Пример #1
 public override IDocumentType GetDocumentType(string fileName)
     return(this.GetDocumentType(fileName, (IList <IDocumentType>) new List <IDocumentType>(1)
Пример #2
 protected override IDocumentType GetDocumentTypeForBuildItem(string fileName, string buildItemType)
     if (buildItemType == "ApplicationDefinition" && PathHelper.FileExists(fileName))
     return(base.GetDocumentTypeForBuildItem(fileName, buildItemType));
Пример #3
 protected override AddProjectItemCommand.FileTypeDescription[] GetFileTypeFilter()
     return(new AddProjectItemCommand.FileTypeDescription[1]
         new AddProjectItemCommand.FileTypeDescription(string.Format((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, StringTable.AddProjectItemCommandFileFilterTextFormat, new object[2]
             (object)"*.dll, *.exe"
         }), "*.dll; *.exe")
        private void ProcessFilesInFolder(Folder parentFolder, DocumentService docSvc, DocumentServiceExtensions docExSvc, string lifecycledef, string state, long lcid, long lcstate, Boolean force, string comment)
            Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.File[] files = docSvc.GetLatestFilesByFolderId(parentFolder.Id, false);
            if (files != null && files.Length > 0)
                foreach (Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.File file in files)
                    Console.WriteLine(" " + parentFolder.FullName + "/" + file.Name);
                    Console.WriteLine("  Master ID   : " + String.Format("{0:0}", file.MasterId));
                    Console.WriteLine("  LifeCycle ID: " + file.FileLfCyc.LfCycDefId.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("      State   : " + file.FileLfCyc.LfCycStateName);
                    if (file.FileLfCyc.LfCycDefId != -1)
                        if (force) 
                            Console.WriteLine("  LifeCycle is already set: Forcing change");
                            Console.WriteLine("  LifeCycle is already set: Use -force to change");
                    if ((file.FileLfCyc.LfCycDefId == -1) || (force))
                            docExSvc.UpdateFileLifeCycleDefinitions(new long[] { file.MasterId }, new long[] { lcid }, new long[] { lcstate }, comment);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Changing LifeCycle " + parentFolder.FullName + "/" + file.Name + " (New LifeCycle - " + lifecycledef + ")");
                    Console.WriteLine("Press enter ...");

            Folder[] folders = docSvc.GetFoldersByParentId(parentFolder.Id, false);
            if (folders != null && folders.Length > 0)
                foreach (Folder folder in folders)
                    ProcessFilesInFolder(folder, docSvc, docExSvc, lifecycledef, state, lcid, lcstate, force, comment);
        public void RunCommand(string server, string vault, string username, string password, string lifecycledef, string state, Boolean force, string comment)
            SecurityService secSrv = new SecurityService();
            secSrv.SecurityHeaderValue = new Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.SecuritySvc.SecurityHeader();
            secSrv.Url = "http://" + server + "/AutodeskDM/Services/SecurityService.asmx";

                secSrv.SignIn(username, password, vault);

                Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.DocumentService docSrv = new Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.DocumentService();
                docSrv.SecurityHeaderValue = new Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.DocumentSvc.SecurityHeader();
                docSrv.SecurityHeaderValue.UserId = secSrv.SecurityHeaderValue.UserId;
                docSrv.SecurityHeaderValue.Ticket = secSrv.SecurityHeaderValue.Ticket;
                docSrv.Url = "http://" + server + "/AutodeskDM/Services/DocumentService.asmx";

                DocumentServiceExtensions docExSrv = new DocumentServiceExtensions();
                docExSrv.Url = "http://" + server + "/AutodeskDM/Services/DocumentServiceExtensions.asmx";
                docExSrv.SecurityHeaderValue = new Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.DocumentExSvc.SecurityHeader();
                docExSrv.SecurityHeaderValue.Ticket = secSrv.SecurityHeaderValue.Ticket;
                docExSrv.SecurityHeaderValue.UserId = secSrv.SecurityHeaderValue.UserId;

