public void KphQueryInformationDriver( DriverHandle driverHandle, DriverInformationClass driverInformationClass, IntPtr driverInformation, int driverInformationLength, out int returnLength ) { byte *inData = stackalloc byte[0x14]; int returnLengthLocal; *(int *)inData = driverHandle; *(int *)(inData + 0x4) = (int)driverInformationClass; *(int *)(inData + 0x8) = driverInformation.ToInt32(); *(int *)(inData + 0xc) = driverInformationLength; *(int *)(inData + 0x10) = (int)&returnLengthLocal; try { _fileHandle.IoControl(CtlCode(Control.KphQueryInformationDriver), inData, 0x14, null, 0); } finally { returnLength = returnLengthLocal; } }
public ActionResult DriverInfo() { if (Session["Identity"] == null) { return RedirectToAction("login"); } int employee_id = int.Parse(Request.QueryString.Get("EMID")); Driver driver = new Driver(); driver = new DriverHandle().GetDriverByEmployeeID(employee_id); ViewData["Driver"] = driver; return View(); }
public ActionResult DriverList() { if (Session["Identity"] == null) { return RedirectToAction("login"); } int page1 = int.Parse(Request.QueryString.Get("page")); string type = Request.QueryString.Get("type"); MyPage page = new MyPage(); if (type.Equals("search")) //搜索类型 { string NameID = Request.QueryString.Get("NameID"); try { int id = int.Parse(NameID); Driver driver = new DriverHandle().GetDriverByEmployeeID(id); List<Driver> drivers = new List<Driver>(); if ( != null && !driver.Equals("")) { drivers.Add(driver); } ViewData["type"] = "search"; ViewData["drivers"] = drivers; page.CurrentPage = page1; page.CountPerPage = 10; page.WholePage = 1; ViewData["page"] = page; ViewData["NameID"] = NameID; } catch { page.CurrentPage = page1; List<Employee> employees = new EmployeeHandle().GetEmployeeByNameByPage(page, NameID); List<Driver> drivers = new List<Driver>(); ViewData["type"] = "search"; drivers = new DriverHandle().EmployeesToDrivers(employees); ViewData["drivers"] = drivers; ViewData["page"] = page; ViewData["NameID"] = NameID; } } else { page.CurrentPage = page1; page.PageWidth = 10; page.WholePage = (int)context.getDriverPageCount(10); List<Driver> drivers = new DriverHandle().getDriverByPage(page); ViewData["type"] = "common"; ViewData["drivers"] = drivers; ViewData["page"] = page; } return View(); }
public ActionResult EmployeeList() { if (Session["Identity"] == null) { return RedirectToAction("login"); } string type = Request.QueryString.Get("type"); if (Request.QueryString.Get("subtype") != null) { Session["subtype"] = Request.QueryString.Get("subtype"); if (Request.QueryString.Get("subtype").Equals("AddDriver")) { Driver driver = new Driver(); DriverHandle driverHandler = new DriverHandle(); ViewData["EM_DriverHandler"] = driverHandler; } } MyPage page = new MyPage(); if (type.Equals("search")) //搜索类型 { int page1 = int.Parse(Request.QueryString.Get("page")); string NameID = Request.QueryString.Get("NameID"); try { int id = int.Parse(NameID); Employee employee = new EmployeeHandle().getEmployeeById(id); List<Employee> employees = new List<Employee>(); if (employee.Name != null && !employee.Equals("")) { employees.Add(employee); } ViewData["type"] = "search"; ViewData["employees"] = employees; page.CurrentPage = page1; page.CountPerPage = 10; page.WholePage = 1; ViewData["page"] = page; ViewData["NameID"] = NameID; } catch { page.CurrentPage = page1; List<Employee> employees = new EmployeeHandle().GetEmployeeByNameByPage(page, NameID); ViewData["type"] = "search"; ViewData["employees"] = employees; ViewData["page"] = page; ViewData["NameID"] = NameID; } } else { int page1 = int.Parse(Request.QueryString.Get("page")); page.CurrentPage = page1; List<Employee> employees = new EmployeeHandle().GetEmployeeByPage(page); ViewData["type"] = "common"; ViewData["employees"] = employees; ViewData["page"] = page; } return View(); }
public RedirectResult SaveDriver(string Driver_Condition, string Driver_LicenseID, string License_Date) { if (Session["Identity"] == null) { return Redirect("/Home/Login"); } try { int em_id = int.Parse(Request.QueryString.Get("EMID")); StringBuilder info = new StringBuilder(); String bas = ""; foreach (string file in Request.Files) { HttpPostedFileBase postFile = Request.Files[file]; if (postFile.ContentLength == 0) continue; string newFilePath = Server.MapPath("/Content/picture/drivers/"); postFile.SaveAs(newFilePath + em_id); bas = "/Content/picture/drivers/" + em_id; info.AppendFormat("Upload File: {0}/r/n", postFile.FileName); } ViewData["Info"] = info; string photo_path = bas; Driver driver = new Driver(); DriverHandle handler = new DriverHandle(); if (handler.isDriver(em_id)) { return Redirect("DriverInfo?EMID=" + em_id); } driver = new DriverHandle().GetDriverByEmployeeID(em_id); int health = int.Parse(Driver_Condition); DateTime license_date = DateTime.Parse(License_Date); context.addLicense(Driver_LicenseID, license_date, driver.birthday, photo_path); context.addDriver(em_id, health, Driver_LicenseID); // context.setDriverHealth(em_id,health); int result = context.setLicenseToDriver(em_id, Driver_LicenseID, license_date, driver.birthday, photo_path); driver = new DriverHandle().GetDriverByEmployeeID(em_id); ViewData["Driver"] = driver; return Redirect("DriverInfo?EMID=" + em_id); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } return Redirect("DriverList?type=drivers&subtype=Info&page=1"); }
