/// <summary>
 /// Constructs the inventor curve and adds reference to the source sheet.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="curve"></param>
 /// <param name="sheet"></param>
 public InventorDrawingCurve(DrawingCurve curve, Sheet sheet)
     _curve    = curve;
     _sheet    = sheet;
     _rangeBox = _curve.Evaluator2D.RangeBox;
     CurveType = (CurveTypes)_curve.CurveType;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a value that indicates whether the drawing curve represents a line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="drawingCurve">
        /// The <see cref="DrawingCurve"/> instance that this extension method affects.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the drawing curve is a line or a line segment, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="drawingCurve"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        public static bool IsLine(this DrawingCurve drawingCurve)
            if (drawingCurve == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(drawingCurve));

            return(drawingCurve.CurveType == CurveTypeEnum.kLineCurve ||
                   drawingCurve.CurveType == CurveTypeEnum.kLineSegmentCurve);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a value that indicates whether the drawing curve is a bend line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="drawingCurve">
        /// The <see cref="DrawingCurve"/> instance that this extension method affects.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the drawing curve is a bend line, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="drawingCurve"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        public static bool IsBendLine(this DrawingCurve drawingCurve)
            if (drawingCurve == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(drawingCurve));

            return(drawingCurve.IsLine() && (
                       drawingCurve.EdgeType == DrawingEdgeTypeEnum.kBendDownEdge ||
                       drawingCurve.EdgeType == DrawingEdgeTypeEnum.kBendUpEdge
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a value that indicates wheter the drawing curve is vertical.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="drawingCurve">
        /// The <see cref="DrawingCurve"/> instance that this extension method affects.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if vertical, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="drawingCurve"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        public static bool IsVertical(this DrawingCurve drawingCurve)
            if (drawingCurve == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(drawingCurve));

            return(drawingCurve.StartPoint == null || drawingCurve.EndPoint == null
                ? false
                : Math.Abs(
                       drawingCurve.StartPoint.X - drawingCurve.EndPoint.X) <= Math.Abs(drawingCurve.StartPoint.X * .0001
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        ///  creating leader text on a sheet.
        /// Before running this sample, open a drawing document and select a linear drawing edge.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        public void AddLeaderNote()
            // Set a reference to the drawing document.
            // This assumes a drawing document is active.
            DrawingDocument oDrawDoc = (DrawingDocument)_InvApplication.ActiveDocument;

            // Set a reference to the active sheet.
            Sheet oActiveSheet = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet;

            // Set a reference to the drawing curve segment.
            // This assumes that a drawing curve is selected.
            DrawingCurveSegment oDrawingCurveSegment = oDrawDoc.SelectSet[1];

            // Set a reference to the drawing curve.
            DrawingCurve oDrawingCurve = oDrawingCurveSegment.Parent;

            // Get the mid point of the selected curve
            // assuming that the selected curve is linear
            Point2d oMidPoint = oDrawingCurve.MidPoint;

            // Set a reference to the TransientGeometry object.
            TransientGeometry oTG = _InvApplication.TransientGeometry;

            ObjectCollection oLeaderPoints = _InvApplication.TransientObjects.CreateObjectCollection();

            // Create a few leader points.
            oLeaderPoints.Add(oTG.CreatePoint2d(oMidPoint.X + 10, oMidPoint.Y + 10));
            oLeaderPoints.Add(oTG.CreatePoint2d(oMidPoint.X + 10, oMidPoint.Y + 5));

            // Create an intent and add to the leader points collection.
            // This is the geometry that the leader text will attach to.
            GeometryIntent oGeometryIntent = oActiveSheet.CreateGeometryIntent(oDrawingCurve);


            // Create text with simple string as input. Since this doesn't use
            // any text overrides, it will default to the active text style.
            string sText = null;

            sText = "API Leader Note";

            LeaderNote oLeaderNote = oActiveSheet.DrawingNotes.LeaderNotes.Add(oLeaderPoints, sText);

            // Insert a node.
            LeaderNode oFirstNode = oLeaderNote.Leader.RootNode.ChildNodes[1];

            LeaderNode oSecondNode = oFirstNode.ChildNodes[1];

            oFirstNode.InsertNode(oSecondNode, oTG.CreatePoint2d(oMidPoint.X + 5, oMidPoint.Y + 5));
Пример #6
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DrawingCurve MyDc = new DrawingCurve();
        Bitmap       img  = new Bitmap(100, 100);
        //img = MyDc.Drawing();
        DataTable a = new DataTable();
        DataTable b = new DataTable();

