// <returns>Dominio Empresa</returns> public Empresa Crear(Empresa EmpresaACrear) { using (EFContext db = new EFContext(ConexionUtil.ObtenerCadena())) { int? codigo = db.Empresa.Select(l => (int?)l.Codigo).Max(); EmpresaACrear.Codigo = (codigo ?? 0) + 1; db.Empresa.Add(EmpresaACrear); db.SaveChanges(); } return Obtener(EmpresaACrear.Codigo); }
/// <summary> /// Crear VentaPauta /// </summary> /// <param name="EmpresaACrear">Dominio VentaPauta</param> /// <returns>Dominio VentaPauta</returns> public VentaPauta Crear(VentaPauta VentaPautaACrear) { using (EFContext db = new EFContext(ConexionUtil.ObtenerCadena())) { int? codigo = db.VentaPauta.Select(l => (int?)l.Codigo).Max(); VentaPautaACrear.Codigo = (codigo ?? 0) + 1; db.VentaPauta.Add(VentaPautaACrear); db.SaveChanges(); } return Obtener(VentaPautaACrear.Codigo); }
public IActionResult Create(string Name, string Type, string Tel, string Web, string Adress, string District, string City) { if (Name != null && Type != null && Tel != null && Adress != null) { try { c.Restaurants.Add( new Restaurant { Name = Name, Type = Type, Web = Web, Tel = Tel, District = District, City = City, Adress = Adress, RestaurantID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), StarCount = 0, CreatedByID = _userManager.GetUserId(User), PublishDate = DateTime.Now, IsAccepted = false, Deleted = false }); c.SaveChanges(); return(View()); } catch { ViewData["Error"] = "Bir şeyler ters gitti!. #30001"; return(View()); } } else { ViewData["Error"] = "Boş gönderemezsin #NULLERROR"; return(View()); } }
public async Task ReIndex_when_no_issues_should_reIndexCosts() { //Setup const int costsCount = 2; var costs = new bool[costsCount].Select(i => new Cost { Created = DateTime.Now, Id = Guid.NewGuid() }).ToList(); _mapperMock.Setup(m => m.Map <List <CostSearchItem> >(It.IsAny <List <Cost> >())) .Returns(new bool[costsCount] .Select(i => new CostSearchItem { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Version = 1 }).ToList ); var costSearchItems = _mapperMock.Object.Map <List <CostSearchItem> >(costs); _efContext.Cost.AddRange(costs); _efContext.SaveChanges(); _costSearchBuilderMock.Setup(a => a.GetCostSearchItems(It.IsAny <List <Guid> >())) .ReturnsAsync(costSearchItems); _elasticBultResponseMock.Setup(r => r.IsValid).Returns(true); _elasticClientMock.Setup(a => a.BulkAsync(It.IsAny <Func <BulkDescriptor, IBulkRequest> >(), CancellationToken.None)) .ReturnsAsync(_elasticBultResponseMock.Object); _elasticClientMock.Setup(a => a.IndexExists(It.IsAny <string>(), null).Exists).Returns(true); SetupValidAliasResponses(Constants.ElasticSearchIndices.CostsIndexName); //Act var result = await _elasticSearchIndexService.ReIndex(Constants.ElasticSearchIndices.CostsIndexName); //Assert result.Error.Should().BeFalse(); result.BootstrappedItems.Should().ContainKey(Constants.ElasticSearchIndices.CostsIndexName); result.BootstrappedItems[Constants.ElasticSearchIndices.CostsIndexName].Should().Be(costsCount); }
public async Task SubmitCost_Set_ExchangeRateDate_On_OE_State() { // Arrange const decimal costExchangeRate = 0.35m; const decimal exchangeRate = 0.25m; var dateMin = DateTime.UtcNow; var cost = new Cost { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), ExchangeRate = costExchangeRate, ExchangeRateDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1), LatestCostStageRevision = new CostStageRevision { Name = CostStages.OriginalEstimate.ToString(), CostStage = new CostStage { Key = CostStages.OriginalEstimate.ToString() }, IsPaymentCurrencyLocked = false }, PaymentCurrencyId = Guid.NewGuid() }; EFContext.Cost.Add(cost); EFContext.SaveChanges(); _exchangeRateServiceMock.Setup(er => er.GetCurrentRate(cost.PaymentCurrencyId.Value)) .ReturnsAsync(new ExchangeRate { Rate = exchangeRate }); // Act await CostBuilder.SubmitCost(cost.Id); // Assert cost.ExchangeRate.Should().Be(exchangeRate); cost.ExchangeRateDate.Should().HaveValue(); cost.ExchangeRateDate.Should().BeAfter(dateMin); cost.ExchangeRateDate.Should().BeOnOrBefore(DateTime.UtcNow); }
