public bool Contains(string nodeId, DvText name) { Check.Invariant(identifiedLocatables != null, "identifiedLocatables must not be null"); Check.Require(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeId), "nodeId must not be null or empty"); Check.Require(name != null, "name must not be null"); LocatableBindingListView <T> namedLocatables = null; if (identifiedLocatables.ContainsKey(nodeId)) { namedLocatables = identifiedLocatables[nodeId]; } bool result = false; if (namedLocatables != null) { DvCodedText codedName = name as DvCodedText; if (codedName == null) { result = namedLocatables.Contains(name.Value); } else { CodePhrase definingCode = codedName.DefiningCode; result = namedLocatables.Contains(definingCode.TerminologyId.Value, definingCode.CodeString); } } return(result); }
private void GetSlotNames(int col, ref VBuffer <DvText> dst) { Contracts.Assert(col == 0); var nameList = new List <DvText>(); var indexList = new List <int>(); foreach (var kvp in _collection.GetNonDefaultFeatureNames()) { nameList.Add(new DvText(kvp.Value)); indexList.Add(kvp.Key); } var vals = dst.Values; if (Utils.Size(vals) < nameList.Count) { vals = new DvText[nameList.Count]; } Array.Copy(nameList.ToArray(), vals, nameList.Count); if (nameList.Count < _collection.Count) { var indices = dst.Indices; if (Utils.Size(indices) < indexList.Count) { indices = new int[indexList.Count]; } Array.Copy(indexList.ToArray(), indices, indexList.Count); dst = new VBuffer <DvText>(_collection.Count, nameList.Count, vals, indices); } else { dst = new VBuffer <DvText>(_collection.Count, vals, dst.Indices); } }
public string GetContent(int ifeat) { Contracts.Assert(0 <= ifeat && ifeat < Count); DvText content = _content.GetItemOrDefault(ifeat); return(content.HasChars ? content.ToString() : DatasetUtils.GetDefaultTransform(GetName(ifeat))); }
public Action(DvText name, string archetypeNodeId, UidBasedId uid, Link[] links, Archetyped archetypeDetails, FeederAudit feederAudit, CodePhrase language, CodePhrase encoding, PartyProxy subject, PartyProxy proider, Participation[] otherParticipations, ObjectRef workflowId, ItemStructure protocol, ObjectRef guidelineId, DvDateTime time, ItemStructure description, IsmTransition ismTransition, InstructionDetails instructionDetails) : base(name, archetypeNodeId, uid, links, archetypeDetails, feederAudit, language, encoding, subject, proider, otherParticipations, workflowId, protocol, guidelineId) { Check.Require(time != null, "time must not be null"); Check.Require(description != null, "description must not be null"); Check.Require(ismTransition != null, "ismTransition must not be null"); this.time = time; this.description = description; if (this.description != null) { this.description.Parent = this; } this.ismTransition = ismTransition; if (this.ismTransition != null) { this.ismTransition.Parent = this; } this.instructionDetails = instructionDetails; if (this.instructionDetails != null) { this.instructionDetails.Parent = this; } SetAttributeDictionary(); CheckInvariants(); }
public Composition(DvText name, string archetypeNodeId, Support.Identification.UidBasedId uid, Link[] links, Archetyped archetypeDetails, FeederAudit feederAudit, CodePhrase language, CodePhrase territory, DvCodedText category, EventContext context, Content.ContentItem[] content, PartyProxy composer) : base(name, archetypeNodeId, uid, links, archetypeDetails, feederAudit) { Check.Require(language != null, "language must not be null"); Check.Require(territory != null, "territory must not be null"); Check.Require(category != null, "category must not be null"); Check.Require(composer != null, "composer must not be null"); this.language = language; this.territory = territory; this.category = category; this.context = context; if (this.context != null) { this.context.Parent = this; } if (content != null) { this.content = RmFactory.LocatableList <ContentItem>(this, content); } this.composer = composer; SetAttributeDictionary(); this.CheckInvariants(); }
public string GetName(int ifeat) { Contracts.Assert(0 <= ifeat && ifeat < Count); DvText name = _names.GetItemOrDefault(ifeat); return(name.HasChars ? name.ToString() : string.Format("f{0}", ifeat)); }
protected DemographicLocatable(string archetypeNodeId, DvText name) { ArchetypeNodeId = archetypeNodeId; Name = name; CheckInvariants(); }
