public static void Postfix(SObject __instance, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, int x, int y, float alpha) { try { if (__instance.TryGetCombinedQuantity(out int CombinedQuantity) && CombinedQuantity > 1) { float Transparency = alpha * ModEntry.UserConfig.NumberOpacity; if (Transparency > 0f) { Color RenderColor = Color.White * Transparency; float draw_layer = GetTileDrawLayerDepth(x, y); float DrawLayerOffset = 1E-05f; // The SpriteBatch LayerDepth needs to be slightly larger than the layer depth used for the bigCraftable texture to avoid z-fighting Vector2 TopLeftTilePosition = Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, new Vector2(x * Game1.tileSize, y * Game1.tileSize)); Vector2 BottomRightTilePosition = Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, new Vector2((x + 1) * Game1.tileSize - 1, (y + 1) * Game1.tileSize - 1)); float Scale = 3.0f; float QuantityWidth = DrawHelpers.MeasureNumber(CombinedQuantity, Scale); Vector2 QuantityTopLeftPosition = new Vector2(BottomRightTilePosition.X - QuantityWidth, BottomRightTilePosition.Y - DrawHelpers.TinyDigitBaseHeight - Game1.tileSize / 8); Utility.drawTinyDigits(CombinedQuantity, spriteBatch, QuantityTopLeftPosition, Scale, draw_layer + DrawLayerOffset, RenderColor); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ModEntry.Logger.Log(string.Format("Unhandled Error in {0}.{1}:\n{2}", nameof(DrawPatch), nameof(Postfix), ex), LogLevel.Error); } }
public override void drawInMenu(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 location, float scaleSize, float transparency, float layerDepth, StackDrawType drawStackNumber, Color color, bool drawShadow) { spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, location + new Vector2(32f, 32f), GetPrimaryIconSourceRect(2), GetPrimaryIconColor() * transparency, 0f, new Vector2(8f, 8f), 4f * scaleSize, SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth); if (drawStackNumber != StackDrawType.Hide) { float QuantityScale = 2.7f * scaleSize; int NumDigits = DrawHelpers.GetNumDigits(Stack); Vector2 BottomRightPosition = new Vector2(location.X + 64f - DrawHelpers.MeasureNumber(Stack, QuantityScale), location.Y + 64f - DrawHelpers.TinyDigitBaseHeight * QuantityScale); Utility.drawTinyDigits(Stack, spriteBatch, BottomRightPosition, QuantityScale, 0f, Color.White); } float Offset = (64f - 64f * scaleSize) / 2f; Vector2 BottomLeftPosition = new Vector2(location.X + Offset, location.Y + 64f + Offset); DrawIcon(spriteBatch, AugmentorType, BottomLeftPosition, scaleSize, transparency, 1f); }
public void DrawToolTips(SpriteBatch b) { if (IsEmptyMenu) { return; } // Draw tooltip over hovered item if (HoveredSlot.HasValue) { // Get the hovered Item Id and ColumnType int? ItemId = null; ColumnType?Column = null; foreach (var KVP in SlotBounds) { foreach (var KVP2 in KVP.Value) { if (KVP2.Value == HoveredSlot.Value) { ItemId = KVP.Key; Column = KVP2.Key; break; } } if (ItemId.HasValue && Column.HasValue) { break; } } if (ItemId.HasValue && Column.HasValue) { if (Column == ColumnType.RowValue) { List <Object> Items = Placeholders[ItemId.Value].Values.ToList(); List <int> Quantities = Items.Select(x => x.Stack).ToList(); List <int> SingleValues = Items.Select(x => ItemBag.GetSingleItemPrice(x)).ToList(); List <int> MultipliedValues = Items.Select(x => x.Stack * ItemBag.GetSingleItemPrice(x)).ToList(); // Compute how many digits each column needs so that we can align each number properly by making each number take up the maximum size of other numbers in the same column int SingleValueColumnDigits = SingleValues.Max(x => DrawHelpers.GetNumDigits(x)); int QuantityColumnDigits = Quantities.Max(x => DrawHelpers.GetNumDigits(x)); int MultipliedValueColumnDigits = MultipliedValues.Max(x => DrawHelpers.GetNumDigits(x)); float DigitScale = 3.0f; float SingleValueColumnWidth = SingleValueColumnDigits * DigitScale * DrawHelpers.TinyDigitBaseWidth; float