Пример #1
        //TODO: handle generics
        public static IMethod CodeDomToMDDomMethod(CodeMemberMethod method)
            DomMethod meth = new DomMethod();

            meth.Name       = method.Name;
            meth.ReturnType = new DomReturnType(method.ReturnType.BaseType);
            meth.Modifiers  = CodeDomModifiersToMDDom(method.Attributes);

            foreach (CodeParameterDeclarationExpression dec in method.Parameters)
                DomParameter par = new DomParameter(meth, dec.Name, new DomReturnType(dec.Type.BaseType));
                if (dec.Direction == FieldDirection.Ref)
                    par.ParameterModifiers &= ParameterModifiers.Ref;
                else if (dec.Direction == FieldDirection.Out)
                    par.ParameterModifiers &= ParameterModifiers.Out;
                    par.ParameterModifiers &= ParameterModifiers.In;

Пример #2
        IMethod ConstructMethodFromInvocation(RefactoringOptions options)
            var resolver = options.GetResolver();
            var data     = options.GetTextEditorData();

            DomMethod result = new DomMethod(methodName, modifiers, MethodModifier.None, DomLocation.Empty, DomRegion.Empty, returnType);

            result.DeclaringType = new DomType("GeneratedType")
                ClassType = declaringType.ClassType
            int i = 1;

            foreach (var curArg in invocation.Arguments)
                var          argument = curArg;
                DomParameter arg      = new DomParameter();
                if (argument is DirectionExpression)
                    var de = (DirectionExpression)argument;
                    arg.ParameterModifiers = de.FieldDirection == FieldDirection.Out ? ParameterModifiers.Out : ParameterModifiers.Ref;
                    argument = de.Expression;

                string argExpression = data.GetTextBetween(argument.StartLocation.Line, argument.StartLocation.Column, argument.EndLocation.Line, argument.EndLocation.Column);
                var    resolveResult = resolver.Resolve(new ExpressionResult(argExpression), resolvePosition);

                if (argument is MemberReferenceExpression)
                    arg.Name = ((MemberReferenceExpression)argument).MemberName;
                else if (argument is IdentifierExpression)
                    arg.Name = ((IdentifierExpression)argument).Identifier;
                    int idx = arg.Name.LastIndexOf('.');
                    if (idx >= 0)
                        arg.Name = arg.Name.Substring(idx + 1);
                    arg.Name = "par" + i++;

                arg.Name = char.ToLower(arg.Name[0]) + arg.Name.Substring(1);

                if (resolveResult != null && resolveResult.ResolvedType != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(resolveResult.ResolvedType.FullName))
                    arg.ReturnType = resolveResult.ResolvedType;
                    arg.ReturnType = DomReturnType.Object;

			static DomParameter ConvertParameter (IMember declaringMember, ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.ParameterDeclarationExpression pde)
				DomParameter result = new DomParameter ();
				result.Name = pde.ParameterName;
				result.Location = ConvertLocation (pde.StartLocation);
				result.DeclaringMember = declaringMember;
				result.ReturnType = ConvertReturnType (pde.TypeReference);
				result.ParameterModifiers = ConvertParameterModifiers (pde.ParamModifier);
				return result;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an IMember from a LanguageItem,
        /// using the source document to locate declaration bounds.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pi">
        /// A <see cref="ProjectInformation"/> for the current project.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="item">
        /// A <see cref="LanguageItem"/>: The item to convert.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="contentLines">
        /// A <see cref="System.String[]"/>: The document in which item is defined.
        /// </param>
        static IMember LanguageItemToIMember(ProjectInformation pi, LanguageItem item, string[] contentLines)
            if (item is Class || item is Structure)
                DomType klass = new DomType(new CompilationUnit(item.File), ClassType.Class, item.Name, new DomLocation((int)item.Line, 1), string.Empty, new DomRegion((int)item.Line + 1, FindFunctionEnd(contentLines, (int)item.Line - 1) + 2), new List <IMember> ());

                foreach (LanguageItem li in pi.AllItems())
                    if (klass.Equals(li.Parent) && FilePath.Equals(li.File, item.File))
                        klass.Add(LanguageItemToIMember(pi, li, contentLines));
            if (item is Enumeration)
                return(new DomType(new CompilationUnit(item.File), ClassType.Enum, item.Name, new DomLocation((int)item.Line, 1), string.Empty, new DomRegion((int)item.Line + 1, (int)item.Line + 1), new List <IMember> ()));
            if (item is Function)
                DomMethod         method   = new DomMethod(item.Name, Modifiers.None, MethodModifier.None, new DomLocation((int)item.Line, 1), new DomRegion((int)item.Line + 1, FindFunctionEnd(contentLines, (int)item.Line - 1) + 2), new DomReturnType());
                Function          function = (Function)item;
                Match             match;
                bool              abort      = false;
                List <IParameter> parameters = new List <IParameter> ();

