Пример #1
        public void SelectionChangeSlot(params object[] parameters)
            DraggableList.StopDrag(); // solves the bug of still dragging when view changed

            Transform selectedTransform = (Transform)parameters[0];
            bool      shouldDeselect    = false;

            if (null != selectedTransform)
                 * When the game object is selected (in the hierarchy window) we need to select the component on screen
                 * The component might not be created by this time, so we need to defer the component selection
                 * until the hierarchy change and delta processing
                 * */
                if (null != EditorState.Instance.Adapter && null != DesignerOverlay.Instance)
                    var selectedComponent = EditorState.Instance.Adapter.Component;
                    if (null != selectedComponent)
                        //Debug.Log("Immediate selection: " + _selectedComponent);
                        shouldDeselect       = true;
                        _doDefferedSelection = true;
                    _selectedComponent = null;
                    shouldDeselect     = true;
                shouldDeselect = true;

            if (shouldDeselect)
                if (null != DesignerOverlay.Instance)


        /// <summary>
        /// Fires when in-game GUI element clicked
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        internal static void ClickSlot(object[] parameters)
            if (!EditorSettings.InspectorEnabled)

             * 1. No component with adapter selected -> remove the hierarchy selection
             * */
            if (parameters.Length == 0)
                // ReSharper disable ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse
                if (DipSwitches.DeselectHierarchyOnNonAdaptedComponentSelection)
                // ReSharper restore ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse
#pragma warning disable 162
                    Selection.activeTransform = null;
#pragma warning restore 162

            Component comp = parameters[0] as Component;

            if (DebugMode)
                Debug.Log(string.Format("Component clicked in the game view: {0}", comp));

            DraggableList.StopDrag(); // solves the bug of still dragging when view changed

             * 2. The adapted component selected
             * */
            if (null != comp)
                 * 2.a) Get game object having adapter for this component attached<br/>
                 * If no adapter found, it means that this component is not bound to an adapter<br/>
                 * For instance Alert (created from code), or component created by an adapter working in factory mode
                 * */
                GameObject gameObject = GuiLookup.GetGameObject(comp);

                 * 2.b) Check if game object found
                 * If not, nullify the selection and return
                 * */
                if (null == gameObject)
                    Selection.activeTransform = null;

                 * 2.c) If game object found, ping it (highlight it) and select it
                 * Selecting it will in turn execute all the mechanisms for processing the selection change
                 * */
                //EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(gameObject); // ping
                Selection.activeTransform = gameObject.transform; // select

                if (parameters.Length > 1)
                    MouseEvent me = (MouseEvent)parameters[1];