Пример #1
        internal static DNode CreateDNodeAndSetNodeBoundaryCurveForSubgraph(Graph drawingGraph, DGraph dGraph, GeometryNode geomNode,
                                                                            DrawingNode drawingNode, GViewer viewer)
            double width  = 0;
            double height = 0;
            var    dNode  = new DNode(drawingNode, viewer);

            Drawing.Label label = drawingNode.Label;
            if (label != null)
                CreateDLabel(dNode, label, out width, out height, viewer);
            if (width < drawingGraph.Attr.MinNodeWidth)
                width = drawingGraph.Attr.MinNodeWidth;
            if (height < drawingGraph.Attr.MinNodeHeight)
                height = drawingGraph.Attr.MinNodeHeight;

            var cluster = (Cluster)geomNode;
            var margin  = dNode.DrawingNode.Attr.LabelMargin;

            if (label != null)
                CreateDLabel(dNode, label, out width, out height, viewer);
                width  += 2 * dNode.DrawingNode.Attr.LabelMargin + 2 * drawingNode.Attr.LineWidth;
                height += 2 * dNode.DrawingNode.Attr.LabelMargin + 2 * drawingNode.Attr.LineWidth;
            cluster.RectangularBoundary = new RectangularClusterBoundary()
                BottomMargin = margin,
                LeftMargin   = margin,
                RightMargin  = margin,
                TopMargin    = height,
                MinWidth     = width
            // Filippo Polo: I'm taking this out because I've modified the drawing of a double circle
            // so that it can be used with ellipses too.
            //if (drawingNode.Attr.Shape == Shape.DoubleCircle)
            //width = height = Math.Max(width, height) * Draw.DoubleCircleOffsetRatio;
            ICurve curve;

            if (drawingNode.NodeBoundaryDelegate != null &&
                (curve = drawingNode.NodeBoundaryDelegate(drawingNode)) != null)
                geomNode.BoundaryCurve = curve;
            else if (geomNode.BoundaryCurve == null)
                geomNode.BoundaryCurve =
                    NodeBoundaryCurves.GetNodeBoundaryCurve(dNode.DrawingNode, width, height);
Пример #2
        internal static void CreateDLabel(DObject parent, Drawing.Label label, out double width, out double height,
                                          GViewer viewer)
            var dLabel = new DLabel(parent, label, viewer)
                Font = new Font(label.FontName, (int)label.FontSize, (System.Drawing.FontStyle)(int) label.FontStyle)

            StringMeasure.MeasureWithFont(label.Text, dLabel.Font, out width, out height);

            if (width <= 0)
                //this is a temporary fix for win7 where Measure fonts return negative lenght for the string " "
                StringMeasure.MeasureWithFont("a", dLabel.Font, out width, out height);

            label.Width  = width;
            label.Height = height;
Пример #3
        internal static DGraph CreateDGraphAndGeometryInfo(Graph drawingGraph, GeometryGraph geometryGraph,
                                                           GViewer viewer)
            var dGraph = new DGraph(drawingGraph, viewer);
            //create dnodes and glee node boundary curves
            var nodeMapping = new Dictionary <GeometryNode, DNode>();

            if (geometryGraph.RootCluster != null)
                foreach (var geomCluster in geometryGraph.RootCluster.AllClustersDepthFirstExcludingSelf())
                    var   drawingNode = (Drawing.Node)geomCluster.UserData;
                    DNode dNode       = CreateDNodeAndSetNodeBoundaryCurveForSubgraph(drawingGraph, dGraph, geomCluster,
                                                                                      drawingNode, viewer);
                    nodeMapping[geomCluster] = dNode;

            foreach (GeometryNode geomNode in geometryGraph.Nodes)
                var   drawingNode = (Drawing.Node)geomNode.UserData;
                DNode dNode       = CreateDNodeAndSetNodeBoundaryCurve(drawingGraph, dGraph, geomNode, drawingNode, viewer);
                nodeMapping[geomNode] = dNode;

            foreach (GeometryEdge gleeEdge in geometryGraph.Edges)
                var dEdge = new DEdge(nodeMapping[gleeEdge.Source], nodeMapping[gleeEdge.Target],
                                      gleeEdge.UserData as DrawingEdge, ConnectionToGraph.Connected, viewer);
                DrawingEdge   drawingEdge = dEdge.Edge;
                Drawing.Label label       = drawingEdge.Label;

                if (label != null)
                    double width, height;
                    CreateDLabel(dEdge, label, out width, out height, viewer);

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Main Constructor for the StartUpMenu.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="window">Window that displays the graphics</param>
        public StartUpMenu(GameWindow window)
            : base(new Arena(new Position(1000, 1000), 1000, 1000))
            _win = window;

            const string SpacetaxiLine = " Press 't' for SpaceTaxi\n";
            const string GalagaLine    = " Press 'g' for Galaga\n";
            const string quitLine      = " Press 'q' to quit";

            _pickGameLabel = new Drawing.Label(
                SpacetaxiLine + GalagaLine + quitLine);

            int maxX   = Drawing.Scaler.MaxX;
            int maxY   = Drawing.Scaler.MaxY;
            var scnPic = ImageStream(@"GameEngine.Resources.Images.SpaceBackground.png");

            _SpaceBackground = new Drawing.Image(scnPic, maxX, maxY);
Пример #5
 public static Size MeasureLabel(Drawing.Label label)
     return(MeasureText(label.Text, new FontFamily(label.FontName), label.FontSize));
Пример #6
 private void DrawLabelCentered(Drawing.Label label, int y)
     label.DrawAligned(_win.Area.Pixmap, Drawing.TextAlignment.Center, y);