public override object VisitFieldDeclaration (ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration, object data)
				foreach (ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.VariableDeclaration varDecl in fieldDeclaration.Fields) {
					DomField field = new DomField ();
					field.Name = varDecl.Name;
					field.Documentation = RetrieveDocumentation (fieldDeclaration.StartLocation.Line);
					field.Location = ConvertLocation (fieldDeclaration.StartLocation);
					field.BodyRegion = ConvertRegion (varDecl.StartLocation, varDecl.EndLocation);
					field.Modifiers = ConvertModifiers (fieldDeclaration.Modifier);
					if (typeStack.Peek ().ClassType == ClassType.Enum) {
						field.ReturnType = new DomReturnType (typeStack.Peek ());
					} else {
						field.ReturnType = ConvertReturnType (fieldDeclaration.TypeReference);
					// Enum fields have an empty type.
					if (field.ReturnType != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty (field.ReturnType.FullName))
						field.ReturnType = null;
					AddAttributes (field, fieldDeclaration.Attributes);
					field.DeclaringType = typeStack.Peek ();
					if (field.DeclaringType.ClassType == ClassType.Enum) {
						field.Modifiers |= Modifiers.Const;
						field.Modifiers |= Modifiers.SpecialName;
						field.Modifiers |= Modifiers.Public;
					typeStack.Peek ().Add (field);
				return null;
        void BuildAttribute(XmlElement element)
            var compUnit = this.CompilationUnit as PythonCompilationUnit;

            Console.WriteLine("Attribute({0})", element.GetAttribute("name"));

            var location = GetDomLocation(element);
            var field    = new DomField();

            field.Location = location;
            field.Name     = element.GetAttribute("name");

            var mod = Modifiers.None;

            if (field.Name.StartsWith("_"))
                mod |= Modifiers.Private;
                mod |= Modifiers.Public;
            field.Modifiers = mod;

Пример #3
        public static DomField ReadField(BinaryReader reader, INameDecoder nameTable)
            DomField result = new DomField();

            ReadMemberInformation(reader, nameTable, result);
            result.ReturnType = ReadReturnType(reader, nameTable);
Пример #4
        public DomType Load(GomBinaryReader reader)
            DomField result = new DomField();

            LoaderHelper.ParseShared(reader, result);

            reader.BaseStream.Position = 0x12;
            short typeOffset = reader.ReadInt16();

            reader.BaseStream.Position = typeOffset;
            result.GomType             = reader.ReadGomType();

Пример #5
 IEnumerable <IField> BuildAttributes(IEnumerable <PythonAttribute> attributes)
     foreach (PythonAttribute pyAttr in attributes)
         var domAttr = new DomField()
             Name       = pyAttr.Name,
             BodyRegion = pyAttr.Region,
             Location   = pyAttr.Region.Start,
             ReturnType = new DomReturnType()
                 Name      = pyAttr.Name,                         // FIXME: Get inferred type
                 Namespace = Module.FullName,
         yield return(domAttr);
		public void ReadWriteFieldTest ()
			DomField input = new DomField ();
			input.Name = "TestField";
			input.Location = new DomLocation (5, 10);
			input.Documentation = "testDocumentation";
			input.Modifiers = Modifiers.Static;
			input.ReturnType = new DomReturnType ("System.String");
			MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream ();
			BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter (ms);
			DomPersistence.Write (writer, DefaultNameEncoder, input);
			byte[] bytes = ms.ToArray ();
			DomField result = DomPersistence.ReadField (CreateReader (bytes), DefaultNameDecoder);
			Assert.AreEqual ("TestField", result.Name);
			Assert.AreEqual ("testDocumentation", result.Documentation);
			Assert.AreEqual (new DomLocation (5, 10), result.Location);
			Assert.AreEqual (Modifiers.Static, result.Modifiers);
			Assert.AreEqual ("System.String", result.ReturnType.FullName);
Пример #7
        public void ReadWriteFieldTest()
            DomField input = new DomField();

            input.Name          = "TestField";
            input.Location      = new DomLocation(5, 10);
            input.Documentation = "testDocumentation";
            input.Modifiers     = Modifiers.Static;
            input.ReturnType    = new DomReturnType("System.String");

