public override void OnDotSelected(Dot dot) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastCheckedId) && lastCheckedId == dot.Index.ToString()) { return; } lastCheckedId = dot.Index.ToString(); if (selectedDots.Count == 0) { AddDot (dot); } else if(selectedDots[0].GetDotType() == dot.GetDotType() && isNeighbor (dot)) { Dot lastDot = selectedDots[selectedDots.Count-1]; string edge = dot.Index < lastDot.Index ? dot.Index + ":" + lastDot.Index : lastDot.Index + ":" + dot.Index; int edgeIndex = selectedEdges.IndexOf(edge); if(edgeIndex >= 0) { if(edgeIndex == selectedEdges.Count-1) { UndoLastMove(); } return; } AddDot (dot, edge); } }
public float[,] GenerateHeightmap() { fullCells = 0; hmap = new float[size, size]; // Build heightMap for (int x = 0; x < size; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < size; y++) { hmap[x, y] = 0f; } } while (maxFC > fullCells) { if (fullCells == 0) target = new Dot(size / 2, size / 2); else { target = new Dot (rand.Next(0, size - 1), rand.Next (0, size - 1)); } for (int i = 0; i < moleCount; i++) { if (fullCells >= maxFC) break; int power = (fullCells + molePower > maxFC) ? maxFC - fullCells : molePower; Mole (target, power); } } return hmap; }
public override Solvability CheckSolvability(Dot[,] board) { int columns = board.GetLength (0); int rows = board.GetLength (1); HashSet<string> dotTypeSet = new HashSet<string>(); for (int i = 0; i<columns; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < rows; j++) { Dot dot = board[i,j]; dotTypeSet.Add(dot.GetDotType()); if(i+1 < columns && board[i+1,j].GetDotType() == dot.GetDotType()) { return Solvability.HAS_MOVES; } if(j+1 < rows && board[i,j+1].GetDotType() == dot.GetDotType()) { return Solvability.HAS_MOVES; } } } if (columns * rows <= dotTypeSet.Count) { return Solvability.UNSOLVABLE; } else { return Solvability.NO_MOVES; } }
public void SetCurrentDot(Dot current) { if(currentSelection != null) { previousSelection = currentSelection; } currentSelection = current; }
//конструктор класса public Relaitions(Dot d1,Dot d2) { d1.InRelation =true; d2.InRelation = true; this.d1 = d1; this.d2 = d2; //Own = (int)OwnerDot; }
void Mole(Dot Pl, int Po) { Dot place = Pl; int power = Po; while (power > 0) { int r = rand.Next (1, 1000); int newX; int newY; if (r < 126) { newX = place.x - 1; newY = place.y - 1; } else if (r < 251) { newX = place.x - 1; newY = place.y; } else if (r < 376) { newX = place.x - 1; newY = place.y + 1; } else if (r < 501) { newX = place.x; newY = place.y + 1; } else if (r < 626) { newX = place.x + 1; newY = place.y + 1; } else if (r < 751) { newX = place.x; newY = place.y + 1; } else if (r < 876) { newX = place.x + 1; newY = place.y - 1; } else { newX = place.x; newY = place.y - 1; } if (newX < 0 || newY < 0 || newX > (size - 1) || newY > (size - 1) ) continue; place = new Dot(newX, newY); if (hmap[newX, newY] == 0f) { hmap[newX, newY] = (float)height; power--; fullCells++; } } }
public Dot GetDotByBoardPosition(float x, float y) { Dot returnDot = new Dot(); foreach(Dot dot in boardDots) { Vector2 pos = new Vector2(x,y); if(dot.boardPosition == pos) { returnDot = dot; break; } } return returnDot; }
public void Init( Texture aTexture , int aiMaxIndex, int iDotSize, float afTimeBetweenMoves) { texture = aTexture; iMaxIndex = aiMaxIndex; dotLeft = new Dot(); dotLeft.vSize = new Vector2(iDotSize,iDotSize); dotLeft.vPosition =; dotRight = new Dot(); dotRight.vSize = new Vector2(iDotSize,iDotSize); dotRight.vPosition =; fTimeBetweenMoves = afTimeBetweenMoves; }
public void ClearAllDotsOfType(Dot dot) { bool needsUpdate = false; for (int i = 0; i< columns; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < rows; j++) { if(dot.GetDotType() == (dots[i,j]).GetDotType()) { needsUpdate = true; ClearDotAtPos(i,j); } } } if (needsUpdate) { UpdateBoard(); } }
private static void EnsurePreviewGenerated(Dot dot, Func<ISOMInput, Tuple<UIElement, VectorInt>> getPreview) { if (dot.Preview != null) { return; } var previewRaw = getPreview(dot.Input); dot.Preview = new Border() { BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(192, dot.Color.R, dot.Color.G, dot.Color.B)), BorderThickness = new Thickness(2), CornerRadius = new CornerRadius(2), Child = previewRaw.Item1, }; dot.PreviewSize = new VectorInt(previewRaw.Item2.X + 4, previewRaw.Item2.Y + 4); }
private static IEnumerable<Tuple<Dot, Dot, double>> BuildDot_Distances(Dot dot, IEnumerable<Dot> otherDots) { double mult = .5d / Math.Sqrt(dot.Input.Weights.Length); // the .5 doesn't mean anything. It just helps control overall distance foreach (Dot other in otherDots) { double distance = MathND.GetDistance(dot.Input.Weights, other.Input.Weights) * mult; yield return Tuple.Create(dot, other, distance); } }
public void AddItems(IEnumerable<ISOMInput> items) { foreach (ISOMInput item in items) { Point3D position = Math3D.GetRandomVector_Spherical(RADIUS).ToPoint(); Dot dot = new Dot() { IsStatic = false, Input = item, Color = GetDotColor(item), Position = position, Translate_3DDot = new TranslateTransform3D(position.ToVector()), }; dot.Geometry_3DDot = BuildDot_Visual(_modelGroup, _dotGeometry, _dotMaterials, _specular, dot.Color, dot.Translate_3DDot); _distances.AddRange(BuildDot_Distances(dot, _dots.Concat(_staticDots))); _dots.Add(dot); } //TODO: Do this in a separate thread. Don't store the dots and distances in global variables until after this finishes (that's a lot of work though for very little gain) MoveDots(_dots, _distances, chk3D.IsChecked.Value, 1500, RADIUS / 10000); foreach (Dot dot in _dots) { dot.Translate_3DDot.OffsetX = dot.Position.X; dot.Translate_3DDot.OffsetY = dot.Position.Y; dot.Translate_3DDot.OffsetZ = dot.Position.Z; } }
private void ShowPreview(Dot dot, Point position) { if (_getPreview == null) { return; } EnsurePreviewGenerated(dot, _getPreview); Canvas.SetLeft(dot.Preview, position.X - (dot.PreviewSize.X / 2d)); Canvas.SetTop(dot.Preview, position.Y - (dot.PreviewSize.Y / 2d)); canvas.Children.Add(dot.Preview); }