public XmlSerializableExtract(string archetypeNodeId, DvText name, HierObjectId systemId, ExtractChapter[] chapters) : base(archetypeNodeId, name, systemId) { foreach (ExtractChapter chapter in chapters) { this.Chapters.Add(chapter); } }
public PointEvent(DvText name, string archetypeNodeId, Support.Identification.UidBasedId uid, Link[] links, Archetyped archetypeDetails, FeederAudit feederAudit, DvDateTime time, T data, ItemStructure.ItemStructure state) : base(name, archetypeNodeId, uid, links, archetypeDetails, feederAudit, time, data, state) { SetAttributeDictionary(); CheckInvariants(); }
public void CanSuccessfullyRetrieveQuotedData() { string dataPath = GetDataPath("QuotingData.csv"); var loader = new Data.TextLoader(dataPath).CreateFrom <QuoteInput>(useHeader: true, separator: ',', allowQuotedStrings: true, supportSparse: false); using (var environment = new TlcEnvironment()) { Experiment experiment = environment.CreateExperiment(); ILearningPipelineDataStep output = loader.ApplyStep(null, experiment) as ILearningPipelineDataStep; experiment.Compile(); loader.SetInput(environment, experiment); experiment.Run(); IDataView data = experiment.GetOutput(output.Data); Assert.NotNull(data); using (var cursor = data.GetRowCursor((a => true))) { var IDGetter = cursor.GetGetter <float>(0); var TextGetter = cursor.GetGetter <DvText>(1); Assert.True(cursor.MoveNext()); float ID = 0; IDGetter(ref ID); Assert.Equal(1, ID); DvText Text = new DvText(); TextGetter(ref Text); Assert.Equal("This text contains comma, within quotes.", Text.ToString()); Assert.True(cursor.MoveNext()); ID = 0; IDGetter(ref ID); Assert.Equal(2, ID); Text = new DvText(); TextGetter(ref Text); Assert.Equal("This text contains extra punctuations and special characters.;*<>?!@#$%^&*()_+=-{}|[]:;'", Text.ToString()); Assert.True(cursor.MoveNext()); ID = 0; IDGetter(ref ID); Assert.Equal(3, ID); Text = new DvText(); TextGetter(ref Text); Assert.Equal("This text has no quotes", Text.ToString()); Assert.False(cursor.MoveNext()); } } }
public int AddColumn(string name, ReadOnlyMemory <char>[] values) { var buf = new DvText[values.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; ++i) { buf[i] = new DvText(values[i]); } return(AddColumn(name, new DataColumn <DvText>(buf))); }
public static void AddColumnToDataFrameString(DataFrame df, string name, string[] values) { var bval = new DvText[values.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; ++i) { bval[i] = new DvText(values[i]); } df.AddColumn(name, bval); }
public Element(DvText name, string archetypeNodeId, Support.Identification.UidBasedId uid, Link[] links, Archetyped archetypeDetails, FeederAudit feederAudit, DataValue value, DvCodedText nullFlavour) : base(name, archetypeNodeId, uid, links, archetypeDetails, feederAudit) { this.value = value; this.nullFlavour = nullFlavour; SetAttributeDictionary(); CheckInvariants(); }
private void AddTokenAndType(string text, int startIndex, int length, string type) { Contracts.AssertValue(_tokensList); if (length > 0) { int lim = startIndex + length; var token = new DvText(text, startIndex, lim); _tokensList.Add(token); if (_typesList != null) _typesList.Add(new DvText(type)); } }
public Section(DvText name, string archetypeNodeId, Support.Identification.UidBasedId uid, Link[] links, Archetyped archetypeDetails, FeederAudit feederAudit, ContentItem[] items) : base(name, archetypeNodeId, uid, links, archetypeDetails, feederAudit) { if (items != null) { this.items = RmFactory.LocatableList <ContentItem>(this, items); } SetAttributeDictionary(); CheckInvariants(); }
public ItemTable(DvText name, string archetypeNodeId, Support.Identification.UidBasedId uid, Link[] links, Archetyped archetypeDetails, FeederAudit feederAudit, Cluster[] rows) : base(name, archetypeNodeId, uid, links, archetypeDetails, feederAudit) { if (rows != null) { this.rows = RmFactory.LocatableList <Cluster>(this, rows); } SetAttributeDictionary(); CheckInvariants(); }
public static void Convert <T>(ref object src, out T value) { if ((src as string) != null) { var dv = new DvText((string)src); value = (T)(object)dv; } else { value = (T)src; } }