        //img = MyDc.DrawingImg10("21102", "21102综采工作面", "3", "0", "2016-01-01 00:00:00", "2017-01-01 23:59:59");
        //img = MyDc.DrawingImgtest("21102", "21102综采工作面", "1", "083", "2016-06-04", "2016-06-04", a, b, 15, 10);
        //img = MyDc.DrawingImg21("3101测区", "3101工作面顺槽","锚索");
        //img = MyDc.DrawingImg24("3101测区", "3101工作面", "800", "2016-06-04", "2017-06-04", a);
        //img = MyDc.DrawingImg25("3101测区", "3101工作面");
        //img = MyDc.DrawingImg26("3101测区", "3101工作面","2016-09-02 00:00:00","2016-09-03 23:59:59");
        //img = MyDc.DrawingImg27("3101测区", "3101工作面", "035", "2016-04-02 00:00:00", "2016-09-03 23:59:59", a);
        img = MyDc.DrawColumn(a);
        string str = Server.MapPath("./xiazai/");

        img.Save(str + "ZhongCaiGongZuoZuLiShiShiZaiXianJianCe.jpg");
        //img1.ImageUrl = "xiazai/ZhongCaiGongZuoZuLiShiShiZaiXianJianCe.jpg";
        panel1.BackImageUrl = "xiazai/ZhongCaiGongZuoZuLiShiShiZaiXianJianCe.jpg";
        //string strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["webConnectionString"].ToString();
        //DrawImage.DrawingCurve dc = new DrawImage.DrawingCurve(strConn);
        //Bitmap img = DrawImage.DrawingCurve.DrawingImg3("3101测区", "3101工作面", "1", "20", "2016-08-29 00:00:01", "2017-08-29 23:00:00");
        //string str = Server.MapPath("./xiazai/");
        //img.Save(str + "MeiRiGongZuoZuLiFenBuQuXian.jpg");
        //img1.ImageUrl = "xiazai/MeiRiGongZuoZuLiFenBuQuXian.jpg";
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        for (int i = 0; i < a.Rows.Count; i++)
            if (i == 0)
            sb.Append(string.Format("\"{0}\":\"{1}\"", "content", a.Rows[i]["content"].ToString()));
        txtjson.Text = sb.ToString();
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// This sample demonstrates the creation of a baseline set dimension in a drawing.
        /// Create a drawing view and select multiple edges in the view before running the sample.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks></remarks>

        public void CreateBaselineDimensionSet()
            // Set a reference to the drawing document.
            // This assumes a drawing document is active.
            DrawingDocument oDrawDoc = (DrawingDocument)_InvApplication.ActiveDocument;

            // Set a reference to the active sheet.
            Sheet oActiveSheet = default(Sheet);

            oActiveSheet = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet;

            ObjectCollection oIntentCollection = default(ObjectCollection);

            oIntentCollection = _InvApplication.TransientObjects.CreateObjectCollection();

            // Get all the selected drawing curve segments.

            DrawingCurve oDrawingCurve = default(DrawingCurve);

            foreach (DrawingCurveSegment oSeg in oDrawDoc.SelectSet)
                // Set a reference to the drawing curve.
                oDrawingCurve = oSeg.Parent;

                GeometryIntent oDimIntent = oActiveSheet.CreateGeometryIntent(oDrawingCurve);


            // Set a reference to the view to which the curve belongs.
            DrawingView oDrawingView = oDrawingCurve.Parent;

            // Set a reference to the baseline dimension sets collection.
            BaselineDimensionSets oBaselineSets = oActiveSheet.DrawingDimensions.BaselineDimensionSets;

            // Determine the placement point
            Point2d oPlacementPoint = _InvApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d(oDrawingView.Left - 5, oDrawingView.Center.Y);

            // Create a vertical baseline set dimension.
            BaselineDimensionSet oBaselineSet = oBaselineSets.Add(oIntentCollection, oPlacementPoint, DimensionTypeEnum.kHorizontalDimensionType);
Пример #8
        public void Run()
            FormMain f1 = (FormMain)this.Owner;

            for (; ;)
                DrawingCurve bmp = new DrawingCurve();  //画曲线图

                //Random r = new Random();
                for (int j = 0; j < 11; j++)
                    FormDisplay.fltCurrentValues[j] = FormDisplay.fltCurrentValues[j + 1];
                if (f1.rtbReceive.Text.Trim() != "")
                    FormDisplay.fltCurrentValues[11] = Convert.ToSingle(f1.rtbReceive.Text.Trim());// (float)r.Next(100);
                pictureBox1.Image = bmp.DrawImage();
Пример #9
        public Autodesk.Revit.UI.Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
            ExternalCommandData cdata = commandData;

            Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application app = commandData.Application.Application;
            Document   doc   = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
            UIDocument uiDoc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument;

            var line = Line.CreateBound(new XYZ(0, 0, 0), new XYZ(0, 40, 0));
            var arc  = Arc.Create(new XYZ(0, -50, 0), new XYZ(40, -50, 0), new XYZ(50, -60, 0));

            var drawingLine = new DrawingCurve(doc, line);


            var drawingArc = new DrawingCurve(doc, arc);