            MemoryStream ms     = new MemoryStream();
            BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(ms);

            DomPersistence.Write(writer, DefaultNameEncoder, input);
            byte[] bytes = ms.ToArray();

            DomField result = DomPersistence.ReadField(CreateReader(bytes), DefaultNameDecoder, null);

            Assert.AreEqual("TestField", result.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("testDocumentation", result.Documentation);
            Assert.AreEqual(new DomLocation(5, 10), result.Location);
            Assert.AreEqual(Modifiers.Static, result.Modifiers);
            Assert.AreEqual("System.String", result.ReturnType.FullName);
Пример #8
        public void ReadWriteFieldTest2()
            DomField input = new DomField();

            input.Name          = null;
            input.Location      = DomLocation.Empty;
            input.Documentation = null;
            input.Modifiers     = Modifiers.None;
            input.ReturnType    = null;

            MemoryStream ms     = new MemoryStream();
            BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(ms);

            DomPersistence.Write(writer, DefaultNameEncoder, input);
            byte[] bytes = ms.ToArray();

            DomField result = DomPersistence.ReadField(CreateReader(bytes), DefaultNameDecoder, null);

            Assert.AreEqual(null, result.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, result.Documentation);
            Assert.AreEqual(DomLocation.Empty, result.Location);
            Assert.AreEqual(Modifiers.None, result.Modifiers);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, result.ReturnType);
Пример #9
			public override void Visit (Field f)
				var field = new DomField ();
				field.Name = f.MemberName.Name;
				field.Documentation = RetrieveDocumentation (f.Location.Row);
				field.Location = Convert (f.MemberName.Location);
				field.Modifiers = ConvertModifiers (f.ModFlags);
				field.ReturnType = ConvertReturnType (f.TypeName);
				AddAttributes (field, f.OptAttributes);
				field.DeclaringType = typeStack.Peek ();
				typeStack.Peek ().Add (field);
				if (f.Declarators != null) {
					foreach (var decl in f.Declarators) {
						field = new DomField ();
						field.Name = decl.Name.Value;
						field.Location = Convert (decl.Name.Location);
						field.Modifiers = ConvertModifiers (f.ModFlags);
						field.ReturnType = ConvertReturnType (f.TypeName);
						AddAttributes (field, f.OptAttributes);
						field.DeclaringType = typeStack.Peek ();
						typeStack.Peek ().Add (field);
Пример #10
			public override object VisitFieldDeclaration (ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration, object data)
				foreach (ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.VariableDeclaration varDecl in fieldDeclaration.Fields) {
					DomField field = new DomField ();
					field.Name = varDecl.Name;
					field.Documentation = RetrieveDocumentation (fieldDeclaration.StartLocation.Line);
					field.Location = ConvertLocation (fieldDeclaration.StartLocation);
					field.BodyRegion = ConvertRegion (varDecl.StartLocation, varDecl.EndLocation);
					field.Modifiers = ConvertModifiers (fieldDeclaration.Modifier);
					if (typeStack.Peek ().ClassType == ClassType.Enum) {
						field.ReturnType = new DomReturnType (typeStack.Peek ());
					} else {
						field.ReturnType = ConvertReturnType (fieldDeclaration.TypeReference);
					// Enum fields have an empty type.
					if (field.ReturnType != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty (field.ReturnType.FullName))
						field.ReturnType = null;
					AddAttributes (field, fieldDeclaration.Attributes);
					field.DeclaringType = typeStack.Peek ();
					if (field.DeclaringType.ClassType == ClassType.Enum) {
						field.Modifiers |= Modifiers.Const;
						field.Modifiers |= Modifiers.SpecialName;
						field.Modifiers |= Modifiers.Public;
					typeStack.Peek ().Add (field);
				return null;
Пример #11
        static void GenerateCU(XmlParsedDocument doc)
            if (doc.XDocument == null || doc.XDocument.RootElement == null)
                doc.Add(new Error(ErrorType.Error, 1, 1, "No root node found."));

            XAttribute rootClass = doc.XDocument.RootElement.Attributes [new XName("x", "Class")];

            if (rootClass == null)
                doc.Add(new Error(ErrorType.Error, 1, 1, "Root node does not contain an x:Class attribute."));

            bool isApplication = doc.XDocument.RootElement.Name.Name == "Application";

            string rootNamespace, rootType, rootAssembly;

