private PixelData RenderToTexture(int width, int height, Action <Canvas> renderMethod) { PixelData pixelData; using (Texture texture = new Texture(width, height, TextureSizeMode.NonPowerOfTwo, TextureMagFilter.Nearest, TextureMinFilter.Nearest)) using (RenderTarget renderTarget = new RenderTarget(AAQuality.Off, texture)) using (DrawDevice device = new DrawDevice()) { device.Perspective = PerspectiveMode.Flat; device.VisibilityMask = VisibilityFlag.AllGroups | VisibilityFlag.ScreenOverlay; device.RenderMode = RenderMatrix.OrthoScreen; device.Target = renderTarget; device.ViewportRect = new Rect(renderTarget.Width, renderTarget.Height); device.PrepareForDrawcalls(); { Canvas canvas = new Canvas(device); renderMethod(canvas); } device.Render(ClearFlag.All, ColorRgba.TransparentBlack, 1.0f); pixelData = texture.GetPixelData(); } return(pixelData); }
/// <inheritdoc /> protected override void OnRenderState() { // We're not calling the base implementation, because the default is to // render the scene from the view of an editing camera. The Game View, however, // is in the special position to render the actual game and completely ignore // any editing camera. // // base.OnRenderState(); Point2 clientSize = new Point2(this.RenderableControl.ClientSize.Width, this.RenderableControl.ClientSize.Height); Point2 targetSize = this.TargetRenderSize; Rect windowRect = this.LocalGameWindowRect; Vector2 imageSize; Rect viewportRect; DualityApp.CalculateGameViewport(targetSize, out viewportRect, out imageSize); // Render the game view background using a background color matching editor UI, // so users can discern between an area that isn't rendered to and a rendered // area of the game that happens to be black or outside the game viewport. DrawDevice.RenderVoid(new Rect(clientSize), new ColorRgba(64, 64, 64)); if (this.UseOffscreenBuffer) { // Render the scene to an offscreen buffer of matching size first this.SetupOutputRenderTarget(); DualityApp.Render(this.outputTarget, viewportRect, imageSize); // Blit the offscreen buffer to the window area this.SetupBlitDevice(); this.blitDevice.TargetSize = clientSize; this.blitDevice.ViewportRect = new Rect(clientSize); BatchInfo blitMaterial = this.blitDevice.RentMaterial(); blitMaterial.Technique = DrawTechnique.Solid; blitMaterial.MainTexture = this.outputTexture; TargetResize blitResize = this.TargetSizeFitsClientArea ? TargetResize.None : TargetResize.Fit; this.blitDevice.PrepareForDrawcalls(); this.blitDevice.AddFullscreenQuad(blitMaterial, blitResize); this.blitDevice.Render(); } else { Rect windowViewportRect = new Rect( windowRect.X + viewportRect.X, windowRect.Y + viewportRect.Y, viewportRect.W, viewportRect.H); // Render the scene centered into the designated viewport area this.CleanupRenderTarget(); DrawDevice.RenderVoid(windowRect); DualityApp.Render(null, windowViewportRect, imageSize); } }
private PixelData RenderToTexture(int width, int height, Action <Canvas> renderMethod) { PixelData pixelData; using (Texture texture = new Texture(width, height, TextureSizeMode.NonPowerOfTwo, TextureMagFilter.Nearest, TextureMinFilter.Nearest)) using (RenderTarget renderTarget = new RenderTarget(AAQuality.Off, true, texture)) using (DrawDevice device = new DrawDevice()) { device.Projection = ProjectionMode.Screen; device.VisibilityMask = VisibilityFlag.AllGroups | VisibilityFlag.ScreenOverlay; device.Target = renderTarget; device.TargetSize = renderTarget.Size; device.ViewportRect = new Rect(renderTarget.Size); device.PrepareForDrawcalls(); { Canvas canvas = new Canvas(); canvas.Begin(device); renderMethod(canvas); canvas.End(); } device.Render(); pixelData = texture.GetPixelData(); } return(pixelData); }