Пример #10
    protected void search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string       time1          = datemin.Value;
        string       time2          = datemax.Value;
        string       cequ           = ddl_cequ.SelectedValue;
        string       roadway        = ddl_roadway.SelectedValue;
        string       maoguleixing   = ddl_maoguleixing.SelectedValue;
        string       anzhuangweizhi = ddl_anzhuangweizhi.SelectedValue;
        DrawingCurve MyDc           = new DrawingCurve();
        DataTable    a       = new DataTable();
        DataTable    b       = new DataTable();
        string       strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["webConnectionString"].ToString();

        DrawImage.DrawingCurve dc = new DrawImage.DrawingCurve(strConn);
        Bitmap img = DrawImage.DrawingCurve.DrawingImg22(cequ, roadway, maoguleixing, anzhuangweizhi, time1, time2, a);
        string str = Server.MapPath("./xiazai/");

        img.Save(str + "maoganmaosuoshujufenxi.jpg");
        panel1.BackImageUrl = "xiazai/maoganmaosuoshujufenxi.jpg";
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        for (int i = 0; i < a.Rows.Count; i++)
            if (i == 0)
            sb.Append(string.Format("\"{0}\":\"{1}\"", "content", a.Rows[i]["content"].ToString()));
        txtjson.Text = sb.ToString();
Пример #11
        private void DrawPartDoc(string filename)
            DrawingDocument oDoc;
            Sheet           oSheet;

            SetupNewDrawingDocument(out oDoc, out oSheet);

            //Open the part document, invisibly.
            PartDocument      oBlockPart = mApp.Documents.Open(filename, false) as PartDocument;
            TransientGeometry oTG        = mApp.TransientGeometry;

            //0.1 = 1:10 or 0.2 = 1:5 1:20=0.02   X-> Y ^
            DrawingView oBaseView = oSheet.DrawingViews.AddBaseView(oBlockPart as _Document,
                                                                    oTG.CreatePoint2d(28.7, 21), 0.1,
                                                                    DrawingViewStyleEnum.kHiddenLineDrawingViewStyle, "", null, null);
            //59.4 x 42.0   29.7 X 21.0
            DrawingView oTopView = oSheet.DrawingViews.AddProjectedView(oBaseView,
                                                                        oTG.CreatePoint2d(28.7, 29),
                                                                        DrawingViewStyleEnum.kFromBaseDrawingViewStyle, null);

            //Projected views
            DrawingView oRightView = oSheet.DrawingViews.AddProjectedView(oBaseView,
                                                                          oTG.CreatePoint2d(45, 21),
                                                                          DrawingViewStyleEnum.kFromBaseDrawingViewStyle, null);

            //look through the curves in view finds top horiz curve. Find an edge
            oSheet.RevisionTables.Add(oTG.CreatePoint2d(48.4, 23.5));      //1mm div 10//1 row = 4

            DrawingCurve oSelectedCurve = null;

            foreach (DrawingCurve oCurve in oBaseView.get_DrawingCurves(null))
                //Skip Circles
                if (oCurve.StartPoint != null && oCurve.EndPoint != null)
                    if (WithinTol(oCurve.StartPoint.Y, oCurve.EndPoint.Y, 0.001))
                        if (oSelectedCurve == null)
                            //This is the first horizontal curve found.
                            oSelectedCurve = oCurve;
                            //Check to see if this curve is higher (smaller x value) than the current selected
                            if (oCurve.MidPoint.Y < oSelectedCurve.MidPoint.X)
                                oSelectedCurve = oCurve;
            //Create geometry intents point for the curve.
            GeometryIntent oGeomIntent1 = oSheet.CreateGeometryIntent(oSelectedCurve, PointIntentEnum.kStartPointIntent);
            GeometryIntent oGeomIntent2 = oSheet.CreateGeometryIntent(oSelectedCurve, PointIntentEnum.kEndPointIntent);
            Point2d        oDimPos      = oTG.CreatePoint2d(oSelectedCurve.MidPoint.X - 2, oSelectedCurve.MidPoint.Y);

            //set up Dim
            GeneralDimensions oGeneralDimensions = oSheet.DrawingDimensions.GeneralDimensions;

            //Styles sty = oDoc.StylesManager.Styles   ;
            // DimensionStyle dimstyle = oDoc.StylesManager.DimensionStyles["Drax Dim Above"];
            DimensionStyle dimstyle = oDoc.StylesManager.DimensionStyles[cmbDimStyles.Text];

            //Set Layer
            //Layer layer = oDoc.StylesManager.Layers["D"];
            Layer layer = oDoc.StylesManager.Layers[cmbLayers.Text];