private void pbxBoard_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { game.MousePos = game.TranslateCoordinates(e.Location); Dot dot = new Dot(game.MousePos.X, game.MousePos.Y); if (game.MousePos.X > game.startX - 0.5f & game.MousePos.Y > game.startY - 0.5f) { switch (e.Button) { case MouseButtons.Left: #region PatternEditor #if DEBUG if (game.PE_On==true) { if(game.ListPatterns.Contains(game.aDots[dot.x, dot.y])==false) { game.ListPatterns.Add(game.aDots[dot.x, dot.y]); } if (game.PE_EmptyDot) { if (game.aDots[dot.x, dot.y].PatternsAnyDot) game.aDots[dot.x, dot.y].PatternsAnyDot = false; game.aDots[dot.x, dot.y].PatternsEmptyDot = true; } if (game.PE_FirstDot) { game.aDots[dot.x, dot.y].PatternsFirstDot = true; game.PE_FirstDot = false; pbxBoard.Invalidate(); game.PE_MoveDot = true; MessageBox.Show("Ставьте точку хода (ЛКМ), на точку отмеченную как пустую"); break; } if (game.PE_MoveDot) { game.aDots[dot.x, dot.y].PatternsMoveDot = true; game.PE_MoveDot = false; } if (game.PE_AnyDot) { if (game.aDots[dot.x, dot.y].PatternsEmptyDot) game.aDots[dot.x, dot.y].PatternsEmptyDot = false; game.aDots[dot.x, dot.y].PatternsAnyDot = true; } break; } #endif #endregion #region Ходы игроков if (game.aDots[game.MousePos.X, game.MousePos.Y].Own > 0) break;//предовращение хода если клик был по занятой точке if (player_move == 2 | player_move == 0) { #if DEBUG if ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift | game.Autoplay) { MoveGamer(1, new Dot(game.MousePos.X, game.MousePos.Y, 1)); break; } #endif if (MoveGamer(1, new Dot(game.MousePos.X, game.MousePos.Y, 1)) > 0) break; player_move = 1; //Application.DoEvents(); } //============Ход компьютера================= if (player_move == 1) { game.Redraw = false; if (MoveGamer(2) > 0) break; //if (MoveGamer(2) > 0) break; game.Redraw=true; player_move = 2; } #endregion break; #if DEBUG //паттерны и пр. case MouseButtons.Right: if (game.PE_On == true) { game.MakePattern(); break; } else { //============Ход компьютера в ручном режиме================= MoveGamer(2, new Dot(dot.x, dot.y, 2)); } break; case MouseButtons.Middle: if (game.PE_On == true) { game.ListPatterns.Remove(game.aDots[dot.x, dot.y]); break; } game.ListMoves.Remove(game.aDots[dot.x, dot.y]); game.UndoMove(dot.x, dot.y); break; #endif } } //lstMoves.DataSource = null; //lstMoves.DataSource = game.ListMoves; //if (lstMoves.Items.Count > 0) lstMoves.SetSelected(lstMoves.Items.Count - 1, true); //rtbStat.Text = game.Statistic(); }
public void Enumerate(List <Item> items) { if (hasEnumrate) { EB.Debug.Log("---Apple---Enumerate()"); foreach (var item in items) { item.valid = true; } if (_config.OnEnumerate != null) { _config.OnEnumerate(); } } else { var productIds = ArrayUtils.Map <Item, string>(items, delegate(Item item) { return(item.productId); }); var offersString = ArrayUtils.Join(productIds, ','); _onEnumerate += delegate(string json) { var objects = JSON.Parse(json) as ArrayList; foreach (var item in items) { item.valid = false; foreach (var obj in objects) { if (Dot.String("productIdentifier", obj, string.Empty) == item.productId) { item.valid = true; string localeIdentifier = Dot.String("localeIdentifier", obj, string.Empty); string[] localeIdentifierData = localeIdentifier.Split('='); if (localeIdentifierData.Length > 1) { item.currencyCode = localeIdentifierData[1]; } else { item.currencyCode = string.Empty; } //item.localizedTitle = Dot.String("localizedTitle", obj, string.Empty); //item.localizedDesc = Dot.String("localizedDescription", obj, string.Empty); item.localizedCost = Dot.String("localizedPrice", obj, string.Empty); item.cost = Dot.Single("price", obj, item.cost); item.cents = Dot.Integer("cents", obj, (int)item.cost * 100); break; } } } if (_config.OnEnumerate != null) { _config.OnEnumerate(); } hasEnumrate = true; }; EB.Debug.Log("---Apple---Enumerate():items.Count:{0},Enumerating IAP: {1}", items.Count, offersString); _IAPEnumerate(offersString); } }
void PenCommV2Callbacks.onReceiveDot(IPenComm sender, Dot dot, ImageProcessingInfo info) { }
public abstract void OnDotSelected(Dot dot);
public void Visit(Dot dot) => Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(Dot)} area: {0}");
public bool Compare(Dot dot) { return(Type == dot.Type); }
void Awake() { if (dotsArre == null) { Debug.Log("ARRE IS NULL"); DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); dotsArre = this; float windowaspect = (float)Screen.width / (float)Screen.height; //float targetaspect = 16.0f / 9.0f; dots = new Dot[80]; Debug.Log("New dot array"); float unit = windowaspect * 0.6f; //GameObject dot1 = Instantiate (Resources.Load("dot"),new Vector2(unit,unit), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; int i = 0; for (int h = 0; h < boardSizeH; h++) { if (h % 2 == 0) { float posX = -(((boardSizeW - 1) / 2) * unit); float posY = -(boardSizeH / 2) * (unit) + h * (unit); for (int w = 0; w < boardSizeW - 1; w++) { Vector2 pos = new Vector2(posX, posY); int totNei = 6; GameObject dot = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dot"), pos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; Dot dotScr = dot.GetComponent <Dot>(); dot.transform.parent = transform; dots[i] = dotScr; if (h == 0 || h == boardSizeH - 1) { totNei -= 2; } if (w == 0 || w == boardSizeW - 2) { totNei -= 1; } dotScr.Initialize(i, h, w, totNei); posX += unit; i++; } } else { float posX = -((boardSizeW) / 2) * unit + 0.5f; //Debug.Log("!=%2" + posX); float posY = -(boardSizeH / 2) * unit + h * unit; for (int w = 0; w < boardSizeW; w++) { Vector2 pos = new Vector2(posX, posY); int totNei = 6; GameObject dot = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dot"), pos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; Dot dotScr = dot.GetComponent <Dot>(); dot.transform.parent = transform; dots[i] = dotScr; if (h == 0 || h == boardSizeH - 1) { totNei -= 2; } if (w == 0 || w == boardSizeW - 1) { totNei -= 3; } dotScr.Initialize(i, h, w, totNei); i++; posX += unit; } } } Debug.Log("OK"); fillNeighbors(); } else if (dotsArre != this) { Debug.Log("ARRE NOT NULL"); Destroy(gameObject); } }
