/// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the AI directive.  If no directive is found, a new one is automatically created with default settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="botId">Id of the Player with this AI directive</param>
        /// <returns>the AI directive belonging to the passed in player ID</returns>
        public static AIDirective GetAIDirective(int botId)
            IAIDirectiveRepository directiveRepo = new EFAIDirectiveRepository();

            var directive = directiveRepo.AIDirectives.FirstOrDefault(ad => ad.OwnerId == botId);

            if (directive == null)
                directive = new AIDirective
                    OwnerId        = botId,
                    State          = "idle", // attack, move, flee
                    TargetLocation = "",
                    TargetPlayerId = -1,
                    Timestamp      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Var1           = -1,
                    Var2           = -1,
                    Var3           = -1,
                    Var4           = -1,
                    Var5           = -1

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Attack an attacking player back.  There is a random chance to draw Narcissa's aggro from doing this if she has a target.  If she has no active target,
        /// the attacker instantly becomes her new target.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attacker"></param>
        public static void CounterAttack(Player attacker)
            IPlayerRepository playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository();
            var faeboss = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(f => f.BotId == AIStatics.FaebossBotId);

            AIProcedures.DealBossDamage(faeboss, attacker, true, 1); // log attack for human on boss

            var spell = ChooseSpell(PvPWorldStatProcedures.GetWorldTurnNumber(), PvPStatics.MobilityInanimate);

            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                AttackProcedures.Attack(faeboss, attacker, spell);
                AIProcedures.DealBossDamage(faeboss, attacker, false, 1); // log attack for boss on human

            var directive = AIDirectiveProcedures.GetAIDirective(faeboss.Id);

            // random chance to aggro faeboss
            var rand = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());
            var num  = rand.NextDouble();

            if (num < AggroChance || directive.Var1 == 0)
                IAIDirectiveRepository aiRepo = new EFAIDirectiveRepository();
                var dbDirective = aiRepo.AIDirectives.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == directive.Id);

                dbDirective.Var1 = attacker.Id;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Clears Narcissa's target
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directive"></param>
        private static void ResetTarget(AIDirective directive)
            IAIDirectiveRepository aiRepo = new EFAIDirectiveRepository();
            var ai = aiRepo.AIDirectives.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == directive.Id);

            ai.Var1 = 0;
Пример #4
        public static void SpawnBimboBoss()
            var bimboBoss = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetPlayerByBotId {
                BotId = AIStatics.BimboBossBotId

            if (bimboBoss == null)
                var cmd = new CreatePlayer
                    FirstName    = BossFirstName,
                    LastName     = BossLastName,
                    Location     = "stripclub_bar_seats",
                    Gender       = PvPStatics.GenderFemale,
                    Health       = 100000,
                    Mana         = 100000,
                    MaxHealth    = 100000,
                    MaxMana      = 100000,
                    FormSourceId = BimboBossFormSourceId,
                    Money        = 2500,
                    Level        = 15,
                    BotId        = AIStatics.BimboBossBotId,
                var id = DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(cmd);

                var playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository();
                var bimboEF    = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);



                // set up her AI directive so it is not deleted
                IAIDirectiveRepository aiRepo = new EFAIDirectiveRepository();
                var directive = new AIDirective
                    OwnerId        = id,
                    Timestamp      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    SpawnTurn      = PvPWorldStatProcedures.GetWorldTurnNumber(),
                    DoNotRecycleMe = true,


                for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new GiveRune {
                        ItemSourceId = RuneStatics.BIMBO_RUNE, PlayerId = bimboEF.Id
        public static void MoveToNewLocation()
            IPlayerRepository playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository();
            var fae = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(f => f.BotId == AIStatics.JewdewfaeBotId);

            IJewdewfaeEncounterRepository faeRepo = new EFJewdewfaeEncounterRepository();

            IAIDirectiveRepository aiRepo = new EFAIDirectiveRepository();
            var directive = aiRepo.AIDirectives.FirstOrDefault(i => i.OwnerId == fae.Id);

            // add fae's current location to the list of places visited
            directive.sVar2 += fae.dbLocationName + ";";

            var fairyLocations = faeRepo.JewdewfaeEncounters.Where(f => f.IsLive).Select(f => f.dbLocationName).ToList();

            var visitedFairyLocations = directive.sVar2.Split(';').Where(f => f.Length > 1).ToList();

            var possibleLocations = fairyLocations.Except(visitedFairyLocations).ToList();