            //Create the dimension.
            LinearGeneralDimension oLinearDim;

            oLinearDim = oGeneralDimensions.AddLinear(oDimPos, oGeomIntent1, oGeomIntent2,
                                                      DimensionTypeEnum.kAlignedDimensionType, true,

            string newfilename;
            string swapfilename;

            newfilename  = "";
            swapfilename = "";
            //Build New Filname
            Inventor.PropertySet InvPropertySet = oBlockPart.PropertySets["{D5CDD505-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}"];
            swapfilename = oBlockPart.FullFileName.Substring(0, oBlockPart.FullFileName.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1);
            newfilename = swapfilename + InvPropertySet["FULLFILENAME"].Value + ".idw";
            oDoc.SaveAs(newfilename, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// TODO Implement
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="curveSegment"></param>
        public InventorDrawingCurve(DrawingCurveSegment curveSegment)
            _curve = curveSegment.Parent;

Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        ///  creation of hole tables in a drawing.
        /// Select a drawing view that contains holes and run the following sample
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        public void CreateHoleTables()
            // Set a reference to the drawing document.
            // This assumes a drawing document is active.
            DrawingDocument oDrawDoc = (DrawingDocument)_InvApplication.ActiveDocument;

            // Set a reference to the active sheet.
            Sheet oActiveSheet = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet;

            // Set a reference to the drawing view.
            // This assumes that a drawing view is selected.
            DrawingView oDrawingView = oDrawDoc.SelectSet[1];

            // Create origin indicator if it has not been already created.
            if (!oDrawingView.HasOriginIndicator)
                // Create point intent to anchor the origin to.
                GeometryIntent oDimIntent   = null;
                Point2d        oPointIntent = null;

                // Get the first curve on the view
                DrawingCurve oCurve = oDrawingView.get_DrawingCurves()[1];

                // Check if it has a strt point
                oPointIntent = oCurve.StartPoint;

                if (oPointIntent == null)
                    // Else use the center point
                    oPointIntent = oCurve.CenterPoint;

                oDimIntent = oActiveSheet.CreateGeometryIntent(oCurve, oPointIntent);


            Point2d oPlacementPoint = null;

            // Set a reference to th sheet's border
            Inventor.Border oBorder = oActiveSheet.Border;

            if ((oBorder != null))
                // A border exists. The placement point
                // is the top-left corner of the border.
                oPlacementPoint = _InvApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d(oBorder.RangeBox.MinPoint.X, oBorder.RangeBox.MaxPoint.Y);
                // There is no border. The placement point
                // is the top-left corner of the sheet.
                oPlacementPoint = _InvApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d(0, oActiveSheet.Height);

            // Create a 'view' hole table
            // This hole table includes all holes as specified by the active hole table style
            HoleTable oViewHoleTable = default(HoleTable);

            oViewHoleTable = oActiveSheet.HoleTables.Add(oDrawingView, oPlacementPoint);

            oPlacementPoint.X = oActiveSheet.Width / 2;

            // Create a 'feature type' hole table
            // This hole table includes specified hole types only
            HoleTable oFeatureHoleTable = oActiveSheet.HoleTables.AddByFeatureType(oDrawingView, oPlacementPoint, true, true, true, true, false, false, false);

            //add a new row

            // get the model document
            Document oModelDoc = oDrawingView.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.ReferencedDocument;

            HoleFeature oHoleF = null;

            if (oModelDoc.DocumentType == DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject)
                AssemblyDocument            oRefAssDoc = (AssemblyDocument)oModelDoc;
                AssemblyComponentDefinition oAssDef    = oRefAssDoc.ComponentDefinition;

                if (oAssDef.Features.HoleFeatures.Count > 0)
                    //as a demo: get the first hole feature
                    oHoleF = oAssDef.Features.HoleFeatures[1];
            else if (oModelDoc.DocumentType == DocumentTypeEnum.kPartDocumentObject)
                PartDocument            oRefPartDoc = (PartDocument)oModelDoc;
                PartComponentDefinition oPartDef    = oRefPartDoc.ComponentDefinition;

                if (oPartDef.Features.HoleFeatures.Count > 0)
                    //as a demo: get the first hole feature
                    oHoleF = oPartDef.Features.HoleFeatures[1];

            // add a new row to the hole table
            if ((oHoleF != null))
                DrawingCurvesEnumerator oHoleCurves = oDrawingView.get_DrawingCurves(oHoleF);
                if (oHoleCurves.Count > 0)
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// creation of a balloon. Select a linear drawing curve and run the sample
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        public void CreateBalloon()
            // Set a reference to the drawing document.
            // This assumes a drawing document is active.
            DrawingDocument oDrawDoc = (DrawingDocument)_InvApplication.ActiveDocument;

            // Set a reference to the active sheet.
            Sheet oActiveSheet = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet;

