Пример #1
        private static void DefineProperties(Type objectType, TypeBuilder typeBuilder, FieldInfo field, Type interfaceType, DynamicProxyType proxyType, bool ignoreMappings)
            var entityMap = MappingFactory.GetEntityMap(interfaceType);

            foreach (var property in Reflector.GetAllProperties(interfaceType))
                // check if we can support the wrapping.
                var propertyName   = MappingFactory.GetPropertyOrColumnName(property, ignoreMappings, entityMap, false);
                var objectProperty = objectType != null?objectType.GetProperty(propertyName) : null;

                if (objectProperty != null && ((property.CanRead && !objectProperty.CanRead) || (property.CanWrite && !objectProperty.CanWrite)))
                    throw new InvalidCastException("Can't cast because the property is missing or does not have the required implementation.");

                // check the property types.
                if (objectProperty != null && objectProperty.PropertyType != property.PropertyType)
                    throw new InvalidCastException("Can't cast because property types do not match.");

                // define the property.
                if (proxyType == DynamicProxyType.FullIndexer)
                    DefineIndexerProperty(property, typeBuilder, field, objectType, ignoreMappings, entityMap);
                else if (proxyType == DynamicProxyType.SimpleIndexer && IsWrappable(property, entityMap))
                    DefineIndexerProperty(property, typeBuilder, field, objectType, ignoreMappings, entityMap);
                else if (proxyType == DynamicProxyType.Guard)
                    DefineGuardedProperty(property, typeBuilder, field, objectType, ignoreMappings, entityMap);
                else if (objectProperty != null)
                    DefineProperty(property, typeBuilder, field, objectType, objectProperty);
                    DefineDefaultProperty(property, typeBuilder);
Пример #2
        internal static Type CreateType(Type objectType, string typeName, Type interfaceType, ModuleBuilder module, DynamicProxyType proxyType, bool ignoreMappings)
            // create the type that is used to wrap the object into the interface.
            var typeBuilder = module.DefineType(typeName, TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Class | TypeAttributes.AutoClass | TypeAttributes.AnsiClass | TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit | TypeAttributes.AutoLayout | TypeAttributes.Sealed);

            // add the interface implementation to the type.

            if (proxyType == DynamicProxyType.Guard)
                // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
                typeBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeof(ReadOnlyAttribute).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), new object[] { }));

            //typeBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeof(SerializableAttribute).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), new object[] { }));

            if (proxyType == DynamicProxyType.SimpleIndexer || proxyType == DynamicProxyType.FullIndexer)
                // holds the object that is wrapped.
                var field = typeBuilder.DefineField("_original", objectType, FieldAttributes.Private);
                DefineReadOnlyProperty("Indexer", typeBuilder, field);

                // create the constructor for the type.
                DefineConstructor(objectType, typeBuilder, field);

                // define properties for the type
                DefineProperties(objectType, typeBuilder, field, interfaceType, proxyType, ignoreMappings);
                // holds the object that is wrapped.
                var field = typeBuilder.DefineField("_original", objectType, FieldAttributes.Private);

                // create the constructor for the type.
                DefineConstructor(objectType, typeBuilder, field);

                // define properties for the type
                DefineProperties(objectType, typeBuilder, field, interfaceType, proxyType, false);

                // define some methods that are found on system.object as long as we do not create a guarded object
                if (proxyType != DynamicProxyType.Guard)
                    DefineMethod(objectType.GetMethod("ToString"), typeBuilder, field, objectType);
                    DefineMethod(objectType.GetMethod("Equals"), typeBuilder, field, objectType);
                    DefineMethod(objectType.GetMethod("GetType"), typeBuilder, field, objectType);
                    DefineMethod(objectType.GetMethod("GetHashCode"), typeBuilder, field, objectType);

            // create the final type.
            var type = typeBuilder.CreateType();