            // if there are no locations left to visit, reset
            if (!possibleLocations.Any())
                possibleLocations = fairyLocations;
                directive.sVar2   = "";

            double max  = possibleLocations.Count();
            var    rand = new Random();
            var    num  = rand.NextDouble();

            var index       = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(num * max));
            var newLocation = possibleLocations.ElementAt(index);

            directive.Var1  = 0;
            directive.Var2  = PvPWorldStatProcedures.GetWorldTurnNumber();
            directive.sVar1 = ";";


            LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(fae.dbLocationName, "<b>Jewdewfae got bored and flew away from here.</b>");

            fae.dbLocationName = newLocation;

            LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(fae.dbLocationName, "<b>Jewdewfae flew here.  She looks bored and wants to play with someone.</b>");
        public static void SpawnFae()
            var fae = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetPlayerByBotId {
                BotId = AIStatics.JewdewfaeBotId

            if (fae == null)
                var cmd = new CreatePlayer
                    FirstName    = FirstName,
                    LastName     = LastName,
                    Location     = "apartment_dog_park",
                    Gender       = PvPStatics.GenderFemale,
                    Health       = 100000,
                    Mana         = 100000,
                    MaxHealth    = 100000,
                    MaxMana      = 100000,
                    FormSourceId = FaeFormId,
                    Money        = 1000,
                    Level        = 7,
                    BotId        = AIStatics.JewdewfaeBotId
                var id = DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(cmd);

                var playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository();
                var faeEF      = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);

                // set up her AI directive so it is not deleted
                IAIDirectiveRepository aiRepo = new EFAIDirectiveRepository();
                var directive = new AIDirective
                    OwnerId        = id,
                    Timestamp      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    SpawnTurn      = 0,
                    DoNotRecycleMe = true,
                    sVar1          = ";", // this is used to keep track of which players have interacted with her by appending their id to this string
                    sVar2          = "",  // this is used to keep track of which locations Jewdewfae has been in during the past cycle
                    Var1           = 0,   // this keeps track of how many people she has played with in the current location
                    Var2           = 0    // this stores the turn number of Jewdewfae's last move

        public static void DeaggroPsychopathsOnPlayer(Player player)
            IAIDirectiveRepository directiveRepo = new EFAIDirectiveRepository();
            IPlayerRepository      playerRepo    = new EFPlayerRepository();
            var directives = directiveRepo.AIDirectives.Where(d => d.TargetPlayerId == player.Id).ToList();

            foreach (var d in directives)
                var p = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == d.OwnerId);
                if (p.BotId == AIStatics.PsychopathBotId)
                    d.TargetPlayerId = -1;
                    d.State          = "idle";
        public static decimal AddInteraction(Player player)
            IPlayerRepository playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository();
            var fae = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(f => f.BotId == AIStatics.JewdewfaeBotId);

            IAIDirectiveRepository aiRepo = new EFAIDirectiveRepository();
            var directive = aiRepo.AIDirectives.FirstOrDefault(i => i.OwnerId == fae.Id);

            if (directive == null)
                directive = new AIDirective
                    OwnerId   = fae.Id,
                    Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    sVar1     = ";",

            // Var1 will keep track how how many interactions Jewdewfae has had.  Award a bit less XP based on how many people she has played with down to 15 at lowest
            var xpGain = 75 - directive.Var1 * 3;

            if (xpGain < 15)
                xpGain = 15;

            directive.Var1 += 1;

            // add this player's ID to the list of people interacted with; one playtime per location!
            directive.sVar1 += player.Id.ToString() + ";";


            if (directive.Var1 >= 18)

            LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(fae.dbLocationName, "<b>Jewdewfae played with " + player.FirstName + " " + player.LastName + " here.</b>");

        public static void SetAIDirective_Idle(int botId)
            IAIDirectiveRepository directiveRepo = new EFAIDirectiveRepository();
            var directive = directiveRepo.AIDirectives.FirstOrDefault(i => i.OwnerId == botId) ?? new AIDirective
                OwnerId        = botId,
                TargetLocation = "",
                Var1           = -1,
                Var2           = -1,
                Var3           = -1,
                Var4           = -1,
                Var5           = -1

            directive.State          = "idle";
            directive.TargetPlayerId = 0;
            directive.Timestamp      = DateTime.UtcNow;
Пример #10
        public static void SetAIDirective_MoveTo(int botId, string dblocationName)
            IAIDirectiveRepository directiveRepo = new EFAIDirectiveRepository();
            var directive = directiveRepo.AIDirectives.FirstOrDefault(i => i.OwnerId == botId) ?? new AIDirective
                OwnerId        = botId,
                State          = "idle",
                TargetPlayerId = -1,
                Var1           = -1,
                Var2           = -1,
                Var3           = -1,
                Var4           = -1,
                Var5           = -1