            // Set a reference to the drawing curve segment.
            // This assumes that a drwaing curve is selected.
            DrawingCurveSegment oDrawingCurveSegment = oDrawDoc.SelectSet[1];

            // Set a reference to the drawing curve.
            DrawingCurve oDrawingCurve = oDrawingCurveSegment.Parent;

            // Get the mid point of the selected curve
            // assuming that the selection curve is linear
            Point2d oMidPoint = oDrawingCurve.MidPoint;

            // Set a reference to the TransientGeometry object.
            TransientGeometry oTG = _InvApplication.TransientGeometry;

            ObjectCollection oLeaderPoints = _InvApplication.TransientObjects.CreateObjectCollection();

            // Create a couple of leader points.
            oLeaderPoints.Add(oTG.CreatePoint2d(oMidPoint.X + 10, oMidPoint.Y + 10));
            oLeaderPoints.Add(oTG.CreatePoint2d(oMidPoint.X + 10, oMidPoint.Y + 5));

            // Add the GeometryIntent to the leader points collection.
            // This is the geometry that the balloon will attach to.
            GeometryIntent oGeometryIntent = oActiveSheet.CreateGeometryIntent(oDrawingCurve);


            // Set a reference to the parent drawing view of the selected curve
            DrawingView oDrawingView = oDrawingCurve.Parent;

            // Set a reference to the referenced model document
            Document oModelDoc = oDrawingView.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.ReferencedDocument;

            // Check if a partslist or a balloon has already been created for this model
            bool IsDrawingBOMDefined = false;

            IsDrawingBOMDefined = oDrawDoc.DrawingBOMs.IsDrawingBOMDefined(oModelDoc.FullFileName);

            Balloon oBalloon = null;

            if (IsDrawingBOMDefined)
                // Just create the balloon with the leader points
                // All other arguments can be ignored
                oBalloon = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet.Balloons.Add(oLeaderPoints);
                // First check if the 'structured' BOM view has been enabled in the model

                // Set a reference to the model's BOM object
                AssemblyDocument            oAssDoc = (AssemblyDocument)oModelDoc;
                AssemblyComponentDefinition oComDef = oAssDoc.ComponentDefinition;
                BOM oBOM = oComDef.BOM;

                if (oBOM.StructuredViewEnabled)
                    // Level needs to be specified
                    // Numbering options have already been defined
                    // Get the Level ('All levels' or 'First level only')
                    // from the model BOM view - must use the same here
                    PartsListLevelEnum Level = default(PartsListLevelEnum);
                    if (oBOM.StructuredViewFirstLevelOnly)
                        Level = PartsListLevelEnum.kStructured;
                        Level = PartsListLevelEnum.kStructuredAllLevels;

                    // Create the balloon by specifying just the level
                    oBalloon = oActiveSheet.Balloons.Add(oLeaderPoints, null, Level);
                    // Level and numbering options must be specified
                    // The corresponding model BOM view will automatically be enabled
                    NameValueMap oNumberingScheme = _InvApplication.TransientObjects.CreateNameValueMap();

                    // Add the option for a comma delimiter
                    oNumberingScheme.Add("Delimiter", ",");

                    // Create the balloon by specifying the level and numbering scheme
                    oBalloon = oActiveSheet.Balloons.Add(oLeaderPoints, null, PartsListLevelEnum.kStructuredAllLevels, oNumberingScheme);
Пример #15
        public InventorDrawingCurve(DrawingCurve curve)
            _curve = curve;

Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to get an Inventor.Document object from a supplied object within a drawing.
        /// If one is found it will be returned; if not, null is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">Object</param>
        /// <param name="document">Inventor.DrawingDocument</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Document GetDocumentFromObjectInDrawing(dynamic obj, DrawingDocument document)
            Document returnDocument = null;

            switch (obj.type)
            //Drawing View, Section View, Detail View
            case 117441536:     //kDrawingViewObject:
            case 117463296:     //kSectionDrawingViewObject
            case 117474304:     //kDetailDrawingViewObject

            case 2130706445:     //kGenericObject:
                dynamic returnObject = null;
                try {
                    //try to get single document from selected part
                    document.ProcessViewSelection((GenericObject)obj, out _, out returnObject);
                } catch { break; }

                if (returnObject == null)

                switch (returnObject)
                case Document doc:
                    returnDocument = doc;

                case ComponentOccurrence componentOccurrence:
                    //if this doesn't work, try to get the component occurrence instead, and then get the document from that
                    returnDocument = (Document)componentOccurrence.Definition.Document;
            //There was an error at 'Set oCCdef = oCompOcc.Definition.Document'

            case 117478144:     //kDrawingCurveSegmentObject
                //Edge Objects and Edge Proxy Objects
                DrawingCurveSegment drawingCurveSegment = (DrawingCurveSegment)obj;
                DrawingCurve        drawingCurve        = drawingCurveSegment.Parent;