                foreach (string parameter in function.Parameters)
                    match = paramExpression.Match(parameter);
                    if (null == match)
                        abort = true;
                    DomParameter p = (new DomParameter(method, match.Groups["name"].Value,
                                                       new DomReturnType(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", match.Groups["type"].Value, match.Groups["subtype"].Value, match.Groups["array"].Value))));
                if (!abort)
            if (item is Member)
                return(new DomField(item.Name, Modifiers.None, new DomLocation((int)item.Line, 1), new DomReturnType()));
Пример #5
        public static DomParameter ReadParameter(BinaryReader reader, INameDecoder nameTable)
            DomParameter result = new DomParameter();

            result.Name = ReadString(reader, nameTable);
            result.ParameterModifiers = (ParameterModifiers)reader.ReadUInt32();
            result.ReturnType         = ReadReturnType(reader, nameTable);
            result.Location           = ReadLocation(reader, nameTable);
            if (reader.ReadBoolean())
                result.DefaultValue = ReadExpression(reader, nameTable);
Пример #6
        IEnumerable <IMethod> BuildFunctions(IEnumerable <PythonFunction> functions)
            if (functions == null)
                yield break;

            foreach (PythonFunction pyFunc in functions)
                var domFunc = new DomMethod()
                    Name          = pyFunc.Name,
                    Documentation = pyFunc.Documentation,
                    BodyRegion    = pyFunc.Region,
                    Location      = new DomLocation(pyFunc.Region.Start.Line - 1, 0),
                    ReturnType    = new DomReturnType()
                        Name      = pyFunc.Name,                         // FIXME: Get inferred type
                        Namespace = Module.FullName,

                foreach (PythonArgument pyArg in pyFunc.Arguments)
                    var domArg = new DomParameter()
                        Name       = pyArg.Name,
                        ReturnType = new DomReturnType()
                            Name      = pyArg.Name,                             // FIXME: Get inferred type
                            Namespace = Module.FullName,

                yield return(domFunc);
Пример #7
        static DomMethod GenerateMethodStub(RefactoringOptions options, ExtractMethodParameters param)
            DomMethod result = new DomMethod();

            result.Name       = param.Name;
            result.ReturnType = param.ExpressionType ?? DomReturnType.Void;
            result.Modifiers  = param.Modifiers;
            if (!param.ReferencesMember)
                result.Modifiers |= Modifiers.Static;

            if (param.Parameters == null)
            foreach (var p in param.Parameters)
                if (param.OneChangedVariable && p.UsedAfterCutRegion && !p.UsedInCutRegion)
                var newParameter = new DomParameter();
                newParameter.Name       = p.Name;
                newParameter.ReturnType = p.ReturnType;