protected override void OnRenderPointOfView(Scene scene, DrawDevice drawDevice, Rect viewportRect, Vector2 imageSize) { // Check if resolution changed if (lastImageSize != imageSize) { lastImageSize = imageSize; const float defaultRatio = (float)defaultWidth / defaultHeight; float currentRatio = imageSize.X / imageSize.Y; int width, height; if (currentRatio > defaultRatio) { width = MathF.Min(defaultWidth, (int)imageSize.X); height = (int)(width / currentRatio); } else if (currentRatio < defaultRatio) { height = MathF.Min(defaultHeight, (int)imageSize.Y); width = (int)(height * currentRatio); } else { width = MathF.Min(defaultWidth, (int)imageSize.X); height = MathF.Min(defaultHeight, (int)imageSize.Y); } TargetSize = new Point2(width, height); ResizeRenderTarget(finalTarget, TargetSize); } base.OnRenderPointOfView(scene, drawDevice, viewportRect, imageSize); }
/// <summary> /// Called in order to let the specified <see cref="DrawDevice"/> collect all drawcalls from /// a set of renderers that was previously determined to be potentially visible. /// </summary> /// <param name="drawDevice"></param> /// <param name="visibleRenderers"></param> /// <param name="renderersSortedByType"></param> protected virtual void OnCollectRendererDrawcalls(DrawDevice drawDevice, RawList <ICmpRenderer> visibleRenderers, bool renderersSortedByType) { Type lastRendererType = null; Type rendererType = null; //TimeCounter activeProfiler = null; ICmpRenderer[] data = visibleRenderers.Data; for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { if (i >= visibleRenderers.Count) { break; } // Manage profilers per Component type if (renderersSortedByType) { rendererType = data[i].GetType(); if (rendererType != lastRendererType) { //if (activeProfiler != null) // activeProfiler.EndMeasure(); //activeProfiler = Profile.RequestCounter<TimeCounter>(Profile.TimeCollectDrawcalls.FullName + @"\" + rendererType.Name); //activeProfiler.BeginMeasure(); lastRendererType = rendererType; } } // Collect Drawcalls from this Component data[i].Draw(drawDevice); } //if (activeProfiler != null) // activeProfiler.EndMeasure(); }
private Pixmap.Layer RenderToTexture(int width, int height, Action <Canvas> renderMethod) { Pixmap.Layer pixelData; using (Texture texture = new Texture(width, height, Texture.SizeMode.NonPowerOfTwo)) using (RenderTarget renderTarget = new RenderTarget(AAQuality.Off, texture)) using (DrawDevice device = new DrawDevice()) { device.Perspective = PerspectiveMode.Flat; device.VisibilityMask = VisibilityFlag.AllGroups | VisibilityFlag.ScreenOverlay; device.RenderMode = RenderMatrix.OrthoScreen; device.Target = renderTarget; device.ViewportRect = new Rect(renderTarget.Width, renderTarget.Height); device.BeginRendering(ClearFlag.All, ColorRgba.TransparentBlack, 1.0f); { Canvas canvas = new Canvas(device); renderMethod(canvas); } device.EndRendering(); RenderTarget.Bind(RenderTarget.None); pixelData = texture.RetrievePixelData(); } return(pixelData); }
[Test] public void IsSphereInViewOrthographic() { Vector2 viewportSize = new Vector2(800, 600); using (DrawDevice device = new DrawDevice()) { device.TargetSize = viewportSize; device.ViewportRect = new Rect(viewportSize); device.ViewerPos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); device.FocusDist = 500; device.NearZ = 100; device.FarZ = 10000; device.Projection = ProjectionMode.Orthographic; // Viewport center Assert.IsTrue(device.IsSphereInView(new Vector3(0, 0, device.FocusDist), 150)); // Just inside each of the viewports sides Assert.IsTrue(device.IsSphereInView(new Vector3(-viewportSize.X * 0.5f - 100, 0, device.FocusDist), 150)); Assert.IsTrue(device.IsSphereInView(new Vector3(0, -viewportSize.Y * 0.5f - 100, device.FocusDist), 150)); Assert.IsTrue(device.IsSphereInView(new Vector3(viewportSize.X * 0.5f + 100, 0, device.FocusDist), 150)); Assert.IsTrue(device.IsSphereInView(new Vector3(0, viewportSize.Y * 0.5f + 100, device.FocusDist), 150)); Assert.IsTrue(device.IsSphereInView(new Vector3(0, 0, device.FarZ - 50), 150)); Assert.IsTrue(device.IsSphereInView(new Vector3(0, 0, device.NearZ + 50), 150)); // Just outside each of the viewports sides Assert.IsFalse(device.IsSphereInView(new Vector3(-viewportSize.X * 0.5f - 200, 0, device.FocusDist), 150)); Assert.IsFalse(device.IsSphereInView(new Vector3(0, -viewportSize.Y * 0.5f - 200, device.FocusDist), 150)); Assert.IsFalse(device.IsSphereInView(new Vector3(viewportSize.X * 0.5f + 200, 0, device.FocusDist), 150)); Assert.IsFalse(device.IsSphereInView(new Vector3(0, viewportSize.Y * 0.5f + 200, device.FocusDist), 150)); Assert.IsFalse(device.IsSphereInView(new Vector3(0, 0, device.FarZ + 50), 150)); Assert.IsFalse(device.IsSphereInView(new Vector3(0, 0, device.NearZ - 50), 150)); } }