                //get the modelGeometry, if it cannot be accessed, the file is likely unreferenced...
                dynamic modelGeometry = null;
                try { modelGeometry = drawingCurve.ModelGeometry; }
                    returnDocument = null;

                try     //for a selected DrawingCurveSegment belonging to an assembly component
                    returnDocument = (Document)modelGeometry.ContainingOccurrence.Definition.Document;
                } catch { }

                try     //for a selected DrawingCurveSegment belonging to a part
                    returnDocument = (Document)modelGeometry.Parent.ComponentDefinition.Document;
                } catch { }

            case 117444096:     //kPartsListObject:
                returnDocument = obj.ReferencedFile.ReferencedDocument;

            case 117445120:     //kPartsListRowObject:
                returnDocument = obj.ReferencedFiles.Item(1).ReferencedDocument;

            case 100674816:     //kBOMRowObject:
                returnDocument = obj.ComponentDefinitions(1).Document;


            return(returnDocument ?? null);
Пример #17
        private static void wip_kDrawingCurveSegmentObject()
            Inventor.Application oApp  = ApplicationShim.CurrentInstance();
            SelectSet            oSSet = oApp.ActiveDocument.SelectSet;

            if (oSSet.Count == 0)

            Inventor.Document returnDocument = null;

            dynamic obj = oSSet[2];

            switch (obj.type)
            case 117478144:     //kDrawingCurveSegmentObject
                                //try to set the drawing curve object to point at the containingOccurrence object.
                                //Edge Objects and Edge Proxy Objects

                DrawingCurveSegment drawingCurveSegment = (DrawingCurveSegment)obj;
                DrawingCurve        drawingCurve        = drawingCurveSegment.Parent;

                dynamic modelGeometry;
                    modelGeometry = drawingCurve.ModelGeometry;
                    Console.WriteLine("Are you sure the object can be found?  The ModelGeometry cannot be located. exiting...");

                ComponentOccurrence componentOccurrence;

                try     //for a selected DrawingCurveSegment belonging to an assembly component
                    componentOccurrence = modelGeometry.ContainingOccurrence;
                    returnDocument      = (Document)componentOccurrence.Definition.Document;
                catch { }

                try     //for a selected DrawingCurveSegment belonging to a part
                    returnDocument = (Document)modelGeometry.Parent.ComponentDefinition.Document;
                catch { }

            if (returnDocument == null)
                Console.WriteLine("The document could not be found!");
                Console.WriteLine("Document Type: " + returnDocument.DocumentSubType);

Пример #18
        private void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Create a new drawing document.
            DrawingDocument oDoc = mApp.Documents.Add(DocumentTypeEnum.kDrawingDocumentObject,
                                                      true) as DrawingDocument;

            //Create a new B size sheet.
            Sheet oSheet = oDoc.Sheets.Add(DrawingSheetSizeEnum.kA2DrawingSheetSize,
                                           "1", 0, 0);

            //Add the default border.
            oSheet.AddDefaultBorder(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);

            //Add ANSI A TitleBlock
            TitleBlock oTitleBlock = oSheet.AddTitleBlock(oDoc.TitleBlockDefinitions["ISO"], null, null);

            //Open the part document, invisibly.
            PartDocument oBlockPart = mApp.Documents.Open(@"F:\Rcadz Source Control\Inventor Api\CSharp\Drawing Document\TestPart.ipt", false) as PartDocument;

            TransientGeometry oTG = mApp.TransientGeometry;

            //Create base drawing view
            DrawingView oBaseView = oSheet.DrawingViews.AddBaseView(oBlockPart as _Document, oTG.CreatePoint2d(10, 10), 1,
                                                                    DrawingViewStyleEnum.kHiddenLineDrawingViewStyle, "", null, null);

            //Create Projected views
            DrawingView oRightView = oSheet.DrawingViews.AddProjectedView(oBaseView,
                                                                          oTG.CreatePoint2d(20, 18),
                                                                          DrawingViewStyleEnum.kFromBaseDrawingViewStyle, null);

            DrawingView oIsoView = oSheet.DrawingViews.AddProjectedView(oBaseView,
                                                                        oTG.CreatePoint2d(10, 20),
                                                                        DrawingViewStyleEnum.kFromBaseDrawingViewStyle, null);

            //Find an edge in the part to dimension.  Any method can be used, (attributes, B-Rep query, selection, etc.).  This
            //looks through the curves in the drawing view and finds the top horizontal curve.

