Пример #1
        private DustContext SetUpDatabase()
            var context = new DustContext(":memory:");

Пример #2
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");

            DustContext         context  = new DustContext();
            DustRuntimeCompiler compiler = new DustRuntimeCompiler(context);

            string input;

            while ((input = Console.ReadLine()) != "exit")
                AntlrInputStream  inputStream       = new AntlrInputStream(input);
                DustLexer         lexer             = new DustLexer(inputStream);
                CommonTokenStream commonTokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
                DustParser        parser            = new DustParser(commonTokenStream);
                DustVisitor       visitor           = new DustVisitor(context);
                Module            module            = (Module)visitor.VisitModule(parser.module());

                object result = compiler.Compile(module).Value;

                bool hasErrored = false;

                foreach (Error error in context.ErrorHandler.Errors)
                    hasErrored = true;


                if (result != null && hasErrored == false)
Пример #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                          .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true)
                          .AddUserSecrets <Program>()
            var configuration = builder.Build();

            var csBuilder = new NpgsqlConnectionStringBuilder(configuration.GetConnectionString("DustDatabase"));

            csBuilder.ApplicationName = "DMN DataSyncService";

            var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DustContext>();


            using (var ctx = new DustContext(optionsBuilder.Options))
                foreach (var sensor in ctx.Sensors)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Sensor ({sensor.Id}): {sensor.Name}@[{sensor.Latitude}, {sensor.Longitude}]");
Пример #4
        public SignatureHelp GetSignatureHelp(TextDocument document, Position position)
            string text  = document.Text;
            int    index = document.GetPosition(position);

            string[] lines = text.Split('\n');
            string   line  = lines[position.Line];

            int startIndex = line.Substring(0, position.Character).LastIndexOf("(", StringComparison.Ordinal);

            if (startIndex != -1)
                string functionName = line.Substring(0, startIndex).Trim().Split(" ").Last();

                // Remove the current line because it might contain errors.
                lines[position.Line] = "";

                DustContext currentContext = document.GetContextAtPosition(position, Project.CompileFile(string.Join('\n', lines)).GlobalContext);

                Function function = currentContext.GetFunction(functionName);

                StringBuilder labelBuilder = new StringBuilder($"{function.Name}(");

                if (function.Parameters.Length > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < function.Parameters.Length; i++)
                        labelBuilder.Append($"{function.Parameters[i].Identifier.Name}: any");

                        if (i != function.Parameters.Length - 1)
                            labelBuilder.Append(", ");

                labelBuilder.Append("): any");

                return(new SignatureHelp
                    ActiveParameter = line.Substring(startIndex, line.IndexOf(")", startIndex, StringComparison.Ordinal) - startIndex).Count(character => character == ','),
                    ActiveSignature = 0,
                    Signatures = new[]
                        new SignatureInformation
                            Label = labelBuilder.ToString(),
                            Parameters = function.Parameters.Select(parameter => new ParameterInformation
                                Label = parameter.Identifier.Name + ": any"

            return(new SignatureHelp());
        public SensorsController(DustContext ctx)
            if (ctx == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ctx));

            _ctx = ctx;
        public ClientConfigurationController(DustContext ctx)
            if (ctx == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ctx));

            _ctx = ctx;
Пример #7
        public Hover GetHover(TextDocument document, Position position)
            string word = document.GetWordAtPosition(position);

            DustContext context = document.GetContextAtPosition(position, Project.CompileFile(document.Text).GlobalContext);

            string content = "";

            if (context.ContainsPropety(word))
                content = context.GetProperty(word).GetDetail();

            if (context.ContainsFunction(word))
                content = context.GetFunction(word).GetDetail();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content) == false)
                return(new Hover
                    Contents = (StringOrObject <MarkedString>) $@"```dust

            return(new Hover());

