void SpawnNewTilesAndRelocate(List <DoubleInt> tilesCoords) { DoubleInt grid = bGenerator.Grid; for (int y = 0; y < grid.y; y++) { foreach (var coord in tilesCoords) { offsetX = currentMatchCountList[y]; if (coord.y == y) { GameObject tileGO; if (cManager.IsTutorial) { tileGO = bGenerator.CreatePresetTile(grid.x + offsetX, coord.x, y); } else { tileGO = bGenerator.CreateTile(grid.x + offsetX, y); } Tile tile = tileGO.GetComponent <Tile>(); tile.Coord.x = coord.x; Board[coord.x, coord.y] = tileGO; tilesToManualMove.Add(tile); currentMatchCountList[y]++; } } } MoveAllTilesToItsDesiredLocation(); }
void OnMatchingDone(List <Tile> tiles) { int count = tiles.Count; DoubleInt max = bGenerator.Grid; currentMatchCountList = new List <int>(); cManager.ChangeCombatState(CombatState.MatchClearing); //Won't Affect Tiles OnStartBoardEffect.Invoke(tiles); //Get How much tiles need to be fill for every row for (int y = 0; y < max.y; y++) { currentMatchCountList.Add(0); } foreach (var item in tiles) { ClearMatchedTiles(item.Coord.x, item.Coord.y); } OnDestroyTiles.Invoke(); //Camera Shake camShake.CameraShakeByInput(ShakeStrength, ShakeTimer); }
public StoreItem(int itemId, int productId, int count, int currency, string exchange, string requireMission, int storeId, float chance = 1f) { this.itemId = itemId; this.productId = productId; this.count = count; this.currency = currency; this.exchange = new DoubleInt(exchange, ':'); string[] reqMissions = requireMission.Split(','); requireMissions = new int[reqMissions.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < requireMissions.Length; i++) { requireMissions[i] = int.Parse(reqMissions[i]); } this.storeId = storeId; this.chance = chance; }
public WeaponItem(JSONNode node) { Main.Dbgl("1"); this.name = node["name"]; this.description = node["description"]; this.effect = node["effect"]; this.buyPrice = node["buyPrice"].AsInt; this.sellPrice = new DoubleInt(node["sellPrice"], ':'); this.iconPath = node["iconPath"]; this.modelPath = node["modelPath"]; this.dropModelPath = node["dropModelPath"]; this.displayScale = node["displayScale"].AsFloat; this.orderIndex = node["orderIndex"].AsInt; this.source = node["source"]; this.intendType = node["intendType"].AsInt; string temp = node["skillIds"]; string[] skillTemp = temp.Split(','); if (skillTemp.Length > 0) { this.skillIds = new int[skillTemp.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < skillTemp.Length; i++) { this.skillIds[i] = int.Parse(skillTemp[i]); } } this.attack = node["attack"].AsInt; this.defense = node["defense"].AsInt; this.critical = node["critical"].AsFloat; this.antiCritical = node["antiCritical"].AsFloat; this.hpMax = node["hpMax"].AsFloat; this.cpMax = node["cpMax"].AsFloat; this.alwaysOnHand = node["alwaysOnHand"].AsBool; this.holdInBothHands = node["holdInBothHands"].AsBool; this.digGridCount = node["digGridCount"].AsFloat; this.digIntensity = node["digIntensity"].AsFloat; this.rate = node["rate"].AsFloat; this.meleeCriticalAmount = node["meleeCriticalAmount"].AsFloat; this.storeId = node["storeId"].AsInt; this.chance = node["chance"].AsInt; }
bool CheckIsSurround(DoubleInt passiveCoord, DoubleInt coord) { if (passiveCoord.x - 1 == coord.x && passiveCoord.y == coord.y || passiveCoord.x + 1 == coord.x && passiveCoord.y == coord.y || passiveCoord.y + 1 == coord.y && passiveCoord.x == coord.x || passiveCoord.y - 1 == coord.y && passiveCoord.x == coord.x || passiveCoord.x - 1 == coord.x && passiveCoord.y - 1 == coord.y || passiveCoord.x + 1 == coord.x && passiveCoord.y - 1 == coord.y || passiveCoord.x - 1 == coord.x && passiveCoord.y + 1 == coord.y || passiveCoord.x + 1 == coord.x && passiveCoord.y + 1 == coord.y) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
void DoConnectable(Tile tile) { DoubleInt coord = tile.Coord; DoubleInt passiveCoord = Tiles.Last().Coord; if (CheckIsSurround(passiveCoord, coord) == false || SelectedTileType.Count == 0) { return; } if (tile.Type != SelectedTileType[SelectedTileType.IndexOf(CurrentSelectedTileType)] && Tiles.Count >= IntervalCount * SelectedTileType.Count && CheckValidToNextTileType()) { CurrentSelectedTileType = tile.Type; SelectedTileType.Add(CurrentSelectedTileType); } if (tile.Type == CurrentSelectedTileType) { tile.GroupIndex = SelectedTileType.Count; AddTile(tile); } }
