private StatusHistory GetSampleStatusHistory(string teamId, DateTime date, DowntimeStatus status) { return(new StatusHistory { TeamId = teamId, Date = date, Status = status }); }
/* Path: /api/nodes/my/downtimes?key=<apikey>&page=<pageservernumber>&rows=<rowcount> * Optional Parameters: &nid=<nodeid> return only for specified node. e.g. &nid=435, &status=<status> where <status> is 'o' for open or 'c' for closed. e.g. &status=o * Return: Downtimes for all nodes associated with the API key. * Expected return: {"page":1,"total":79,"rowsperpage":"10","records":781,"rows":[{"id":120679,"fqdn":"","home":"","curserver":"","start":"2018-06-12T06:06:20.000Z","check":"2018-06-12T06:19:14.000Z","end":"2018-06-12T06:19:29.000Z","duration":789000,"dtype":"sys","nid":9}]} */ public static HorizenNodeAPIDataModels.MyDowntimes GetMyDowntimes(APIKey apikey, int pageservernumber, int rowcount, int?servernumber, int nodeid = 0, string category = null, DowntimeStatus downtimestatus = DowntimeStatus.NONE, ServerRegion serverregion = ServerRegion.NONE) { return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <HorizenNodeAPIDataModels.MyDowntimes>(GetQueryJson(apikey.APINodeType, serverregion, servernumber, APIPagedCallUrlParts.MyDowntimes(apikey, pageservernumber, rowcount, nodeid, downtimestatus, category)))); }
public static string MyDowntimes(APIKey apiKey, int pageNumber, int rowCount, int nodeId = 0, DowntimeStatus downtimeStatus = DowntimeStatus.NONE, string category = null) { var retVal = "/api/nodes/my/downtimes?key=" + apiKey.APIkey + "&page=" + pageNumber + "&rows=" + rowCount + (nodeId > 0 ? "&nid=" + nodeId : "") + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(category) ? "&cat=" + category : ""); switch (downtimeStatus) { case DowntimeStatus.OPEN: return(retVal + "&status=o"); case DowntimeStatus.CLOSED: return(retVal + "&status=c"); case DowntimeStatus.EXCLUDE: return(retVal + "&status=x"); case DowntimeStatus.NONE: default: return(retVal); } }