public void Render(DrawDevice drawDevice) { foreach (var system in RenderingSystems) { system.Update(drawDevice); } }
[Test] public void GetWorldPos() { using (DrawDevice device = new DrawDevice()) { Vector2 targetSize = new Vector2(800, 600); Vector2 viewportCenter = targetSize * 0.5f; // We'll check twice the focus distance to make sure orthographic // scaling is working as expected. device.FocusDist = DrawDevice.DefaultFocusDist * 2.0f; device.NearZ = 100; device.FarZ = 10000; device.TargetSize = targetSize; device.ViewportRect = new Rect(targetSize); device.ViewerPos = new Vector3(0, 0, -device.FocusDist); // Screen space rendering device.Projection = ProjectionMode.Screen; // 1:1 world coordinate output in all cases AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))); AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(400.0f, 300.0f, 0.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(400.0f, 300.0f, 0.0f))); AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(800.0f, 600.0f, 0.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(800.0f, 600.0f, 0.0f))); AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f))); AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(400.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(400.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f))); AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(800.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(800.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f))); AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(0.0f, 300.0f, 1000.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(0.0f, 300.0f, 1000.0f))); AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(0.0f, 600.0f, 1000.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(0.0f, 600.0f, 1000.0f))); // World space rendering with orthographic projection device.Projection = ProjectionMode.Orthographic; // Scaled up 2:1 due to focus distance scaling factor AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(viewportCenter, 0.0f))); AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(-200.0f, -150.0f, 0.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(viewportCenter + new Vector2(-400.0f, -300.0f), 0.0f))); AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(200.0f, 150.0f, 0.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(viewportCenter + new Vector2(400.0f, 300.0f), 0.0f))); // No scale changes at other distances AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(viewportCenter, 1000.0f))); AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(-200.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(viewportCenter + new Vector2(-400.0f, 0.0f), 1000.0f))); AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(200.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(viewportCenter + new Vector2(400.0f, 0.0f), 1000.0f))); AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(0.0f, -150.0f, 1000.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(viewportCenter + new Vector2(0.0f, -300.0f), 1000.0f))); AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(0.0f, 150.0f, 1000.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(viewportCenter + new Vector2(0.0f, 300.0f), 1000.0f))); // World space rendering with perspective projection device.Projection = ProjectionMode.Perspective; // 1:1 scaling at focus distance AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(viewportCenter, 0.0f))); AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(-400.0f, -300.0f, 0.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(viewportCenter + new Vector2(-400.0f, -300.0f), 0.0f))); AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(400.0f, 300.0f, 0.