                LfCycDef[] lcDefs = docExSrv.GetAllLifeCycleDefinitions();
                long lcfound = -1;
                long lcstate = -1;
                if (lcDefs != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Defined LifeCycles");
                    foreach (LfCycDef lcDef in lcDefs)
                        Console.WriteLine("  LifeCycle: " + lcDef.DispName);
                        if (lcDef.DispName == lifecycledef)
                            lcfound = lcDef.Id;
                            foreach (LfCycState lcState in lcDef.StateArray)
                                Console.WriteLine("   LifeCycle State: " + lcState.DispName);
                                if (lcState.DispName == state)
                                    Console.WriteLine("   Overriding LifeCycle State: " + lcState.DispName);
                                    lcstate = lcState.Id;
                                if ((lcState.IsDflt) && (lcstate == -1))
                                    Console.WriteLine("   Using Default LifeCycle State: " + lcState.DispName);
                                    lcstate = lcState.Id;
                if (lcfound != -1)
                    Folder root = docSrv.GetFolderRoot();
                    //root = docSrv.GetFolderByPath("$/Designs/Designs/C690 T3");
                    //root = docSrv.GetFolderByPath("$/Code Numbers");
                    ProcessFilesInFolder(root, docSrv, docExSrv, lifecycledef, state, lcfound, lcstate, force, comment);
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Requested LifeCycle not defined [" + lifecycledef + "]");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.ToString());
        private void ProcessFilesInFolder(Folder parentFolder, DocumentService docSvc, DocumentServiceExtensions docextSrv, string statename, string state, long propid, long prophistid, string checkstates, long newstateid, long newlcdid, string newstate, long revertstateid, string revertstate, string lifecycledefinition)
            string[] states = checkstates.Split('|');
            Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.File[] files = docSvc.GetLatestFilesByFolderId(parentFolder.Id, false);
            if (files != null && files.Length > 0)
                foreach (Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.File file in files)
                    Boolean matchesprop = false;
                    Console.WriteLine("Checking: " + parentFolder.FullName + "/" + file.Name);
                    Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.PropInst[] fileProperties = docSvc.GetProperties(new long[] { file.Id }, new long[] { propid });
                    if (fileProperties[0].Val != null)
                        //Console.WriteLine(" Property: " + statename + " - " + fileProperties[0].Val.ToString());
                        if (fileProperties[0].Val.ToString() == state)
                            matchesprop = true;
                    //string outputfile = parentFolder.FullName.Substring(1) + "/" + file.Name;
                    //outputfile = outputfile.Replace("/", "\\");
                    if (matchesprop && (file.VerNum > states.Length))
                        Hashtable users = new Hashtable();
                        for (int vernum = file.VerNum; vernum > file.VerNum - states.Length; vernum--)
                            //Console.WriteLine(" Property Check: " + vernum.ToString());
                            //Console.WriteLine(" State Check: " + (file.VerNum - vernum).ToString());
                            Console.Write(" Checking State: " + states[file.VerNum - vernum]);
                            Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.File verFile = docSvc.GetFileByVersion(file.MasterId, vernum);
                            Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.PropInst[] verFileProperties = docSvc.GetProperties(new long[] { verFile.Id }, new long[] { propid });
                            if (verFileProperties[0].Val != null)
                                //Console.WriteLine(" Property: " + statename + " - " + verFileProperties[0].Val.ToString());
                                //Console.WriteLine(" Property: " + statename + " - " + verFile.CreateUserName);
                                if (fileProperties[0].Val.ToString() == state)
                                    users.Add(verFileProperties[0].Val.ToString(), verFile.CreateUserName);
                                    Console.Write(" : " + verFile.CreateUserName);
                                verFileProperties = docSvc.GetProperties(new long[] { verFile.Id }, new long[] { prophistid });
                                if (verFileProperties[0].Val != null)
                                    //Console.WriteLine(" Property: " + statename + " - " + verFileProperties[0].Val.ToString());
                                    //Console.WriteLine(" Property: " + statename + " - " + verFile.CreateUserName);
                                    if (fileProperties[0].Val.ToString() == state)
                                        users.Add(verFileProperties[0].Val.ToString(), verFile.CreateUserName);
                                        Console.Write(" : " + verFile.CreateUserName);
                        Boolean statesmatch = true;
                        List<string> userlist = new List<string>();
                        foreach (string thisstate in states)
                            //Console.WriteLine("|" + thisstate + "|");
                            //Console.WriteLine("|" + users[thisstate].ToString() + "|");
                            if (!userlist.Contains(users[thisstate].ToString()))
                            if (users[thisstate].ToString() == "")
                                statesmatch = false;
                        if (users.Count != userlist.Count)
                            statesmatch = false;
                        if (statesmatch)
                            Console.WriteLine(" " + parentFolder.FullName + "/" + file.Name);
                            //Console.WriteLine("  Master ID : " + String.Format("{0:0}", file.MasterId));
                            Console.WriteLine("  LifeCycle : " + lifecycledefinition);
                            Console.WriteLine("  State     : " + file.FileLfCyc.LfCycStateName);
                            Console.WriteLine("  New State : " + newstate);
                                docextSrv.UpdateFileLifeCycleStates(new long[] { file.MasterId }, new long[] { newstateid }, "Automatic State Change");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Changing state (New State - " + newstate + ")");
                            if (revertstateid == -1)
                                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Cannot change state, previous changes not performed by unique users");
                                Console.WriteLine("     : No revert state specified");
                                Console.WriteLine(" " + parentFolder.FullName + "/" + file.Name);
                                //Console.WriteLine("  Master ID : " + String.Format("{0:0}", file.MasterId));
                                Console.WriteLine("  LifeCycle    : " + lifecycledefinition);
                                Console.WriteLine("  State        : " + file.FileLfCyc.LfCycStateName);
                                Console.WriteLine("  Reverting to : " + revertstate);
                                    docextSrv.UpdateFileLifeCycleStates(new long[] { file.MasterId }, new long[] { revertstateid }, "Automatic State Revert");
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Changing state (New State - " + revertstate + ")");

