Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Vrátí pole obsahující buttony připravené pro layout
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ControlItemLayoutInfo[] GetLayoutButtons()
            List <ControlItemLayoutInfo> buttons = new List <ControlItemLayoutInfo>();

            // Vytvořím si pracovní pole buttonů, určíme max Width:
            int widthOneMax = 0;
            var panelSize   = this.ClientSize;

            foreach (var button in _ButtonControls)
                var preferresSize = button.GetPreferredSize(panelSize);
                if (widthOneMax < preferresSize.Width)
                    widthOneMax = preferresSize.Width;
                buttons.Add(new ControlItemLayoutInfo()
                    Control = button

            // Do pracovního pole vložím velikost buttonů = všechny stejně:
            int  innerWidth   = widthOneMax.Align(60, 300);
            int  buttonHeight = DxComponent.ZoomToGui(this.ButtonsDesignHeight, this.CurrentDpi);
            int  buttonWidth  = innerWidth + (3 * buttonHeight / 2);
            Size buttonSize   = new Size(buttonWidth, buttonHeight);

            buttons.ForEachExec(l => l.Size = buttonSize);

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Inicializace panelu a jeho komponent
        /// </summary>
        protected void Initialize()
            _Margins = 1;
            _OperatorButtonImageDefault = ImageName.DxFilterBoxMenu;
            _OperatorButtonImageName    = null;
            _ClearButtonImageDefault    = ImageName.DxFilterClearFilter;
            _ClearButtonImage           = null;
            _ClearButtonToolTipTitle    = DxComponent.Localize(MsgCode.DxFilterBoxClearTipTitle);
            _ClearButtonToolTipText     = DxComponent.Localize(MsgCode.DxFilterBoxClearTipText);

            _OperatorButton               = DxComponent.CreateDxMiniButton(0, 0, 24, 24, this, OperatorButton_Click, tabStop: false);
            _FilterText                   = DxComponent.CreateDxTextEdit(24, 0, 200, this, tabStop: true);
            _FilterText.KeyDown          += FilterText_KeyDown;
            _FilterText.KeyUp            += FilterText_KeyUp;
            _FilterText.EditValueChanged += _FilterText_EditValueChanged;

            _ClearButton = DxComponent.CreateDxMiniButton(224, 0, 24, 24, this, ClearButton_Click, tabStop: false);

            _FilterText.BorderStyle = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.BorderStyles.NoBorder;
            this.BorderStyle        = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.BorderStyles.HotFlat;
            this.Leave += DxFilterBox_Leave;

            _CurrentText = "";
            FilterValueChangedSources = DxFilterBoxChangeEventSource.Default;
            LastFilterValue           = null;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Nastaví Layout pro Buttons - nastavuje Visible, Height, velikost a pozici buttonů.
        /// Pracuje s volnými panely pro obsah a pro buttony.
        /// Nastaví i souřadnice pro panel <see cref="_ControlPanel"/>.
        /// </summary>
        private void DoLayoutButtons()
            // Patřičné dokování:
            if (_ControlPanel.Dock != DockStyle.None)
                _ControlPanel.Dock = DockStyle.None;

            // Prostor pro ControlPanel a pro buttony:
            Padding   margins     = DxComponent.ZoomToGui(this.DesignMargins, this.CurrentDpi);
            Rectangle innerBounds = this.GetInnerBounds(margins);

            if (_StatusBar.VisibleInternal && _StatusBar.Height > 0)
                innerBounds.Height = innerBounds.Height - _StatusBar.Height;

            // Pole buttonů:
            var buttons = GetLayoutButtons();

            // Rozmístit buttony a umístit Content:
            Rectangle contentBounds = DxComponent.CalculateControlItemsLayout(innerBounds, buttons, this.ButtonsPosition, margins);

            if (_ControlPanel.Bounds != contentBounds)
                _ControlPanel.Bounds = contentBounds;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Inicializace vnitřního layoutu - splitpanel
        /// </summary>
        private void InitFrames()
            int splitterPosition = Data.App.Config.MainSplitterPosition;