public void GravarAbastecimento(Abastecimento abastecimento) { using EFContext Context = new EFContext(); if (abastecimento.AbastecimentoId == null) { Context.Abastecimentos.Add(abastecimento); } else { AttachItem(abastecimento, Context); Context.Entry(abastecimento).State = EntityState.Modified; } Context.SaveChanges(); }
private void SetupBusinessRoles() { var ipmBusinessRole = new BusinessRole() { Key = "Integrated Production Manager", Value = "Integrated Production Manager", }; var brandBusinessRole = new BusinessRole() { Key = "Brand Manager", Value = "Brand Management Approver" }; var agencyAdmin = new BusinessRole() { Key = "Agency Admin", Value = "Agency Admin" }; EFContext.BusinessRole.Add(ipmBusinessRole); EFContext.BusinessRole.Add(brandBusinessRole); EFContext.BusinessRole.Add(agencyAdmin); EFContext.SaveChanges(); }
public int SaveChanges() { try { // Transaction işlemleri burada ele alınabilir veya Identity Map kurumsal tasarım kalıbı kullanılarak // sadece değişen alanları güncellemeyide sağlayabiliriz. return(_dbContext.SaveChanges()); } catch { // Burada DbEntityValidationException hatalarını handle edebiliriz. throw; } }
public void GravarAparelho(Aparelho aparelho) { int idAparelho =; if (idAparelho == 0)//Perguntar para professor porque não pode comparar com NULL conforme o livro { context.Tbl_Aparelho.Add(aparelho); } else { context.Entry(aparelho).State = EntityState.Modified; } context.SaveChanges(); }
public async Task QueryEntries_When_MaxEntries_ShouldLimitResult() { // Arrange var dictionaryId = Guid.NewGuid(); var dictionaryEntryCount = 2; var maxEntries = 1; var entries = new bool[dictionaryEntryCount].Select((i, j) => new DictionaryEntry { DictionaryId = dictionaryId, Key = j.ToString(), Value = j.ToString(), Visible = true }); _efContext.DictionaryEntry.AddRange(entries); _efContext.SaveChanges(); // Act var result = await _dictionaryService.QueryEntries(dictionaryId, null, maxEntries); // Assert result.Should().HaveCount(maxEntries); }
public ActionResult Edit(EditModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { user = context.User.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Email == User.Identity.Name); user.FirstName = model.FirstName; user.LastName = model.LastName; //user.Password = model.Password; context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Profile")); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); }
public ActionResult Create(string cnpj, [Bind(Include = "idEmpresa,cnpj,nome,dataAbertura,atividade")] Empresa empresa) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var consempresa = from s in db.Empresas select s; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cnpj)) { consempresa = consempresa.Where(s => s.cnpj == (cnpj)); if (consempresa.Count() == 0) { db.Empresas.Add(empresa); db.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.message = "Empresa cadastrada com sucesso"; } else { ViewBag.message = "Erro! Empresa ja cadastrada"; } } } return(View(empresa)); }
public Empresa Modificar(Empresa itemAModificar) { using (EFContext db = new EFContext(ConexionUtil.ObtenerCadena())) { Empresa empresa = db.Empresa.Single(l => l.Codigo == itemAModificar.Codigo); empresa.RUC = itemAModificar.RUC; empresa.nombrecomercial = itemAModificar.nombrecomercial; empresa.direccion = itemAModificar.direccion; empresa.telefono = itemAModificar.telefono; empresa.Estado = itemAModificar.Estado; db.SaveChanges(); return empresa; } }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "FilmeId,Nome,Ano,DiretorId")] Filme filme, string[] selectedGeneros) { if (selectedGeneros != null) { filme.Generos = new List <Genero>(); foreach (var item in selectedGeneros) { var generoToAdd = db.Generos.Find(int.Parse(item)); filme.Generos.Add(generoToAdd); } } if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Filmes.Add(filme); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } PopulateGeneroData(filme); ViewBag.DiretorId = new SelectList(db.Diretores, "DiretorId", "Nome", filme.DiretorId); return(View(filme)); }