            //directive.State = "move";
            directive.Timestamp      = DateTime.UtcNow;
            directive.TargetLocation = dblocationName;
        public static void SpawnValentine()
            var valentine = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetPlayerByBotId {
                BotId = AIStatics.ValentineBotId

            if (valentine == null)
                var cmd = new CreatePlayer
                    FirstName    = ValentineFirstName,
                    LastName     = ValentineLastName,
                    Location     = GetStanceLocation(),
                    Gender       = PvPStatics.GenderMale,
                    Health       = 100000,
                    Mana         = 100000,
                    MaxHealth    = 100000,
                    MaxMana      = 100000,
                    FormSourceId = ValentineFormSourceId,
                    Money        = 1000,
                    Mobility     = PvPStatics.MobilityFull,
                    Level        = 30,
                    BotId        = AIStatics.ValentineBotId,
                var id = DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(cmd);

                var playerRepo  = new EFPlayerRepository();
                var valentineEF = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);

                // give Valentine his reward item drop
                var createItemCmd = new CreateItem
                    dbLocationName   = "",
                    EquippedThisTurn = false,
                    IsEquipped       = false,
                    IsPermanent      = false,
                    Level            = 6,
                    OwnerId          = id,
                    PvPEnabled       = -1,
                    ItemSourceId     = ItemStatics.GetStaticItem(QueensPantiesItemSourceId).Id


                // save his aiDirective, just for the sake of knowing his spawn turn
                IAIDirectiveRepository aiRepo = new EFAIDirectiveRepository();
                var directive = new AIDirective
                    OwnerId        = id,
                    Timestamp      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    SpawnTurn      = PvPWorldStatProcedures.GetWorldTurnNumber(),
                    DoNotRecycleMe = true,


                for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new GiveRune {
                        ItemSourceId = RuneStatics.VAMPIRE_RUNE, PlayerId = valentineEF.Id
Пример #12
        public static void SpawnThieves()
            var malethief = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetPlayerByBotId {
                BotId = AIStatics.MaleRatBotId

            if (malethief == null)
                var cmd = new CreatePlayer
                    FirstName    = MaleBossFirstName,
                    LastName     = MaleBossLastName,
                    Location     = "tavern_pool",
                    Gender       = PvPStatics.GenderMale,
                    Health       = 100000,
                    Mana         = 100000,
                    MaxHealth    = 100000,
                    MaxMana      = 100000,
                    FormSourceId = MaleBossFormSourceId,
                    Money        = 0,
                    Mobility     = PvPStatics.MobilityFull,
                    Level        = 5,
                    BotId        = AIStatics.MaleRatBotId

                var id = DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(cmd);

                var playerRepo  = new EFPlayerRepository();
                var malethiefEF = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);

                var aiRepo        = new EFAIDirectiveRepository();
                var maleDirective = new AIDirective
                    OwnerId        = id,
                    DoNotRecycleMe = true,
                    Timestamp      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    SpawnTurn      = PvPWorldStatProcedures.GetWorldTurnNumber(),
                    sVar1          = GetRichestPlayerIds(),
                    Var1           = 0,

                for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new GiveRune {
                        ItemSourceId = RuneStatics.RAT_THIEF_RUNE, PlayerId = malethiefEF.Id

            var femalethief = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetPlayerByBotId {
                BotId = AIStatics.FemaleRatBotId

            if (femalethief == null)
                var cmd = new CreatePlayer
                    FirstName    = FemaleBossFirstName,
                    LastName     = FemaleBossLastName,
                    Location     = "tavern_pool",
                    Gender       = PvPStatics.GenderFemale,
                    Health       = 100000,
                    Mana         = 100000,
                    MaxHealth    = 100000,
                    MaxMana      = 100000,
                    FormSourceId = FemaleBossFormSourceId,
                    Money        = 0,
                    Mobility     = PvPStatics.MobilityFull,
                    Level        = 7,
                    BotId        = AIStatics.FemaleRatBotId,
                var id = DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(cmd);

                var playerRepo    = new EFPlayerRepository();
                var femalethiefEF = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);