            _MainSplitContainer = DxComponent.CreateDxSplitContainer(this, _SplitterPositionChanged,
                                                                     DockStyle.Fill, Orientation.Vertical, DXE.SplitFixedPanel.Panel1,
                                                                     splitterPosition, DXE.SplitPanelVisibility.Both, true);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Vytvoření controlů
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeControls()
            _ControlPanel = DxComponent.CreateDxPanel(this, DockStyle.Fill, borderStyles: DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.BorderStyles.NoBorder);
            _StatusBar    = DxComponent.CreateDxStatusBar(this);

            _ButtonsVisible      = null;
            _ButtonsDesignHeight = DxComponent.DefaultButtonHeight;
            _ButtonsPosition     = ToolbarPosition.BottomSideLeft;
            _DesignMargins       = DxComponent.DefaultInnerMargins;

            DialogResult       = DialogResult.None;
            CloseOnClickButton = true;
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Aktivuje menu položek typů filtru
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        private void OperatorButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs args)
            var filterItems = this.FilterOperators;

            if (filterItems == null || filterItems.Count == 0)
            var   popup    = DxComponent.CreateDXPopupMenu(filterItems, "", showCheckedAsBold: true, itemClick: OperatorItem_Click);
            Point location = new Point(0, this.Height);

            popup.ShowPopup(this, location);
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Rozmístí svoje prvky a upraví svoji výšku
        /// </summary>
        protected void DoLayout()
            if (_InDoLayoutProcess)
                _InDoLayoutProcess = true;

                // tlačítko '_OperatorButton' může být neviditelné!
                bool operatorButtonVisible = _OperatorButton.VisibleInternal;

                // Výška textu, výška vnitřní, vnější (reagujeme i na Zoom a Skin):
                int margins         = Margins;
                int margins2        = 2 * margins;
                int minButtonHeight = DxComponent.ZoomToGui(24);
                int minHeight       = minButtonHeight + margins2;
                var clientSize      = this.ClientSize;
                int currentHeight   = this.Size.Height;
                int border          = currentHeight - clientSize.Height;
                int textHeight      = _FilterText.Height;
                int innerHeight     = (textHeight < minHeight ? minHeight : textHeight);
                int outerHeight     = innerHeight + border;
                if (currentHeight != outerHeight)
                    this.Height = outerHeight;                                          // Tady se vyvolá událost OnClientSizeChanged() a z ní rekurzivně zdejší metoda, ale ignoruje se protože (_InDoLayoutProcess = true;)
                // Souřadnice buttonů a textu:
                int buttonCount = (operatorButtonVisible ? 2 : 1);
                int buttonSize  = innerHeight - margins2;
                int spaceX      = 1;
                int y           = margins;
                int x           = margins;
                int textWidth   = clientSize.Width - margins2 - (buttonCount * (buttonSize + spaceX));
                int textY       = (innerHeight - textHeight) / 2;
                if (operatorButtonVisible)
                    _OperatorButton.Bounds = new Rectangle(x, y, buttonSize, buttonSize); x += (buttonSize + spaceX);
                _FilterText.Bounds  = new Rectangle(x, textY, textWidth, textHeight); x += (textWidth + spaceX);
                _ClearButton.Bounds = new Rectangle(x, y, buttonSize, buttonSize); x += (buttonSize + spaceX);

                _InDoLayoutProcess = false;
Пример #8
        private void CreateTreeView()
            _SplitContainer = DxComponent.CreateDxSplitContainer(this, null, DockStyle.Fill, Orientation.Vertical, SplitFixedPanel.Panel1, 280, showSplitGlyph: true);

            _TreeList = new DxTreeViewListSimple()
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill
            _TreeList.SelectImageList       = _Images16;
            _TreeList.StateImageList        = _Images16;
            _TreeList.ImageIndexSearcher    = GetImageIndex;
            _TreeList.LazyLoadNodeText      = "Copak to tu asi bude?";
            _TreeList.LazyLoadNodeImageName = "hourglass_16";
            _TreeList.EditorShowMode        = TreeListEditorShowMode.Click;

            _TreeList.Parent = this;
            _SplitContainer.Panel1.Controls.Add(_TreeList);               // Musí být dřív než se začne pracovat s daty!!!

