public static void SetCurtain(int frameMax, double destWhiteLevel, double startWhiteLevel) { frameMax = IntTools.ToRange(frameMax, 0, 3600); // 0 frame - 1 min destWhiteLevel = DoubleTools.ToRange(destWhiteLevel, -1.0, 1.0); startWhiteLevel = DoubleTools.ToRange(startWhiteLevel, -1.0, 1.0); CurtainQueue.Clear(); if (frameMax == 0) { CurtainQueue.Enqueue(destWhiteLevel); } for (int frmcnt = 0; frmcnt <= frameMax; frmcnt++) { double wl; if (frmcnt == 0) { wl = startWhiteLevel; } else if (frmcnt == frameMax) { wl = destWhiteLevel; } else { wl = startWhiteLevel + (destWhiteLevel - startWhiteLevel) * ((double)frmcnt / frameMax); } CurtainQueue.Enqueue(wl); } }
protected override void Invoke_02(string command, params string[] arguments) { int c = 0; if (command == ScenarioWords.COMMAND_画像) { int index = int.Parse(arguments[c++]); if (index < 0 || this.Images.Length <= index) { throw new DDError("Bad index: " + index); } this.ImageIndex = index; this.ImageDrawSize = DDUtils.AdjustRectExterior(this.Images[index].GetSize().ToD2Size(), new D4Rect(0, 0, DDConsts.Screen_W, DDConsts.Screen_H)).Size; this.ImageLTStart = new D2Point(DDConsts.Screen_W - this.ImageDrawSize.W, DDConsts.Screen_H - this.ImageDrawSize.H); //this.ImageLTEnd = new D2Point(0, 0); // 固定値なので更新しない。 } else if (command == ScenarioWords.COMMAND_Slide) { double rate1 = double.Parse(arguments[c++]); double rate2 = double.Parse(arguments[c++]); rate1 = DoubleTools.ToRange(rate1, 0.0, 1.0); rate2 = DoubleTools.ToRange(rate2, 0.0, 1.0); this.CurrDrawPosRate = rate1; this.DestDrawPosRate = rate2; } else { throw new DDError(); } }
public static void Report(double progressRate, BigInteger currentValue, string currValTrailer = "") { progressRate = DoubleTools.ToRange(progressRate, 0.0, 1.0); using (new MSection(Ground.MtxReport)) { File.WriteAllText(Consts.ReportFile, progressRate.ToString("F9") + "\n" + ToExponentNotation(ToString(currentValue)) + currValTrailer, Encoding.ASCII); } Ground.EvReported.Set(); }
public static double MixVolume(double volume1, double volume2) { volume1 = DoubleTools.ToRange(volume1, 0.0, 1.0); volume2 = DoubleTools.ToRange(volume2, 0.0, 1.0); double mixedVolume = volume1 * volume2 * 2.0; mixedVolume = DoubleTools.ToRange(mixedVolume, 0.0, 1.0); return(mixedVolume); }
public static double MixVolume(double volume1, double volume2) // (volume1, volume2): 0.0 - 1.0, ret: 0.0 - 1.0 { volume1 = DoubleTools.ToRange(volume1, 0.0, 1.0); volume2 = DoubleTools.ToRange(volume2, 0.0, 1.0); double mixedVolume = volume1 * volume2 * 2.0; // 0.0 - 2.0 mixedVolume = DoubleTools.ToRange(mixedVolume, 0.0, 1.0); return(mixedVolume); }
// // copied the source file by // public static void SetVolume(int handle, double volume) { volume = DoubleTools.ToRange(volume, 0.0, 1.0); int pal = DoubleTools.ToInt(volume * 255.0); if (pal < 0 || 255 < pal) throw new DDError(); // 2bs if (DX.ChangeVolumeSoundMem(pal, handle) != 0) // ? 失敗 throw new DDError(); }
private static void SetBlend(int mode, double a) { a = DoubleTools.ToRange(a, 0.0, 1.0); int pal = DoubleTools.ToInt(a * 255.0); if (pal < 0 || 255 < pal) { throw new GameError(); } if (DX.SetDrawBlendMode(mode, pal) != 0) // ? 失敗 { throw new GameError(); } }
private static void SetBright(double cR, double cG, double cB) // (cR, cG, cB): 0.0 - 1.0 == 暗~明 { // 0 - 255 と間違えている etc. // if (cR < -0.5 || 1.5 < cR) { throw new GameError(); } if (cG < -0.5 || 1.5 < cG) { throw new GameError(); } if (cB < -0.5 || 1.5 < cB) { throw new GameError(); } cR = DoubleTools.ToRange(cR, 0.0, 1.0); cG = DoubleTools.ToRange(cG, 0.0, 1.0); cB = DoubleTools.ToRange(cB, 0.0, 1.0); int palR = DoubleTools.ToInt(cR * 255.0); int palG = DoubleTools.ToInt(cG * 255.0); int palB = DoubleTools.ToInt(cB * 255.0); if (palR < 0 || 255 < palR) { throw new GameError(); } if (palG < 0 || 255 < palG) { throw new GameError(); } if (palB < 0 || 255 < palB) { throw new GameError(); } if (DX.SetDrawBright(palR, palG, palB) != 0) // ? 失敗 { throw new GameError(); } }