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(viewportCenter + new Vector2(400.0f, 300.0f), 0.0f))); // Scaled down 1:2 at double the focus distance AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(viewportCenter, 1000.0f))); AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(-400.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(viewportCenter + new Vector2(-200.0f, 0.0f), 1000.0f))); AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(400.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(viewportCenter + new Vector2(200.0f, 0.0f), 1000.0f))); AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(0.0f, -600.0f, 1000.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(viewportCenter + new Vector2(0.0f, -300.0f), 1000.0f))); AssertRoughlyEqual(new Vector3(0.0f, 600.0f, 1000.0f), device.GetWorldPos(new Vector3(viewportCenter + new Vector2(0.0f, 300.0f), 1000.0f))); } }
IBuffer getTextCBuffer() { if (null != m_staticCBufferForText) { return(m_staticCBufferForText); } ConstantsBufferText data = new ConstantsBufferText(); data.pixelSizeAndDpiScaling = pixelSizeAndDpiScaling; DrawDevice dev = (DrawDevice)context.drawDevice; CSize atlasSize = dev.fontTextures.grayscale.layerSize; data.textureAtlasSize.X =; data.textureAtlasSize.Y =; atlasSize = dev.fontTextures.cleartype.layerSize; data.textureAtlasSize.Z =; data.textureAtlasSize.W =; IBuffer ib; using (var device = context.renderContext.device) ib = device.CreateImmutableUniformBuffer(ref data, "Text cbuffer"); m_staticCBufferForText = ib; return(ib); }
public WindowsFonts(DrawDevice drawDevice) : base(drawDevice) { addDefaults(defaultFonts, eDefaultFont.Mono, "consola.ttf", "consolab.ttf", "consolai.ttf", "consolaz.ttf"); addDefaults(defaultFonts, eDefaultFont.Sans, "calibri.ttf", "calibrib.ttf", "calibrii.ttf", "calibriz.ttf"); addDefaults(defaultFonts, eDefaultFont.Serif, "cambria.ttc", "cambriab.ttf", "cambriai.ttf", "cambriaz.ttf"); addDefaults(defaultFonts, eDefaultFont.ComicSans, "comic.ttf", "comicbd.ttf", "comici.ttf", "comicz.ttf"); }
private void SetupDevice() { if (this.drawDevice != null && !this.drawDevice.Disposed) { return; } this.drawDevice = new DrawDevice(); }
private void ProcessBloomStep(RenderStep step, DrawDevice drawDevice) { ContentRef <RenderTarget> outputTarget = drawDevice.Target; Vector2 imageSize = drawDevice.TargetSize; Rect viewportRect = drawDevice.ViewportRect; this.SetupTargets((Point2)drawDevice.TargetSize); // Extract bright spots from the rendered image { BatchInfo material = drawDevice.RentMaterial(); material.Technique = this.techFilterBrightness; material.MainTexture = step.Input.MainTexture; material.SetValue("minBrightness", this.minBrightness); material.SetValue("bloomStrength", this.bloomStrength); this.Blit(drawDevice, material, this.targetPingPongA[0]); } // Downsample to lowest target for (int i = 1; i < this.targetPingPongA.Length; i++) { BatchInfo material = drawDevice.RentMaterial(); material.Technique = this.techDownsample; material.MainTexture = this.targetPingPongA[i - 1].Targets[0]; this.Blit(drawDevice, material, this.targetPingPongA[i]); } // Blur all targets, separating horizontal and vertical blur for (int i = 0; i < this.targetPingPongA.Length; i++) { BatchInfo material; material = drawDevice.RentMaterial(); material.Technique = this.techBlur; material.MainTexture = this.targetPingPongA[i].Targets[0]; material.SetValue("blurDirection", new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f)); this.Blit(drawDevice, material, this.targetPingPongB[i]); material = drawDevice.RentMaterial(); material.Technique = this.techBlur; material.MainTexture = this.targetPingPongB[i].Targets[0]; material.SetValue("blurDirection", new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f)); this.Blit(drawDevice, material, this.targetPingPongA[i]); } // Combine all targets into the final image using the draw device's original target { BatchInfo material = drawDevice.RentMaterial(); material.Technique = this.techCombineFinal; material.MainTexture = step.Input.MainTexture; material.SetTexture("blurFullTex", this.targetPingPongA[0].Targets[0]); material.SetTexture("blurHalfTex", this.targetPingPongA[1].Targets[0]); material.SetTexture("blurQuarterTex", this.targetPingPongA[2].Targets[0]); material.SetTexture("blurEighthTex", this.targetPingPongA[3].Targets[0]); this.Blit(drawDevice, material, outputTarget.Res, imageSize, viewportRect); } }