QuantityColumnWidth = QuantityColumnDigits * DigitScale * DrawHelpers.TinyDigitBaseWidth; float MultipliedValueColumnWidth = MultipliedValueColumnDigits * DigitScale * DrawHelpers.TinyDigitBaseWidth; // Compute how big the tooltip needs to be int Margin = 32; int LineHeight = 28; int HorizontalSeparatorHeight = 6; int SeparatorMargin = 4; float PlusCharacterWidth = Game1.tinyFont.MeasureString("+").X; float MultiplyCharacterWidth = Game1.tinyFont.MeasureString("*").X; float EqualsCharacterWidth = Game1.tinyFont.MeasureString("=").X; float SpaceWidth = 7f; int TotalWidth = (int)(Margin + PlusCharacterWidth + SpaceWidth + SingleValueColumnWidth + SpaceWidth + MultiplyCharacterWidth + SpaceWidth + QuantityColumnWidth + SpaceWidth + EqualsCharacterWidth + SpaceWidth + MultipliedValueColumnWidth + Margin); int TotalHeight = (int)(Margin + Items.Count * LineHeight + SeparatorMargin + HorizontalSeparatorHeight + SeparatorMargin + LineHeight + Margin); // Ensure tooltip is fully visible on screen Rectangle ToolTipLocation = new Rectangle(HoveredSlot.Value.Right, HoveredSlot.Value.Top, TotalWidth, TotalHeight); if (ToolTipLocation.Right > Game1.viewport.Size.Width) { ToolTipLocation = new Rectangle(HoveredSlot.Value.Left - TotalWidth, HoveredSlot.Value.Top, TotalWidth, TotalHeight); } // Draw background DrawHelpers.DrawBox(b, ToolTipLocation); // Draw each row of values int ShadowOffset = 2; int CurrentYPosition = ToolTipLocation.Y + Margin; for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++) { float CurrentXPosition = ToolTipLocation.X + Margin; if (i != 0) { DrawHelpers.DrawStringWithShadow(b, Game1.tinyFont, "+", CurrentXPosition, CurrentYPosition, Color.White, Color.Black, ShadowOffset, ShadowOffset); } CurrentXPosition += PlusCharacterWidth + SpaceWidth; Utility.drawTinyDigits(SingleValues[i], b, new Vector2(CurrentXPosition + SingleValueColumnWidth - DrawHelpers.MeasureNumber(SingleValues[i], DigitScale), CurrentYPosition), DigitScale, 1.0f, Color.White); CurrentXPosition += SingleValueColumnWidth + SpaceWidth; DrawHelpers.DrawStringWithShadow(b, Game1.tinyFont, "*", CurrentXPosition, CurrentYPosition + LineHeight / 4, Color.White, Color.Black, ShadowOffset, ShadowOffset); CurrentXPosition += MultiplyCharacterWidth + SpaceWidth; Utility.drawTinyDigits(Quantities[i], b, new Vector2(CurrentXPosition + QuantityColumnWidth - DrawHelpers.MeasureNumber(Quantities[i], DigitScale), CurrentYPosition), DigitScale, 1.0f, Color.White); CurrentXPosition += QuantityColumnWidth + SpaceWidth; DrawHelpers.DrawStringWithShadow(b, Game1.tinyFont, "=", CurrentXPosition, CurrentYPosition - LineHeight / 6, Color.White, Color.Black, ShadowOffset, ShadowOffset); CurrentXPosition += EqualsCharacterWidth + SpaceWidth; Utility.drawTinyDigits(MultipliedValues[i], b, new Vector2(CurrentXPosition + MultipliedValueColumnWidth - DrawHelpers.MeasureNumber(MultipliedValues[i], DigitScale), CurrentYPosition), DigitScale, 1.0f, Color.White); CurrentYPosition += LineHeight; } // Draw separator CurrentYPosition += SeparatorMargin; DrawHelpers.DrawHorizontalSeparator(b, ToolTipLocation.X + Margin, CurrentYPosition, TotalWidth - Margin * 2, HorizontalSeparatorHeight); CurrentYPosition += HorizontalSeparatorHeight + SeparatorMargin; // Draw total value int SummedValue = MultipliedValues.Sum(); float SummedValueWidth = DrawHelpers.MeasureNumber(SummedValue, DigitScale) + GoldIconSourceRect.Width * 2f + 8; Vector2 SummedValuePosition = new Vector2(ToolTipLocation.X + ((ToolTipLocation.Width - SummedValueWidth) / 2), CurrentYPosition + 6); Rectangle IconDestination = new Rectangle((int)SummedValuePosition.X, (int)(SummedValuePosition.Y + (DrawHelpers.TinyDigitBaseHeight * DigitScale - GoldIconSourceRect.Height * 2) / 2), GoldIconSourceRect.Width * 2, GoldIconSourceRect.Height * 2); b.Draw(GoldIconTexture, IconDestination, GoldIconSourceRect, Color.White); Utility.drawTinyDigits(SummedValue, b, new