// Check to which direction the arrangement is made. 0 if none, 1 if upward, 2 if to the right, 3 if downward, 4 if to the left, 5 if vertical middle, 6 if horizontal middle public int DotMakeAnArrangement(Dot dot) { //check dots upward if ( IsDotExistOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y + 1, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)) && IsDotExistOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y + 2, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)) ) { Dot up1Dot = DotOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y + 1, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)); Dot up2Dot = DotOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y + 2, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)); if (dot.colorID == up1Dot.colorID && dot.colorID == up2Dot.colorID ) { Debug.Log("Make an arrangement of dots upward!"); up1Dot.associatedGameObject.SetActive(false); up2Dot.associatedGameObject.SetActive(false); dot.associatedGameObject.SetActive(false); //generate a new dot GenerateDot(up1Dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position); GenerateDot(up2Dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position); GenerateDot(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position); return(1); } } //check dots downward if ( IsDotExistOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y - 1, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)) && IsDotExistOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y - 2, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)) ) { Dot down1Dot = DotOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y - 1, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)); Dot down2Dot = DotOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y - 2, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)); if (dot.colorID == down1Dot.colorID && dot.colorID == down2Dot.colorID ) { Debug.Log("Make an arrangement of dots downward!"); down1Dot.associatedGameObject.SetActive(false); down2Dot.associatedGameObject.SetActive(false); dot.associatedGameObject.SetActive(false); //generate a new dot GenerateDot(down1Dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position); GenerateDot(down2Dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position); GenerateDot(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position); return(3); } } //check dots to the left if ( IsDotExistOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x - 1, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)) && IsDotExistOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x - 2, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)) ) { Dot left1Dot = DotOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x - 1, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)); Dot left2Dot = DotOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x - 2, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)); if (dot.colorID == left1Dot.colorID && dot.colorID == left2Dot.colorID ) { Debug.Log("Make an arrangement of dots to the left!"); left1Dot.associatedGameObject.SetActive(false); left2Dot.associatedGameObject.SetActive(false); dot.associatedGameObject.SetActive(false); //generate a new dot GenerateDot(left1Dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position); GenerateDot(left2Dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position); GenerateDot(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position); return(4); } } //check dots to the right if ( IsDotExistOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x + 1, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)) && IsDotExistOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x + 2, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)) ) { Dot right1Dot = DotOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x + 1, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)); Dot right2Dot = DotOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x + 2, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)); if (dot.colorID == right1Dot.colorID && dot.colorID == right2Dot.colorID ) { Debug.Log("Make an arrangement of dots to the right!"); right1Dot.associatedGameObject.SetActive(false); right2Dot.associatedGameObject.SetActive(false); dot.associatedGameObject.SetActive(false); //generate a new dot GenerateDot(right1Dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position); GenerateDot(right2Dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position); GenerateDot(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position); return(2); } } //check dots middle horizontal if ( IsDotExistOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x + 1, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)) && IsDotExistOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x - 1, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)) ) { Dot right1Dot = DotOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x + 1, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)); Dot left1Dot = DotOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x - 1, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)); if (dot.colorID == right1Dot.colorID && dot.colorID == left1Dot.colorID ) { Debug.Log("Make an arrangement of dots middle horizontal!"); right1Dot.associatedGameObject.SetActive(false); left1Dot.associatedGameObject.SetActive(false); dot.associatedGameObject.SetActive(false); //generate a new dot GenerateDot(right1Dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position); GenerateDot(left1Dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position); GenerateDot(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position); return(6); } } //check dots middle vertical if ( IsDotExistOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y + 1, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)) && IsDotExistOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y - 1, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)) ) { Dot up1Dot = DotOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y + 1, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)); Dot down1Dot = DotOnPosition(new Vector3(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.x, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.y - 1, dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position.z)); if (dot.colorID == up1Dot.colorID && dot.colorID == down1Dot.colorID ) { Debug.Log("Make an arrangement of dots middle vertical!"); up1Dot.associatedGameObject.SetActive(false); down1Dot.associatedGameObject.SetActive(false); dot.associatedGameObject.SetActive(false); //generate a new dot GenerateDot(up1Dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position); GenerateDot(down1Dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position); GenerateDot(dot.associatedGameObject.transform.position); return(5); } } return(0); }