public ResultDTO AddDiscussion([FromBody] DiscussionDTO model) { var question = new Discussion { QuestionText = model.QuestionText }; question.Options = model.Options.Select(x => new Options { Discussion = question, Counter = x.Counter, Value = x.Value }).ToList(); _context.Discussions.Add(question); _context.SaveChanges(); return(new ResultDTO { Message = "OK", Status = 200 }); }
public ActionResult Create(CountryCreateViewModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { Country isFind = _context.Countries.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == model.Name); if (isFind != null) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Дві країни з однаковою назвою...Знову щось пішло не так)))"); return(View(model)); } Country country = new Country { DateCreate = DateTime.Now, Name = model.Name, Priority = model.Priority }; _context.Countries.Add(country); _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ModelState.AddModelError("", "Дружок не тупи"); return(View(model)); }
public void UploadAccountImageIfNotExists(DbUser user, string imagePath) { string name = user.AvatarUrl; string filePath = Path.Combine(_fileDestDir, name); FileInfo fileInf = new FileInfo(filePath); if (!fileInf.Exists) { string pathPicture = UploadAccountImage(imagePath); user.AvatarUrl = pathPicture; _context.Users.Update(user); _context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void EFContext_Can_CRUD_Book_FluentAssertions() { Book b1 = new Book { Author = "Michael Zöhling", Title = "Unittests leicht gemacht", ISBN = "abcasdksadlk123123", BasePrice = 9.99m, Pages = 200 }; string newTitle = "Unittests schwer gemacht :)"; // Create using (EFContext context = new EFContext(connectionString)) { context.Book.Add(b1); context.SaveChanges(); } // Check für Create / Read using (EFContext context = new EFContext(connectionString)) { var loadedBook = context.Book.Find(b1.ID); // Assert.AreEqual(b1.ISBN, loadedBook.ISBN); // Richtige Vorgehensweise: Graphen-Vergleich // loadedBook.ISBN.Should().Be(b1.ISBN); // Graph: loadedBook.Should().BeEquivalentTo(b1); // Update loadedBook.Title = newTitle; context.SaveChanges(); } // Check für Update using (EFContext context = new EFContext(connectionString)) { var loadedBook = context.Book.Find(b1.ID); //Assert.AreEqual(newTitle, loadedBook.Title); loadedBook.Title.Should().Be(newTitle); // Delete context.Book.Remove(loadedBook); context.SaveChanges(); } // Check für Delete using (EFContext context = new EFContext(connectionString)) { var loadedBook = context.Book.Find(b1.ID); // Assert.IsNull(loadedBook); loadedBook.Should().BeNull(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { using (EFContext context = new EFContext()) { UserProfile aslan = new UserProfile { Name = "Aslan", Image = "img.jpg", Telephone = "+3454635464654" }; context.UserProfiles.Add(aslan); context.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine($"UserProfiles ID = {aslan.Id}"); } }
private void UpdateStand(Stand stand) { var standToUpdate = _dbContext.Stands.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == stand.Id); if (standToUpdate == null) { _dbContext.Stands.Add(stand); } else { _dbContext.Entry(standToUpdate).CurrentValues.SetValues(stand); } _dbContext.SaveChanges(); }
public ContentResult DeleteProduct(int id) { try { var product = context.Dbproduct.FirstOrDefault(w => w.Id == id); context.Remove(product); context.SaveChanges(); return(Content("Product successfuly deleted")); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Content("Error" + ex.Message)); } }
/// <summary> /// Insere ou atualiza dados do produto atual. /// </summary> private void InsertOrUpdateProduct() { //Verifica se todos os campos obrigatórios estão preenchidos. if (( != null && selectedProvider != null) && ( != "" && selectedProvider != "")) { //Insere um novo Produto if ( == 0) { DataTable providerFounded = ADOHelper.QueryProvidersByName(mainWindowContext.connectionString, selectedProvider); currentProduct.provider_id = (int)providerFounded.Rows[0][0]; DataTable productFounded = ADOHelper.QueryProductsByName(mainWindowContext.connectionString,, "="); if (productFounded.Rows.Count == 0) { EFContext.products.Add(currentProduct); EFContext.SaveChanges(); RefreshEFContext(); productFounded = ADOHelper.QueryProductsByName(mainWindowContext.connectionString,; = (int)productFounded.Rows[0][0]; ResetProductFields(); ButtonsHandler(); SearchProduct(); isRegisterTabFocused = false; isQueryTabFocused = true; } else { msgBox = new AlphaMessageBox(mainWindowContext.productWindow, "Já existe um produto com este nome."); msgBox.ShowDialog(); } } else { product oldProduct = EFContext.products.Find(; DataTable providerFounded = ADOHelper.QueryProvidersByName(mainWindowContext.connectionString, selectedProvider, "", "="); currentProduct.provider_id = (int)providerFounded.Rows[0][0]; UpdateProduct(oldProduct); EFContext.SaveChanges(); ResetProductFields(); ButtonsHandler(); SearchProduct(); isRegisterTabFocused = false; isQueryTabFocused = true; } } else { msgBox = new AlphaMessageBox(mainWindowContext.productWindow, "Preencha os campos obrigatórios."); msgBox.ShowDialog(); } }
public ActionResult Create(CityCreateViewModel model) { City city = new City { Name = model.Name, DateCreate = DateTime.Now, Priority = model.Priority, CountryId = model.CountryId }; _context.Cities.Add(city); _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Create(CreateGameViewModel model) { _context.Games.Add(new Games { Name = model.Name, DateRelease = model.DateRelease, URL_Image = model.URL_Image, Developer = model.Developer, Price = model.Price, Description = model.Description }); _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Game")); }
public VentaPauta Modificar(VentaPauta itemAModificar) { using (EFContext db = new EFContext(ConexionUtil.ObtenerCadena())) { VentaPauta ventapauta = db.VentaPauta.Single(l => l.Codigo == itemAModificar.Codigo); ventapauta.Codigo = itemAModificar.Codigo; ventapauta.ventaEstado = itemAModificar.ventaEstado; ventapauta.ventaUsuarioModif = itemAModificar.ventaUsuarioModif; ventapauta.ventaFechaModif = itemAModificar.ventaFechaModif; ventapauta.ventaEstado = itemAModificar.ventaEstado; db.SaveChanges(); return ventapauta; } }
/// <summary> /// Delete data from the specified ID collection (batch deletion) /// </summary> /// <param name="ids">primary key ID set </param> /// <returns></returns> public bool DeleteByIds(object[] ids) { int i = 0; using (EFContext context = new EFContext()) { foreach (int item in ids) { i = context.Posts.Remove(context.Posts.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == item)).Id; } context.SaveChanges(); return(i > 0); } }
private static void UpdateProduct() { // Create a new instance of the DbContext class. using EFContext db = new EFContext(); Product product = db.Products.Find(1); product.Name = "Better Pen Drive"; product = db.Products.Find(2); product.Name = "Better Memory Card"; db.SaveChanges(); return; }
static void AddDataToDB() { using (var db = new EFContext()) { if (db.Outdoors.Any()) { //Console.Write("Db already exists!"); return; } } List <Indoor> indoorList = new List <Indoor>(); List <Outdoor> outdoorList = new List <Outdoor>(); using (var reader = new StreamReader("Data\\TemperaturData.csv")) { var provider = new CultureInfo("en-US"); while (!reader.EndOfStream) { var line = reader.ReadLine(); var values = line.Split(','); if (values[1] == "Inne") { var indoorData = new Indoor(); indoorData.Date = DateTime.Parse(values[0]); indoorData.Temperature = double.Parse(values[2], provider); indoorData.Humidity = int.Parse(values[3]); indoorList.Add(indoorData); } else { var outdoorData = new Outdoor(); outdoorData.Date = DateTime.Parse(values[0]); outdoorData.Temperature = double.Parse(values[2], provider); outdoorData.Humidity = int.Parse(values[3]); outdoorList.Add(outdoorData); } } } using (var db = new EFContext()) { Console.Write("Working..."); db.Indoors.AddRange(indoorList); db.Outdoors.AddRange(outdoorList); db.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Finished."); } }
public void deleteStudent(int id) { var db = new EFContext(); try { db.Students.Remove(db.Students.Single(t => t.StudentId == id)); db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