/// <summary> /// Sets up a <see cref="DrawDevice"/> to be used for blitting an internal /// offscreen rendering target to the actual window surface. /// </summary> private void SetupBlitDevice() { if (this.blitDevice == null) { this.blitDevice = new DrawDevice(); this.blitDevice.ClearFlags = ClearFlag.Depth; this.blitDevice.Projection = ProjectionMode.Screen; } }
private void ReleaseTransformDevice() { if (this.transformDevice == null) { return; } this.transformDevice.Dispose(); this.transformDevice = null; }
private void ReleaseDrawDevice() { if (this.drawDevice == null) { return; } this.drawDevice.Dispose(); this.drawDevice = null; }
private void ProcessResizeStep(DrawDevice drawDevice) { BatchInfo material = drawDevice.RentMaterial(); material.Technique = resizeShader; material.MainTexture = finalTexture; material.SetValue("mainTexSize", new Vector2(finalTexture.ContentWidth, finalTexture.ContentHeight)); this.Blit(drawDevice, material, drawDevice.ViewportRect); }
protected override void OnCollectRendererDrawcalls(DrawDevice drawDevice, RawList <ICmpRenderer> visibleRenderers, bool renderersSortedByType) { this.pickingMap.AddRange(visibleRenderers); foreach (ICmpRenderer r in visibleRenderers) { r.Draw(drawDevice); drawDevice.PickingIndex++; } }
/// <summary> /// Uses the specified <see cref="DrawDevice"/> to collect renderer drawcalls in the specified <see cref="Scene"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="scene"></param> /// <param name="drawDevice"></param> /// <param name="pickingMap"></param> protected void CollectRendererDrawcalls(Scene scene, DrawDevice drawDevice) { //Profile.TimeCollectDrawcalls.BeginMeasure(); try { // If no visibility groups are met, don't bother looking for renderers. // This is important to allow efficient drawcall injection with additional // "dummy" renderpasses. CamViewStates render their overlays by temporarily // adding 3 - 4 of these passes. Iterating over all objects again would be // devastating for performance and at the same time pointless. if ((drawDevice.VisibilityMask & VisibilityFlag.AllGroups) == VisibilityFlag.None) { return; } // Query renderers IRendererVisibilityStrategy visibilityStrategy = scene.VisibilityStrategy; if (visibilityStrategy == null) { return; } //Profile.TimeQueryVisibleRenderers.BeginMeasure(); if (this.collectRendererBuffer == null) { this.collectRendererBuffer = new RawList <ICmpRenderer>(); } this.collectRendererBuffer.Clear(); visibilityStrategy.QueryVisibleRenderers(drawDevice, this.collectRendererBuffer); if (this.rendererFilter.Count > 0) { this.collectRendererBuffer.RemoveAll(r => { for (int i = 0; i < this.rendererFilter.Count; i++) { if (!this.rendererFilter[i](r)) { return(true); } } return(false); }); } //Profile.TimeQueryVisibleRenderers.EndMeasure(); this.OnCollectRendererDrawcalls(drawDevice, this.collectRendererBuffer, visibilityStrategy.IsRendererQuerySorted); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("There was an error while {0} was collecting renderer drawcalls: {1}", this, /*LogFormat.Exception(*/ e /*)*/); } //Profile.TimeCollectDrawcalls.EndMeasure(); }
public static void Blit(this RenderSetup renderSetup, DrawDevice device, BatchInfo source, Rect screenRect) { device.Target = null; device.TargetSize = screenRect.Size; device.ViewportRect = screenRect; device.PrepareForDrawcalls(); device.AddFullscreenQuad(source, TargetResize.Stretch); device.Render(); }
private void Blit(DrawDevice device, BatchInfo source, RenderTarget target, Vector2 targetSize, Rect viewportRect) { device.Target = target; device.TargetSize = targetSize; device.ViewportRect = viewportRect; device.PrepareForDrawcalls(); device.AddFullscreenQuad(source, TargetResize.Stretch); device.Render(); }