//分页转到经理页面 public RedirectResult DeleteDriver() { if (Session["Identity"] == null) { return Redirect("/Home/Login"); } int employee_id = int.Parse(Request.QueryString.Get("id")); DriverHandle handler = new DriverHandle(); if (handler.deleteDriver(employee_id)) { return Redirect("/Home/EmployeeList?type=common&page=1"); } return Redirect("/Home"); }
private void unloadMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!PhUtils.ShowConfirmMessage( "Unload", _pid != 4 ? "the selected module" : "the selected driver", _pid != 4 ? "Unloading a module may cause the process to crash." : "Unloading a driver may cause system instability.", true )) { return; } if (_pid == 4) { try { var moduleItem = (ModuleItem)listModules.SelectedItems[0].Tag; string serviceName = null; // Try to find the name of the service key for the driver by // looping through the objects in the Driver directory and // opening each one. using (var dhandle = new DirectoryHandle("\\Driver", DirectoryAccess.Query)) { foreach (var obj in dhandle.GetObjects()) { try { using (var driverHandle = new DriverHandle("\\Driver\\" + obj.Name)) { if (driverHandle.GetBasicInformation().DriverStart == moduleItem.BaseAddress) { serviceName = driverHandle.GetServiceKeyName(); break; } } } catch { } } } // If we didn't find the service name, use the driver base name. if (serviceName == null) { if (moduleItem.Name.ToLower().EndsWith(".sys")) { serviceName = moduleItem.Name.Remove(moduleItem.Name.Length - 4, 4); } else { serviceName = moduleItem.Name; } } RegistryKey servicesKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services", true); bool serviceKeyCreated; RegistryKey serviceKey; // Check if the service key exists so that we don't delete it // later if it does. if (Array.Exists <string>(servicesKey.GetSubKeyNames(), (keyName) => (string.Compare(keyName, serviceName, true) == 0))) { serviceKeyCreated = false; } else { serviceKeyCreated = true; // Create the service key. serviceKey = servicesKey.CreateSubKey(serviceName); serviceKey.SetValue("ErrorControl", 1, RegistryValueKind.DWord); serviceKey.SetValue("ImagePath", "\\??\\" + moduleItem.FileName, RegistryValueKind.ExpandString); serviceKey.SetValue("Start", 1, RegistryValueKind.DWord); serviceKey.SetValue("Type", 1, RegistryValueKind.DWord); serviceKey.Close(); servicesKey.Flush(); } try { Windows.UnloadDriver(serviceName); } finally { if (serviceKeyCreated) { servicesKey.DeleteSubKeyTree(serviceName); } servicesKey.Close(); } listModules.SelectedItems.Clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to unload the driver. Make sure Process Hacker " + "is running with administrative privileges. Error:\n\n" + ex.Message, "Process Hacker", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } else { try { using (ProcessHandle phandle = new ProcessHandle(_pid, Program.MinProcessQueryRights | ProcessAccess.VmOperation | ProcessAccess.VmRead | ProcessAccess.VmWrite | ProcessAccess.CreateThread)) { IntPtr baseAddress = ((ModuleItem)listModules.SelectedItems[0].Tag).BaseAddress; phandle.SetModuleReferenceCount(baseAddress, 1); ThreadHandle thread; if (OSVersion.IsAboveOrEqual(WindowsVersion.Vista)) { // Use RtlCreateUserThread to bypass session boundaries. Since // LdrUnloadDll is a native function we don't need to notify CSR. thread = phandle.CreateThread( Loader.GetProcedure("ntdll.dll", "LdrUnloadDll"), baseAddress ); } else { // On XP it seems we need to notify CSR... thread = phandle.CreateThreadWin32( Loader.GetProcedure("kernel32.dll", "FreeLibrary"), baseAddress ); } thread.Wait(1000 * Win32.TimeMsTo100Ns); NtStatus exitStatus = thread.GetExitStatus(); if (exitStatus == NtStatus.DllNotFound) { if (IntPtr.Size == 8) { PhUtils.ShowError("Unable to find the module to unload. This may be caused " + "by an attempt to unload a mapped file or a 32-bit module."); } else { PhUtils.ShowError("Unable to find the module to unload. This may be caused " + "by an attempt to unload a mapped file."); } } else { exitStatus.ThrowIf(); } thread.Dispose(); } listModules.SelectedItems.Clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { PhUtils.ShowException("Unable to unload the module", ex); } } }