            DateTime t0    = DateTime.Now;
            var      nodes = _CreateSampleList(ItemCountType.Big);
            DateTime t1    = DateTime.Now;

            DateTime t2 = DateTime.Now;

            _TreeList.NodeSelected      += _TreeList_AnyAction;
            _TreeList.NodeDoubleClick   += _TreeList_AnyAction;
            _TreeList.NodeExpanded      += _TreeList_AnyAction;
            _TreeList.NodeCollapsed     += _TreeList_AnyAction;
            _TreeList.ActivatedEditor   += _TreeList_AnyAction;
            _TreeList.EditorDoubleClick += _TreeList_AnyAction;
            _TreeList.NodeEdited        += _TreeList_NodeEdited;
            _TreeList.NodeDelete        += _TreeList_NodeDelete;
            _TreeList.LazyLoadChilds    += _TreeList_LazyLoadChilds;

            int y = 0;

            _MemoEdit      = DxComponent.CreateDxMemoEdit(0, ref y, 100, 100, this._SplitContainer.Panel2, readOnly: true);
            _MemoEdit.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
            _LogId         = 0;
            _Log           = "";

            string line = "Počet nodů: " + nodes.Count.ToString();

            line = "Tvorba nodů: " + ((TimeSpan)(t1 - t0)).TotalMilliseconds.ToString("##0.000") + " ms";
            line = "Plnění do TreeView: " + ((TimeSpan)(t2 - t1)).TotalMilliseconds.ToString("##0.000") + " ms";
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Pro daný button refreshuje jeho Image a ToolTip
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="button"></param>
        /// <param name="imageName"></param>
        /// <param name="toolTipTitle"></param>
        /// <param name="toolTipText"></param>
        /// <param name="imageNameDefault"></param>
        private void ButtonRefresh(DxSimpleButton button, string imageName, string toolTipTitle, string toolTipText, string imageNameDefault = null)
            if (button == null)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(imageName))
                imageName = imageNameDefault;
            Size imageSize = DxComponent.GetOptimalImageSize(button.Size, 3);

            DxComponent.ApplyImage(button.ImageOptions, imageName, null, ResourceImageSizeType.Small, imageSize, true);
            button.SetToolTip(toolTipTitle, toolTipText);
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Z dodaného jména souboru určí příponu, podle ní detekuje typ obsahu (dá do out parametru) a detekovanou příponu odřízne (včetně tečky).
        /// Vrátí true, pokud nějakou příponu detekoval a odřízl (tedy <paramref name="contentType"/> je jiný než None).
        /// Vrátí false, když je vstup prázdný, nebo bez přípony nebo s neznámou příponou, pak příponu neodřízne.
        /// <para/>
        /// Například pro vstup: "C:/Images/Button-24x24.png" detekuje <paramref name="contentType"/> = <see cref="ResourceContentType.Bitmap"/>,
        /// a v ref parametru <paramref name="name"/> ponechá: "C:/Images/Button-24x24".
        /// <para/>
        /// Tato metoda se typicky volá před metodou <see cref="RemoveSizeTypeBySuffix(ref string, out ResourceImageSizeType)"/>, protože tady se řeší a odřízne přípona, a následně se tam řeší suffix jména souboru.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="contentType"></param>
        private static bool RemoveContentTypeByExtension(ref string name, out ResourceContentType contentType)
            contentType = ResourceContentType.None;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
            name = name.TrimEnd();
            string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(name).ToLower();

            contentType = DxComponent.GetContentTypeFromExtension(extension);
            if (contentType != ResourceContentType.None)
                name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - extension.Length);
            return(contentType != ResourceContentType.None);
Пример #11
        private static void CreateDefaultOperatorItem(FilterBoxOperatorItems items, FilterBoxOperatorItems value, string hotKey, string imageName, MsgCode textCode, MsgCode toolTipCode, List <IMenuItem> menuItems)
            if (!items.HasFlag(value))

            menuItems.Add(new DataMenuItem()
                ItemId      = value.ToString(),
                HotKey      = hotKey,
                ImageName   = imageName,
                Text        = DxComponent.Localize(textCode),
                ToolTipText = DxComponent.Localize(toolTipCode),
                Checked     = false,
                Tag         = value
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Načte obsah souboru "ServerResources.bin" z určeného adresáře (počet úrovní nahoru nahoru od aktuálního, a daný subdir)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resourcePath"></param>
        /// <param name="upDirs"></param>
        /// <param name="subDir"></param>
        /// <param name="resourceList"></param>
        private static void LoadFromResourcesBinInDirectory(string resourcePath, int upDirs, string subDir, List <IResourceItem> resourceList)
            string path = resourcePath;

            for (int i = 0; i < upDirs && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(path); i++)
                path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(subDir))
                path = System.IO.Path.Combine(path, subDir);
            string fileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(path, "ServerResources.bin");

