public virtual void ViewDidLoad( PersonInfoViewController parentViewController )
                Parent = parentViewController;

                RootView = new UIView();
                RootView.Layer.AnchorPoint = CGPoint.Empty;

                FirstName = new Dynamic_UITextField( parentViewController, RootView, Strings.General_FirstName, false, true );
                FirstName.GetTextField( ).AutocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationType.Words;
                FirstName.GetTextField( ).AutocorrectionType = UITextAutocorrectionType.No;
                FirstName.AddToView( RootView );

                MiddleName = new Dynamic_UITextField( parentViewController, RootView, Strings.General_MiddleName, false, false );
                MiddleName.GetTextField( ).AutocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationType.Words;
                MiddleName.GetTextField( ).AutocorrectionType = UITextAutocorrectionType.No;
                MiddleName.AddToView( RootView );

                LastName = new Dynamic_UITextField( parentViewController, RootView, Strings.General_LastName, false, true );
                LastName.GetTextField( ).AutocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationType.Words;
                LastName.GetTextField( ).AutocorrectionType = UITextAutocorrectionType.No;
                LastName.AddToView( RootView );

                BirthdatePicker = new Dynamic_UIDatePicker( parentViewController, Strings.General_Birthday, false , "");
                BirthdatePicker.AddToView( RootView );

                GenderToggle = new Dynamic_UIToggle( parentViewController, RootView, Strings.Gender_Header, Strings.General_Male, Strings.General_Female, true );
                GenderToggle.AddToView( RootView );

                EmailAddress = new Dynamic_UITextField( parentViewController, RootView, Strings.General_Email, false, false );
                EmailAddress.GetTextField( ).AutocorrectionType = UITextAutocorrectionType.No;
                EmailAddress.GetTextField( ).Delegate = new KeyboardAdjustManager.TextFieldDelegate( );
                EmailAddress.ShouldAdjustForKeyboard( true );
                EmailAddress.AddToView( RootView );

                PhoneNumber = new Dynamic_UITextField( parentViewController, RootView, Strings.General_PhoneNumber, false, false );
                PhoneNumber.GetTextField( ).Delegate = new PhoneNumberFormatterDelegate( );
                PhoneNumber.AddToView( RootView );

                AllowedCheckinsHeader = new UILabel( );
                AllowedCheckinsHeader.Layer.AnchorPoint = CGPoint.Empty;
                AllowedCheckinsHeader.Text = Strings.PersonInfo_AllowCheckinsBy_Header;
                AllowedCheckinsHeader.Font = FontManager.GetFont( Settings.General_BoldFont, Config.Instance.VisualSettings.SmallFontSize );
                AllowedCheckinsHeader.SizeToFit( );
                Theme.StyleLabel( AllowedCheckinsHeader, Config.Instance.VisualSettings.LabelStyle );
                RootView.AddSubview( AllowedCheckinsHeader );
            public override void ViewDidLoad( PersonInfoViewController parentViewController )
                base.ViewDidLoad( parentViewController );

                MaritalStatusToggle = new Dynamic_UIToggle( parentViewController, RootView, Strings.MaritalStatus_Header, Strings.MaritalStatus_Married, Strings.MaritalStatus_Single, false );
                MaritalStatusToggle.AddToView( RootView );

                // build the dynamic UI controls
                for( int i = 0; i < Config.Instance.PersonAttributeDefines.Count; i++ )
                    // make sure this control is for an adult
                    if ( Config.Instance.PersonAttributes[ i ][ "filter" ] == null || Config.Instance.PersonAttributes[ i ][ "filter" ].ToLower( ) == "adult" )
                        // get the required flag and the attribs that define what type of UI control this is.
                        bool isRequired = bool.Parse( Config.Instance.PersonAttributes[ i ][ "required" ] );
                        Rock.Client.Attribute uiControlAttrib = Config.Instance.PersonAttributeDefines[ i ];