            DrawingCurve oSelectedCurve = null;

            foreach (DrawingCurve oCurve in oBaseView.get_DrawingCurves(null))
                //Skip Circles
                if (oCurve.StartPoint != null && oCurve.EndPoint != null)
                    if (WithinTol(oCurve.StartPoint.X, oCurve.EndPoint.X, 0.001))
                        if (oSelectedCurve == null)
                            //This is the first horizontal curve found.
                            oSelectedCurve = oCurve;
                            //Check to see if this curve is higher (smaller x value) than the current selected
                            if (oCurve.MidPoint.X < oSelectedCurve.MidPoint.X)
                                oSelectedCurve = oCurve;

            //Create geometry intents point for the curve.
            GeometryIntent oGeomIntent1 = oSheet.CreateGeometryIntent(oSelectedCurve, PointIntentEnum.kStartPointIntent);
            GeometryIntent oGeomIntent2 = oSheet.CreateGeometryIntent(oSelectedCurve, PointIntentEnum.kEndPointIntent);

            GeneralDimensions oGeneralDimensions = oSheet.DrawingDimensions.GeneralDimensions;

            Point2d oDimPos = oTG.CreatePoint2d(oSelectedCurve.MidPoint.X - 2, oSelectedCurve.MidPoint.Y);

            DimensionStyle dimstyle = oDoc.StylesManager.DimensionStyles["Default (ISO)"];

            Layer layer = oDoc.StylesManager.Layers["Dimension (ISO)"];

            //Create the dimension.
            LinearGeneralDimension oLinearDim;

            oLinearDim = oGeneralDimensions.AddLinear(oDimPos, oGeomIntent1, oGeomIntent2,
                                                      DimensionTypeEnum.kAlignedDimensionType, true,
Пример #19
        private static void GetDrawingDimension()
                inventorApp = (Inventor.Application)Marshal.GetActiveObject("Inventor.Application");
            catch { Console.WriteLine("未打开Inventor"); return; }
            DrawingDocument drawingDocument = (DrawingDocument)inventorApp.ActiveDocument;

            Console.WriteLine("打开的图纸:" + drawingDocument.ActiveSheet.Name + " " + drawingDocument.FullFileName);
            DrawingView drawingView = drawingDocument.ActiveSheet.DrawingViews[1];

            GeneralDimensionsEnumerator generalDimensionsEnumerator =

            Console.WriteLine("generalDimensionsEnumerator.Count = " + generalDimensionsEnumerator.Count);
            if (generalDimensionsEnumerator.Count != 0)
                for (int i = 1; i <= generalDimensionsEnumerator.Count; i++)

            BaselineDimensionSets baselineDimensionSets = drawingDocument.ActiveSheet.DrawingDimensions.BaselineDimensionSets;

            Console.WriteLine("baselineDimensionSets.Count = " + baselineDimensionSets.Count);
            if (baselineDimensionSets.Count != 0)
                for (int i = 1; i <= baselineDimensionSets.Count; i++)
                    BaselineDimensionSet baselineDimensionSet = baselineDimensionSets[i];
                    Console.WriteLine("baselineDimensionSet.Members = " + baselineDimensionSet.Members);
                    Console.WriteLine("baselineDimensionSet.DimensionType" + baselineDimensionSet.DimensionType);

            Balloons ballons = drawingDocument.ActiveSheet.Balloons;

            Console.WriteLine("ballons.Count = " + ballons.Count);
            Balloon balloon = null;

            if (ballons.Count != 0)
                for (int i = 1; i <= ballons.Count; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("\n------------------------ballons[" + i + "]------------------------");
                    balloon = ballons[i];
                    //Console.WriteLine("balloon.Leader.RootNode = " + balloon.Leader.RootNode);  //打印出 System.__ComObject
                    //Console.WriteLine("balloon.Position = " + balloon.Position);  //打印出 System.__ComObject
                    AttributeSets attributeSets = balloon.AttributeSets;
                    Console.WriteLine("attributeSets.Count = " + attributeSets.Count);
                    for (int j = 1; j <= attributeSets.Count; j++)
                        AttributeSet attributeSet = attributeSets[j];
                        Console.WriteLine("attributeSet.Name = " + attributeSet.Name);

                    BalloonValueSets balloonValueSets = balloon.BalloonValueSets;
                    for (int j = 1; j <= balloonValueSets.Count; j++)
                        BalloonValueSet balloonValueSet = balloonValueSets[j];
                        Console.WriteLine("balloonValueSet.ItemNumber = " + balloonValueSet.ItemNumber);
                        Console.WriteLine("balloonValueSet.Value = " + balloonValueSet.Value);
                        Console.WriteLine("balloonValueSet.OverrideValue = " + balloonValueSet.OverrideValue);
                        //Console.WriteLine("balloonValueSet.ReferencedFiles = " + balloonValueSet.ReferencedFiles);
                        Console.WriteLine("balloonValueSet.Type = " + balloonValueSet.Type);