            System.IO.FileInfo fileInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(fileName);
            if (!fileInfo.Exists)
            int fileLengthMB = (int)(fileInfo.Length / 1000000L);

            if (fileLengthMB > 150)

                var    startTime = DxComponent.LogTimeCurrent;
                byte[] content   = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(fileInfo.FullName);
                LoadFromResourcesBinInArray(content, resourceList);
                var microsecs = DxComponent.LogGetTimeElapsed(startTime, DxComponent.LogTokenTimeMicrosec);
            catch (Exception exc)
                DxComponent.ShowMessageError($"Error on loading resources from file {fileInfo.FullName}: {exc.Message}", "Error");
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Inicializace objektu seznamu grafů, součástí je i načtení seznamu grafů z disku
        /// </summary>
        private void InitList()

            _GraphListBox               = DxComponent.CreateDxListBox(DockStyle.Fill, parent: _MainSplitContainer.Panel1, selectedIndexChanged: _GraphListBox_SelectedIndexChanged, multiColumn: false, selectionMode: SelectionMode.One, itemHeightPadding: 3, reorderByDragEnabled: true);
            _GraphListBox.DataSource    = _Graphs;
            _GraphListBox.SelectedIndex = 0;

            // var mcx = DXE.MultiColumnListBoxCreator.CreateMultiColumnListBox();

             * DXE.TableLayout.ItemTemplateBase template = new DXE.TableLayout.ItemTemplateBase();  // DXE.TableLayout.ItemTemplateBase();
             * template.Name = "TemplateD";
             * template.Rows.Add(new DXE.TableLayout.TableRowDefinition() { AutoHeight = false, Length = new DXE.TableLayout.TableDefinitionLength() { Type = DXE.TableLayout.TableDefinitionLengthType.Pixel, Value = 18 } });
             * template.Rows.Add(new DXE.TableLayout.TableRowDefinition() { AutoHeight = true, Length = new DXE.TableLayout.TableDefinitionLength() { Type = DXE.TableLayout.TableDefinitionLengthType.Pixel, Value = 32 } });
             * template.Columns.Add(new DXE.TableLayout.TableColumnDefinition() { Length = new DXE.TableLayout.TableDefinitionLength() { Type = DXE.TableLayout.TableDefinitionLengthType.Star, Value = 1000 } });
             * template.Columns.Add(new DXE.TableLayout.TableColumnDefinition());
             * DXE.TableLayout.TemplatedItemElement e0 = new DXE.TableLayout.TemplatedItemElement() { RowIndex = 0, ColumnIndex = 0, FieldName = "Title", Height = 18, TextLocation = new Point(8, 2), StretchHorizontal = true };
             * e0.StretchHorizontal = true;
             * e0.StretchVertical = true;
             * e0.Appearance.Normal.FontSizeDelta = 1;
             * e0.Appearance.Normal.FontStyleDelta = FontStyle.Bold;
             * DXE.TableLayout.TemplatedItemElement e1 = new DXE.TableLayout.TemplatedItemElement() { RowIndex = 1, ColumnIndex = 0, FieldName = "Description", Height = 32, TextLocation = new Point(8,2), StretchHorizontal = true };
             * e1.Appearance.Normal.FontStyleDelta = FontStyle.Italic;
             * template.Elements.Add(e0);
             * template.Elements.Add(e1);
             * _GraphListBox.Templates.Add(template);
             * _GraphListBox.ItemAutoHeight = true;
             * _GraphListBox.ItemHeight = 50;
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Vyrenderuje dodaný text jako náhradní ikonu
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="caption"></param>
        /// <param name="sizeType"></param>
        /// <param name="imageSize"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Image CreateCaptionImage(string caption, ResourceImageSizeType?sizeType, Size?imageSize)
            var    realSize = imageSize ?? DxComponent.GetImageSize((sizeType ?? ResourceImageSizeType.Large), true);
            bool   isDark   = DxComponent.IsDarkTheme;
            Bitmap bitmap   = new Bitmap(realSize.Width, realSize.Height);

