public void WriteReportToConsole() { if (_durations.Count == 0) { return; } @" --------------------------------------------- Build Time Report ---------------------------------------------".ToConsole(); var longest = Durations.OrderByDescending(t => t.Key.Length).First().Key.Length; longest = Math.Max("Name".Length, longest); Console.WriteLine("{0,-" + longest + "} {1}", "Name", "Duration"); Console.WriteLine("{0,-" + longest + "} {1}", "----", "--------"); foreach (var time in Durations) { Console.WriteLine("{0,-" + longest + "} {1}", time.Key, time.Value.ToString()); } var old = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta; "---------------------------------------------".ToConsole(); Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", "Total:".PadRight(longest), TotalDuration); Console.ForegroundColor = old; Console.WriteLine(); }
public void Constructor() { var durations = new Durations(1, 2); Assert.AreEqual(1, durations.Duration1); Assert.AreEqual(2, durations.Duration2); }
protected override string InternalToString(Tune t) { Durations previousDuration = DefaultDuration; Scales previousScale = DefaultScale; var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var tuneElement in t.TuneElementList) { if (tuneElement.Dotted) { sb.Append(OpenBracket); } AppendNoteOrPause(sb, tuneElement); if (tuneElement.Dotted) { sb.Append(CloseBracket); } previousDuration = AppendDurationKey(sb, tuneElement, previousDuration); AppendSharpKey(sb, tuneElement); previousScale = AppendScaleKey(sb, tuneElement, previousScale); sb.Append(TuneElementDelimiter); } return(sb.ToString().TrimEnd()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Id,Code,Details")] Durations durations) { if (id != durations.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(durations); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!DurationsExists(durations.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(durations)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if ConfigResponse instances are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Instance of ConfigResponse to be compared</param> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool Equals(ConfigResponse other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return (( AccountManager == other.AccountManager || AccountManager != null && AccountManager.SequenceEqual(other.AccountManager) ) && ( Durations == other.Durations || Durations != null && Durations.SequenceEqual(other.Durations) ) && ( PullingInterval == other.PullingInterval || PullingInterval != null && PullingInterval.Equals(other.PullingInterval) )); }
public void createScale() { string[] words = firstNote.Split(' '); string initialNote = words[0]; UnityEngine.Debug.Log("initial: " + initialNote); string intString = words[1]; int numberScale = 0; if (!Int32.TryParse(intString, out numberScale)) { numberScale = -1; } int sum = 0; int midi = NoteToMidi(initialNote, numberScale); for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++) { List <double> midiDuration = new List <double>(); if (i != 0) { sum = sum + (int)intervals[i - 1]; } int midiBase = midi; midiBase = midiBase + sum; UnityEngine.Debug.Log("[Create scale]Midi note: " + midiBase); Durations realDuration = (Durations)duration; Note not = new Note(midiBase, realDuration, false); midiDuration.Add(midiBase); midiDuration.Add(duration); list_notes.Add(not); } }
public void StartBuilding(string buttonContent) { Debug.Log("button click: " + buttonContent); if (buttonContent == "add-stall") { if (PlayerEconomy.Money >= Prices.GetStallConstructionPrice(unlockedStalls)) { PlayerEconomy.PayMoney(Prices.GetStallConstructionPrice(unlockedStalls)); //enable GO, construction stalls [unlockedStalls].gameObject.SetActive(true); stalls [unlockedStalls].underConstruction.SetActive(true); for (int i = 0; i < stalls [unlockedStalls].finished.Length; ++i) { stalls [unlockedStalls].finished [i].SetActive(false); } //store in duration dict. index is nr of unlocked stalls constructionDaysRemainingPerStallIndex.Add(unlockedStalls, Durations.GetStallConstructionDuration(unlockedStalls)); UI.instance.constructionUI.underConstructionDaysRemaining.text = constructionDaysRemainingPerStallIndex[unlockedStalls].ToString() + " " + GetDayPluralSingular(constructionDaysRemainingPerStallIndex[unlockedStalls]) + " remaining"; unlockedStalls++; UI.instance.constructionUI.hideOnConstruction.SetActive(false); UI.instance.constructionUI.showOnConstruction.SetActive(true); } else { Debug.Log("not enough money for stall construction!"); } } }