            Folder[] folders = docSvc.GetFoldersByParentId(parentFolder.Id, false);
            if (folders != null && folders.Length > 0)
                foreach (Folder folder in folders)
                    ProcessFilesInFolder(folder, docSvc, docextSrv, statename, state, propid, prophistid, checkstates, newstateid, newlcdid, newstate, revertstateid, revertstate, lifecycledefinition);
        public void RunCommand(string server, string vault, string username, string password, string statename, string statehistname, string state, string checkstates, string newstate, string revertstate, string lifecycledefinition)
            long stateid = 0;
            long statehistid = 0;
            SecurityService secSrv = new SecurityService();
            secSrv.SecurityHeaderValue = new Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.SecuritySvc.SecurityHeader();
            secSrv.Url = "http://" + server + "/AutodeskDM/Services/SecurityService.asmx";

                secSrv.SignIn(username, password, vault);
                DocumentService docSrv = new DocumentService();
                docSrv.SecurityHeaderValue = new Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.DocumentSvc.SecurityHeader();
                docSrv.SecurityHeaderValue.UserId = secSrv.SecurityHeaderValue.UserId;
                docSrv.SecurityHeaderValue.Ticket = secSrv.SecurityHeaderValue.Ticket;
                docSrv.Url = "http://" + server + "/AutodeskDM/Services/DocumentService.asmx";
                DocumentServiceExtensions docextSrv = new DocumentServiceExtensions();
                docextSrv.SecurityHeaderValue = new Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.DocumentExSvc.SecurityHeader();
                docextSrv.SecurityHeaderValue.UserId = secSrv.SecurityHeaderValue.UserId;
                docextSrv.SecurityHeaderValue.Ticket = secSrv.SecurityHeaderValue.Ticket;
                docextSrv.Url  = "http://" + server + "/AutodeskDM/Services/DocumentServiceExtensions.asmx";
                Folder root = docSrv.GetFolderRoot();
                Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.PropDef[] defs = docSrv.GetAllPropertyDefinitions();
                foreach (Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.PropDef pd in defs)
                    if (pd.DispName.ToString().ToLower() == statename.ToLower())
                        stateid = pd.Id;
                    if (pd.DispName.ToString().ToLower() == statehistname.ToLower())
                        statehistid = pd.Id;
                long revertstateid = -1;
                long newstateid = -1;
                long newlcdid = -1;
                LfCycDef[] lifecycledefs = docextSrv.GetAllLifeCycleDefinitions();
                foreach (LfCycDef lcd in lifecycledefs)
                    if (lcd.DispName.ToString().ToLower() == lifecycledefinition.ToLower())
                        newlcdid = lcd.Id;
                long[] transitionids = docextSrv.GetAllowedFileLifeCycleStateTransitionIds();
                LfCycTrans[] transitions = docextSrv.GetLifeCycleStateTransitionsByIds(transitionids);
                List<long> tostateidlist = new List<long>();
                foreach (LfCycTrans thistransition in transitions)
                    if (!tostateidlist.Contains(thistransition.ToId))
                long[] tostateids = tostateidlist.ToArray();
                LfCycState[] lifecyclestates = docextSrv.GetLifeCycleStatesByIds(tostateids);
                foreach (LfCycState lcs in lifecyclestates)
                    if ((lcs.DispName.ToString().ToLower() == newstate.ToLower()) && (newlcdid == lcs.LfCycDefId))
                        newstateid = lcs.Id;
                    if ((lcs.DispName.ToString().ToLower() == revertstate.ToLower()) && (newlcdid == lcs.LfCycDefId))
                        revertstateid = lcs.Id;
                if ((statehistid == 0) && (stateid == 0) && (newstateid == -1))
                    if (statehistid == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Error: \"State (Historical)\" property undefined");
                    if (stateid == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Error: \"State\" property undefined");
                    if (newstateid == -1)
                        Console.WriteLine("Error: State \"" + newstate + "\" not defined for lifecycle \"" + lifecycledefinition + "\"");
                    ProcessFilesInFolder(root, docSrv, docextSrv, statename, state, stateid, statehistid, checkstates, newstateid, newlcdid, newstate, revertstateid, revertstate, lifecycledefinition);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.ToString());