Пример #1
    void OnSceneGUI()
        DrivePath dp = (DrivePath)target;

        if (!DrivePathEditor.globalTransform) // local mode
            Tools.current = Tool.None;
            Vector3[] pos = new Vector3[dp.points.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < pos.Length; i++)
                // create handles:
                // this also stores the position of the handle (in case it moved)
                pos[i] = Handles.PositionHandle(dp.WorldPoint(i), Quaternion.identity);
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())                      // if some value was changed:
                Undo.RecordObject(target, "Updated drive path"); // register a new "undo"
                for (int i = 0; i < pos.Length; i++)
                    dp.SetFromWorld(i, pos[i]); // set point from position handle
                dp.Refresh();                   // update line renderer
        else   // global mode:
            if (Tools.current == Tool.None)
                Tools.current = Tool.Move;
            EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck(); // business as usual: move / rotate gameobject
    } // ends OnSceneGUI()
Пример #2
 public override int GetHashCode()
            ^ MaxAllowedSpace.GetHashCode()
            ^ CurrentDiskUsage.GetHashCode()
            ^ Groups.Aggregate(13, (agg, item) => agg ^ item.GetHashCode()));
Пример #3
        private StepDetail ProcessTrack(Track track)
            string newFileName = string.Format("{0}.{1}",
                                               CdRipper.GetFileName(WordCasing.KeepCase, track, OutputFilePattern),

            StepDetail detail = new StepDetail();

            detail.Description = Translator.Translate("TXT_PROCESSING_TRACK", track, newFileName);

            detail.Results   = Translator.Translate("TXT_UNHANDLED");
            detail.IsSuccess = false;

                _grabber = CdRipper.CreateGrabber(this.EncoderSettings.FormatType);
                char letter = DrivePath.ToUpperInvariant()[0];
                using (CDDrive cd = new CDDrive())
                    if (cd.Open(letter) && cd.Refresh() && cd.HasAudioTracks())
                        string destFile = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, newFileName);

                        bool generateTagsFromMetadata = false;

                        switch (this.EncoderSettings.FormatType)
                        case AudioMediaFormatType.WAV:

                        case AudioMediaFormatType.MP3:
                            Mp3EncoderSettings settings = (this.EncoderSettings as Mp3EncoderSettings);
                            (_grabber as GrabberToMP3).Options = settings.Options;
                            generateTagsFromMetadata           = settings.CopyInputFileMetadata;

                        _grabber.Grab(cd, track, destFile, generateTagsFromMetadata);

                detail.IsSuccess = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                detail.Results = ex.Message;

Пример #4
 private DrivePath(DrivePath drivePath)
     this.startVector          = drivePath.startVector;
     this.endVector            = drivePath.endVector;
     this.startId              = drivePath.startId;
     this.endId                = drivePath.endId;
     this.fullLength           = drivePath.fullLength;
     this.breakFactor          = drivePath.breakFactor;
     this.originalBreakFactor  = drivePath.originalBreakFactor;
     this.wayWidthFactor       = drivePath.wayWidthFactor;
     this.blinkDirection       = drivePath.blinkDirection;
     this.blinkStart           = drivePath.blinkStart;
     this.breakStart           = drivePath.breakStart;
     this.upcomingTrafficLight = drivePath.upcomingTrafficLight;
     this.isBacking            = drivePath.isBacking;
Пример #5
    private static void MakeBezier(List <DrivePath> drivePaths, Vector3 start, Vector3 startDirection, Vector3 end, Vector3 endDirection, long posId, float breakFactor, float wayWidthFactor, float bezierResolution, string blinkDirection)
        bezierResolution = Mathf.Min(bezierResolution, BEZIER_MAX_RESOLUTION);
        Vector3 intersection = Vector3.zero;
        bool    intersects   = Math3d.LineLineIntersection(out intersection, start, startDirection, end, endDirection);

        if (intersects)
            Vector3 prev = Vector3.zero;
            for (float t = 0.0f; t <= 1.0f; t += 1f / bezierResolution)
                Vector3 curr = Math3d.GetVectorInBezierAtTime(t, start, intersection, end);
                if (prev != Vector3.zero)
                    DrivePath bezierDrivePath = new DrivePath();
                    bezierDrivePath.startVector         = prev;
                    bezierDrivePath.endVector           = curr;
                    bezierDrivePath.startId             = posId;
                    bezierDrivePath.endId               = posId;
                    bezierDrivePath.fullLength          = (curr - prev).magnitude;
                    bezierDrivePath.breakFactor         = breakFactor;
                    bezierDrivePath.originalBreakFactor = breakFactor;
                    bezierDrivePath.wayWidthFactor      = wayWidthFactor;
                    bezierDrivePath.blinkDirection      = blinkDirection;
                    bezierDrivePath.blinkStart          = 0f;
                prev = curr;
            // Something is weird, just drive straight...
            DrivePath straightDrivePath = new DrivePath();
            straightDrivePath.startVector         = start;
            straightDrivePath.endVector           = end;
            straightDrivePath.startId             = posId;
            straightDrivePath.endId               = posId;
            straightDrivePath.fullLength          = (end - start).magnitude;
            straightDrivePath.breakFactor         = 1.0f;
            straightDrivePath.originalBreakFactor = straightDrivePath.breakFactor;
            straightDrivePath.wayWidthFactor      = wayWidthFactor;
            straightDrivePath.blinkDirection      = blinkDirection;
            straightDrivePath.blinkStart          = 0f;
Пример #6
    public static void AddBacking(List <DrivePath> drivePaths, Vehicle vehicle)
        // Debug.Log("AddBacking" + vehicle.vehicleId);
        DrivePath drivePath = new DrivePath(drivePaths[0]);