            XamlG.ParseXmlns(rootClass.Value, out rootType, out rootNamespace, out rootAssembly);

            CompilationUnit cu = new CompilationUnit(doc.FileName);

            doc.CompilationUnit = cu;

            DomRegion rootRegion = doc.XDocument.RootElement.Region;

            if (doc.XDocument.RootElement.IsClosed)
                rootRegion.End = doc.XDocument.RootElement.ClosingTag.Region.End;

            DomType declType = new DomType(cu, ClassType.Class, Modifiers.Partial | Modifiers.Public, rootType,
                                           doc.XDocument.RootElement.Region.Start, rootNamespace, rootRegion);


            DomMethod initcomp = new DomMethod();

            initcomp.Name       = "InitializeComponent";
            initcomp.Modifiers  = Modifiers.Public;
            initcomp.ReturnType = DomReturnType.Void;

            DomField _contentLoaded = new DomField("_contentLoaded");

            _contentLoaded.ReturnType = new DomReturnType("System.Boolean");

            if (isApplication)

            cu.Add(new DomUsing(DomRegion.Empty, "System"));
            cu.Add(new DomUsing(DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows"));
            cu.Add(new DomUsing(DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Controls"));
            cu.Add(new DomUsing(DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Documents"));
            cu.Add(new DomUsing(DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Input"));
            cu.Add(new DomUsing(DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Media"));
            cu.Add(new DomUsing(DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Media.Animation"));
            cu.Add(new DomUsing(DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Shapes"));
            cu.Add(new DomUsing(DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Controls.Primitives"));

//			Dictionary<string,string> namespaceMap = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
//			namespaceMap["x"] = "";

            XName nameAtt = new XName("x", "Name");

            foreach (XElement el in doc.XDocument.RootElement.AllDescendentElements)
                XAttribute name = el.Attributes [nameAtt];
                if (name != null && name.IsComplete)
                    string type = ResolveType(el);
                    if (type == null || type.Length == 0)
                        doc.Add(new Error(ErrorType.Error, el.Region.Start, "Could not find namespace for '" + el.Name.FullName + "'."));
                        declType.Add(new DomField(name.Value, Modifiers.Internal, el.Region.Start, new DomReturnType(type)));
Пример #12
		void BuildAttribute (XmlElement element)
			var compUnit = this.CompilationUnit as PythonCompilationUnit;
			Console.WriteLine ("Attribute({0})", element.GetAttribute ("name"));

			var location = GetDomLocation (element);
			var field = new DomField ();
			field.Location = location;
			field.Name = element.GetAttribute ("name");

			var mod = Modifiers.None;
			if (field.Name.StartsWith ("_"))
				mod |= Modifiers.Private;
				mod |= Modifiers.Public;
			field.Modifiers = mod;

			compUnit.Add (field);
Пример #13
        static DomType ReadTypeInternal(BinaryReader reader, INameDecoder nameTable)
            uint typeCount = ReadUInt(reader, 1000);

            if (typeCount > 1)
                CompoundType compoundResult = new CompoundType();
                while (typeCount-- > 0)
                    compoundResult.AddPart(ReadTypeInternal(reader, nameTable));


            DomType result = new DomType();

            ReadMemberInformation(reader, nameTable, result);
//			bool verbose = result.Name == "CopyDelegate";
//			if (verbose) System.Console.WriteLine("read type:" + result.Name);
            result.TypeModifier = (TypeModifier)reader.ReadUInt32();
            result.BodyRegion   = ReadRegion(reader, nameTable);
            string compilationUnitFileName = ReadString(reader, nameTable);

            result.CompilationUnit = new CompilationUnit(compilationUnitFileName);

            result.Namespace = ReadString(reader, nameTable);
            result.ClassType = (ClassType)reader.ReadUInt32();
            result.BaseType  = ReadReturnType(reader, nameTable);

            // implemented interfaces
            long count = ReadUInt(reader, 5000);

//			if (verbose) System.Console.WriteLine("impl. interfaces:" + count);
            while (count-- > 0)
                result.AddInterfaceImplementation(ReadReturnType(reader, nameTable));

