Пример #1
    // Creates a list of moves.
    /* Returns the shortest set of moves between two kinematic car states. */
    public Tuple <List <Move>, DynamicCarState> MovesTo(DynamicCarState other)
        List <Move> moves = new List <Move> ();
        // create the move
        //float dr = Tangents.RotationAngle (orientation, other.position - this.position);
        float time = timeStep;
        // Sign of the acceleration determined by the difference in velocities
        // magnitude of acceleration is either maxAcc or the value needed to accelerate to reach the target speed.
        float acc = (speed < other.speed ? 1 : -1) * Mathf.Min(maxAcc, Mathf.Abs(this.speed - other.speed) / time);
        ////Debug.Log ("acc:" + acc);
        // The angle from current orientation to the destination is used to determine how much and in which direction the car should steer.
        float rotAngle = Tangents.RotationAngle(orientation, other.position - this.position);
        // The sign of the steering  * maximum or sufficient steering angle.
        float phi = Mathf.Sign(rotAngle) * Mathf.Min(Mathf.Abs(rotAngle), maxPhi);
        // turning radius determined and used to calculate the angular velocity
        float r = L / Mathf.Tan(Mathf.Abs(phi) * toRad);

        // Find the new state:
        DynamicCarState newState;
        float           endSpeed = speed + acc * time;
        float           angle    = ((speed + endSpeed) / (2 * r)) * time * toDeg;

        Vector3 carToCenter    = r * (Quaternion.Euler(0, 90 * Mathf.Sign(phi), 0) * orientation).normalized;
        Vector3 centerToCar    = -carToCenter;
        Vector3 center         = position + carToCenter;
        Vector3 newPosition    = Quaternion.Euler(0, angle * Mathf.Sign(phi), 0) * centerToCar + center;
        Vector3 newOrientation = Quaternion.Euler(0, angle * Mathf.Sign(phi), 0) * orientation;

        newState = new DynamicCarState(newPosition.x,
                                       speed + acc * time);

        ////Debug.Log ("pos: " + newState.position);
        //Debug.Log ("Moving from: "+position+", or: "+orientation+"speed: "+speed+
//		           "\nTowards: "+other.position+", or: "+other.orientation+"speed: "+other.speed+
//		           "\nphi: " + phi + ", r: "+r+", angle: "+angle+", acc: "+acc+
//		           "\nnew state: "+newState.position + ", or: "+newState.orientation+", speed"+newState.speed);
        //		//Debug.Log (speed + acc * time);

        Move move = new DynamicCarMove(orientation, speed, acc, phi, r, newState, time);


        return(new Tuple <List <Move>, DynamicCarState> (moves, newState));
Пример #2
    // Initializes and runs rrt
    override protected void LocalStart()
        // Setting state options
        DynamicCarState.maxAcc   = maxAcc;
        DynamicCarState.maxPhi   = maxPhi;
        DynamicCarState.L        = L;
        DynamicCarState.r        = L / Mathf.Tan(maxPhi * Mathf.PI / 180);
        DynamicCarState.lo       = lowLimitRRT;
        DynamicCarState.hi       = highLimitRRT;
        DynamicCarState.timeStep = time;

        // Set scale and rotate to right
        transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, L);
        transform.rotation   = Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, 0);

        // Create states, rotation is right
        startState = new DynamicCarState(startPos.x, startPos.y, Vector3.right, 0);
        goalState  = new DynamicCarState(goalPos.x, goalPos.y, Vector3.right, 0);

        // Run rrt
        rrt = new RRT <DynamicCarState>(

        // Remove the last move in the list and replace it with breaking
        DynamicCarMove last =
            rrt.moves[rrt.moves.Count - 1] as DynamicCarMove;
        Vector3 lastVel  = last.velocity;
        float   lastTime = last.speed / maxAcc;
        Move    lastMove = new DynamicPointMove(lastVel * last.speed,
                                                -lastVel.normalized * maxAcc, lastTime);

        moves = new Stack <Move>(
                new Move[] { lastMove },

        // Set moves and other data needed for base
        cost    = rrt.cost + lastTime - last.t;
        rrtTime = rrt.runTime;
        Debug.Log("Time: " + cost + "  RRT: " + rrtTime);

        // This part generates points for realistic path
        GameObject tmp = new GameObject();
        Transform  tr  = tmp.transform;

        tr.position = transform.position;
        tr.rotation = transform.rotation;
        List <Move> tmpMoves = new List <Move>();

        foreach (Move m in rrt.moves)
        foreach (Move m in tmpMoves)
            while (m.t > 0)
                m.MoveMe(tr, 0.1f);