IEnumerator doSwing(SwingEvent swingEvent) { if (status.dodging) { //animated.animation.Stop();// Stop("bjorn_dodge"); //animated.animation.Play("bjorn_idle"); status.dodging = false; // dumb hack because Unity animation system is dumb dumb dumb //yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.02f); } /* * bool stunAttack = (swingEvent.damage.effects.ContainsKey("OnStun")); * if(stunAttack) * { * var fx = Resources.Load("Effects/effect_fire_sword") as GameObject; * * var fireEffect = Instantiate(fx, mainWeapon.transform.position, mainWeapon.transform.rotation) as GameObject; * fireEffect.transform.parent = mainWeapon.transform; * = "stunEffect"; * } */ status.attacking = true; gameObject.BroadcastMessage("OnDisable"); if (telegraphAttacks && swingNumber <= 1) { animated.animation.Play( + "_telegraph"); activeTelegraph.gameObject.SetActive(true); //activeTelegraphCircle.gameObject.SetActive(true); //activeTelegraphCircle.localScale =; //activeTelegraphCircle.SendMessage("OnTelegraph", telegraphRate * 2.0f); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(telegraphRate - 0.2f)); // this is a bit heavy and shouldn't be living here foreach (Transform decalChild in activeTelegraph) { decalChild.renderer.material.SetColor("_TintColor", Color.white); } status.unbalanced = true; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f)); } // if we don't telegraph, set unbalanced for the duration of the attack status.unbalanced = true; // don't remove telegraph until the attack chain is over int maxSwings = 1; //mainWeapon.swingPrefabs.Length; if (activeTelegraph != null && (swingNumber == maxSwings || maxSwings <= 1)) { activeTelegraph.gameObject.SetActive(false); //activeTelegraphCircle.gameObject.SetActive(false); foreach (Transform decalChild in activeTelegraph) { decalChild.renderer.material.SetColor("_TintColor", originalTelegraphColor); } } // step into the attack //iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, transform.position + (transform.forward * 10.0f), 0.2f); dude.AddForce(transform.forward * swingEvent.step * Time.fixedDeltaTime); // fire actual weapon gameObject.SendMessage("OnFire"); /* * if(mainWeapon.swingSound != null) * { * float originalPitch = audio.pitch; * audio.pitch = (1.0f - swingEvent.rate);// + 0.5f; * //audio.PlayOneShot(mainWeapon.swingSound); * audio.pitch = originalPitch; * } */ // dumb hack because Unity animation system is dumb dumb dumb //animated.animation.Stop(); //animated.animation.Play("bjorn_idle"); //yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.02f); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); //string animName = mainWeapon.swingAnimations[swingNumber - 1].name; if (swingEvent.animation != null) { string animName =; animated.animation[animName].speed = attackAnimationRatio / swingEvent.rate; animated.animation.Play(animName, PlayMode.StopAll); //CrossFade(animName); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(swingEvent.rate * (1.0f - attackCancelWindow))); if (swingNumber < maxSwings) { status.attacking = false; status.unbalanced = false; status.attackingRecovery = true; } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(swingEvent.rate * attackCancelWindow)); gameObject.BroadcastMessage("OnEnable"); status.attacking = false; status.unbalanced = false; status.attackingRecovery = false; /* * if(stunAttack) * { * Transform fx = mainWeapon.transform.FindChild("stunEffect"); * fx.particleEmitter.emit = false; * fx.parent = null; * } */ // reset swing animation entirely ResetAnimation(); gameObject.SendMessage("OnFollowUp"); }
public void OnShot(DamageEvent d) { // heal bullet! if (d.damage < 0) { // heal my own team, do nothing to other people if ( == team) { AddHealth(-d.damage); } return; } if ( == team || invincible) { return; } Vector3 attackVec =; if (d.owner != null) { Vector3 ownerPos = d.owner.transform.position; // bring them to the same y level as us, to make sure we don't knock them up over terrain ownerPos.y = transform.position.y; attackVec = (transform.position - ownerPos).normalized; } if (d.knockback > 0.0f) { Vector3 forceVec; // for melee weapons, knockback should be from the attacker /* * if(d.owner != null) * forceVec = (transform.position - d.owner.transform.position).normalized; * else * // for ranged weapons, knockback should come form the bullet * forceVec = (transform.position - d. .position).normalized; */ dude.AddForce(attackVec * d.knockback); } // certain effects bypass blocking, so we apply them now /* * var bypassEffects = new string[] * { * "OnWeakened" * }; * if(d.effects.Count > 0) * { * foreach(var effect in bypassEffects) * { * if(d.effects.ContainsKey(effect)) * { * gameObject.SendMessage(effect, d.effects[effect], SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); * d.effects.Remove(effect); * } * } * } */ // calculate angle-affected stuff var angle = Vector3.Dot(attackVec, transform.forward); // see if I'm blocking in the correct direction if (dude.blocking) { if (directionalBlock && angle > 0.0f) { // not blocking in the right direction! } else { Instantiate(blockEffect, transform.position, transform.rotation); gameObject.BroadcastMessage("OnShotBlocked", d); return; } } // start calculating bonus damage, etc. ////////////////////////// /* * if(d.damage > 0) * { * // backstab * if(swordz.status.stunned || angle > backstabAngle) * { * d.damage *= 2; * Debug.Log("CRITICAL HIT! " + d.damage + " - " + angle); * } * } */ d.damage -= (int)(d.damage * armor); // no more damage calculation below this point /////////////////// // handle armor //swordz.armor; // the hit has officially caused damage, we're spawning an effect //////// if (hitEffect != null && d.damage > 0) { //var blood = Instantiate(hitEffect, Util.flatten(transform.position), transform.rotation) as GameObject; var blood = Instantiate(hitEffect, transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject; } // calculate inflicted damage... if this is a killing blow we only count damage inflicted to kill int inflicted = Mathf.Min(health, d.damage); attacker = d.owner; health -= d.damage; if (health <= 0) { killer = d.owner; gameObject.BroadcastMessage("OnKill", killer); } else if (health > maxHealth) { health = maxHealth; } // record metrics // send special effects foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> pair in d.effects) { gameObject.SendMessage(pair.Key, pair.Value, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } // report to the owner that the hit was successful // FIXME: I am screwing with damage here 'cause it's just a lot easier than copying d.damage = inflicted; if (d.owner != null) { d.owner.BroadcastMessage("OnShotHit", d, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } //if(!invincibleWhenHit) // gameObject.SendMessage("OnInterrupt"); if (invincibleWhenHit && d.damage > 0 && health > 0) { StartCoroutine("doInvincible", invincibilityDuration); } if (gameObject.CompareTag("Player") && d.damage > 0) { /* * GameObject director = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Director"); * if(director != null) * director.SendMessage("OnPlayerHit", d); */ } }