private static void Junk() { SqliteDataReader sqliteDataReader = LocalDb.cur.ReadFullTable("Item_equipment"); while (sqliteDataReader.Read()) { int @int = sqliteDataReader.GetInt32(sqliteDataReader.GetOrdinal("orderId")); string @string = sqliteDataReader.GetString(sqliteDataReader.GetOrdinal("itemReq")); string string2 = sqliteDataReader.GetString(sqliteDataReader.GetOrdinal("gold")); string string3 = sqliteDataReader.GetString(sqliteDataReader.GetOrdinal("exp")); string string4 = sqliteDataReader.GetString(sqliteDataReader.GetOrdinal("relationship")); string string5 = sqliteDataReader.GetString(sqliteDataReader.GetOrdinal("workshoppt")); string string6 = sqliteDataReader.GetString(sqliteDataReader.GetOrdinal("level")); string[] array = string6.Split(new char[] { '_' }); int num = int.Parse(array[0]); int num2 = -1; if (array.Length > 1) { num2 = int.Parse(array[1]); } int int2 = sqliteDataReader.GetInt32(sqliteDataReader.GetOrdinal("weight")); int int3 = sqliteDataReader.GetInt32(sqliteDataReader.GetOrdinal("deadline")); string[] array2 = @string.Split(new char[] { '_' }); int num3 = int.Parse(array2[0]); DoubleInt doubleInt = DoubleInt.ParseDoubleId(array2[1], '-'); List <int> list = new List <int>(); List <int> list2 = new List <int>(); string string7 = sqliteDataReader.GetString(sqliteDataReader.GetOrdinal("season")); string string8 = sqliteDataReader.GetString(sqliteDataReader.GetOrdinal("weather")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(string7) && string7 != "-1") { string[] array3 = string7.Split(new char[] { ',' }); foreach (string s in array3) { list.Add(int.Parse(s)); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(string8) && string8 != "-1") { string[] array5 = string8.Split(new char[] { ',' }); foreach (string s2 in array5) { list2.Add(int.Parse(s2)); } } DoubleInt di2 = DoubleInt.ParseDoubleId(string2, '-'); DoubleInt di3 = DoubleInt.ParseDoubleId(string3, '-'); DoubleInt di4 = DoubleInt.ParseDoubleId(string4, '-'); DoubleInt di5 = DoubleInt.ParseDoubleId(string5, '-'); Dbgl(@int + " " + ItemDataMgr.Self.GetItemName(num3) + ": RequirementData.refDataDic.Add(index, reqDatas[index] = new RequirementData(index++," + num3 + ", new DoubleInt(" + doubleInt.id0 + "," + doubleInt.id1 + "), new DoubleInt(" + di2.id0 + "," + di2.id1 + "), new DoubleInt(" + di3.id0 + "," + di3.id1 + "), new DoubleInt(" + di4.id0 + "," + di4.id1 + "), new DoubleInt(" + di5.id0 + "," + di5.id1 + ")," + num + "," + num2 + "," + int2 + "," + int3 + ", new int[]{" + string.Join(",", list.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()) + "},new int[]{" + string.Join(",", list2.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()) + "}));", false); } }
public bool WriteAsm(string asm) { MethodDefTable m = this.pedata.idxm.GetTable(this.pedata.cli.EntryPointToken) as MethodDefTable; if (m == null) { System.Console.WriteLine("Can not find entry point!"); return(false); } this.entryPoint = m.Tag as MethodData; System.Console.WriteLine("Entry Point: {0}", this.entryPoint.FullName); bool ok = true; FileStream fs = new FileStream(asm, FileMode.Create); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs); this.hashUS = new Hashtable(); this.listUS = new ArrayList(); if (this.pedata.usrstr != null) { int ad = this.pedata.usrstr.GetDataOffset(), ptr = 1; while (this.data[ad + ptr] != 0 && ptr < this.pedata.usrstr.Size) { DoubleInt dataSize = this.pedata.usrstr.GetDataSize(ad + ptr); byte[] bytes = Girl.PEAnalyzer.Util.GetBytes(this.data, ad + ptr + dataSize.A, dataSize.B); this.hashUS[ptr] = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytes, 0, dataSize.B - 1); ptr += dataSize.A + dataSize.B; } } this.number = 0; sw.WriteLine("; This file was automatically generated by IL2Asm16."); if (this.pre != null) { this.InsertFile(sw, this.pre); } sw.WriteLine(); sw.WriteLine("[bits 16]"); if (!this.noMain) { sw.WriteLine("jmp {0}", this.jumpTo); sw.WriteLine(); sw.WriteLine("ILMain:"); foreach (object obj in this.pedata.idxm.Tables[(int)MetadataTables.TypeDef]) { TypeDefTable t = obj as TypeDefTable; foreach (object obj2 in t.Children[(int)Children.DefMethod]) { MethodDefTable mdt = obj2 as MethodDefTable; MethodData md = mdt.Tag as MethodData; if (!md.Name.EndsWith("::.cctor")) { continue; } sw.WriteLine("\tcall\t{0}", Util.MangleFunction(md)); } } sw.WriteLine("\tcall\t{0}", Util.MangleFunction(this.entryPoint)); sw.WriteLine("\tret"); } foreach (object obj in this.pedata.idxm.Tables[(int)MetadataTables.TypeDef]) { TypeDefTable t = obj as TypeDefTable; sw.WriteLine(); if (!this.WriteAsm(sw, t)) { ok = false; } } if (this.listUS.Count > 0) { sw.WriteLine(); this.listUS.Sort(); foreach (object obj in this.listUS) { int ptr = (int)obj; string str = this.hashUS[ptr] as string; bool instr = false; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (char ch in str) { if (ch < ' ') { if (instr) { sb.Append('\"'); instr = false; } if (sb.Length > 0) { sb.Append(", "); } sb.AppendFormat("0x{0:x2}", (int)ch); } else { if (!instr) { sb.Append('\"'); instr = true; } sb.Append(ch); } } if (instr) { sb.Append('\"'); } sw.WriteLine("US_{0:X8} db {1}, {2}, 0x00", ptr, str.Length, sb); } } if (this.post != null) { this.InsertFile(sw, this.post); } sw.Close(); fs.Close(); return(ok); }