        drivePath.upcomingTrafficLight = null;
        drivePath.isBacking            = true;
        drivePath.wayWidthFactor      /= 2f;
        Vector3 backingVector = drivePath.startVector - Misc.NoZ(vehicle.transform.position);

        drivePath.startVector     = Misc.NoZ(vehicle.transform.position);
        backingVector             = backingVector.normalized / 4f;
        drivePath.endVector       = drivePath.startVector + backingVector;
        drivePath.fullLength      = backingVector.magnitude;
        drivePaths[0].fullLength += drivePath.fullLength;
        drivePaths.Insert(0, drivePath);
Пример #7
 public static void print(List <DrivePath> drivePaths)
     if (enabled)
         DrivePath prev = null;
         foreach (DrivePath curr in drivePaths)
             if (prev == null)
             prev = curr;
Пример #8
        public void Scan()
            bCancel = false;
            TotalDirsChecked  = 0;
            TotalFilesChecked = 0;
            Count             = 0;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DrivePath) && FileMaskArray != null)
                string[] paths = DrivePath.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                foreach (string path in paths)
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
Пример #9
    /// <summary>
    /// This method draws the Inspector GUI for PathNode objects.
    /// </summary>
    override public void OnInspectorGUI()
        DrivePath path = ((DrivePath)target);

        if (GUILayout.Button("( + )\nPush Point"))
        if (GUILayout.Button("( - )\nPop Point"))

        DrivePathEditor.globalTransform = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Global Transform", DrivePathEditor.globalTransform);

        bool pre  = DrivePath.renderLines;
        bool post = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Render All Paths", pre);

        if (pre != post)
            DrivePath.renderLines = post;
            UnityEngine.Object[] paths = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(DrivePath));
            foreach (UnityEngine.Object p in paths)
                // turn on or off all LineRenderers on DrivePaths
                (p as DrivePath).GetComponent <LineRenderer>().enabled = DrivePath.renderLines;

        if (GUI.changed)
            UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.RepaintAllViews(); // force a redraw...
Пример #10
 public bool Equals(Drive other)
     return(DrivePath.Equals(other.DrivePath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
Пример #11
 public string Create(TableInfo info, DrivePath path)
Пример #12
 bool SteerTowardsPath()
     steeringTarget = DrivePath.ProjectToNearestPath(car.transform.position, out bool pathWasFound);
Пример #13
    public static List <DrivePath> Build(List <Vector3> path, List <Pos> posObjs)
//        Debug.Log("NEW");
        List <DrivePath> drivePaths = new List <DrivePath>();

        Vector3      previousPoint        = path[0];
        WayReference previousWayReference = null;
        float        previousWidth        = 0f;
        float        previousLength       = 0f;

        for (int i = 1; i < path.Count; i++)
            bool hadPrevious = i > 1;
            bool hasNext     = i < path.Count - 1;

            // DrivePath for current way
            DrivePath currentPath = new DrivePath();
            currentPath.startVector = path[i - 1];
            currentPath.endVector   = path[i];
            currentPath.startId     = posObjs[i - 1].Id;
            currentPath.endId       = posObjs[i].Id;

            WayReference wayReference = NodeIndex.getWayReference(currentPath.startId, currentPath.endId);
            float        wayWidth     = wayReference.transform.localScale.y;
            float        wayLength    = (currentPath.endVector - currentPath.startVector).magnitude;

            currentPath.setUpcomingTrafficLight(posObjs[i].Id, posObjs[i - 1].Id);

            if (hadPrevious)
                Vector3 originalStartVector = currentPath.startVector;
                // If we had a previous path, we want to add an extra bezier from last way "half way width from the end" to current road "half way width from the start"
                Vector3 endOfPrevious = currentPath.startVector;
                if (previousWidth > previousLength)
                    endOfPrevious += (previousPoint - currentPath.startVector) / 2f;
                    float percentageOfPreviousLength = (previousWidth / 2f) / previousLength;
                    endOfPrevious += (previousPoint - currentPath.startVector) * percentageOfPreviousLength;

