// Test for drawing on the canvas and update percentage

    public IEnumerator testDrawOnTheCanvas()
        DrawCanvas drawCanvas = GameObject.Find("Cover").GetComponent <DrawCanvas> ();

        Assert.AreNotEqual("Scan Complete!", drawCanvas.textPercent.text);

        for (float i = -2.3f; i < 1.4f; i += 0.4f)
            for (float j = 1.6f; j > -2f; j -= 0.4f)
                drawCanvas.BrushPlace(new Vector2(i, j));
                yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(0.05f));

                drawCanvas.Invoke("UpdatePercent", 0);

        Assert.AreEqual("Scan Complete!", drawCanvas.textPercent.text);         // When game is completed, textPercentage shows "Scan Complete!"

        yield return(null);