            // innerTypes
//			if (verbose) System.Console.WriteLine("pos:" + reader.BaseStream.Position);
            count = ReadUInt(reader, 10000);
//			if (verbose) System.Console.WriteLine("inner types:" + count);
            while (count-- > 0)
                DomType innerType = ReadTypeInternal(reader, nameTable);
                innerType.DeclaringType = result;

            // fields
//			if (verbose) System.Console.WriteLine("pos:" + reader.BaseStream.Position);
            count = ReadUInt(reader, 10000);
//			if (verbose) System.Console.WriteLine("fields:" + count);
            while (count-- > 0)
                DomField field = ReadField(reader, nameTable);
                field.DeclaringType = result;

            // methods
//			if (verbose) System.Console.WriteLine("pos:" + reader.BaseStream.Position);
            count = ReadUInt(reader, 10000);
//			if (verbose) System.Console.WriteLine("methods:" + count);
            while (count-- > 0)
                DomMethod method = ReadMethod(reader, nameTable);
                method.DeclaringType = result;

            // properties
//			if (verbose) System.Console.WriteLine("pos:" + reader.BaseStream.Position);
            count = ReadUInt(reader, 10000);
//			if (verbose) System.Console.WriteLine("properties:" + count);
            while (count-- > 0)
                DomProperty property = ReadProperty(reader, nameTable);
                property.DeclaringType = result;

            // events
//			if (verbose) System.Console.WriteLine("pos:" + reader.BaseStream.Position);
            count = ReadUInt(reader, 10000);
//			if (verbose) System.Console.WriteLine("events:" + count);
            while (count-- > 0)
                DomEvent evt = ReadEvent(reader, nameTable);
                evt.DeclaringType = result;

            // type parameters
            count = ReadUInt(reader, 500);
            while (count-- > 0)
                TypeParameter tp = ReadTypeParameter(reader, nameTable);
Пример #14
			public override void Visit (Const f)
				DomField field = new DomField ();
				field.Name = f.MemberName.Name;
				field.Documentation = RetrieveDocumentation (f.Location.Row);
				field.Location = Convert (f.MemberName.Location);
				field.Modifiers = ConvertModifiers (f.ModFlags) | MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.Modifiers.Fixed;
				field.ReturnType = ConvertReturnType (f.TypeName);
				AddAttributes (field, f.OptAttributes);
				field.DeclaringType = typeStack.Peek ();
				typeStack.Peek ().Add (field);
Пример #15
			public override void Visit (EnumMember f)
				DomField field = new DomField ();
				field.Name = ConvertQuoted (f.MemberName.Name);
				field.Documentation = RetrieveDocumentation (f.Location.Row);
				// return types for enum fields are == null
				field.Location = Convert (f.MemberName.Location);
				field.Modifiers = MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.Modifiers.Const | MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.Modifiers.SpecialName| MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.Modifiers.Public;
				AddAttributes (field, f.OptAttributes, f);
				field.DeclaringType = typeStack.Peek ();
				typeStack.Peek ().Add (field);
Пример #16
		public static DomField ReadField (BinaryReader reader, INameDecoder nameTable, IDomObjectTable objectTable)
			DomField result = new DomField ();
			ReadMemberInformation (reader, nameTable, objectTable, result);
			result.ReturnType = ReadReturnType (reader, nameTable, objectTable);
			return result;
Пример #17
		static void GenerateCU (XmlParsedDocument doc)
			if (doc.XDocument == null || doc.XDocument.RootElement == null) {
				doc.Add (new Error (ErrorType.Error, 1, 1, "No root node found."));

			XAttribute rootClass = doc.XDocument.RootElement.Attributes [new XName ("x", "Class")];
			if (rootClass == null) {
				doc.Add (new Error (ErrorType.Error, 1, 1, "Root node does not contain an x:Class attribute."));

			bool isApplication = doc.XDocument.RootElement.Name.Name == "Application";
			string rootNamespace, rootType, rootAssembly;
			XamlG.ParseXmlns (rootClass.Value, out rootType, out rootNamespace, out rootAssembly);
			CompilationUnit cu = new CompilationUnit (doc.FileName);
			doc.CompilationUnit = cu;

