internal static unsafe Vector Invoke(EBoundaryType BoundaryType) { long *p = stackalloc long[] { 0L, 0L, 0L }; byte *b = (byte *)p; *(b + 0) = (byte)BoundaryType; Main.GetProcessEvent(OculusFunctionLibrary.DefaultObject, GetGuardianDimensions_ptr, new IntPtr(p));; return(*((Vector *)(b + 4))); } }
internal static unsafe GuardianTestResult Invoke(Vector Point, EBoundaryType BoundaryType) { long *p = stackalloc long[] { 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L }; byte *b = (byte *)p; *((Vector *)(b + 0)) = Point; *(b + 12) = (byte)BoundaryType; Main.GetProcessEvent(OculusFunctionLibrary.DefaultObject, GetPointGuardianIntersection_ptr, new IntPtr(p));; return(*((GuardianTestResult *)(b + 16))); } }
internal static unsafe IReadOnlyCollection <Vector> Invoke(EBoundaryType BoundaryType) { long *p = stackalloc long[] { 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L }; byte *b = (byte *)p; *(b + 0) = (byte)BoundaryType; Main.GetProcessEvent(OculusFunctionLibrary.DefaultObject, GetGuardianPoints_ptr, new IntPtr(p));; //TODO: array TArray ReturnValue return(UObject.ToUnmangedCollection <Vector>(b + 8)); } }
public override byte[] ReadLine() { byte[] collection = new byte[] { 13, 10 }; if (base.EndOfMessage) { throw new InvalidOperationException("End of the message was reached"); } int endOfLinePosition = base.GetEndOfLinePosition(this._buffer, 0); while (endOfLinePosition == -1) { bool flag; byte[] buffer3; byte[] line = base._sourceReader.ReadLine(); if (base._sourceReader.EndOfMessage) { base._endOfMessage = true; base._finalBoundaryReached = true; break; } EBoundaryType type = BoundaryChecker.CheckBoundary(line, base._boundary); if (type != EBoundaryType.NotBoundary) { base._endOfMessage = true; base._finalBoundaryReached = type == EBoundaryType.Final; return(this._buffer.ToArray()); } if ((line.Length > 0) && (line[line.Length - 1] == 0x3d)) { flag = false; buffer3 = new byte[line.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(line, 0, buffer3, 0, line.Length - 1); } else { flag = true; buffer3 = line; } byte[] buffer4 = MailMessageRFCDecoder.DecodeFromQuotedPrintable(buffer3); this._buffer.AddRange(buffer4); if (flag) { this._buffer.AddRange(collection); } int offset = (this._buffer.Count - buffer4.Length) - 1; offset -= flag ? 2 : 0; endOfLinePosition = base.GetEndOfLinePosition(this._buffer, offset); } List <byte> range = this._buffer.GetRange(0, endOfLinePosition); this._buffer.RemoveRange(0, endOfLinePosition + 2); return(range.ToArray()); }
public virtual MultiPart Parse(IMessageReader reader, EContentTransferEncoding contentTransferEncoding, string boundary, string uid, string attachmentDirectory, PopMessage parentMessage, ContentType contentType) { byte[] buffer; MultiPart part = new MultiPart(); string str2 = contentType.Attributes["boundary"]; this._childrenReachedFinalBoundary = false; do { buffer = reader.ReadLine(); }while (buffer != null && this._defaultEncoding.GetString(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) != ("--" + str2)); do { string source = Utils.ReadHeaders(reader); MIMEHeader header = new MIMEHeaderParser().Parse(source); if (reader.EndOfMessage) { break; } IPart part2 = this.ParsePart(reader, header.ContentID, header.ContentType, header.ContentDisposition, header.ContentTransferEncoding, uid, attachmentDirectory, str2, parentMessage); part2.Header = header; part2.Header.ContentTransferEncoding = header.IsDefaultContentTransferEncoding ? contentTransferEncoding : header.ContentTransferEncoding; part.Parts.Add(part2); }while (!this._childrenReachedFinalBoundary); while (!reader.EndOfMessage) { buffer = reader.ReadLine(); if (buffer == null) { this.RaiseFinalBoundaryReached(); return(part); } EBoundaryType type = BoundaryChecker.CheckBoundary(buffer, boundary); if (type != EBoundaryType.NotBoundary) { if (type == EBoundaryType.Final) { this.RaiseFinalBoundaryReached(); } return(part); } } return(part); }
public override byte[] ReadLine() { if (base.EndOfMessage) { throw new InvalidOperationException("End of the message was reached"); } int endOfLinePosition = base.GetEndOfLinePosition(this._buffer, 0); if (this._reachedBoundary == EBoundaryType.NotBoundary) { while (endOfLinePosition == -1) { byte[] line = base._sourceReader.ReadLine(); if (base._sourceReader.EndOfMessage) { base._endOfMessage = true; base._finalBoundaryReached = true; break; } EBoundaryType type = BoundaryChecker.CheckBoundary(line, base._boundary); if (type != EBoundaryType.NotBoundary) { this._reachedBoundary = type; byte[] buffer2 = this._buffer.ToArray(); this._buffer.Clear(); return(buffer2); } byte[] collection = MailMessageRFCDecoder.DecodeFromBase64(line); this._buffer.AddRange(collection); endOfLinePosition = base.GetEndOfLinePosition(this._buffer, (this._buffer.Count - collection.Length) - 1); } } else { base._endOfMessage = true; base._finalBoundaryReached = this._reachedBoundary == EBoundaryType.Final; return(null); } List <byte> range = this._buffer.GetRange(0, endOfLinePosition); this._buffer.RemoveRange(0, endOfLinePosition + 2); return(range.ToArray()); }
public override byte[] ReadLine() { if (base.EndOfMessage) { throw new InvalidOperationException("End of the message was reached"); } byte[] line = base._sourceReader.ReadLine(); if (base._sourceReader.EndOfMessage) { base._endOfMessage = true; base._finalBoundaryReached = true; return(null); } EBoundaryType type = BoundaryChecker.CheckBoundary(line, base._boundary); if (type != EBoundaryType.NotBoundary) { base._finalBoundaryReached = type == EBoundaryType.Final; base._endOfMessage = true; return(null); } return(line); }
internal static unsafe GuardianTestResult Invoke(ETrackedDeviceType DeviceType, EBoundaryType BoundaryType) { long *p = stackalloc long[] { 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L }; byte *b = (byte *)p; *(b + 0) = (byte)DeviceType; *(b + 1) = (byte)BoundaryType; Main.GetProcessEvent(OculusFunctionLibrary.DefaultObject, GetNodeGuardianIntersection_ptr, new IntPtr(p));; return(*((GuardianTestResult *)(b + 4))); } }
public Base64MessageReader(IMessageReader sourceReader, string boundary) : base(sourceReader, boundary) { this._buffer = new List <byte>(); this._reachedBoundary = EBoundaryType.NotBoundary; }