public void EFContext_can_CRUD_Person_FluentAssertions_Autofixture() { Fixture fix = new Fixture(); Person p1 = fix.Create <Person>(); string newVorname = fix.Create <string>(); // Create using (EFContext context = new EFContext(connectionString)) { context.Person.Add(p1); // SQL-Insert context.SaveChanges(); } // Check Create using (EFContext context = new EFContext(connectionString)) { Person loadedPerson = context.Person.Find(p1.ID); // Check: Read // Assert.IsTrue(loadedPerson.Vorname == p1.Vorname); // ToDo: Richtig: ObjectGraph //loadedPerson.Vorname.Should().Be(p1.Vorname); //ObjectGraph: loadedPerson.Should().BeEquivalentTo(p1); // Vergleicht alle Properties // Update loadedPerson.Vorname = newVorname; //EF: Changetracker context.SaveChanges(); } // Check Update using (EFContext context = new EFContext(connectionString)) { Person loadedPerson = context.Person.Find(p1.ID); // Check: Read loadedPerson.Vorname.Should().Be(newVorname); // Delete context.Person.Remove(loadedPerson); context.SaveChanges(); } // Check Delete using (EFContext context = new EFContext(connectionString)) { Person loadedPerson = context.Person.Find(p1.ID); loadedPerson.Should().BeNull(); } }
private void btnAddUser_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { AddUser addUser = new AddUser(); addUser.ShowDialog(); users.Add(new UserModel() { Name = addUser.AddName }); _context.UsersDB.Add(new User() { Name = users.Where(u => u.Id == 0).First().Name }); _context.SaveChanges(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("adding errors"); } MessageBox.Show($"add user(s)"); DG_Load(); }
public void AddStudent(Student student) { var db = new EFContext(); db.Students.Add(new Student() { StudentName = student.StudentName, Mobile = student.Mobile, Course = student.Course, Emaiol = student.Emaiol, Fee = student.Fee }); db.SaveChanges(); }
public void EFContext_Can_CRUD_Person_Autofix_Fluent() { var fix = new Fixture(); // Zyklisch oder rekursive Verweise: // fix.Behaviors.Add(new OmitOnRecursionBehavior()); // fix.Create<Person>(); // --> Einzelne Person // fix.CreateMany<Person>(); // --> Mehrere Personen var p = fix.Create <Person>(); string newLastName = "Atinger"; // Test: Create using (var context = new EFContext(connectionString)) { context.Person.Add(p); // Insert context.SaveChanges(); } // Check für Create using (var context = new EFContext(connectionString)) { var loadedPerson = context.Person.Find(p.ID); loadedPerson.Should().NotBeNull(); // Assert.NotNull(loadedPerson); loadedPerson.Should().BeEquivalentTo(p); // ObjectGraph-Vergleich // Update loadedPerson.LastName = newLastName; context.SaveChanges(); } // Check für Update using (var context = new EFContext(connectionString)) { var loadedPerson = context.Person.Find(p.ID); loadedPerson.Should().NotBeNull(); loadedPerson.LastName.Should().Be(newLastName); // Delete context.Person.Remove(loadedPerson); context.SaveChanges(); } // Check für Delete using (var context = new EFContext(connectionString)) { var loadedPerson = context.Person.Find(p.ID); loadedPerson.Should().BeNull(); } }
/// <summary> /// Logout user /// </summary> /// <param name="userId"></param> public void Logout(int userId) { using (var db = new EFContext()) { var user = db.Users?.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == userId); if (user != null) { user.SessionTimer = DateTime.MinValue; db.Update(user); db.SaveChanges(); Startup.sessionCookie = user; } } }
public void CustomerOrderTest() { System.Data.Entity.Database.SetInitializer<EFContext>(new CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<EFContext>()); using (var context = new EFContext()) { context.Database.CreateIfNotExists(); Customer customer = new Customer { Name = "Raviendra", Email = "*****@*****.