protected override void OnRenderSingleStep(RenderStep step, Scene scene, DrawDevice drawDevice) { if (step.Id == "Resize") { ProcessResizeStep(drawDevice); } else { base.OnRenderSingleStep(step, scene, drawDevice); } }
public void initTextCBuffer() { DrawDevice dev = (DrawDevice)context.drawDevice; Action actClear = () => { GpuResources res = this; ComUtils.clear(ref res.m_staticCBufferForText); }; dev.fontTextures.subscriveResized(this, actClear); }
/// <summary> /// Called to render a scene from the perspective of a single, pre-configured drawing device. /// </summary> /// <param name="scene"></param> /// <param name="drawDevice"></param> /// <param name="viewportRect"></param> /// <param name="imageSize"></param> /// <param name="outputTargetRect"></param> protected virtual void OnRenderPointOfView(Scene scene, DrawDevice drawDevice, Rect viewportRect, Vector2 imageSize) { // Resize all render targets to the viewport size we're dealing with this.ApplyOutputAutoResize((Point2)viewportRect.Size); // Execute all steps in the rendering setup, as well as those that were added in this camera foreach (RenderStep step in this.steps) { this.RenderSingleStep(step, scene, drawDevice, viewportRect, imageSize); } }
protected override void OnRenderSingleStep(RenderStep step, Scene scene, DrawDevice drawDevice) { if (step.Id == "Bloom") { this.ProcessBloomStep(step, drawDevice); } else { base.OnRenderSingleStep(step, scene, drawDevice); } }
protected override void OnRenderState() { // Render game pov if (!Scene.Current.Cameras.Any()) { DrawDevice.RenderVoid(); } else { DualityApp.Render(); } }
private void SetupDrawDevice() { if (this.drawDevice != null && !this.drawDevice.Disposed) { return; } // The draw device can just use default settings, because all rendering // will overwrite the relevant values, such as render mode and target size. // It will never be used by the Cameras transform methods. this.drawDevice = new DrawDevice(); }
private void SetupTransformDevice() { if (this.transformDevice != null && !this.transformDevice.Disposed) { return; } // The transform device used only for calculating transform results in // the camera methods. It is never used for rendering. this.transformDevice = new DrawDevice(); this.transformDevice.TargetSize = DualityApp.TargetViewSize; }
private void SetupDevice() { if (this.drawDevice != null && !this.drawDevice.Disposed) { return; } this.drawDevice = new DrawDevice(); // Default to world space render mode, so coordinate conversions // work as expected regardless of rendering state. this.drawDevice.RenderMode = RenderMatrix.WorldSpace; }
/// <summary> /// Called to process the specified <see cref="RenderStep"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="step"></param> /// <param name="drawDevice"></param> protected virtual void OnRenderSingleStep(RenderStep step, Scene scene, DrawDevice drawDevice) { drawDevice.PrepareForDrawcalls(); if (step.Input == null) { this.CollectDrawcalls(step, scene, drawDevice); } else { drawDevice.AddFullscreenQuad(step.Input, step.InputResize); } drawDevice.Render(); }
private void ReleaseDevice() { if (this.drawDevice == null) return; this.drawDevice.Dispose(); this.drawDevice = null; }
private void SetupDevice() { if (this.drawDevice != null && !this.drawDevice.Disposed) return; this.drawDevice = new DrawDevice(); }
private Pixmap.Layer RenderToTexture(int width, int height, Action<Canvas> renderMethod) { Pixmap.Layer pixelData; using (Texture texture = new Texture(width, height, Texture.SizeMode.NonPowerOfTwo)) using (RenderTarget renderTarget = new RenderTarget(AAQuality.Off, texture)) using (DrawDevice device = new DrawDevice()) { device.Perspective = PerspectiveMode.Flat; device.VisibilityMask = VisibilityFlag.AllGroups | VisibilityFlag.ScreenOverlay; device.RenderMode = RenderMatrix.OrthoScreen; device.Target = renderTarget; device.ViewportRect = new Rect(renderTarget.Width, renderTarget.Height); device.BeginRendering(ClearFlag.All, ColorRgba.TransparentBlack, 1.0f); { Canvas canvas = new Canvas(device); renderMethod(canvas); } device.EndRendering(); RenderTarget.Bind(RenderTarget.None); pixelData = texture.RetrievePixelData(); } return pixelData; }