// Step 7. Get Dot(Pen to App) void PenSignal.onReceiveDot(Dot dot) { processDot(dot); }
//initialise stat, call when tower is first built private void InitStat() { //level=1; cooldown=baseStat.cooldown; range=baseStat.range; if(type==_TowerType.TurretTower || type==_TowerType.DirectionalAOETower || type==_TowerType.AOETower || type==_TowerType.Mine){ damage=baseStat.damage; clipSize=baseStat.clipSize; currentClip=clipSize; if(currentClip<=0) currentClip=-1; reloadDuration=baseStat.reloadDuration; aoeRadius=baseStat.aoeRadius; stunDuration=baseStat.stunDuration; slow=baseStat.slow;; } else if(type==_TowerType.SupportTower){ buff=baseStat.buff; } else if(type==_TowerType.ResourceTower){ incomes=baseStat.incomes; } if(baseStat.shootObject!=null){ shootObject=baseStat.shootObject.gameObject; } else{ if(type==_TowerType.TurretTower){ GameObject tempObj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); tempObj.AddComponent<ShootObject>();; shootObject=tempObj; } } if(baseStat.turretObject!=null){ turretObject=baseStat.turretObject; } if(baseStat.barrelObject!=null){ barrelObject=baseStat.barrelObject; } //since this is initialization, update shootpoint regardless of if there's a turretObject UpdateShootPoint(); if(baseStat.baseObject!=null){ baseObject=baseStat.baseObject; } UpdateTowerValue(); }
private MatchType ColumnOrRow() { //make a copy of current matches List <GameObject> matchCopy = findMatches.currentMatches as List <GameObject>; matchType.type = 0; matchType.color = ""; //Cycle through all of match copy and decide if a bomb needs to be made for (int i = 0; i < matchCopy.Count; i++) { //Store this dot Dot thisDot = matchCopy[i].GetComponent <Dot>(); string color = matchCopy[i].tag; int column = thisDot.column; int row = thisDot.row; int columnMatch = 0; int rowMatch = 0; //Cycle through the rest of the pieces and compare for (int j = 0; j < matchCopy.Count; j++) { //Store the next dot Dot nextDot = matchCopy[j].GetComponent <Dot>(); if (nextDot == thisDot) { continue; } if (nextDot.column == thisDot.column && nextDot.tag == color) { columnMatch++; } if (nextDot.row == thisDot.row && nextDot.tag == color) { rowMatch++; } } //Return 3 if color or row //Return 2 if adjacent //Return 1 if color bomb if (columnMatch == 4 || rowMatch == 4) { matchType.type = 1; matchType.color = color; return(matchType); } else if (columnMatch == 2 && rowMatch == 2) { matchType.type = 2; matchType.color = color; return(matchType); } else if (columnMatch == 3 || rowMatch == 3) { matchType.type = 3; matchType.color = color; return(matchType); } } matchType.type = 0; matchType.color = ""; return(matchType); /* * int numberHorizontal = 0; * int numberVertical = 0; * Dot firstPice = findMatches.currentMatches[0].GetComponent<Dot>(); * * if (firstPice != null) * { * foreach (GameObject currentPice in findMatches.currentMatches) * { * Dot dot = currentPice.GetComponent<Dot>(); * if (dot.row == firstPice.row) * { * numberHorizontal++; * * } * if (dot.column == firstPice.column) * { * numberVertical++; * * } * } * } * * return (numberVertical == 5 || numberHorizontal == 5); */ }
public Dot Clone() { Dot clone=new Dot(); clone.damage=damage; clone.duration=duration; clone.interval=interval; return clone; }
public async Task GrowAnimation() { await Dot.ScaleTo(1.0, 50); }
private IEnumerator DotRoutine(Dot dot, int dmgType) { float timeStart=Time.time; while(Time.time-timeStart<dot.duration){ ApplyDamage(dot.damage, dmgType); yield return new WaitForSeconds(dot.interval); } }
private void UpgradeStat() { int levelM=level-1; if(type==_TowerType.TurretTower || type==_TowerType.DirectionalAOETower || type==_TowerType.AOETower){ damage=upgradeStat[levelM].damage; cooldown=upgradeStat[levelM].cooldown; clipSize=upgradeStat[levelM].clipSize; currentClip=clipSize; if(currentClip<=0) currentClip=-1; reloadDuration=upgradeStat[levelM].reloadDuration; range=upgradeStat[levelM].range; minRange=upgradeStat[levelM].minRange; aoeRadius=upgradeStat[levelM].aoeRadius; stunDuration=upgradeStat[levelM].stunDuration; slow=upgradeStat[levelM].slow; dot=upgradeStat[levelM].dot; } else if(type==_TowerType.SupportTower){ buff=upgradeStat[levelM].buff; buff.buffID=towerID; } else if(type==_TowerType.ResourceTower){ incomes=upgradeStat[levelM].incomes; cooldown=upgradeStat[levelM].cooldown; } if(upgradeStat[levelM].shootObject!=null) shootObject=upgradeStat[levelM].shootObject.gameObject; if(upgradeStat[levelM].turretObject!=null){ if(turretObject.childCount>0) turretObject.gameObject.SetActiveRecursively(false); else; Transform turretTemp=(Transform)Instantiate(upgradeStat[levelM].turretObject); turretTemp.position=turretObject.position; turretTemp.rotation=turretObject.rotation; turretTemp.parent=thisT; turretObject=turretTemp; //turretObject=upgradeStat[levelM].turretObject; UpdateShootPoint(); Animation tempAni=null; //search for turret build animation component //if there's a build animation clip //~ if(upgradeStat[levelM].turretBuildAnimation!=null){ //~ //if not on the baseObject itself //~ if(upgradeStat[levelM].turretBuildAnimationBody.gameObject!=upgradeStat[levelM].turretObject){ //~ foreach(Transform child in turretObject.transform){ //~ tempAni=(Animation)child.gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(Animation)); //~ if(tempAni!=null){ //~ if([levelM]{ //~ turretBuildAnimationBody=tempAni; //~ } //~ } //~ } //~ } //~ else{ //~ tempAni=(Animation)turretObject.GetComponent(typeof(Animation)); //~ if(tempAni!=null) turretBuildAnimationBody=tempAni; //~ } //~ //if there's an animation component, assign the animation clip //~ if(tempAni!