**", }; context.Entry(customer).State = (EntityState) System.Data.EntityState.Added; context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void TestInitialize() { initializingDate = DateTime.UtcNow; EFContext.ClearDatabase(); var context = new EFContext(); admin = new Admin() { Data = "data", CreatedOn = initializingDate, LastUpdateOn = initializingDate }; context.Admins.Add(admin); office1 = new Office() { Data = "data", Admin = admin, CreatedOn = initializingDate, LastUpdateOn = initializingDate }; office2 = new Office() { Data = "data", Admin = admin, CreatedOn = initializingDate, LastUpdateOn = initializingDate }; context.Offices.Add(office1); context.Offices.Add(office2); car1 = new Car() { Data = "data", Admin = admin, CreatedOn = initializingDate, LastUpdateOn = initializingDate }; car2 = new Car() { Data = "data", Admin = admin, CreatedOn = initializingDate, LastUpdateOn = initializingDate }; context.Cars.Add(car1); context.Cars.Add(car2); project1 = new Project() { Data = "data", Admin = admin, CreatedOn = initializingDate, LastUpdateOn = initializingDate }; project2 = new Project() { Data = "data", Admin = admin, CreatedOn = initializingDate, LastUpdateOn = initializingDate }; context.Projects.Add(project1); context.Projects.Add(project2); director = new Director() { Data = "data", CreatedOn = initializingDate, LastUpdateOn = initializingDate }; context.Directors.Add(director); directorTracker = new DirectorTracker() { Data = "data", Director = director, CreatedOn = initializingDate, LastUpdateOn = initializingDate }; context.DirectorTrackers.Add(directorTracker); context.SaveChanges(); }
public void Get_WithUsingEntities_IsUsedIsTrue() { //Arrange var repository = new EFRepositoryTester(); repository.Initialize(); var manager = new Manager() { Director = director, ManagerTrackers = new List<ManagerTracker>() { new ManagerTracker() }, Office = office1, Computer = new Computer() { Data = "data", Admin = admin }, Things = new List<Thing>() { new Thing() { Id = 1, Admin = admin, Data = "data" }, new Thing() { Id = 2, Admin = admin, Data = "data" } }, Description = new Description() { Data = "data" }, Data = "data", Car = car1, Projects = new List<Project>() { project1, //project2 } }; repository.Add(new AddOperationParameters<Manager>() { Entity = manager, OperationDateTime = initializingDate }); //Attach using entities var context = new EFContext(); context.Directors.Attach(director); context.Managers.Attach(manager); director.Managers = new List<Manager>(); director.Managers.Add(manager); context.ManagerTrackers.Add(new ManagerTracker() { Manager = manager, Data = "data" }); context.SaveChanges(); //Act var entities = repository.Get(new GetOperationParameters() { LoadSubEntities = true, LoadUsedEntities = true, LoadUsingEntities = true, }); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(true, entities[0].IsUsed); }
public void Get_WithAllRelatedEntities_ReturnsEntities() { //Arrange var repository = new EFRepositoryTester(); repository.Initialize(); var manager = new Manager() { Director = director, ManagerTrackers = new List<ManagerTracker>() { new ManagerTracker() }, Office = office1, Computer = new Computer() { Data = "data", Admin = admin }, Things = new List<Thing>() { new Thing() { Id = 1, Admin = admin, Data = "data" }, new Thing() { Id = 2, Admin = admin, Data = "data" } }, Description = new Description() { Data = "data" }, Data = "data", Car = car1, Projects = new List<Project>() { project1, //project2 } }; repository.Add(new AddOperationParameters<Manager>() { Entity = manager, OperationDateTime = initializingDate }); //Attach using entities var context = new EFContext(); context.Directors.Attach(director); context.Managers.Attach(manager); director.Managers = new List<Manager>(); director.Managers.Add(manager); context.ManagerTrackers.Add(new ManagerTracker() { Manager = manager, Data = "data" }); context.SaveChanges(); //Act var entities = repository.Get(new GetOperationParameters() { LoadSubEntities = true, LoadUsedEntities = true, LoadUsingEntities = true, }); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(true, entities[0].IsUsed); AssertUsingEntities(); AssertSecondLevelUsedEntities(); //Sub entities Assert.AreEqual(1, entities.Length); Assert.AreEqual("data", entities[0].Computer.Data); Assert.AreEqual(admin.Id, entities[0].Computer.Admin.Id); Assert.AreEqual("data", entities[0].Description.Data); Assert.AreEqual("data", entities[0].Things[0].Data); Assert.AreEqual(admin.Id, entities[0].Things[0].Admin.Id); Assert.AreEqual(entities[0].Id, entities[0].Things[0].Manager.Id); Assert.AreEqual("data", entities[0].Things[1].Data); Assert.AreEqual(admin.Id, entities[0].Things[1].Admin.Id); Assert.AreEqual(entities[0].Id, entities[0].Things[1].Manager.Id); //Main