Vector2(SummedValuePosition.X + GoldIconSourceRect.Width * 2f + 8, SummedValuePosition.Y), DigitScale, 1.0f, GetValueColor(SummedValue)); } else { Object HoveredItem = Placeholders[ItemId.Value][ConvertColumnTypeToObjectQuality(Column.Value)]; Rectangle Location; if (IsNavigatingWithGamepad) { Location = HoveredSlot.Value; //new Rectangle(HoveredSlot.Value.Right, HoveredSlot.Value.Bottom, 1, 1); } else { Location = new Rectangle(Game1.getMouseX() - 8, Game1.getMouseY() + 36, 8 + 36, 1); } DrawHelpers.DrawToolTipInfo(b, Location, HoveredItem, true, true, true, true, true, true, Bag.MaxStackSize); } } } }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch b) { if (IsEmptyMenu) { return; } //b.Draw(TextureHelpers.GetSolidColorTexture(, Color.Orange), Bounds, Color.White); // Draw column headers for (int i = 0; i < ColumnHeaderBounds.Count; i++) { Rectangle Destination = ColumnHeaderBounds[i]; b.Draw(Game1.menuTexture, Destination, new Rectangle(64, 896, 64, 64), Color.White); Rectangle IconDestination = new Rectangle(Destination.X + Destination.Width / 4, Destination.Y + Destination.Height / 4, Destination.Width / 2, Destination.Height / 2); ColumnType Type = (ColumnType)(i % ColumnsPerGroup); if (Type == ColumnType.RowValue) { //Could also use Game1.mouseCursors with SourceSprite = new Rectangle(280, 411, 16, 16); b.Draw(GoldIconTexture, IconDestination, GoldIconSourceRect, Color.White); } else { Rectangle SourceRect = ItemBag.QualityIconTexturePositions[ConvertColumnTypeToObjectQuality(Type)]; b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, IconDestination, SourceRect, Color.White); } } // Draw cells foreach (var KVP in SlotBounds) { int ItemId = KVP.Key; foreach (var KVP2 in KVP.Value) { ColumnType ColumnType = KVP2.Key; Rectangle Destination = KVP2.Value; b.Draw(Game1.menuTexture, Destination, new Rectangle(128, 128, 64, 64), Color.White); // Draw a thin yellow border if mouse is hovering this slot bool IsHovered = Destination == HoveredSlot; if (IsHovered) { Color HighlightColor = Color.Yellow; Texture2D Highlight = TextureHelpers.GetSolidColorTexture(, HighlightColor); b.Draw(Highlight, Destination, Color.White * 0.25f); int BorderThickness = Destination.Width / 16; DrawHelpers.DrawBorder(b, Destination, BorderThickness, HighlightColor); } if (ColumnType != ColumnType.RowValue) { ObjectQuality Quality = ConvertColumnTypeToObjectQuality(ColumnType); Object CurrentItem = Placeholders[ItemId][Quality]; float IconScale = IsHovered ? 1.25f : 1.0f; Color Overlay = CurrentItem.Stack == 0 ? Color.White * 0.30f : Color.White; DrawHelpers.DrawItem(b, Destination, CurrentItem, CurrentItem.Stack > 0, true, IconScale, 1.0f, Overlay, CurrentItem.Stack >= Bag.MaxStackSize ? Color.Red : Color.White); OnItemSlotRendered?.Invoke(this, new ItemSlotRenderedEventArgs(b, Destination, CurrentItem, IsHovered)); } else { // Sum up the value of all different qualities of this item int SummedValue = Placeholders[ItemId].Values.Sum(x => x.Stack * ItemBag.GetSingleItemPrice(x)); int NumDigits = DrawHelpers.GetNumDigits(SummedValue); // Compute width/height of the number float ValueScale; int ValueWidth, ValueHeight, CurrentIteration = 0; do { ValueScale = (2.7f - CurrentIteration * 0.1f) * Destination.Width / (float)BagInventoryMenu.DefaultInventoryIconSize; ValueWidth = (int)DrawHelpers.MeasureNumber(SummedValue, ValueScale); ValueHeight = (int)(DrawHelpers.TinyDigitBaseHeight * ValueScale); CurrentIteration++; } while (ValueWidth > Destination.Width * 1.04); // * 1.04 to let the value extend very slightly outside the bounds of the slot // Draw the number in the center of the slot Vector2 TopLeftPosition = new Vector2(Destination.X + (Destination.Width - ValueWidth) / 2 + 1, Destination.Y + (Destination.Height - ValueHeight) / 2); Color ValueColor = GetValueColor(SummedValue); Utility.drawTinyDigits(SummedValue, b, TopLeftPosition, ValueScale, 0f, ValueColor); } } } }