			DomRegion rootRegion = doc.XDocument.RootElement.Region;
			if (doc.XDocument.RootElement.IsClosed)
				rootRegion.End = doc.XDocument.RootElement.ClosingTag.Region.End;
			DomType declType = new DomType (cu, ClassType.Class, Modifiers.Partial | Modifiers.Public, rootType,
			                                doc.XDocument.RootElement.Region.Start, rootNamespace, rootRegion);
			cu.Add (declType);
			DomMethod initcomp = new DomMethod ();
			initcomp.Name = "InitializeComponent";
			initcomp.Modifiers = Modifiers.Public;
			initcomp.ReturnType = DomReturnType.Void;
			declType.Add (initcomp);
			DomField _contentLoaded = new DomField ("_contentLoaded");
			_contentLoaded.ReturnType = new DomReturnType ("System.Boolean");

			if (isApplication)
			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System"));
			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows"));
			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Controls"));
			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Documents"));
			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Input"));
			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Media"));
			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Media.Animation"));
			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Shapes"));
			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Controls.Primitives"));
//			Dictionary<string,string> namespaceMap = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
//			namespaceMap["x"] = "";
			XName nameAtt = new XName ("x", "Name");
			foreach (XElement el in doc.XDocument.RootElement.AllDescendentElements) {
				XAttribute name = el.Attributes [nameAtt];
				if (name != null && name.IsComplete) {
					string type = ResolveType (el);
					if (type == null || type.Length == 0)
						doc.Add (new Error (ErrorType.Error, el.Region.Start, "Could not find namespace for '" + el.Name.FullName + "'."));
						declType.Add (new DomField (name.Value, Modifiers.Internal, el.Region.Start, new DomReturnType (type)));
		public void ReadWriteFieldTest2 ()
			DomField input = new DomField ();
			input.Name = null;
			input.Location = DomLocation.Empty;
			input.Documentation = null;
			input.Modifiers = Modifiers.None;
			input.ReturnType = null;
			MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream ();
			BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter (ms);
			DomPersistence.Write (writer, DefaultNameEncoder, input);
			byte[] bytes = ms.ToArray ();
			DomField result = DomPersistence.ReadField (CreateReader (bytes), DefaultNameDecoder);
			Assert.AreEqual (null, result.Name);
			Assert.AreEqual (null, result.Documentation);
			Assert.AreEqual (DomLocation.Empty, result.Location);
			Assert.AreEqual (Modifiers.None, result.Modifiers);
			Assert.AreEqual (null, result.ReturnType);
Пример #19
			public override void Visit (Const f)
				DomField field = new DomField ();
				field.Name = ConvertQuoted (f.MemberName.Name);
				field.Documentation = RetrieveDocumentation (f.Location.Row);
				field.Location = Convert (f.MemberName.Location);
				field.Modifiers = ConvertModifiers (f.ModFlags) | MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.Modifiers.Const;
				field.ReturnType = ConvertReturnType (f.TypeName);
				AddAttributes (field, f.OptAttributes, f);
				field.DeclaringType = typeStack.Peek ();
				typeStack.Peek ().Add (field);
				if (f.Declarators != null) {
					foreach (var decl in f.Declarators) {
						field = new DomField ();
						field.Name = ConvertQuoted (decl.Name.Value);
						field.Location = Convert (decl.Name.Location);
						field.Modifiers = ConvertModifiers (f.ModFlags) | MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.Modifiers.Const;
						field.ReturnType = ConvertReturnType (f.TypeName);
						AddAttributes (field, f.OptAttributes, f);
						field.DeclaringType = typeStack.Peek ();
						typeStack.Peek ().Add (field);
 IEnumerable<IField> BuildAttributes(IEnumerable<PythonAttribute> attributes)
     foreach (PythonAttribute pyAttr in attributes)
         var domAttr = new DomField () {
             Name       = pyAttr.Name,
             BodyRegion = pyAttr.Region,
             Location   = pyAttr.Region.Start,
             ReturnType = new DomReturnType () {
                 Name      = pyAttr.Name, // FIXME: Get inferred type
                 Namespace = Module.FullName,
         m_AllWrapped.Add (domAttr);
         yield return domAttr;