entity Assert.AreEqual("data", entities[0].Data); Assert.AreEqual(car1.Id, entities[0].Car.Id); Assert.AreEqual(director.Id, entities[0].Director.Id); Assert.AreEqual(office1.Id, entities[0].Office.Id); //First level used entities Assert.AreEqual(office1.Id, entities[0].Office.Id); Assert.AreEqual("data", entities[0].Office.Data); Assert.AreEqual(admin.Id, entities[0].Car.Admin.Id); Assert.AreEqual(car1.Id, entities[0].Car.Id); Assert.AreEqual("data", entities[0].Car.Data); Assert.AreEqual(admin.Id, entities[0].Projects[0].Admin.Id); Assert.AreEqual(project1.Id, entities[0].Projects[0].Id); Assert.AreEqual("data", entities[0].Projects[0].Data); Assert.AreEqual(manager.Id, entities[0].Projects[0].Manager.Id); //Assert.AreEqual(admin.Id, entities[0].Projects[1].AdminId); //Assert.AreEqual(project2.Id, entities[0].Projects[1].Id); //Assert.AreEqual(initializingDate, entities[0].Projects[1].CreatedOn); //Assert.AreEqual(initializingDate, entities[0].Projects[1].LastUpdateOn); //Assert.AreEqual("data", entities[0].Projects[1].Data); //Assert.AreEqual(false, entities[0].Projects[1].IsDeleted); //Assert.AreEqual(manager.Id, entities[0].Projects[1].ManagerId); //Using entities Assert.AreEqual("data", entities[0].ManagerTrackers[0].Data); Assert.AreEqual(manager.Id, entities[0].ManagerTrackers[0].Manager.Id); //Get result }
/// <summary> /// The EF code first. /// </summary> /// <returns>the entity framework code first view.</returns> public ActionResult EFCodeFirst() { int count; int? newCount = null; EFContext context = null; using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("EF Stuff")) { try { using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("Create Context")) context = new EFContext(); // this is not correct, as the count from this assignment is never actually used using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("First count")) count = context.People.Count(); using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("Insertion")) { var p = new Person { Name = "sam" }; context.People.Add(p); context.SaveChanges(); } // this count is actually used. using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("Second count")) count = context.People.Count(); const string sql = "Select count(*) from People"; using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("Get Count from SqlQuery Method - no sql recorded")) { newCount = context.Database.SqlQuery<int>(sql).Single(); } using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("Get Count using ProfiledConnection - sql recorded")) { using (var conn = new ProfiledDbConnection(context.Database.Connection, MiniProfiler.Current)) { conn.Open(); newCount = conn.Query<int>(sql).Single(); conn.Close(); } } } finally { if (context != null) { context.Dispose(); } } } return Content(string.Format("EF Code First complete - count: {0}, sqlQuery count {1}", count, newCount)); }
/// <summary> /// The EF code first. /// </summary> /// <returns>the entity framework code first view.</returns> public ActionResult EFCodeFirst() { int count; EFContext context = null; using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("EF Stuff")) { try { using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("Create Context")) context = new EFContext(); // this is not correct, as the count from this assignment is never actually used using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("First count")) count = context.People.Count(); using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("Insertion")) { var p = new Person { Name = "sam" }; context.People.Add(p); context.SaveChanges(); } // this count is actually used. using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("Second count")) count = context.People.Count(); } finally { if (context != null) { context.Dispose(); } } } return Content("EF Code First complete - count: " + count); }