// ReSharper disable once UnusedMethodReturnValue.Global
        public static bool CreateCallAction(EA.Repository rep, EA.Element action, EA.Method method)
            // add ClassifierGUID to target action
            string updateStr = @"update t_object set classifier_GUID = '" + method.MethodGUID +
                       "' where ea_guid = '" + action.ElementGUID + "' ";

            // set CallOperation
            string callOperationProperty = "@PROP=@NAME=kind@ENDNAME;@TYPE=ActionKind@ENDTYPE;@VALU=CallOperation@ENDVALU;@PRMT=@ENDPRMT;@ENDPROP;";
            Guid g = Guid.NewGuid();
            string xrefid = "{" + g + "}";
            string insertIntoTXref = @"insert into t_xref 
                (XrefID,            Name,               Type,              Visibility, Namespace, Requirement, [Constraint], Behavior, Partition, Description, Client, Supplier, Link)
                VALUES('" + xrefid + "', 'CustomProperties', 'element property','Public', '','','', '',0, '" + callOperationProperty + "', '" + action.ElementGUID + "', null,'')";

            // Link Call Operation to operation
                g = Guid.NewGuid();
                xrefid = "{" + g + "}";
                insertIntoTXref = @"insert into t_xref 
                (XrefID,            Name,               Type,              Visibility, Namespace, Requirement, [Constraint], Behavior, Partition, Description, Client, Supplier, Link)
                VALUES('" + xrefid + "', 'MOFProps', 'element property','Public', '','','', 'target',0, '  null ', '" + method.MethodGUID + "', null,'')";
            return true;
        public static bool SetDiagramObjectLabel(EA.Repository rep, int objectId, int diagramId, int instanceId, string s)

            string updateStr = @"update t_diagramObjects set ObjectStyle = '" + s + "' " +
           " where Object_ID = " + objectId + " AND "+
                " Diagram_ID = " + diagramId + " AND " +
                " Instance_ID = " + instanceId ;

            return true;
        public static bool SetElementHasAttchaedLink(EA.Repository rep, EA.Element el, EA.Element elNote)
            string updateStr = @"update t_object set pdata1 = 'Element Note', pdata2 = '" + el.ElementID  + "', pdata4='Yes' " +
           " where object_ID = " + elNote.ElementID ;

            return true;
        public static bool SetBehaviorForOperation(EA.Repository rep, Method op, EA.Element act)
            string updateStr = @"update t_operation set behaviour = '" + act.ElementGUID + "' " +
           " where operationID = " + op.MethodID;

            return true;
        public static bool SetConnectorGuard(EA.Repository rep, int connectorId, string connectorGuard)

            string updateStr = @"update t_connector set pdata2 = '" + connectorGuard + "' " +
           " where Connector_Id = " + connectorId;

            return true;
 public static bool SetVcFlags (EA.Repository rep, EA.Package pkg, string flags)
     string updateStr = @"update t_package set packageflags = '" + flags +"' " +
                " where package_ID = " + pkg.PackageID;
     return true;
 public static bool SetActivityCompositeDiagram(EA.Repository rep, EA.Element el, string s)
     string updateStr = @"update t_object set pdata1 = '"+ s +"', ntype = 8 " +
                " where object_ID = " + el.ElementID;
     return true;
 public static bool SetElementPdata1(EA.Repository rep, EA.Element el, string s)
     string updateStr = @"update t_object set pdata1 = '" + s + "' " +
                " where object_ID = " + el.ElementID;
     return true;
 public static bool SetFrameLinksToDiagram(EA.Repository rep, EA.Element frm, EA.Diagram dia)
     string updateStr = @"update t_object set pdata1 = "+ dia.DiagramID + 
                " where object_ID = " + frm.ElementID;
     return true;
        // set "ShowBeh=1; in operation field StyleEx

        public static bool SetShowBehaviorInDiagram(EA.Repository rep, Method m)
            string updateStr = @"update t_operation set StyleEx = 'ShowBeh=1;'"  +
                       " where operationID = " + m.MethodID;
            return true;
        public static void AddSequenceNumber (EA.Repository rep, EA.Diagram dia) {
            string updateStr = @"update t_DiagramObjects set sequence = sequence + 1 "+
                       " where diagram_id = " + dia.DiagramID; 

        public static bool SetXmlPath(EA.Repository rep, string guid, string path)

            string updateStr = @"update t_package set XMLPath = '" + path +
           "' where ea_guid = '" + guid + "' ";

            return true;
        public static void SetSequenceNumber(EA.Repository rep, EA.Diagram dia, 
            EA.DiagramObject obj, string sequence )
            if (obj != null)

                string updateStr = @"update t_DiagramObjects set sequence = " + sequence +
                                   " where diagram_id = " + dia.DiagramID +
                                   " AND instance_id = " + obj.InstanceID;