                Vector3 startOfCurrent = currentPath.startVector;
                if (wayWidth > wayLength)
                    startOfCurrent += (currentPath.endVector - currentPath.startVector) / 2f;
                    float percentageOfCurrentLength = (wayWidth / 2f) / wayLength;
                    startOfCurrent += (currentPath.endVector - currentPath.startVector) * percentageOfCurrentLength;

                // Since this moves our start-point, reduce the "straight way" drive length
                currentPath.startVector = startOfCurrent;

                // Make the bezier
                float previousRotation = Misc.GetZRotation(previousPoint, currentPath.startVector);
                float currentRotation  = Misc.GetZRotation(currentPath.startVector, currentPath.endVector);
                float rotationDiff     = currentRotation - previousRotation;

                if (rotationDiff > 90f)
                    rotationDiff = 90f - (rotationDiff - 90f);
                else if (rotationDiff < -90f)
                    rotationDiff = -90f - (rotationDiff + 90f);
                float absRotationDiff = Mathf.Abs(rotationDiff);

//                Debug.Log("PART");
//                DebugFn.print(previousPoint);
//                DebugFn.print(currentPath.startVector);
//                DebugFn.print(currentPath.endVector);
//                Debug.Log(previousRotation);
//                Debug.Log(currentRotation);
//                Debug.Log("Rotation: " + rotationDiff + " (" + absRotationDiff + ")");
                float  bezierResolution = BEZIER_MAX_RESOLUTION;
                string blinkDirection   = null;
                if (absRotationDiff > DEGREES_TO_BLINK_THRESHOLD)
//                    drivePaths[drivePaths.Count - 1].blinkDirection = rotationDiff < 0 ? "right" : "left";
                    bool pointOnRightSideOfLine = Math3d.PointOnRightSideOfLine(endOfPrevious, path[i - 1], path[i]);
                    blinkDirection = pointOnRightSideOfLine ? "right" : "left";
                    drivePaths[drivePaths.Count - 1].blinkDirection = blinkDirection;
                    drivePaths[drivePaths.Count - 1].blinkStart     = DISTANCE_TO_PREPARE_FOR_TURN;
//                    Debug.Log("Blink: " + drivePaths[drivePaths.Count - 1].blinkDirection);
                else if (absRotationDiff < 1f)
                    bezierResolution = 2f;
                else if (absRotationDiff < 5f)
                    bezierResolution = 4f;
                else if (absRotationDiff < 10f)
                    bezierResolution = 6f;
                else if (absRotationDiff < 20f)
                    bezierResolution = 12f;
                float breakFactor = GetTurnBreakFactorForDegrees(absRotationDiff);
                MakeBezier(drivePaths, endOfPrevious, originalStartVector - endOfPrevious, startOfCurrent, startOfCurrent - originalStartVector, currentPath.startId, breakFactor, wayReference.way.WayWidthFactor, bezierResolution, blinkDirection);

            previousPoint        = currentPath.startVector;
            previousWayReference = wayReference;
            previousWidth        = wayWidth;
            previousLength       = wayLength;

            if (hadPrevious && hasNext && wayLength < wayWidth)
                // Special case, if way is too short, don't use the "mid" part of it, only the turn between previous and next way

            if (hasNext)
                float percentageOfCurrentLength = (wayWidth / 2f) / (currentPath.endVector - currentPath.startVector).magnitude;
                currentPath.endVector -= (currentPath.endVector - currentPath.startVector) * percentageOfCurrentLength;

            currentPath.wayWidthFactor = wayReference.way.WayWidthFactor;
            currentPath.fullLength     = (currentPath.endVector - currentPath.startVector).magnitude;
//            Debug.Log(currentPath.fullLength);
            currentPath.breakFactor         = 1.0f;
            currentPath.originalBreakFactor = currentPath.breakFactor;

            // Put the path for the "mid" way


        // If needed, make them all z = 0
        drivePaths.ForEach(dp => {
            dp.startVector = new Vector3(dp.startVector.x, dp.startVector.y, 0f);
            dp.endVector   = new Vector3(dp.endVector.x, dp.endVector.y, 0f);

        // All should be connected... if not, do that!
        DrivePath previous = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < drivePaths.Count; i++)
            DrivePath current = drivePaths[i];
            if (previous != null)
                if (previous.endVector != current.startVector)
                    Vector3 midVector = Misc.GetMidVector(previous.endVector, current.startVector);
                    previous.endVector  = midVector;
                    previous.fullLength = (previous.endVector - previous.startVector).magnitude;
                    current.startVector = midVector;
                    current.fullLength  = (current.endVector - current.startVector).magnitude;
            if (i < drivePaths.Count - 1 && current.breakFactor == 1f)
                DrivePath next = drivePaths[i + 1];
                if (next.breakFactor < 1f)
                    current.breakStart = DISTANCE_TO_PREPARE_FOR_TURN;
            previous = current;

Пример #14
 public void adjustStartTo(DrivePath other)
     startVector = other.endVector;
     fullLength  = (endVector - startVector).magnitude;