                if (!param.OneChangedVariable)
                    if (!p.IsDefinedInsideCutRegion && p.IsChangedInsideCutRegion)
                        newParameter.ParameterModifiers = p.UsedBeforeCutRegion ? ParameterModifiers.Ref : ParameterModifiers.Out;
Пример #8
			public void AddParameter (MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.AbstractMember member, AParametersCollection parameters)
				for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++) {
					var p = (Parameter)parameters.FixedParameters[i];
					DomParameter parameter = new DomParameter ();
					parameter.Name = ConvertQuoted (p.Name);
					parameter.Location = Convert (p.Location);
					parameter.ReturnType = ConvertReturnType (p.TypeExpression);
					var modifiers = MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.ParameterModifiers.None;
					if ((p.ParameterModifier & Parameter.Modifier.OUT) == Parameter.Modifier.OUT)
						modifiers |= MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.ParameterModifiers.Out;
					if ((p.ParameterModifier & Parameter.Modifier.REF) == Parameter.Modifier.REF)
						modifiers |= MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.ParameterModifiers.Ref;
					if ((p.ParameterModifier & Parameter.Modifier.PARAMS) == Parameter.Modifier.PARAMS)
						modifiers |= MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.ParameterModifiers.Params;
					if ((p.ParameterModifier & Parameter.Modifier.This) == Parameter.Modifier.This)
						modifiers |= MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.ParameterModifiers.This;
					parameter.ParameterModifiers = modifiers;
					member.Add (parameter);
		IMethod ConstructMethodFromInvocation (RefactoringOptions options)
			var resolver = options.GetResolver ();
			var data = options.GetTextEditorData ();
			DomMethod result = new DomMethod (methodName, modifiers, MethodModifier.None, DomLocation.Empty, DomRegion.Empty, returnType);
			result.DeclaringType = new DomType ("GeneratedType") { ClassType = declaringType.ClassType };
			int i = 1;
			foreach (var curArg in invocation.Arguments) {
				var argument = curArg;
				DomParameter arg = new DomParameter ();
				if (argument is DirectionExpression) {
					var de = (DirectionExpression)argument;
					arg.ParameterModifiers = de.FieldDirection == FieldDirection.Out ? ParameterModifiers.Out : ParameterModifiers.Ref; 
					argument = de.Expression;
				string argExpression = data.GetTextBetween (argument.StartLocation.Line, argument.StartLocation.Column, argument.EndLocation.Line, argument.EndLocation.Column);
				var resolveResult = resolver.Resolve (new ExpressionResult (argExpression), resolvePosition);
				if (argument is MemberReferenceExpression) {
					arg.Name = ((MemberReferenceExpression)argument).Identifier.Name;
				} else if (argument is IdentifierExpression) {
					arg.Name = ((IdentifierExpression)argument).Identifier;
					int idx = arg.Name.LastIndexOf ('.');
					if (idx >= 0)
						arg.Name = arg.Name.Substring (idx + 1);
				} else {
					arg.Name = "par" + i++;
				arg.Name = char.ToLower (arg.Name[0]) + arg.Name.Substring (1);
				if (resolveResult != null) {
					arg.ReturnType = resolveResult.ResolvedType;
				} else {
					arg.ReturnType = DomReturnType.Object;
				result.Add (arg);
			return result;
Пример #10
			static DomParameter ConvertParameter (IMember declaringMember, ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.ParameterDeclarationExpression pde)
				DomParameter result = new DomParameter ();
				result.Name = pde.ParameterName;
				result.Location = ConvertLocation (pde.StartLocation);
				result.DeclaringMember = declaringMember;
				result.ReturnType = ConvertReturnType (pde.TypeReference);
				result.ParameterModifiers = ConvertParameterModifiers (pde.ParamModifier);
				return result;
		static DomMethod GenerateMethodStub (RefactoringOptions options, ExtractMethodParameters param)
			DomMethod result = new DomMethod ();
			result.Name = param.Name;
			result.ReturnType = param.ExpressionType ?? DomReturnType.Void;
			result.Modifiers = param.Modifiers;
			if (!param.ReferencesMember)
				result.Modifiers |= MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.Modifiers.Static;
			if (param.Parameters == null)
				return result;
			foreach (var p in param.Parameters) {
				if (param.OneChangedVariable && p.UsedAfterCutRegion && !p.UsedInCutRegion)
				var newParameter = new DomParameter ();
				newParameter.Name = p.Name;
				newParameter.ReturnType = p.ReturnType;
				if (!param.OneChangedVariable) {
					if (!p.IsDefinedInsideCutRegion && p.IsChangedInsideCutRegion) {
						newParameter.ParameterModifiers = p.UsedBeforeCutRegion ? ParameterModifiers.Ref : ParameterModifiers.Out;
				result.Add (newParameter);
			return result;
        IEnumerable<IMethod> BuildFunctions(IEnumerable<PythonFunction> functions)
            if (functions == null)
                yield break;

            foreach (PythonFunction pyFunc in functions)
                var domFunc = new DomMethod () {
                    Name          = pyFunc.Name,
                    Documentation = pyFunc.Documentation,
                    BodyRegion    = pyFunc.Region,
                    Location      = new DomLocation (pyFunc.Region.Start.Line - 1, 0),
                    ReturnType    = new DomReturnType () {
                        Name      = pyFunc.Name, // FIXME: Get inferred type
                        Namespace = Module.FullName,
                m_AllWrapped.Add (domFunc);

                foreach (PythonArgument pyArg in pyFunc.Arguments)
                    var domArg = new DomParameter () {
                        Name       = pyArg.Name,
                        ReturnType = new DomReturnType () {
                            Name      = pyArg.Name, // FIXME: Get inferred type
                            Namespace = Module.FullName,
                    m_AllWrapped.Add (domArg);
                    domFunc.Add (domArg);

                yield return domFunc;
Пример #13
		public static DomParameter ReadParameter (BinaryReader reader, INameDecoder nameTable, IDomObjectTable objectTable)
			DomParameter result = new DomParameter ();

			result.Name = ReadString (reader, nameTable);
			result.ParameterModifiers = (ParameterModifiers)reader.ReadUInt32 ();
			result.ReturnType = ReadReturnType (reader, nameTable, objectTable);
			result.Location = ReadLocation (reader, nameTable);
				result.DefaultValue = ReadExpression (reader, nameTable);
			return result;
Пример #14
		//TODO: handle generics
		public static IMethod CodeDomToMDDomMethod (CodeMemberMethod method)
			DomMethod meth = new DomMethod ();
			meth.Name = method.Name;
			meth.ReturnType = new DomReturnType (method.ReturnType.BaseType);
			meth.Modifiers = CodeDomModifiersToMDDom (method.Attributes);
			foreach (CodeParameterDeclarationExpression dec in method.Parameters) {
				DomParameter par = new DomParameter (meth, dec.Name, new DomReturnType (dec.Type.BaseType));
				if (dec.Direction == FieldDirection.Ref)
					par.ParameterModifiers &= ParameterModifiers.Ref;
				else if (dec.Direction == FieldDirection.Out)
					par.ParameterModifiers &= ParameterModifiers.Out;
					par.ParameterModifiers &= ParameterModifiers.In;
				meth.Add (par);
			return meth;