=null){ //~ turretBuildAnimation=upgradeStat[levelM].turretBuildAnimation; //~ turretBuildAnimationBody.AddClip(turretBuildAnimation,; //~ } //~ } tempAni=null; //search for turret build animation component //if there's a build animation clip if(upgradeStat[levelM].turretFireAnimation!=null){ //if not on the baseObject itself if(upgradeStat[levelM].turretFireAnimationBody.gameObject!=upgradeStat[levelM].turretObject){ foreach(Transform child in turretObject.transform){ tempAni=(Animation)child.gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(Animation)); if(tempAni!=null){ if([levelM]{ turretFireAnimationBody=tempAni; } } } } else{ tempAni=(Animation)turretObject.GetComponent(typeof(Animation)); if(tempAni!=null) turretFireAnimationBody=tempAni; } //if there's an animation component, assign the animation clip if(tempAni!=null){ turretFireAnimation=upgradeStat[levelM].turretFireAnimation; turretFireAnimationBody.AddClip(turretFireAnimation,; } } } if(upgradeStat[levelM].barrelObject!=null){ barrelObject=upgradeStat[levelM].barrelObject; } if(upgradeStat[levelM].baseObject!=null){ if(baseObject.childCount>0) baseObject.gameObject.SetActiveRecursively(false); else; Transform baseTemp=(Transform)Instantiate(upgradeStat[levelM].baseObject); baseTemp.position=baseObject.position; baseTemp.rotation=baseObject.rotation; baseTemp.parent=thisT; baseObject=baseTemp; //baseObject=upgradeStat[levelM].baseObject; Animation tempAni=null; //search for base animation component //if there's a build animation clip //~ if(upgradeStat[levelM].baseBuildAnimation!=null){ //~ //if not on the baseObject itself //~ if(upgradeStat[levelM].baseBuildAnimationBody.gameObject!=upgradeStat[levelM].baseObject){ //~ foreach(Transform child in baseObject.transform){ //~ tempAni=(Animation)child.gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(Animation)); //~ if(tempAni!=null){ //~ if([levelM]{ //~ baseBuildAnimationBody=tempAni; //~ } //~ } //~ } //~ } //~ else{ //~ tempAni=(Animation)baseObject.GetComponent(typeof(Animation)); //~ if(tempAni!=null) baseBuildAnimationBody=tempAni; //~ } //~ if(tempAni!=null){ //~ baseBuildAnimation=upgradeStat[levelM].baseBuildAnimation; //~ baseBuildAnimationBody.AddClip(baseBuildAnimation,; //~ } //~ } tempAni=null; //search for base animation component //if there's a build animation clip if(upgradeStat[levelM].baseFireAnimation!=null){ //if not on the baseObject itself if(upgradeStat[levelM].baseFireAnimationBody.gameObject!=upgradeStat[levelM].baseObject){ foreach(Transform child in baseObject.transform){ tempAni=(Animation)child.gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(Animation)); if(tempAni!=null){ if([levelM]{ baseFireAnimationBody=tempAni; } } } } else{ tempAni=(Animation)baseObject.GetComponent(typeof(Animation)); if(tempAni!=null) baseFireAnimationBody=tempAni; } if(tempAni!=null){ baseFireAnimation=upgradeStat[levelM].baseFireAnimation; baseFireAnimationBody.AddClip(baseFireAnimation,; } } } //~ if(upgradeStat[levelM].turretBuildAnimationBody!=null) turretBuildAnimationBody=upgradeStat[levelM].turretBuildAnimationBody; //~ if(upgradeStat[levelM].turretBuildAnimation!=null) turretBuildAnimation=upgradeStat[levelM].turretBuildAnimation; //~ if(upgradeStat[levelM].baseBuildAnimationBody!=null) baseBuildAnimationBody=upgradeStat[levelM].baseBuildAnimationBody; //~ if(upgradeStat[levelM].baseBuildAnimation!=null) baseBuildAnimation=upgradeStat[levelM].baseBuildAnimation; //~ if(upgradeStat[levelM].turretFireAnimationBody!=null) turretFireAnimationBody=upgradeStat[levelM].turretFireAnimationBody; //~ if(upgradeStat[levelM].turretFireAnimation!=null) turretFireAnimation=upgradeStat[levelM].turretFireAnimation; //~ if(upgradeStat[levelM].baseFireAnimationBody!=null) baseFireAnimationBody=upgradeStat[levelM].baseFireAnimationBody; //~ if(upgradeStat[levelM].baseFireAnimation!=null) baseFireAnimation=upgradeStat[levelM].baseFireAnimation; //~ if(turretBuildAnimationBody!=null && turretBuildAnimation!=null) turretBuildAnimationBody.AddClip(turretBuildAnimation,; //~ if(baseBuildAnimationBody!=null && baseBuildAnimation!=null) baseBuildAnimationBody.AddClip(baseBuildAnimation,; //~ if(turretFireAnimationBody!=null && turretFireAnimation!=null) turretFireAnimationBody.AddClip(turretFireAnimation,; //~ if(baseFireAnimationBody!=null && baseFireAnimation!=null) baseFireAnimationBody.AddClip(baseFireAnimation,; level+=1; UpdateTowerValue(); GameControl.TowerUpgradeComplete(this); }
public static bool CheckNeighbors(Dot c1, Dot c2) { return((c1.Column == c2.Column || c1.Row == c2.Row) && Mathf.Abs(c1.Column - c2.Column) <= 1 && Mathf.Abs(c1.Row - c2.Row) <= 1); }
public void OnDotTouched(Dot dot) { //Debug.Log("new dot touched : " +; BoardController.Instance.UpdateDotSelection(dot, currentDotPath); }
public void SelectConstruct(ConstructType type) { switch (type) { case ConstructType.ParallelLine: if (_selectedShapes.Count == 2) { if (_selectedShapes[0] is LineLike && _selectedShapes[1] is Dot || _selectedShapes[0] is Dot && _selectedShapes[1] is LineLike) { var line = _selectedShapes[0] as LineLike ?? _selectedShapes[1] as LineLike; var dot = _selectedShapes[0] as Dot ?? _selectedShapes[1] as Dot; _shapes.Add(Line.ParallelLine(line, dot)); } } break; case ConstructType.PerpendicularLine: if (_selectedShapes.Count == 2) { if (_selectedShapes[0] is LineLike && _selectedShapes[1] is Dot || _selectedShapes[0] is Dot && _selectedShapes[1] is LineLike) { var line = _selectedShapes[0] as LineLike ?? _selectedShapes[1] as LineLike; var dot = _selectedShapes[0] as Dot ?? _selectedShapes[1] as Dot; _shapes.Add(Line.PerpendicularLine(line, dot)); } } break; case ConstructType.Tangent: if (_selectedShapes.Count == 2) { if (_selectedShapes[0] is Circle && _selectedShapes[1] is Dot || _selectedShapes[0] is Dot && _selectedShapes[1] is Circle) { var cir = _selectedShapes[0] as Circle ?? _selectedShapes[1] as Circle; var dot = _selectedShapes[0] as Dot ?? _selectedShapes[1] as Dot; _shapes.Add(Line.TangentLine(cir, dot)); } else if (_selectedShapes[0] is Ellipse && _selectedShapes[1] is Dot || _selectedShapes[0] is Dot && _selectedShapes[1] is Ellipse) { var elp = _selectedShapes[0] as