            using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
                RectangleF bounds = new RectangleF(0, 0, realSize.Width, realSize.Height);
                graphics.FillRectangle((isDark ? Brushes.MidnightBlue : Brushes.MintCream), bounds);
                string text = DxComponent.GetCaptionForIcon(caption);
                if (text.Length > 0)
                    var font       = SystemFonts.MenuFont;
                    var textSize   = graphics.MeasureString(text, font);
                    var textBounds = textSize.AlignTo(bounds, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter);
                    graphics.DrawString(text, font, (isDark ? Brushes.White : Brushes.Black), textBounds.Location);
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Do formuláře vytvoří buttony podle obsahu pole <see cref="_IButtons"/>.
        /// Buttony vytvoří, i když nemají být viditelné (<see cref="_ButtonsVisible"/>, to je úkolem metody <see cref="DoLayout"/>.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateButtons()

            var iButtons = _IButtons;

            if (iButtons is null)
            List <DxSimpleButton> buttonControls = new List <DxSimpleButton>();
            int x = 5;

            foreach (var iButton in iButtons)
                var buttonControl = DxComponent.CreateDxSimpleButton(x, 0, 100, 20, this, iButton);
                buttonControl.Click += ButtonControl_Click;
                x += 105;
            _ButtonControls = buttonControls.ToArray();

Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Vytvoří <see cref="SvgImage"/> pro daný text, namísto chybějící ikony.
        /// Pokud vrátí null, zkusí se provést <see cref="CreateCaptionImage(string, ResourceImageSizeType?, Size?)"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="caption"></param>
        /// <param name="sizeType"></param>
        /// <param name="imageSize"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static SvgImage CreateCaptionVector(string caption, ResourceImageSizeType?sizeType, Size?imageSize)
            string text = DxComponent.GetCaptionForIcon(caption).ToUpper();

            if (text.Length > 2)
                text = text.Substring(0, 2);
            bool   isWidth     = (text == "MM" || text == "OO" || text == "WW" || text == "QQ" || text == "AA");
            string fillClass   = "White";
            string borderClass = "Blue";
            string textClass   = "Black";
            string sizePx      = (isWidth ? "16px" : "18px");
            string textY       = (isWidth ? "20" : "22");
            string weight      = (isWidth ? "600" : "800"); // bold
            string svgContent  = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<svg x='0px' y='0px' viewBox='0 0 32 32' 
        version='1.1' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' xml:space='preserve' 
        style='enable-background:new 0 0 32 32'>
  <style type='text/css'>
  <g id='icon" + text + @"' style='font-size: " + sizePx + @"; text-anchor: middle; font-family: serif; font-weight: " + weight + @"'>
    <path d='M31,0H1C0.5,0,0,0.5,0,1v30c0,0.5,0.5,1,1,1h30c0.5,0,1-0.5,1-1V1C32,0.5,31.5,0,31,0z M30,30H2V2h28V30z' class='" + borderClass + @"' />
    <path d='M30,30H2V2h28V30z' class='" + fillClass + @"' />
    <text x='16' y='" + textY + @"' class='" + textClass + @"'>" + text + @"</text>

            svgContent = svgContent.Replace("'", "\"");
            return(DxSvgImage.Create(caption, DxSvgImagePaletteType.Explicit, svgContent));

             * <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
             * <svg x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 32 32"
             * version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xml:space="preserve"
             * id="Layer_1"
             * style="enable-background:new 0 0 32 32">
             * <style type="text/css">
             * .Red{fill:#D11C1C;}
             * .Green{fill:#039C23;}
             * .Blue{fill:#1177D7;}
             * .Yellow{fill:#FFB115;}
             * .Black{fill:#727272;}
             * .st0{opacity:0.75;}
             * .st1{opacity:0.5;}
             * </style>
             * <g id="iconAB" style="font-size: 16px; text-anchor: middle; font-family: serif; font-weight: bold">
             * <path d="M31,0H1C0.5,0,0,0.5,0,1v30c0,0.5,0.5,1,1,1h30c0.5,0,1-0.5,1-1V1C32,0.5,31.5,0,31,0z M30,30H2V2h28V30z" class="Black" />
             * <!--  path d="M0,0L31,0L31,31L0,31L0,0Z" class="Black" / -->
             * <text x="16" y="20" class="Blue">MM</text>
             * </g>
             * </svg>