                    Leader leader = balloon.Leader;
                    Console.WriteLine("leader.ArrowheadType = " + leader.ArrowheadType);
                    Console.WriteLine("leader.Type = " + leader.Type);
                    AttributeSets attributeSets_leader = leader.AttributeSets;
                    Console.WriteLine("attributeSets_leader.Count = " + attributeSets_leader.Count);
                    for (int j = 0; j < attributeSets_leader.Count; j++)
                        AttributeSet attributeSet = attributeSets[j];
                        Console.WriteLine("attributeSet_leader.Name = " + attributeSet.Name);

                    Console.WriteLine("END------------------------ballons[" + i + "]------------------------\n");

            //DrawingViews views = drawingDocument.ActiveSheet.DrawingViews;
            //Console.WriteLine("views.count = " + views.Count);

            Console.WriteLine("drawingDocument.SelectSet.Count = " + drawingDocument.SelectSet.Count);
            SelectSet           selectSet           = null;
            DrawingCurveSegment drawingCurveSegment = null;

            if (drawingDocument.SelectSet.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Select a drawing view");
                DrawingView view = inventorApp.CommandManager.Pick(SelectionFilterEnum.kDrawingViewFilter, "Select a drawing view");
                //selectSet = inventorApp.CommandManager.Pick(SelectionFilterEnum.kDrawingSheetFilter, "Select drawing sheet!");
                drawingCurveSegment = inventorApp.CommandManager.Pick(SelectionFilterEnum.kDrawingCurveSegmentFilter, "Select drawing segment filter");
                selectSet = drawingDocument.SelectSet;

            //DrawingCurveSegment drawingCurveSegment = selectSet[1];//drawingDocument.SelectSet[1];
            DrawingCurve drawingCurve = drawingCurveSegment.Parent;

            //Get the mid point of the selected curve assuming that the selection curve is linear
            Point2d MidPoint = drawingCurve.MidPoint;

            //Set a reference to the TransientGeometry object.
            TransientGeometry TG = inventorApp.TransientGeometry;

            Console.WriteLine("TG : " + (TG == null));
            ObjectCollection LeaderPoints = inventorApp.TransientObjects.CreateObjectCollection();

            Console.WriteLine("LeaderPoints : " + (LeaderPoints == null));

            LeaderPoints.Add(TG.CreatePoint2d(MidPoint.X + 10, MidPoint.Y + 10));
            LeaderPoints.Add(TG.CreatePoint2d(MidPoint.X + 10, MidPoint.Y + 5));

            //Add the GeometryIntent to the leader points collection.
            //This is the geometry that the balloon will attach to.
            GeometryIntent geometryIntent = drawingDocument.ActiveSheet.CreateGeometryIntent(drawingCurve);


            //Set a reference to the parent drawing view of the selected curve
            drawingView = drawingCurve.Parent;

            //Set a reference to the referenced model document
            Document ModelDoc = drawingView.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.ReferencedDocument;

            //PartDocument ModelDoc = drawingView.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.ReferencedDocument;
            //AssemblyDocument ModelDoc = drawingView.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.ReferencedDocument;

            //Check if a partslist or a balloon has already been created for thie model
            Boolean IsDrawingBOMDefined = drawingDocument.DrawingBOMs.IsDrawingBOMDefined(ModelDoc.FullFileName);

            // Balloon balloon;

            if (IsDrawingBOMDefined)

            {   //当DrawingBOM已经被定义了
                //Just create the balloon with the leader points. All other arguments can be ignored
                balloon = drawingDocument.ActiveSheet.Balloons.Add(LeaderPoints);
                AssemblyDocument            assemblyDocument            = (AssemblyDocument)ModelDoc;
                AssemblyComponentDefinition assemblyComponentDefinition = assemblyDocument.ComponentDefinition;

                //First check if the 'structured' BOM view has been enabled in the model
                //Set a reference to the model's BOM object
                //BOM bom = ModelDoc.ComponentDefinition.BOM;
                BOM bom = assemblyComponentDefinition.BOM;

                if (bom.StructuredViewEnabled)
                    //Level needs to be specifieed. Numbering options jave already been defined.
                    //Get the Level('All levels' of 'First level only') from the model BOM view - must use the same here
                    PartsListLevelEnum Level;
                    if (bom.StructuredViewFirstLevelOnly)
                        Level = PartsListLevelEnum.kStructured;
                        Level = PartsListLevelEnum.kStructuredAllLevels;
                    //Level and numbering options must be specifieed.
                    //The corresponding model BOM view will automatically be enabled
                    NameValueMap NumberingScheme = inventorApp.TransientObjects.CreateNameValueMap();
                    //Add the option for a comma delimiter
                    NumberingScheme.Add("Delimeter", ",");
                    //Create the balloon by specifying the level and numbering scheme
                    balloon = drawingDocument.ActiveSheet.Balloons.Add(LeaderPoints, PartsListLevelEnum.kStructuredAllLevels, NumberingScheme);