Ellipse ?? _selectedShapes[1] as Ellipse; var dot = _selectedShapes[0] as Dot ?? _selectedShapes[1] as Dot; _shapes.Add(Line.TangentLine(elp, dot)); } } break; case ConstructType.Reflection: // 첫 선택이 대칭축, 두번째 선택이 대칭시킬 도형 if (_selectedShapes.Count == 2) { if (_selectedShapes[0] is LineLike) { var axis = _selectedShapes[0] as LineLike; if (_selectedShapes[1] is Ellipse) { _shapes.Add(Ellipse.FromReflection(axis, _selectedShapes[1] as Ellipse)); } else if (_selectedShapes[1] is Circle) { _shapes.Add(Circle.FromReflection(axis, _selectedShapes[1] as Circle)); } else if (_selectedShapes[1] is Line) { _shapes.Add(Line.FromReflection(axis, _selectedShapes[1] as Line)); } else if (_selectedShapes[1] is Vector) { _shapes.Add(Vector.FromReflection(axis, _selectedShapes[1] as Vector)); } else if (_selectedShapes[1] is Segment) { _shapes.Add(Segment.FromReflection(axis, _selectedShapes[1] as Segment)); } else { _shapes.Add(Dot.FromReflection(axis, _selectedShapes[1] as Dot)); } } } break; case ConstructType.Ellipse: { if (_selectedShapes.Count == 3) { var f1 = _selectedShapes[0] as Dot; var f2 = _selectedShapes[1] as Dot; var pin = _selectedShapes[2] as Dot; if (f1 == null) { return; } if (f2 == null) { return; } if (pin == null) { return; } AddShape(Ellipse.FromThreeDots(f1, f2, pin)); } break; } } }
private void AnimateMove(Dot dot) { AnimateX(dot); AnimateY(dot); }
void PenCommV2Callbacks.onErrorDetected(IPenComm sender, ErrorType errorType, long timestamp, Dot dot, string extraData, ImageProcessErrorInfo imageProcessErrorInfo) { }
public void AddDot(Dot dot) { service.Dots.Add(dot); service.SaveChanges(); }
private void CheckToMakeBomb() { //How many objects are in findMatches currentMatches? if (findMatches.currentMatches.Count > 3) { //What type of match? MatchType typeOfMatch = ColumnOrRow(); if (typeOfMatch.type == 1) { //make a color bomb //is the current dot match? if (currentDot != null && currentDot.isMatched && currentDot.tag == typeOfMatch.color) { currentDot.isMatched = false; currentDot.MakeColorBomb(); } else { if (currentDot.otherDot != null) { Dot otherDot = currentDot.otherDot.GetComponent <Dot>(); if (otherDot.isMatched && otherDot.tag == typeOfMatch.color) { otherDot.isMatched = false; otherDot.MakeColorBomb(); } } } } else if (typeOfMatch.type == 2) { //make a adjacent bomb if (currentDot != null && currentDot.isMatched && currentDot.tag == typeOfMatch.color) { currentDot.isMatched = false; currentDot.MakeAdjacentBomb(); } else { if (currentDot.otherDot != null) { Dot otherDot = currentDot.otherDot.GetComponent <Dot>(); if (otherDot.isMatched && otherDot.tag == typeOfMatch.color) { otherDot.isMatched = false; otherDot.MakeAdjacentBomb(); } } } } else if (typeOfMatch.type == 3) { findMatches.CheckBombs(typeOfMatch); } } /* * if (findMatches.currentMatches.Count ==4) * { * findMatches.CheckBombs(); * } * if (findMatches.currentMatches.Count >= 5) * //if (findMatches.currentMatches.Count == 5 || findMatches.currentMatches.Count == 8) * { * if (ColumnOrRow()) * { * //make a color bomb * //is the current dot match? * if (currentDot != null) * { * if (currentDot.isMatched) * { * if (!currentDot.isColorBomb) * { * currentDot.isMatched = false; * currentDot.MakeColorBomb(); * } * } * else * { * if (currentDot.otherDot != null) * { * Dot otherDot = currentDot.otherDot.GetComponent<Dot>(); * if (otherDot.isMatched) * { * if (!otherDot.isColorBomb) * { * otherDot.isMatched = false; * otherDot.MakeColorBomb(); * } * } * } * } * } * * } * else * { * //make a adjacent bomb * * if (currentDot != null) * { * if (currentDot.isMatched) * { * if (!currentDot.isAdjacentBomb) * { * currentDot.isMatched = false; * currentDot.MakeAdjacentBomb(); * } * } * else * { * if (currentDot.otherDot != null) * { * Dot otherDot = currentDot.otherDot.GetComponent<Dot>(); * if (otherDot.isMatched) * { * if (!otherDot.isAdjacentBomb) * { * otherDot.isMatched = false; * otherDot.MakeAdjacentBomb(); * } * } * } * } * } * } * * } */ }
public void UpdateDot(Dot dot) { service.Dots.Update(dot); service.SaveChanges(); }
public async Task ShrinkAnimation() { await Dot.ScaleTo(0, 50); }
public VectorDot2(Dot dotBegin, Dot dotEnd) { this.dotBegin = dotBegin; this.dotEnd = dotEnd; }
/// <summary> /// This is used to help make the movable items stay aligned to a global scene /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// If you save a SOM result view, and this control shows the contents of a single node, then these /// static points would be the surrounding nodes. This way, individual items in this control will /// align with their neighbors /// </remarks> public void AddStaticItems(IEnumerable<Tuple<ISOMInput, Point3D>> items) { MeshGeometry3D bigGeometry = null, smallGeometry = null; if (_showStaticDots) { bigGeometry = UtilityWPF.GetSphere_Ico(DOTRADIUS * 2, 1, true); //smallGeometry = UtilityWPF.GetSphere_Ico(DOTRADIUS * .3, 1, true); } foreach (var item in items) { Dot dot = new Dot() { IsStatic = true, Input = item.Item1, Position = item.Item2, Color = GetDotColor(item.Item1), Translate_3DDot = new TranslateTransform3D(item.Item2.ToVector()), }; if (_showStaticDots) { dot.Geometry_3DDot = BuildDot_Visual(_modelGroup, bigGeometry, _dotMaterials, _specular, dot.Color, dot.Translate_3DDot); } _staticDots.Add(dot); _distances.AddRange(BuildDot_Distances(dot, _dots)); } //if (_showStaticDots) //{ // Point3D center = Math3D.GetCenter(items.Select(o => o.Item2)); // BuildDot_Visual(_modelGroup, smallGeometry, _dotMaterials, _specular, Colors.White, new TranslateTransform3D(center.ToVector())); //} }
public void Set(Dot dotBegin, Dot dotEnd) { this.dotBegin = dotBegin; this.dotEnd = dotEnd; }
private void grdViewPort_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { try { if (_getPreview == null) { return; } var hitResult = GetMouseOver(e); Dot dot = hitResult.Item1; //NOTE: This mousemove event will fire again if the region the mouse is over gets invalidated, so this if statement stops that if (dot != null && _mouseOver != null && dot.Token == _mouseOver.Token) { return; } _mouseOver = dot; canvas.Children.Clear(); if (dot == null) { return; } // Find dots near this one var nearby = GetNearbyDots(dot, _dots, RADIUS / 3d); Point center = new Point(canvas.ActualWidth / 2, canvas.ActualHeight / 2); // Put the mouse over image in the center ShowPreview(dot, center); // Lay out the other ones out if (nearby.Length > 0) { ShowNearbyPreviews(nearby, dot, hitResult.Item2, center); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), TITLE, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