// // copied the source file by // public static void DrawCurtain(double whiteLevel = -1.0) { if (whiteLevel == 0.0) { return; } whiteLevel = DoubleTools.ToRange(whiteLevel, -1.0, 1.0); if (whiteLevel < 0.0) { DDDraw.SetAlpha(-whiteLevel); DDDraw.SetBright(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } else { DDDraw.SetAlpha(whiteLevel); } DDDraw.DrawRect(DDGround.GeneralResource.WhiteBox, 0, 0, DDConsts.Screen_W, DDConsts.Screen_H); DDDraw.Reset(); }
public static void MusicFade(int frameMax, double destVRate, double startVRate) { if (CurrDestMusic == null) { return; } frameMax = IntTools.ToRange(frameMax, 1, 3600); // 1 frame - 1 min destVRate = DoubleTools.ToRange(destVRate, 0.0, 1.0); startVRate = DoubleTools.ToRange(startVRate, 0.0, 1.0); for (int frmcnt = 0; frmcnt <= frameMax; frmcnt++) { double vRate; if (frmcnt == 0) { vRate = startVRate; } else if (frmcnt == frameMax) { vRate = destVRate; } else { vRate = startVRate + ((destVRate - startVRate) * frmcnt) / frameMax; } PlayList.Enqueue(CreatePI('V', CurrDestMusic, false, false, vRate)); } CurrDestMusicVolumeRate = destVRate; if (destVRate == 0.0) // ? フェード目標音量ゼロ -> 曲停止 { MusicStop(); } }
// // copied the source file by // public static void Range(ref double value, double minval, double maxval) { value = DoubleTools.ToRange(value, minval, maxval); }
private static void TitleConfig() { P_TitleBackWDest = DDConsts.Screen_W; DDEngine.FreezeInput(); for (; ;) { DDMouse.UpdatePos(); if (DDUtils.IsPound(DDMouse.L.GetInput())) { int x = DDMouse.X; int y = DDMouse.Y; if (DDUtils.IsOut(new D2Point(x, y), D4Rect.LTRB(270, 120, 470, 160)) == false) // [960x540] { DDMain.SetScreenSize(960, 540); } else if (DDUtils.IsOut(new D2Point(x, y), D4Rect.LTRB(530, 120, 800, 160)) == false) // [1440x810] { DDMain.SetScreenSize(1440, 810); } else if (DDUtils.IsOut(new D2Point(x, y), D4Rect.LTRB(270, 160, 470, 200)) == false) // [1920x1080] { DDMain.SetScreenSize(1920, 1080); } else if (DDUtils.IsOut(new D2Point(x, y), D4Rect.LTRB(530, 160, 800, 200)) == false) // [フルスクリーン] { int w = DDGround.MonitorRect.W; int h = (DDConsts.Screen_H * DDGround.MonitorRect.W) / DDConsts.Screen_W; if (DDGround.MonitorRect.H < h) { h = DDGround.MonitorRect.H; w = (DDConsts.Screen_W * DDGround.MonitorRect.H) / DDConsts.Screen_H; if (DDGround.MonitorRect.W < w) { throw new DDError(); } } DDMain.SetScreenSize(DDGround.MonitorRect.W, DDGround.MonitorRect.H); DDGround.RealScreenDraw_L = (DDGround.MonitorRect.W - w) / 2; DDGround.RealScreenDraw_T = (DDGround.MonitorRect.H - h) / 2; DDGround.RealScreenDraw_W = w; DDGround.RealScreenDraw_H = h; } else if (DDUtils.IsOut(new D2Point(x, y), D4Rect.LTRB(400, 240, 530, 280)) == false) { DDGround.MusicVolume += 0.01; } else if (DDUtils.IsOut(new D2Point(x, y), D4Rect.LTRB(550, 240, 690, 280)) == false) { DDGround.MusicVolume -= 0.01; } else if (DDUtils.IsOut(new D2Point(x, y), D4Rect.LTRB(700, 240, 900, 280)) == false) { DDGround.MusicVolume = DDConsts.DefaultVolume; } else if (DDUtils.IsOut(new D2Point(x, y), D4Rect.LTRB(400, 320, 530, 360)) == false) { DDGround.SEVolume += 0.01; } else if (DDUtils.IsOut(new D2Point(x, y), D4Rect.LTRB(550, 320, 690, 360)) == false) { DDGround.SEVolume -= 0.01; } else if (DDUtils.IsOut(new D2Point(x, y), D4Rect.LTRB(700, 320, 900, 360)) == false) { DDGround.SEVolume = DDConsts.DefaultVolume; } else if (DDUtils.IsOut(new D2Point(x, y), D4Rect.LTRB(270, 400, 600, 440)) == false) { TitleConfigResetPlayData(); } else if (DDUtils.IsOut(new D2Point(x, y), D4Rect.LTRB(830, 480, 930, 520)) == false) { break; } DDGround.MusicVolume = DoubleTools.ToRange(DDGround.MusicVolume, 0.0, 1.0); DDGround.SEVolume = DoubleTools.ToRange(DDGround.SEVolume, 0.0, 1.0); } DrawWall(); DrawTitleBack(); PrintByFont.SetPrint(); PrintByFont.Print(""); PrintByFont.Print(" 設定"); PrintByFont.Print(""); PrintByFont.Print(" 画面サイズ [960x540] [1440x810]"); PrintByFont.Print(" [1920x1080] [フルスクリーン]"); PrintByFont.Print(""); PrintByFont.Print(string.Format(" BGM音量 {0:F2} [上げる] [下げる] [デフォルト]", DDGround.MusicVolume)); PrintByFont.Print(""); PrintByFont.Print(string.Format(" SE音量 {0:F2} [上げる] [下げる] [デフォルト]", DDGround.SEVolume)); PrintByFont.Print(""); PrintByFont.Print(" プレイデータリセット"); PrintByFont.Print(""); PrintByFont.Print(" [戻る]"); DDEngine.EachFrame(); } }