public static List <Beep> CompileScript(string script, int key, double volume, double bpm, out int duration) { int currKey = key; double currVolume = volume, currBpm = bpm; double position = 0; // number of samples into the tune List <Beep> beeps = new List <Beep>(); foreach (string token in GetNonCommentTokens(script)) { if (token[0] == '@') { ParseSettings(token, ref currKey, ref currVolume, ref currBpm, key, volume, bpm); continue; } double noteDuration = 0, mult = 1.0; int i = token.Length - 1; while (i >= 0) { if (token[i] == '.') { mult *= 1.5; } else if (token[i] == 't') { mult *= 2.0 / 3; } else if (Durations.TryGetValue(char.ToLower(token[i]), out double temp)) { noteDuration += temp * mult; mult = 1.0; } else // reaching the pitch code { break; } i--; } if (noteDuration == 0) // a default quarter note { noteDuration = mult; } double freq = 0; if (i >= 0) // an actual note (not a rest) { freq = Note.GetFreq(Note.Parse(token.Substring(0, i + 1), currKey)); } beeps.Add(new Beep((int)(position + 0.5), freq, currVolume, (int)(noteDuration * 60 * Note.SampleRate / currBpm + 0.5))); position += noteDuration * 60 * Note.SampleRate / currBpm; } duration = (int)(position + 0.5); return(beeps); }
public void Stop() { Durations.Add(new Duration { Start = LastStartDate ?? DateTimeOffset.Now, End = DateTimeOffset.Now }); LastStartDate = null; }
public void Show(Positions pos = Positions.Bottom, Durations duration = Durations.Short) { if (this.IsShowing) { this.CTS.Cancel(); this.CTS.Dispose(); this.CTS = null; this.CTS = new CancellationTokenSource(); } else { var window = UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow; window.AddSubview(this.Container.Value); } this.IsShowing = true; this.Container.Value.Center = this.GetCenter(pos); var ms = duration == Durations.Long ? 5000 : 2000; Task.Delay(ms) .ContinueWith(t => { this.Dismiss(); } , this.CTS.Token); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the parts[] vector based on the current rhythm gene being a rest. /// </summary> /// <param name="i"></param> /// <param name="rhythmGene"></param> /// <param name="rhythmSoloPart0"></param> private void ProcessRestGene(ref int i, char rhythmGene) { byte addDur = 0; string temps; byte maxIterate = Parameters.maxIterate; byte genotypeIterate_0 = Parameters.genotypeIterate[0]; string[] rhythmSoloPart0 = currentRhythmChromosome[0]; parts[0] += "R"; parts[1] += "R"; parts[2] += "R|"; parts[3] += "R|"; do { addDur++; i++; if (i == maxIterate || i % genotypeIterate_0 == 0) { break; } else { rhythmGene = RhythmDecode(rhythmSoloPart0[i]); } }while ((rhythmGene == 'r' || rhythmGene == 'c')); temps = Durations.FinalDuration(Parameters.durationIndex, addDur); parts[0] += temps + " "; parts[1] += temps + " "; parts[2] += addDur + " "; parts[3] += addDur + " "; }
public DurationPercentiles(IEnumerable <double> durations) { Durations = durations.OrderBy(x => x).ToImmutableArray(); if (!Durations.Any()) { throw new ArgumentException(@"Durations must have at least one element", nameof(durations)); } }
private void OpenConstructionWindow() { UI.instance.constructionUI.gameObject.SetActive(true); if (constructionDaysRemainingPerStallIndex.Count > 0) { UI.instance.constructionUI.showOnConstruction.SetActive(true); UI.instance.constructionUI.hideOnConstruction.SetActive(false); UI.instance.constructionUI.underConstructionDaysRemaining.text = constructionDaysRemainingPerStallIndex [unlockedStalls - 1].ToString() + " " + GetDayPluralSingular(constructionDaysRemainingPerStallIndex [unlockedStalls - 1]) + " remaining"; } else { UI.instance.constructionUI.showOnConstruction.SetActive(false); UI.instance.constructionUI.hideOnConstruction.SetActive(true); } //the number of unlocked stalls (i.e. 1 at the start) equals the index of the next to unlock UI.instance.constructionUI.priceForNextStall.text = Prices.GetStallConstructionPrice(unlockedStalls).ToString() + "¢"; UI.instance.constructionUI.durationForNextStall.text = Durations.GetStallConstructionDuration(unlockedStalls).ToString() + " " + GetDayPluralSingular(Durations.GetStallConstructionDuration(unlockedStalls)); //partition text if (unlockedStalls == 1) { UI.instance.constructionUI.partitionText.text = "You only have one stall, all walls are needed."; } else { UI.instance.constructionUI.partitionText.text = "Click the white/brown toggles to enable or disable the partitions between paddocks."; } for (int i = 0; i < UI.instance.constructionUI.paddockToggles.Length; ++i) { if (i < unlockedStalls) { UI.instance.constructionUI.paddockToggles [i].gameObject.SetActive(true); UI.instance.constructionUI.paddockToggles [i].toggle.isOn = partitionsEnabled [i]; } else { UI.instance.constructionUI.paddockToggles [i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } //enable all here so I can disable the right one below, otherwise it won't work again after changes if (constructionDaysRemainingPerStallIndex.ContainsKey(i + 1) && constructionDaysRemainingPerStallIndex [i + 1] > 0) { UI.instance.constructionUI.paddockToggles [i].toggle.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { UI.instance.constructionUI.paddockToggles [i].toggle.gameObject.SetActive(true); } } UI.instance.constructionUI.paddockToggles [unlockedStalls - 1].toggle.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