public Segment(Dot dot1, Dot dot2) { this.dot1 = dot1; this.dot2 = dot2; }
private void ShowNearbyPreviews(Dot[] nearby, Dot dot, RayHitTestParameters cameraRay, Point center2D) { #region previews, sizes int dotMinSize = Math.Min(dot.PreviewSize.X, dot.PreviewSize.Y); int minSize = dotMinSize; foreach (Dot nearDot in nearby) { EnsurePreviewGenerated(nearDot, _getPreview); minSize = Math1D.Min(minSize, nearDot.PreviewSize.X, nearDot.PreviewSize.Y); } double halfMin = minSize / 2d; double stepDist = halfMin * .05; #endregion #region project plane // Get a plane that is perpendicular to the look ray ITriangle plane = Math3D.GetPlane(dot.Position, cameraRay.Direction); // Project the points onto that plane var nearbyOnPlane = nearby. Select(o => new { Dot = o, PlanePoint = Math3D.GetClosestPoint_Plane_Point(plane, o.Position) }). ToArray(); RotateTransform3D rotate = new RotateTransform3D(new QuaternionRotation3D(Math3D.GetRotation(new DoubleVector(cameraRay.Direction, _camera.UpDirection), new DoubleVector(new Vector3D(0, 0, -1), new Vector3D(0, 1, 0))))); #endregion // Lay these previews down along the directions of the projected points // nearby is sorted by distance from the center image // Don't start counter at a distance of zero, that's just wasted steps. Figure out what cntr to use that is the distance of the two images touching int startIncrement = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(((dotMinSize / 2d) + halfMin) / stepDist)); // Remember the locations of each image rect List<Rect> existing = new List<Rect>(); existing.Add(new Rect(center2D.X - (dot.PreviewSize.X / 2d), center2D.Y - (dot.PreviewSize.Y / 2d), dot.PreviewSize.X, dot.PreviewSize.Y)); foreach (var nextDot in nearbyOnPlane) { #region project dot plane // Get the 2D direction this sketch is from the main Vector direction = rotate.Transform(nextDot.PlanePoint - dot.Position).ToVector2D(); Vector dirUnit = direction.ToUnit(); if (Math2D.IsInvalid(dirUnit)) { dirUnit = Math3D.GetRandomVector_Circular_Shell(1).ToVector2D(); // sitting on top of each other, just push it in a random direction } dirUnit = new Vector(dirUnit.X, -dirUnit.Y); #endregion #region find clear space Point point = new Point(); Rect rect = new Rect(); double halfX = nextDot.Dot.PreviewSize.X / 2d; double halfY = nextDot.Dot.PreviewSize.Y / 2d; // Keep walking along that direction until the rectangle doesn't intersect any existing sketches for (int cntr = startIncrement; cntr < 1000; cntr++) { point = center2D + (dirUnit * (stepDist * cntr)); rect = new Rect(point.X - halfX, point.Y - halfY, nextDot.Dot.PreviewSize.X, nextDot.Dot.PreviewSize.Y); if (!existing.Any(o => o.IntersectsWith(rect))) { break; } } existing.Add(rect); #endregion ShowPreview(nextDot.Dot, point); } }
public void Set(Dot dot1, Dot dot2) { this.dot1 = dot1; this.dot2 = dot2; }
private static Dot[] GetNearbyDots(Dot dot, IEnumerable<Dot> all, double radius) { double radiusSquared = radius * radius; return all. Where(o => o.Token != dot.Token). Select(o => new { Dot = o, DistSquared = (o.Position - dot.Position).LengthSquared }). Where(o => o.DistSquared <= radiusSquared). OrderBy(o => o.DistSquared). Select(o => o.Dot). ToArray(); }
public VectorDot1(Dot dotEnd) { this.dotEnd = dotEnd; }
public void Visit(Dot dot) { dot.Left.Accept(this); _sb.AppendFormat(".{0}", dot.Right); }
public void Set(Dot dotEnd) { this.dotEnd = dotEnd; }
private void UpgradeStat() { int levelM=level-1; if(type==_TowerType.TurretTower || type==_TowerType.DirectionalAOETower || type==_TowerType.AOETower){ damage=upgradeStat[levelM].damage; cooldown=upgradeStat[levelM].cooldown; clipSize=upgradeStat[levelM].clipSize; currentClip=clipSize; if(currentClip<=0) currentClip=-1; reloadDuration=upgradeStat[levelM].reloadDuration; range=upgradeStat[levelM].range; minRange=upgradeStat[levelM].minRange; aoeRadius=upgradeStat[levelM].aoeRadius; stunDuration=upgradeStat[levelM].stunDuration; slow=upgradeStat[levelM].slow; dot=upgradeStat[levelM].dot; } else if(type==_TowerType.SupportTower){ buff=upgradeStat[levelM].buff; buff.buffID=towerID; } else if(type==_TowerType.ResourceTower){ incomes=upgradeStat[levelM].incomes; cooldown=upgradeStat[levelM].cooldown; } if(upgradeStat[levelM].shootObject!=null) shootObject=upgradeStat[levelM].shootObject.gameObject; if(upgradeStat[levelM].turretObject!=null){ if(turretObject.childCount>0) turretObject.gameObject.SetActiveRecursively(false); else; Transform turretTemp=(Transform)Instantiate(upgradeStat[levelM].turretObject); turretTemp.position=turretObject.position; turretTemp.rotation=turretObject.rotation; turretTemp.parent=thisT; turretObject=turretTemp; //turretObject=upgradeStat[levelM].turretObject; UpdateShootPoint(); } if(upgradeStat[levelM].barrelObject!=null){ barrelObject=upgradeStat[levelM].barrelObject; } if(upgradeStat[levelM].baseObject!=null){ if(baseObject.childCount>0) baseObject.gameObject.SetActiveRecursively(false); else; Transform baseTemp=(Transform)Instantiate(upgradeStat[levelM].baseObject); baseTemp.position=baseObject.position; baseTemp.rotation=baseObject.rotation; baseTemp.parent=thisT; baseObject=baseTemp; //baseObject=upgradeStat[levelM].baseObject; } level+=1; UpdateTowerValue(); GameControl.TowerUpgradeComplete(this); }
public void Move(Dot dot) { var dotTransform = dot.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); Move(dotTransform.localPosition.x, dotTransform.localPosition.y); }
public abstract Solvability CheckSolvability(Dot[,] board);
