public void Test_popularSquares()
            var sut = new E084MonopolyOdds(diceSides: 6);

            sut.ConsecutivdoublesActivated = true;
            sut.GotoJailActivated          = true;
            sut.CommunityChestActivated    = true;
            sut.ChanceActivated            = true;
            sut.RunSimulation(runs: 10000000);
            Assert.Equal("102400", sut.GetPopularSquares());
        public void Solution()
             * popular squares can be listed with the six-digit modal string: 102400.
             * If, instead of using two 6-sided dice, two 4-sided dice are used, find the six-digit modal string.

            var sut = new E084MonopolyOdds(diceSides: 4);

            sut.ConsecutivdoublesActivated = true;
            sut.GotoJailActivated          = true;
            sut.CommunityChestActivated    = true;
            sut.ChanceActivated            = true;
            sut.RunSimulation(runs: 10000000);
            Assert.Equal("101524", sut.GetPopularSquares());

             *  Congratulations, the answer you gave to problem 84 is correct.
             *  You are the 10817th person to have solved this problem.
             *  This problem had a difficulty rating of 35%.