/// <summary> /// Accept method for the input data visitor. /// </summary> /// <param name="visitor">Visitor.</param> public void Accept(IVisitor visitor) { visitor.Visit(this); Parameters.Accept(visitor); Durations.Accept(visitor); Conditions.Accept(visitor); Effects.Accept(visitor); visitor.PostVisit(this); }
public void Update(bool inFlow, IDataPacketJSON packet) { if (inFlow == true) { CarCount += packet.interactions.Count; return; } else { foreach (var interaction in packet.interactions) { CarCount--; double duration = interaction.duration; Sum += duration; if (Durations.Count == MAX_STORE) { double removed = Durations[0]; Durations.RemoveAt(0); Sum -= removed; } Durations.Add(duration); MeanDuration = Sum / Durations.Count; } } IDevice dev = Dictionaries.Devices[packet.deviceID]; int nodeBID = dev.Edge.NodeB.NodeID; Ellipse e = Dictionaries.NodeEllipses[nodeBID]; try { e.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { if (MeanDuration < ORANGE_THRESHOLD) { e.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.GreenYellow); } else if (MeanDuration < RED_THRESHOLD) { e.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Orange); } else { e.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); } }); } catch { } Dictionaries.SetColours(); }
public LongNotesExercise(string tune, int beats, string timeSignature, string note, int duration, int numberNotes) : base(tune, beats, timeSignature) { this.note = note; this.numberNotes = numberNotes; try{ this.duration = (Durations)duration; }catch (Exception) { } createLongNotesExercise(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Id,Code,Details")] Durations durations) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(durations); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(durations)); }
public void drawScala(Exercise exercise, GameObject noteImage, GameObject quaver) { //parser.LoadJson5(); for (int i = 0; i < exercise.list_notes.Count; ++i) { var midi = exercise.list_notes[i].midi; Durations duration = exercise.list_notes[i].duration; graphicalInterface.drawNote(midi, duration, noteImage, quaver, i); } //graphicalInter //graphicalInterface.drawScala(scale,noteImage); }
public Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext context) { DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; log.Info("Fire time: " + now); if (lastFireTime != null) { Durations.Add(now - lastFireTime.Value); } lastFireTime = now; return(Task.CompletedTask); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the parts[] vector based on the current rhythm gene being a note. /// </summary> /// <param name="i"></param> /// <param name="rhythmGene"></param> /// <param name="pitchSoloPart0"></param> /// <param name="pitchSoloPart1"></param> /// <param name="velocitySoloPart0"></param> /// <param name="velocitySoloPart1"></param> /// <param name="rhythmSoloPart0"></param> private void ProcessPitchGene(ref int i, char rhythmGene) { byte note1, note2; byte velocity1, velocity2; byte addDur = 1, fP; int j; byte genotypeIterate_0 = Parameters.genotypeIterate[0]; byte maxIterate = Parameters.maxIterate; byte keySignatureIndex = Parameters.keySignatureIndex; byte[] octaves = Parameters.octavesByteValues; string duration = Durations.FinalDuration(Parameters.durationIndex, addDur); int[] pitchSoloPart0 = currentPitchChromosome[0]; int[] pitchSoloPart1 = currentPitchChromosome[1]; byte[] velocitySoloPart0 = currentVelocityChromosome[0]; byte[] velocitySoloPart1 = currentVelocityChromosome[1]; string[] rhythmSoloPart0 = currentRhythmChromosome[0]; do { fP = Scales.FirstPitch(octaves[0], keySignatureIndex); note1 = PitchSolo1Decode(pitchSoloPart0[i], fP); velocity1 = VelocityDecode(velocitySoloPart0[i]); parts[0] += "[" + note1.ToString() + "]" + duration + "V" + velocity1.ToString() + " "; j = note1 - fP; parts[2] += ActualOctave(j, 0).ToString() + //(byte)Parameters.octaves[0] + "|" + Scales.scales[keySignatureIndex][j] + "|" + addDur + " "; fP = Scales.FirstPitch(octaves[1], keySignatureIndex); note2 = PitchSolo2Decode(pitchSoloPart1[i], note1, fP); velocity2 = VelocityDecode(velocitySoloPart1[i]); parts[1] += "[" + note2.ToString() + "]" + duration + "V" + velocity2.ToString() + " "; j = note2 - fP; parts[3] += ActualOctave(j, 1).ToString() + //(byte)Parameters.octaves[0] + "|" + Scales.scales[keySignatureIndex][j] + "|" + addDur + " "; i++; if (i == maxIterate || i % genotypeIterate_0 == 0) { break; } else { rhythmGene = RhythmDecode(rhythmSoloPart0[i]); } }while (rhythmGene == 'p'); }