                var aiRepo          = new EFAIDirectiveRepository();
                var femaleDirective = new AIDirective
                    OwnerId        = id,
                    DoNotRecycleMe = true,
                    Timestamp      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    SpawnTurn      = PvPWorldStatProcedures.GetWorldTurnNumber(),
                    sVar1          = GetRichestPlayerIds(),
                    Var1           = 0,

                for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new GiveRune {
                        ItemSourceId = RuneStatics.RAT_THIEF_RUNE, PlayerId = femalethiefEF.Id
Пример #13
        public static void RunThievesAction(int turnNumber)
            IPlayerRepository playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository();
            var malethief   = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(f => f.BotId == AIStatics.MaleRatBotId);
            var femalethief = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(f => f.BotId == AIStatics.FemaleRatBotId);
            IAIDirectiveRepository aiRepo = new EFAIDirectiveRepository();
            var maleAI   = aiRepo.AIDirectives.FirstOrDefault(i => i.OwnerId == malethief.Id);
            var femaleAI = aiRepo.AIDirectives.FirstOrDefault(i => i.OwnerId == femalethief.Id);

            // both male and female are no longer animate, end boss event
            if (malethief.Mobility != PvPStatics.MobilityFull && femalethief.Mobility != PvPStatics.MobilityFull)

            #region both animate
            // both male and female are animate, have them go to players and loot them!
            if (malethief.Mobility == PvPStatics.MobilityFull && femalethief.Mobility == PvPStatics.MobilityFull)
                // periodically refresh list of targets
                if (turnNumber % 12 == 0)
                    maleAI.sVar1 = GetRichestPlayerIds();
                    maleAI.Var1  = 0;

                if (malethief.Health < malethief.MaxHealth / 6)
                    var malebuffs = ItemProcedures.GetPlayerBuffs(malethief);
                    DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new Cleanse {
                        PlayerId = malethief.Id, Buffs = malebuffs, NoValidate = true
                    malethief = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(f => f.BotId == AIStatics.MaleRatBotId);

                if (femalethief.Health < femalethief.MaxHealth / 4)
                    var femalebuffs = ItemProcedures.GetPlayerBuffs(femalethief);
                    DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new Cleanse {
                        PlayerId = femalethief.Id, Buffs = femalebuffs, NoValidate = true
                    femalethief = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(f => f.BotId == AIStatics.FemaleRatBotId);

                var idArray = maleAI.sVar1.Split(';');
                idArray = idArray.Take(idArray.Length - 1).ToArray();

                if (maleAI.Var1 >= idArray.Length)
                    maleAI.Var1 = 0;

                var targetId = Convert.ToInt32(idArray[Convert.ToInt32(maleAI.Var1)]);

                var target = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == targetId);

                while ((target == null || PlayerProcedures.PlayerIsOffline(target) || target.Mobility != PvPStatics.MobilityFull || target.Money < 20) && maleAI.Var1 < idArray.Length - 1)
                    targetId = Convert.ToInt32(idArray[Convert.ToInt32(maleAI.Var1)]);
                    target   = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == targetId);

                // we should hopefully by now have a valid target.  Hopefully.  Now move to them and loot away.
                try {
                    // Sometimes the rats will still teleport to a person in the dungeon if they move after being targetted.
                    // Check target location again.
                    var player = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayer(target.Id);

                    // This check should prevent that at the cost of the rats losing their turn, which seems alright to me.
                    if (!player.dbLocationName.Contains("dungeon_"))
                        malethief.dbLocationName   = target.dbLocationName;
                        femalethief.dbLocationName = target.dbLocationName;

                        // take money from victim and give some to the thieves with an uneven split.  Multiple the thieves' gain by 3
                        // because only about a third of Arpeyis are actually collected from a completed inanimation
                        target.Money       = Math.Floor(target.Money * .90M);
                        malethief.Money   += Math.Floor(target.Money * .025M);
                        femalethief.Money += Math.Floor(target.Money * .075M);


                        AttackProcedures.Attack(femalethief, target, StunSpellSourceId);
                        AIProcedures.DealBossDamage(femalethief, target, false, 1);

                        var message         = malethief.GetFullName() + " and " + femalethief.GetFullName() + " the Seekshadow rat thieves suddenly appear in front of you!  In the blink of an eye they've swept you off your feet and have expertly swiped " + Math.Floor(target.Money * .10M) + " of your Arpeyjis.";
                        var locationMessage = "<b>" + malethief.GetFullName() + " and " + femalethief.GetFullName() + " robbed " + target.GetFullName() + " here.</b>";
                        PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(target.Id, message, true);
                        LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(malethief.dbLocationName, locationMessage);


                        if (maleAI.Var1 >= 20)
                            maleAI.Var1 = 0;
                        // If the target is in the dungeon, move it on to the next target.