                        // build it and add it to our UI
                        IDynamic_UIView uiView = Dynamic_UIFactory.CreateDynamic_UIControl( parentViewController, RootView, uiControlAttrib, isRequired, Config.Instance.PersonAttributeDefines[ i ].Key );
                        if ( uiView != null )
                            if ( isRequired == true )
                                Dynamic_RequiredControls.Add( uiView );
                                Dynamic_RequiredControls[ Dynamic_RequiredControls.Count - 1 ].AddToView( RootView );
                                Dynamic_OptionalControls.Add( uiView );
                                Dynamic_OptionalControls[ Dynamic_OptionalControls.Count - 1 ].AddToView( RootView );

                            uiView.ShouldAdjustForKeyboard( true );
Пример #3
            public static IDynamic_UIView CreateDynamic_UIControl( UIViewController parentViewController, UIView parentView, Rock.Client.Attribute uiControlAttrib, bool required, string attribKey )
                IDynamic_UIView createdControl = null;

                // first, get the field type
                switch ( uiControlAttrib.FieldType.Guid.ToString( ) )
                    // Single-Select
                    case "7525c4cb-ee6b-41d4-9b64-a08048d5a5c0":
                        // now what KIND of single select is it? Find the attributeQualifier defining the field type
                        List<Rock.Client.AttributeQualifier> qualifers = uiControlAttrib.AttributeQualifiers.Cast<Rock.Client.AttributeQualifier>( ) as List<Rock.Client.AttributeQualifier>;
                        Rock.Client.AttributeQualifier fieldTypeQualifer = qualifers.Where( aq => aq.Key.ToLower( ) == "fieldtype" ).SingleOrDefault( );

                        // now get the values that the control will use.
                        Rock.Client.AttributeQualifier valuesQualifer = qualifers.Where( aq => aq.Key.ToLower( ) == "values" ).SingleOrDefault( );

                        // check for the known supported types
                        // Drop-Down List
                        if ( fieldTypeQualifer.Guid.ToString( ) == "62a411f9-5cec-492d-9bab-98f23b4df44c" )
                            // create a drop down
                            createdControl = new Dynamic_UIDropDown( parentViewController, parentView, uiControlAttrib, valuesQualifer, required, attribKey );
                        else if ( fieldTypeQualifer.Guid.ToString( ) == "" )
                            //todo: create a radio button
                            // here, show the value as WELL as the guid
                            Rock.Mobile.Util.Debug.WriteLine( string.Format( "Unknown single-select control type specified: {0}, Guid: {1}", fieldTypeQualifer.Value, fieldTypeQualifer.Guid ) );

                    // Date Picker
                    case "6b6aa175-4758-453f-8d83-fcd8044b5f36":
                        createdControl = new Dynamic_UIDatePicker( parentViewController, uiControlAttrib.Name, required, attribKey );

                    // Check Box (A Switch on iOS)
                    case "1edafded-dfe6-4334-b019-6eecba89e05a":
                        // now what KIND of single select is it? Find the attributeQualifier defining the field type
                        List<Rock.Client.AttributeQualifier> qualifers = uiControlAttrib.AttributeQualifiers.Cast<Rock.Client.AttributeQualifier>( ) as List<Rock.Client.AttributeQualifier>;

                        // now get the values that the control will use.
                        Rock.Client.AttributeQualifier falseQualifer = qualifers.Where( aq => aq.Key.ToLower( ) == "falsetext" ).SingleOrDefault( );
                        Rock.Client.AttributeQualifier trueQualifer = qualifers.Where( aq => aq.Key.ToLower( ) == "truetext" ).SingleOrDefault( );

                        //createdControl = new Dynamic_UISwitch( parentViewController, parentView, uiControlAttrib, falseQualifer.Value, trueQualifer.Value, required );
                        createdControl = new Dynamic_UIToggle( parentViewController, parentView, uiControlAttrib, falseQualifer.Value, trueQualifer.Value, required, attribKey );

                    // Integer Input Field
                    case "a75dfc58-7a1b-4799-bf31-451b2bbe38ff":
                        createdControl = new Dynamic_UITextField( parentViewController, parentView, uiControlAttrib, true, required, attribKey );

                    // Text Field
                    case "9c204cd0-1233-41c5-818a-c5da439445aa":
                        createdControl = new Dynamic_UITextField( parentViewController, parentView, uiControlAttrib, false, required, attribKey );


                return createdControl;