private int AmountOfBeams(Durations duration) { switch (duration) { case Durations.Eight: return(1); case Durations.Sixteenth: return(2); case Durations.ThirtySecond: return(3); default: return(0); } }
/// <summary> /// 联网获取 Durations 数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="apiKey"></param> /// <param name="date"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static List <Durations> GetDurations(string apiKey, DateTime date) { try { string durationsUrl = string.Format("{0}durations?api_key={1}&date={2}", BaseUrl, apiKey, date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); JToken root = HttpTool.Get <JToken>(durationsUrl, "gb2312"); JToken durations = root.SelectToken("data"); List <Durations> result = new List <Durations>(); foreach (var item in durations) { Durations obj = item.ToObject <Durations>(); result.Add(obj); } return(result); } catch (Exception e) { } return(null); }
public void Calculate() { Results.Add(new BuildDeploymentMetric { Date = Date, IntervalTime = CalculateAverageTimeInDaysFor(Intervals), IntervalTimeStdDev = Calculator.ConvertMillisecondsToDays( Calculator.CalculateStandardDeviation(Intervals)), DurationTime = CalculateAverageTimeInHoursFor(Durations), DurationTimeStdDev = Calculator.ConvertMillisecondsToHours( Calculator.CalculateStandardDeviation(Durations)) }); Intervals.Clear(); Durations.Clear(); }
/// <summary> /// Find t in s = 0.5*a*t² + v0*t /// </summary> /// <param name="s">The distance [m].</param> /// <param name="a">The acceleration [m/s²].</param> /// <param name="v0">The initial velocity [m/s].</param> /// <exception cref="NegativeValueException">Thrown, if the given distance will never be reached.</exception> /// <returns>Returns the duration [s].</returns> public static Durations GetDuration(double s, double a, double v0) { if (a == 0) { var t = SteadyMotion.GetDuration(s, v0); return(new Durations(t, t)); } var sqrt = 2 * a * s + v0 * v0; if (sqrt < 0) { throw new NegativeValueException($"The distance {s}m will never be reached starting with a velocity of {v0}m/s and accelerating with {a}m/s²"); } var t1 = (-Math.Sqrt(sqrt) - v0) / a; var t2 = (Math.Sqrt(sqrt) - v0) / a; var durations = new Durations(t1, t2); return(durations); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the hash code /// </summary> /// <returns>Hash code</returns> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap { var hashCode = 41; // Suitable nullity checks etc, of course :) if (AccountManager != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + AccountManager.GetHashCode(); } if (Durations != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Durations.GetHashCode(); } if (PullingInterval != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + PullingInterval.GetHashCode(); } return(hashCode); } }
private void EditExistingTuneElement(char c, int index) { var tuneElementWithLength = nokiaComposerTuneElementList[index]; var tuneElement = tuneElementWithLength.TuneElement; var note = tuneElement as Note; switch (c) { case '8': tuneElement.DecreaseDuration(); previousDuration = tuneElement.Duration; break; case '9': tuneElement.IncreaseDuration(); previousDuration = tuneElement.Duration; break; case '*': if (note != null) { note.IncreaseScaleModulo(); previousScale = note.Scale; } break; case '#': if (note != null) { note.ToggleSharp(); } break; } tuneElementWithLength.ComputeElementStringLength(); nokiaComposerTuneElementList[index] = tuneElementWithLength; CurrentTuneElement = tuneElementWithLength.TuneElement; }
/* * public void drawScala(Exercise exercise,GameObject noteImage){ * * for (int i = 0; i < exercise.list_midisdurations.Count; ++i) { * * x = x + 2; * float value = midiToScreenCustomY(exercise.list_midisdurations[i][0]); * * newNote.transform.position = new Vector3 (x, value); * * } * * } * */ public void drawNote(int midi, Durations duration, GameObject noteImage, GameObject quaver, float position) { //prueba(); this.noteImage = noteImage; this.quaver = quaver; float xComponent = calculatePostion(position); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Class[GUI] Method [drawNote] Midi Y: " + midi); float value = midiToScreenCustomY(midi); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Class[GUI] Method [drawNote] Y: " + value); Sprite noteSprite = getInitialSprite(duration, "black"); GameObject newNote = new GameObject(); //Create the GameObject SpriteRenderer renderer = newNote.AddComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); renderer.sprite = noteSprite; //UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate<GameObject> (newNote); newNote.