static private Dictionary <string, List <Unit> > GenMorseDictionary() { Dot dot = new Dot(); Dash dash = new Dash(); return(new Dictionary <string, List <Unit> >() { { "a", new List <Unit>() { dot, dash } }, { "b", new List <Unit>() { dash, dot, dot, dot } }, { "c", new List <Unit>() { dash, dot, dash, dot } }, { "d", new List <Unit>() { dash, dot } }, { "e", new List <Unit>() { dot } }, { "f", new List <Unit>() { dot, dot, dash, dot } }, { "g", new List <Unit>() { dash, dash, dot } }, { "h", new List <Unit>() { dot, dot, dot, dot } }, { "i", new List <Unit>() { dot, dot } }, { "j", new List <Unit>() { dot, dash, dash, dash } }, { "k", new List <Unit>() { dash, dot, dash } }, { "l", new List <Unit>() { dot, dash, dot, dot } }, { "m", new List <Unit>() { dash, dash } }, { "n", new List <Unit>() { dash, dot } }, { "o", new List <Unit>() { dash, dash, dash } }, { "p", new List <Unit>() { dot, dash, dash, dot } }, { "q", new List <Unit>() { dash, dash, dot, dash } }, { "r", new List <Unit>() { dot, dash, dot } }, { "s", new List <Unit>() { dot, dot, dot } }, { "t", new List <Unit>() { dash } }, { "u", new List <Unit>() { dot, dot, dash } }, { "v", new List <Unit>() { dot, dot, dot, dash } }, { "w", new List <Unit>() { dot, dash, dash } }, { "x", new List <Unit>() { dash, dot, dot, dash } }, { "y", new List <Unit>() { dash, dot, dash, dash } }, { "z", new List <Unit>() { dash, dash, dot, dot } }, { "0", new List <Unit>() { dash, dash, dash, dash, dash } }, { "1", new List <Unit>() { dot, dash, dash, dash, dash } }, { "2", new List <Unit>() { dot, dot, dash, dash, dash } }, { "3", new List <Unit>() { dot, dot, dot, dash, dash } }, { "4", new List <Unit>() { dot, dot, dot, dot, dash } }, { "5", new List <Unit>() { dot, dot, dot, dot, dot } }, { "6", new List <Unit>() { dash, dot, dot, dot, dot } }, { "7", new List <Unit>() { dash, dash, dot, dot, dot } }, { "8", new List <Unit>() { dash, dash, dash, dot, dot } }, { "9", new List <Unit>() { dash, dash, dash, dash, dot } }, { "letterSpace", new List <Unit>() { null } }, { "wordSpace", new List <Unit>() { null, null, null } } }); }
public void ApplyDot(Dot dot, int dmgType) { StartCoroutine(DotRoutine(dot, dmgType)); }
public static void DrawCenterCrosshair() { Dot.Draw(d.Crosshair2dCenter_sw, dColors.Black, 4f); Dot.Draw(d.Crosshair2dCenter_ac, dColors.White, 2f); }
private int MoveGamer(int Player, Dot pl_move=null) { toolStripStatusLabel2.ForeColor = Player == 1 ? game.colorGamer1 : game.colorGamer2; toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = "Ход игрока" + Player + "..."; Application.DoEvents(); if (pl_move== null) pl_move = game.PickComputerMove(game.LastMove); if (pl_move == null) { MessageBox.Show("Сдаюсь! \r\n" + game.Statistic()); game.NewGame(); return 1; } pl_move.Own=Player; game.MakeMove(pl_move,Player); game.ListMoves.Add(pl_move); pbxBoard.Invalidate(); statusStrip1.Refresh(); int pl = Player == 1 ? 2 : 1; toolStripStatusLabel2.ForeColor = pl == 1 ? game.colorGamer1 : game.colorGamer2; toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = "Ход игрока" + pl + "..."; if (game.GameOver()) { MessageBox.Show("Game over! \r\n" + game.Statistic()); return 1; } //lstMoves.DataSource = null; //lstMoves.DataSource = game.ListMoves; //if (lstMoves.Items.Count > 0) lstMoves.SetSelected(lstMoves.Items.Count - 1, true); //rtbStat.Text = game.Statistic(); return 0; }
private void UpdateAdding() { if (_isAnyGuiUseMouse) { return; } if (Mouse.GetState().LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { if (_drawState != DrawState.NONE) { if (!_wasDrawing) { _lastPoint = GetDot(_pos); _wasDrawing = true; } else if (_drawState == DrawState.DOT || _drawState == DrawState.ELLIPSE) { _lastPoint.MoveTo(_pos); } } } if (_wasDrawing && Mouse.GetState().LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) { if (_drawState == DrawState.DOT) { AddShape(_lastPoint); } else if (_drawState == DrawState.ELLIPSE) { _ellipseLastPoint = _lastPoint; _drawState = DrawState.ELLIPSE_POINT; _wasDrawing = false; return; } else { var p = GetDot(_pos); AddShape(p); AddShape(_lastPoint); Shape sp = null; if (_drawState == DrawState.CIRCLE) { sp = Circle.FromTwoDots(_lastPoint, p); AddShape(sp); } else if (_drawState == DrawState.SEGMENT) { sp = Segment.FromTwoDots(_lastPoint, p); AddShape(sp); } else if (_drawState == DrawState.LINE) { sp = Line.FromTwoDots(_lastPoint, p); AddShape(sp); } else if (_drawState == DrawState.VECTOR) { sp = Vector.FromTwoDots(_lastPoint, p); AddShape(sp); } else if (_drawState == DrawState.ELLIPSE_POINT) { AddShape(_ellipseLastPoint); sp = Ellipse.FromThreeDots(_ellipseLastPoint, _lastPoint, p); AddShape(sp); } } _wasDrawing = false; _drawState = DrawState.NONE; } }
void MoveDotTo(Dot dot, int x, int y, bool dropDown = false) { dot.SetPosition(x, y); dot.gameObject.transform.parent = transform; Vector2 pos =; pos.x += (x-(columns-1)/2f)*spacingX; pos.y += (y-(rows-1)/2f)*spacingY; if (dropDown) { dot.gameObject.transform.localPosition = new Vector3 (pos.x, pos.y + rows*spacingY, 0); } dot.TranslateTo(pos, dropSpeed); }
/// <summary> /// 가까운 점이 있다면 그 점을, 없다면 새 점을 /// </summary> private Dot GetDot(Vector2 coord, List <Shape> nears) { Dot nearestDot = null; Shape nearest = null; float distDot = int.MaxValue; float dist = int.MaxValue; foreach (var s in nears) { if (s is Dot) { if (s.IsEnoughClose(coord)) { nearestDot = s as Dot; distDot = s.Distance; } } else { if (s.Distance <= dist) { nearest = s; dist = s.Distance; } } } if (nearestDot == null) // 가장 가까운게 점이 아니라면 { if (nears.Count == 0) { return(Dot.FromCoord(coord)); } if (nears.Count == 1) { return(OneShapeRuleDot(nearest, coord)); } else if (nears.Count == 2) { Vector2[] intersects = Geometry.GetIntersect(nears[0], nears[1]); if (intersects.Length != 0) { Vector2 dot = intersects[0]; if (intersects.Length == 2) { dot = Vector2.Distance(coord, intersects[0]) < Vector2.Distance(intersects[1], coord) ? intersects[0] : intersects[1]; } return(Dot.FromIntersection(nears[0], nears[1], dot)); } else { return(OneShapeRuleDot(nearest, coord)); } } else { return(OneShapeRuleDot(nearest, coord)); } } else if (nearestDot is Dot) { return(nearestDot as Dot); } else { return(Dot.FromCoord(coord)); } }
public override void OnDotSelected(Dot dot) { logic.OnDotSelected (dot); }
private Dot OneShapeRuleDot(Shape nearest, Vector2 coord) { return(Dot.FromOneShape(nearest, coord)); }