private void DisplaySettingsChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //resolve any screen orientation change

            double oldLeft = this.Left;
            double oldTop  = this.Top;

            //resolve this problem: if screen resolution change, video windows show improperly
            //this.ChangeWindowState(WindowState.Normal);//if window is minimized, codes below will not get right result
            this.RestoreWindow(); //if window is minimized, codes below will not get right result
            Screen screen = DpiUtil.GetScreenByHandle(Handle);

            double ratio = 1;

                uint dpiX = 0;
                uint dpiY = 0;
                DpiUtil.GetDpiByScreen(screen, out dpiX, out dpiY);
                ratio = dpiX / 96d;
                if (ratio <= 0)
                    ratio = 1;
            catch (DllNotFoundException ex)
                ratio = 1;
                log.Warn("Cannot adjust window size for : " + ex.Message);

            if (this.Left >= screen.Bounds.Left / ratio && this.Left < ((screen.Bounds.Left + screen.Bounds.Width) / ratio))
                //window is not cross screen, nothing todo
                //reset default size when window cross screen
                double height = screen.Bounds.Height / 1.2d;
                double width  = height * _initialWidth / _initialHeight;

                Utils.MySetWindowPos(Handle, new Rect(screen.Bounds.Left + (screen.Bounds.Width - width) / 2, screen.Bounds.Top + (screen.Bounds.Height - height) / 2, width, height));
                _displaySettingChangedTime = DateTime.Now;
                //do this trick to refresh layout of all the video windows
        public void AdjustWindowSize()
            if (this._maximized)

                WinInfo winInfo       = GetWindowInfo();
                uint    dpiX          = 0;
                uint    dpiY          = 0;
                Screen  currentScreen = DpiUtil.GetScreenByHandle(Handle);
                DpiUtil.GetDpiByScreen(currentScreen, out dpiX, out dpiY);
                double ratioX = ((double)dpiX / 96d);
                double ratioY = ((double)dpiY / 96d);
                double maxCx  = (double)winInfo.maxCx / ratioX;
                double maxCy  = (double)winInfo.maxCy / ratioY;
                log.InfoFormat("Adjust window size, width={0}, height={1}, maxCx={2}, maxCy={3}, left={4}, top={5}, WindowState={6}, hash code={7}", this.Width, this.Height, maxCx, maxCy, this.Left, this.Top, this.WindowState, this.GetHashCode());
                // when the screen size is less than the specified size of main window, then set the size of main window
                // to a proper size.
                if (_initialWidth >= maxCx || _initialHeight >= maxCy)
                    double ratio = _initialWidth / (_initialHeight - _titlebarHeight);
                    if ((maxCx / (maxCy - _titlebarHeight)) > ratio)
                        this.Height = maxCy;
                        this.Width  = (maxCy - _titlebarHeight) * ratio;
                        this.Width  = maxCx;
                        this.Height = maxCx / ratio + _titlebarHeight;

                    Utils.MySetWindowPos(Handle, new Rect(currentScreen.Bounds.Left + (currentScreen.Bounds.Width - this.Width * ratioX) / 2, currentScreen.Bounds.Top + (currentScreen.Bounds.Height - this.Height * ratioY) / 2, this.Width * ratioX, this.Height * ratioY));

                    log.InfoFormat("window size is adjusted, width={0}, height={1}, hash code={2}", this.Width, this.Height, this.GetHashCode());
                    //_maxWinWhenLoaded = true;
                    //FullScreenStatus = false;
            catch (DllNotFoundException e)
                log.Debug("Cannot adjust window size for dll not found.");