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = noteSprite; newNote.transform.localScale = new Vector3(2.34f, 2.34f, 0); newNote.transform.position = new Vector3(xComponent, value); listGameObjects.Add(newNote); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the parts[] vector based on the current rhythm gene being a continuation. /// </summary> /// <param name="i"></param> /// <param name="rhythmGene"></param> /// <param name="velocitySoloPart0"></param> /// <param name="velocitySoloPart1"></param> /// <param name="rhythmSoloPart0"></param> private void ProcessContinuationGene(ref int i, char rhythmGene) { byte velocity1, velocity2; byte addDur = 1; string duration; byte maxIterate = Parameters.maxIterate; byte genotypeIterate_0 = Parameters.genotypeIterate[0]; string[] rhythmSoloPart0 = currentRhythmChromosome[0]; parts[0] = parts[0].Remove(parts[0].LastIndexOf(']') + 1); parts[1] = parts[1].Remove(parts[1].LastIndexOf(']') + 1); parts[2] = parts[2].Remove(parts[2].LastIndexOf('|') + 1); parts[3] = parts[3].Remove(parts[3].LastIndexOf('|') + 1); velocity1 = VelocityDecode(currentVelocityChromosome[0][i]); velocity2 = VelocityDecode(currentVelocityChromosome[1][i]); do { addDur++; i++; if (i == maxIterate || i % genotypeIterate_0 == 0) { break; } else { rhythmGene = RhythmDecode(rhythmSoloPart0[i]); } }while (rhythmGene == 'c'); duration = Durations.FinalDuration(Parameters.durationIndex, addDur); parts[0] += duration + "V" + velocity1.ToString() + " "; parts[1] += duration + "V" + velocity2.ToString() + " "; parts[2] += addDur + " "; parts[3] += addDur + " "; }
public void changeColour(Durations dur, double percentage, int position) { string colour = "red"; if (percentage >= 0.0 && percentage < 0.4) { colour = "red"; } else if (percentage >= 0.4 && percentage <= 0.7) { colour = "yellow"; } else { colour = "green"; } Sprite sprit = graphicalInterface.getInitialSprite(dur, colour); graphicalInterface.listGameObjects[position].GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = sprit; }
public Sprite getInitialSprite(Durations dur, String colour) { Sprite sprit; sprit = null; UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Class[GUI] Method [getInitialSprite] Duration Y: " + dur); if (dur == Durations.Semibreve) { switch (colour) { case "green": sprit = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/semibreve/GreenSemibreve"); break; case "black": sprit = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/semibreve/BlackSemibreve"); break; case "red": sprit = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/semibreve/RedSemibreve"); break; case "yellow": sprit = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/semibreve/YellowSemibreve"); break; } } else if (dur == Durations.Minim) { switch (colour) { case "green": sprit = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/minim/GreenMinim"); break; case "black": sprit = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/minim/BlackMinim"); break; case "red": sprit = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/minim/RedMinim"); break; case "yellow": sprit = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/minim/YellowMinim"); break; } } else if (dur == Durations.Crotchet) { switch (colour) { case "green": sprit = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/crotchet/GreenCrotchet"); break; case "black": sprit = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/crotchet/blackCrotchet"); break; case "red": sprit = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/crotchet/RedCrotchet"); break; case "yellow": sprit = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/crotchet/YellowCrotchet"); break; } } else if (dur == Durations.Quaver) { switch (colour) { case "green": sprit = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/quaver/GreenQuaver"); break; case "black": sprit = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/quaver/BlackQuaver"); break; case "red": sprit = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/quaver/RedQuaver"); break; case "yellow": sprit = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/quaver/YellowQuaver"); break; } } return(sprit); }
public void AddNote(NoteNames name, int octave, Durations d) { AddNote(new Note(name, octave, d)); }