/// <summary> /// Add tokens (and types if required) that are computed for src to _tokensList/_typesList. /// </summary> private void Tokenize(ref DvText src, Language lang, GetSpansSimpleCallback addTokenAndType) { Contracts.Assert(_typesList == null || _tokensList.Count == _typesList.Count); if (!src.HasChars) return; int ichMin; int ichLim; string text = src.GetRawUnderlyingBufferInfo(out ichMin, out ichLim); Tokenizers[(int)lang].GetSpansSimple(text, ichMin, ichLim - ichMin, addTokenAndType); Contracts.Assert(_typesList == null || _tokensList.Count == _typesList.Count); }
private Delegate CreateStringToTextGetter(int index) { var peek = DataView._peeks[index] as Peek <TRow, string>; Ch.AssertValue(peek); string buf = null; return((ValueGetter <DvText>)((ref DvText dst) => { peek(GetCurrentRowObject(), Position, ref buf); dst = new DvText(buf); })); }
private PipelineItemDebugRow[] BuildRows() { PipelineItemDebugRow[] result = new PipelineItemDebugRow[MaxDisplayRows]; int i = 0; IDataView pipelineResult = ExecutePipeline(); if (_pipelineExecutionException != null) { result[0] = new PipelineItemDebugRow() { Values = _pipelineExecutionException.ToString() }; return(result); } StringBuilder valuesBuilder = new StringBuilder(); using (var cursor = pipelineResult.GetRowCursor(c => true)) { var colIndices = GetColIndices(pipelineResult); var colCount = colIndices.Count; var getters = DataViewUtils.PopulateGetterArray(cursor, colIndices); var row = new DvText[colCount]; while (cursor.MoveNext() && i < MaxDisplayRows) { for (int column = 0; column < colCount; column++) { if (column != 0) { valuesBuilder.Append(" | "); } getters[column](ref row[column]); valuesBuilder.Append(row[column]); } result[i] = new PipelineItemDebugRow() { Values = valuesBuilder.ToString() }; valuesBuilder.Clear(); i++; } } return(result); }
protected Locatable(DvText name, string archetypeNodeId, Support.Identification.UidBasedId uid, AssumedTypes.List <Link> links, Archetyped archetypeDetails, FeederAudit feederAudit) : this() { Check.Require(name != null, "name must not be null"); Check.Require(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(archetypeNodeId), "archetype_node_id must not be null or empty"); = name; this.archetypeNodeId = archetypeNodeId; this.uid = uid; this.links = links; this.archetypeDetails = archetypeDetails; this.feederAudit = feederAudit; }
Cluster CreateClusterPersonName(Patient patient) { string archetypeNodeId = "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.person_name.v1"; var name = new DvText("Paciente"); var at0006 = new Element(new DvText("Name type"), "at0006", null, null, null, null, new DvText("Registered name"), null); var at0020 = new Element(new DvText("Registered name"), "at0006", null, null, null, null, new DvCodedText(patient.Name, "at0020", "local"), null); var cluster = new Cluster(name, archetypeNodeId, null, null, GetArchetypeDetails(archetypeNodeId), null, new Item[2] { at0006, at0020 }); return(cluster); }
Cluster CreateClusterMedicalDevice() { string archetypeNodeId = "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.device.v1"; var name = new DvText("Dispositivo"); var at0001 = new Element(new DvText("Name"), "at0001", null, null, null, null, new DvText("Bitalino"), null); var at0002 = new Element(new DvText("Description"), "at0002", null, null, null, null, new DvText("O BITalino é um kit de ferramentas de hardware e software especificamente projetado para lidar com os requisitos dos sinais corporais."), null); var cluster = new Cluster(name, archetypeNodeId, null, null, GetArchetypeDetails(archetypeNodeId), null, new Item[2] { at0001, at0002 }); return(cluster); }
private void UpdateLanguage(ref Language langToUse, ref DvText langTxt) { if (_langGetter != null) { _langGetter(ref langTxt); Language lang; if (!langTxt.IsNA && LangsDictionary.TryGetValue(langTxt, out lang)) langToUse = lang; } if (!ResourceExists(langToUse)) langToUse = Language.Default; AddResourceIfNotPresent(langToUse); }
private static Action <TRow> CreateTextToStringSetter(IRow input, int col, Delegate poke) { var getter = input.GetGetter <DvText>(col); var typedPoke = poke as Poke <TRow, string>; Contracts.AssertValue(typedPoke); DvText value = default(DvText); return(row => { getter(ref value); typedPoke(row, value.ToString()); }); }