                        if (maleAI.Var1 >= 20)
                            maleAI.Var1 = 0;
                    maleAI.Var1 = 0;

            #region veangance mode
            // one of the thieves has been taken down.  The other will try and steal their inanimate friend back!
            if (malethief.Mobility != PvPStatics.MobilityFull || femalethief.Mobility != PvPStatics.MobilityFull)
                Player attackingThief;
                Player itemThief;

                if (malethief.Mobility == PvPStatics.MobilityFull && femalethief.Mobility != PvPStatics.MobilityFull)
                    attackingThief = malethief;
                    itemThief      = femalethief;
                    attackingThief = femalethief;
                    itemThief      = malethief;

                var victimThiefItem = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetItemByFormerPlayer {
                    PlayerId = itemThief.Id

                // the transformed thief is owned by someone, try and get it back!
                if (victimThiefItem.Owner != null)
                    var target = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == victimThiefItem.Owner.Id);

                    if (target.BotId == AIStatics.MaleRatBotId || target.BotId == AIStatics.FemaleRatBotId)
                        // do nothing, the thief already has the item... equip it if not
                        if (!victimThiefItem.IsEquipped)
                            ItemProcedures.EquipItem(victimThiefItem.Id, true);
                        var newlocation = LocationsStatics.GetRandomLocation_NoStreets();
                        AIProcedures.MoveTo(attackingThief, newlocation, 100000);
                        attackingThief.dbLocationName = newlocation;
                        var buffs = ItemProcedures.GetPlayerBuffs(attackingThief);

                        if (attackingThief.Health < attackingThief.Health / 10)
                            DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new Cleanse {
                                PlayerId = attackingThief.Id, Buffs = buffs, NoValidate = true

                        DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new Meditate {
                            PlayerId = attackingThief.Id, Buffs = buffs, NoValidate = true

                    // Lindella, steal from her right away
                    else if (target.BotId == AIStatics.LindellaBotId)
                        ItemProcedures.GiveItemToPlayer(victimThiefItem.Id, attackingThief.Id);
                        LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(target.dbLocationName, "<b>" + attackingThief.GetFullName() + " stole " + victimThiefItem.FormerPlayer.FullName + " the " + victimThiefItem.ItemSource.FriendlyName + " from Lindella.</b>");

                    // target is a human and they are not offline
                    else if (target != null && target.Mobility == PvPStatics.MobilityFull && !PlayerProcedures.PlayerIsOffline(target) && victimThiefItem.SoulboundToPlayer == null)
                        attackingThief.dbLocationName = target.dbLocationName;
                        AttackProcedures.Attack(attackingThief, target, PvPStatics.Spell_WeakenId);
                        AttackProcedures.Attack(attackingThief, target, PvPStatics.Spell_WeakenId);
                        AttackProcedures.Attack(attackingThief, target, GoldenTrophySpellSourceId);
                        AttackProcedures.Attack(attackingThief, target, GoldenTrophySpellSourceId);
                        AIProcedures.DealBossDamage(attackingThief, target, false, 4);
                        target = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == victimThiefItem.Owner.Id && p.BotId != AIStatics.MaleRatBotId && p.BotId != AIStatics.FemaleRatBotId);

                        // if we have managed to turn the target, take back the victim-item
                        if (target.Mobility != PvPStatics.MobilityFull)
                            ItemProcedures.GiveItemToPlayer(victimThiefItem.Id, attackingThief.Id);
                            LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(target.dbLocationName, "<b>" + attackingThief.GetFullName() + " recovered " + victimThiefItem.FormerPlayer.FullName + " the " + victimThiefItem.ItemSource.FriendlyName + ".</b>");

                    // target is a human and they are offline... just go and camp out there.
                    else if (target != null && PlayerProcedures.PlayerIsOffline(target))
                        attackingThief.dbLocationName = target.dbLocationName;

                // item is on the ground, just go and pick it up.
                    attackingThief.dbLocationName = victimThiefItem.dbLocationName;
                    ItemProcedures.GiveItemToPlayer(victimThiefItem.Id, attackingThief.Id);
                    LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(attackingThief.dbLocationName, "<b>" + attackingThief.GetFullName() + " recovered " + victimThiefItem.FormerPlayer.FullName + " the " + victimThiefItem.ItemSource.FriendlyName + ".</b>");