public ActionResult GetEDDIORowsFromPolicyNumber(string Input, string Region) { this.vm = new EDDViewModel(); vm.ExceedRegion.CurrentRegion = Region; vm.PolicyNumber = Input; vm.PolicyID = this.GetPolicyIDFromPolicyNumber(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.PolicyID)) { List <EDDIORow> eDDIORows = this.CreateEDDIORows(); if (eDDIORows != null && eDDIORows.Count > 0) { var formattedData = new { EDDRows = eDDIORows }; return(Json(formattedData)); } else { return(this.DataNotFound("No Data found for this Policy Number.")); } } else { return(this.DataNotFound("No Data found for this Policy Number.")); } }
public ActionResult GetEDDMessageColAndTab() { this.vm = new EDDViewModel(); vm.EddKey = this.logDataModel.EddKey; this.GetLOBCode(); if (string.Equals(vm.MasterCompanyNbr, "02")) { return(this.DataNotFound("Unable to find mapping for IB Policy.")); } List <string> spliteEDDMessage = this.CreateEDDMessage().Split('|').ToList(); this.GetPolarisIds(); List <DataRow> polarisData = this.GetPolirisData(); string eddMessageWithTableColumn = string.Empty; spliteEDDMessage.ForEach( message => { string strEDDMessageRow = string.Format("<span class='eddMessage'>{0}</span>", message); polarisData.ForEach(dr => { if (message.Contains(dr.Field <string>("POLARIS_ID"))) { strEDDMessageRow += string.Format("<span class='eddTabCol'><span class='eddTable'>{0}</span><span class='eddColumn'>{1}</span></span>", dr.Field <string>("TABLE_NAME").Trim(), dr.Field <string>("COLUMN_NAME").Trim()); } }); eddMessageWithTableColumn += "<span class='eddRow'><span class='eddMTC'>" + strEDDMessageRow + "</span></span>"; }); var formattedData = new { EDDMessage = eddMessageWithTableColumn }; return(Json(formattedData)); }
/// <summary> /// Maps the EDD rating query to data model. /// </summary> /// <param name="vm">The vm.</param> /// <param name="logDataModel">The log data model.</param> internal static void MapEDDRatingQueryToDataModel(EDDViewModel vm, LogDataModel dataModel) { dataModel.SqlQuery = vm.SqlQuery; dataModel.SqlQuery = HelperClass.ReplaceKey(dataModel.SqlQuery, "Region", dataModel.Region); dataModel.SqlQuery = HelperClass.ReplaceKey(dataModel.SqlQuery, "LOBCODE", dataModel.LOBCD); dataModel.SqlQuery = HelperClass.ReplaceKey(dataModel.SqlQuery, "IOCHAR", dataModel.EddKey.Split('-')[1]); dataModel.SqlQuery = HelperClass.ReplaceKey(dataModel.SqlQuery, "PolarisIds", dataModel.PolarisIds); }
/// <summary> /// Maps the EDD polaris I ds to data model. /// </summary> /// <param name="eDDViewModel">The e DD view model.</param> /// <param name="logDataModel">The log data model.</param> internal static void MapEDDPolarisIDsToDataModel(EDDViewModel vm, LogDataModel dataModel) { string polarisIds = string.Empty; if (vm.PolarisIds != null && vm.PolarisIds.Count > 0) { vm.PolarisIds.ForEach(x => polarisIds += "'" + x + "',"); dataModel.PolarisIds = polarisIds.Substring(0, polarisIds.Length - 1); } }
public ActionResult GetEDDMessage(string Input, string Region, bool IsPolicyID) { this.vm = new EDDViewModel(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Input) || !ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(vm)); } vm.EddKey = Input; Mapper.MapEDDKeyToDataModel(vm, this.logDataModel); string EDDMessage = this.CreateEDDMessage(); var formattedData = new { EDDMessage = EDDMessage.Replace("|", "|\n") }; return(Json(formattedData)); }
/// <summary> /// Maps the EDD initial data to data model. /// </summary> /// <param name="vm">The vm.</param> /// <param name="dataModel">The data model.</param> internal static void MapEDDInitialDataToDataModel(EDDViewModel vm, LogDataModel dataModel) { dataModel.Region = vm.ExceedRegion.CurrentRegion; dataModel.SqlQuery = vm.SqlQuery; dataModel.SqlQuery = HelperClass.ReplaceKey(dataModel.SqlQuery, "Region", dataModel.Region); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.PolicyNumber)) { dataModel.PolicyNumber = vm.PolicyNumber; dataModel.SqlQuery = HelperClass.ReplaceKey(dataModel.SqlQuery, "PolicyNbr", dataModel.PolicyNumber); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.PolicyID)) { dataModel.PolicyId = vm.PolicyID; dataModel.SqlQuery = HelperClass.ReplaceKey(dataModel.SqlQuery, "PolicyId", dataModel.PolicyId); } }
public ActionResult GetEDDIORowsFromPolicID(string Input, string Region) { this.vm = new EDDViewModel(); vm.ExceedRegion.CurrentRegion = Region; vm.PolicyID = Input; this.logDataModel.EddKeys = this.CreateEDDIORows(); if (this.logDataModel.EddKeys != null && this.logDataModel.EddKeys.Count > 0) { var formattedData = new { EDDRows = this.logDataModel.EddKeys }; return(Json(formattedData)); } else { return(this.DataNotFound("No Data found for this Policy ID.")); } }
/// <summary> /// Maps the EDDIO data to data model. /// </summary> /// <param name="vm">The vm.</param> /// <param name="dataModel">The data model.</param> internal static void MapEDDKeyToDataModel(EDDViewModel vm, LogDataModel dataModel) { dataModel.EddKey = vm.EddKey; }
/// <summary> /// Maps the EDDLOBCD query to data model. /// </summary> /// <param name="vm">The vm.</param> /// <param name="dataModel">The data model.</param> internal static void MapEDDLOBCDQueryToDataModel(EDDViewModel vm, LogDataModel dataModel) { dataModel.SqlQuery = vm.SqlQuery; dataModel.SqlQuery = HelperClass.ReplaceKey(dataModel.SqlQuery, "Region", dataModel.Region); dataModel.SqlQuery = HelperClass.ReplaceKey(dataModel.SqlQuery, "PolicyId", dataModel.PolicyId); }
/// <summary> /// Maps the LOB code. /// </summary> /// <param name="vm">The vm.</param> /// <param name="logDataModel">The log data model.</param> internal static void MapLOBCode(EDDViewModel vm, LogDataModel dataModel) { dataModel.LOBCD = vm.LOBCD; }
public ActionResult Index() { vm = new EDDViewModel(); return(View(vm)); }