public void TestSaveImages() { using (var env = new ConsoleEnvironment()) { var dataFile = GetDataPath("images/images.tsv"); var imageFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(dataFile); var data = env.CreateLoader("Text{col=ImagePath:TX:0 col=Name:TX:1}", new MultiFileSource(dataFile)); var images = ImageLoaderTransform.Create(env, new ImageLoaderTransform.Arguments() { Column = new ImageLoaderTransform.Column[1] { new ImageLoaderTransform.Column() { Source = "ImagePath", Name = "ImageReal" } }, ImageFolder = imageFolder }, data); IDataView cropped = ImageResizerTransform.Create(env, new ImageResizerTransform.Arguments() { Column = new ImageResizerTransform.Column[1] { new ImageResizerTransform.Column() { Name = "ImageCropped", Source = "ImageReal", ImageHeight = 100, ImageWidth = 100, Resizing = ImageResizerTransform.ResizingKind.IsoPad } } }, images); cropped.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("ImagePath", out int pathColumn); cropped.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("ImageCropped", out int cropBitmapColumn); using (var cursor = cropped.GetRowCursor((x) => true)) { var pathGetter = cursor.GetGetter <DvText>(pathColumn); DvText path = default; var bitmapCropGetter = cursor.GetGetter <Bitmap>(cropBitmapColumn); Bitmap bitmap = default; while (cursor.MoveNext()) { pathGetter(ref path); bitmapCropGetter(ref bitmap); Assert.NotNull(bitmap); var fileToSave = GetOutputPath(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path.ToString()) + ".cropped.jpg"); bitmap.Save(fileToSave, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); } } } Done(); }
protected override Delegate GetGetterCore(IChannel ch, IRow input, int iinfo, out Action disposer) { Host.AssertValue(ch, nameof(ch)); Host.AssertValue(input); Host.Assert(0 <= iinfo && iinfo < Infos.Length); disposer = null; var getSrc = GetSrcGetter <DvText>(input, iinfo); DvText src = default; ValueGetter <Bitmap> del = (ref Bitmap dst) => { if (dst != null) { dst.Dispose(); dst = null; } getSrc(ref src); if (src.Length > 0) { // Catch exceptions and pass null through. Should also log failures... try { string path = src.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_imageFolder)) { path = Path.Combine(_imageFolder, path); } dst = new Bitmap(path); } catch (Exception e) { // REVIEW: We catch everything since the documentation for new Bitmap(string) // appears to be incorrect. When the file isn't found, it throws an ArgumentException, // while the documentation says FileNotFoundException. Not sure what it will throw // in other cases, like corrupted file, etc. // REVIEW : Log failures. ch.Info(e.Message); ch.Info(e.StackTrace); dst = null; } } }; return(del); }
public ItemSingle(DvText name, string archetypeNodeId, Support.Identification.UidBasedId uid, Link[] links, Archetyped archetypeDetails, FeederAudit feederAudit, Element item) : base(name, archetypeNodeId, uid, links, archetypeDetails, feederAudit) { Check.Require(item != null, "item must not be null"); this.item = item; if (this.item != null) { this.item.Parent = this; } SetAttributeDictionary(); CheckInvariants(); }
protected CareEntry(DvText name, string archetypeNodeId, Support.Identification.UidBasedId uid, Link[] links, Archetyped archetypeDetails, FeederAudit feederAudit, CodePhrase language, CodePhrase encoding, PartyProxy subject, PartyProxy proider, Participation[] otherParticipations, ObjectRef workflowId, ItemStructure protocol, ObjectRef guidelineId) : base(name, archetypeNodeId, uid, links, archetypeDetails, feederAudit, language, encoding, subject, proider, otherParticipations, workflowId) { this.protocol = protocol; if (this.protocol != null) { this.protocol.Parent = this; } this.guidelineId = guidelineId; }
public AdminEntry(DvText name, string archetypeNodeId, Support.Identification.UidBasedId uid, Link[] links, Archetyped archetypeDetails, FeederAudit feederAudit, CodePhrase language, CodePhrase encoding, PartyProxy subject, PartyProxy proider, Participation[] otherParticipations, ObjectRef workflowId, ItemStructure data) : base(name, archetypeNodeId, uid, links, archetypeDetails, feederAudit, language, encoding, subject, proider, otherParticipations, workflowId) { Check.Require(data != null, "data must not be null"); = data; = this; SetAttributeDictionary(); this.CheckInvariants(); }