 *    string name = document.GetWordAtPosition(position);
 *    string[] lines = document.Text.Split('\n');
 *    lines[position.Line] = "";
 *    DustContext context = document.GetContextAtPosition(position, Project.CompileFile(string.Join('\n', lines)));
 *    Function function = context.GetFunction(name);
 *    if (function != null)
 *    {
 *      return new Hover
 *      {
 *        Contents = new StringOrObject<MarkedString>(new MarkedString
 *        {
 *          Value = function.GetDetail(),
 *          Language = "dust"
 *        })
 *      };
 *    }
 *    return new Hover();
Пример #8
 public Function(string name, FunctionModifier[] modifiers, FunctionParameter[] parameters, Statement[] statements, DustType returnType, DustContext context, Range range)
     : base(range)
     Name       = name;
     Parameters = parameters;
     Modifiers  = modifiers;
     Statements = statements;
     ReturnType = returnType;
     Context    = context;
Пример #9
 public static void RegisterDatabase(string databasePath)
     Locator.CurrentMutable.RegisterLazySingleton <DustContext>(() =>
         var dustContext = new DustContext(databasePath);
         dustContext.ChangeTracker.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
Пример #10
        public static CompileResult <object> CompileFile(string text)
            AntlrInputStream    inputStream       = new AntlrInputStream(text);
            DustLexer           lexer             = new DustLexer(inputStream);
            CommonTokenStream   commonTokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
            DustParser          parser            = new DustParser(commonTokenStream);
            DustContext         context           = new DustContext();
            DustVisitor         visitor           = new DustVisitor(context);
            DustRuntimeCompiler compiler          = new DustRuntimeCompiler(context);

            Module module = (Module)visitor.VisitModule(parser.module());

Пример #11
 public CompileResult(Module module, DustContext globalContext, T value)
     Module        = module;
     GlobalContext = globalContext;
     Value         = value;
Пример #12
 protected DustBaseCompiler(DustContext compilerContext)
     CompilerContext = compilerContext;
Пример #13
        public List <CompletionItem> GetCompletions(TextDocument document, Position position)
            string[] lines = document.Text.Split('\n');
            string   word  = lines[position.Line].Substring(0, position.Character).Trim().Split(" ").Last();
            List <CompletionItem> completions = new List <CompletionItem>();

            bool found = false;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string[], CompletionItem[]> completion in keywordCompletions)
                foreach (string entry in completion.Key)
                    if (word == entry)
                        found = true;



            if (found == false)
                // Remove the current line because it might contain errors.
                lines[position.Line] = "";

                DustContext globalContext  = Project.CompileFile(string.Join('\n', lines)).GlobalContext;
                DustContext currentContext = document.GetContextAtPosition(position, globalContext);

                currentContext.Functions.Union(globalContext.Functions).DistinctBy(function => function.Name).ToList().ForEach(function => completions.Add(new CompletionItem
                    Label  = function.Name,
                    Kind   = CompletionItemKind.Function,
                    Detail = function.GetDetail()

                currentContext.Properties.Union(globalContext.Properties).ToList().ForEach(property => completions.Add(new CompletionItem
                    Label  = property.Name,
                    Kind   = CompletionItemKind.Variable,
                    Detail = property.GetDetail()

                    new CompletionItem
                        Label = "let",
                        Kind  = CompletionItemKind.Keyword
                    new CompletionItem
                        Label = "public",
                        Kind  = CompletionItemKind.Keyword
                    new CompletionItem
                        Label = "internal",
                        Kind  = CompletionItemKind.Keyword
                    new CompletionItem
                        Label = "private",
                        Kind  = CompletionItemKind.Keyword

Пример #14
        public static DustContext GetContextAtPosition(this TextDocument document, Position position, DustContext globalContext)
            Tree <BraceMatch>  tree  = new Tree <BraceMatch>();
            Stack <BraceMatch> stack = new Stack <BraceMatch>();
            string             text  = document.Text;
            int index = text.GetPosition(position);

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                char character = text[i];

                if (character == '{')
                    if (tree.LastAdded()?.Value.End == -1)
                        tree.LastAdded().AddChild(new BraceMatch(i, -1));
                        tree.Add(new BraceMatch(i, -1));

                    stack.Push(new BraceMatch(i, -1));

                if (character == '}')
                    LinkedListNode <TreeNode <BraceMatch> > node = tree.Find(new TreeNode <BraceMatch>(stack.Pop()));
                    tree.Modify(node.Value, new BraceMatch(node.Value.Value.Start, i));

            BraceMatch current = tree.Find(node => node.Value.Start <= index && node.Value.End >= index)?.Value.Value;

            return(current == null ? globalContext : globalContext.Children[tree.IndexOf(new TreeNode <BraceMatch>(current))]);
Пример #15
 public DustDataService(DustContext dustContext = null)
     _dustContext = dustContext ?? Locator.Current.GetService <DustContext>();
Пример #16
 public FunctionDeclaration(string name, FunctionModifier[] modifiers, FunctionParameter[] parameters, Statement[] statements, DustType returnType, DustContext context, Range range)
     : base(range)
     Function = new Function(name, modifiers, parameters, statements, returnType, context, range);
Пример #17
 public DustRuntimeCompiler(DustContext compilerContext)
     : base(compilerContext)